Why Every NATO Member Joined (And Why Everyone Else Hasn't)

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The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is  the most powerful alliance in the world.   It’s no surprise that 30 countries  are currently members of it. If we get out the chalkboard  and think about why countries   do or do not join, some of the  reasons are straightforward.   But looking at it deeper, some of the reasons are  downright bizarre and a matter of technicalities. With that in mind,   here is why every member of NATO joined  the alliance but everyone else hasn’t. To truly understand NATO,  we go back to its founding. Lord Ismay, the first Secretary General of  NATO said it best: the purpose of NATO is to “keep the Russians out, the  Americans in, and the Germans down.” The first bit is straightforward.  It’s the only thing that people born   after 1940 think about, which at  this point is just about all of us. Keeping the Americans in seems odd, but  it is a basic part of alliance politics. The central fear of protégé states is that their  patrons will abandon them in a time of crisis. After all, the U.S. had sat out the  first two years of World War II,   and Europe did not want to repeat that experience. Keeping the Germans down is downright  bizarre in the modern context,   but remember that the treaty was signed in  1949—just four years after World War II ended and less than thirty years after World War I   ended. No one in the west wanted  to play this game a third time. This takes us to the founding member of NATO: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy,   Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,  the United Kingdom, and the United States. Each of those had the three central  interests in mind when signing. Greece and Turkey would hop along a  few years later for the same reasons. West Germany joined next in 1955, which represented a large shift in priorities.   The whole “keep the Germans  down” thing quickly got blown up. Instead, the goal became to rebuild West Germany. Part of this was to integrate West Germany within   NATO’s military apparatus so that there would  not be another war against that government. But NATO also desperately  wanted West German soldiers   to compete with the seemingly endless  throngs of potential Soviet invaders. The Soviet Union was especially  annoyed with West Germany ascension, leading to the Warsaw Pact  to form as a counterbalance. It featured Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia,  East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. The Pact would serve as the primary  NATO foil for the rest of the Cold War. In 1966, France pulled out of the  NATO’s integrated command force. Charles de Gaulle, the head of France at the  time, despite maintaining NATO membership,   still sought more strategic independence. Part of that was wanting to avoid the United  States and United Kingdom dragging de Gaulle   into a war that was not in France’s best interest. This is a problem known as entrapment. It’s the  other major issue that comes along with alliances.   Think of it as the flip side  of the abandonment issue. Spain was the final addition during  the Cold War, joining in 1982. The delay was because Francisco  Franco ruled Spain up until 1975. He worried that a NATO member  would veto Spain’s entry   due to his help to the Axis during World War  II and the autocratic nature of his government. Article 10 of the North Atlantic  Treaty requires unanimous agreement   among existing member for a new state  to join, so it is a hard bar to meet. Then the Cold War ended. No more Soviet Union, And no more Warsaw Pact. Free from Soviet influence, the remaining Pact  countries began reevaluating their positions. Almost by default, East Germany  entered the NATO alliance in 1990   as a part of its merger with West Germany. The Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland were the  first all-new countries added, entering in 1999. It is not a coincidence that the Soviet Union  had invaded each of these three countries.   Remember the “keep the Russians out”  part? Yeah, they were all for that. In fact, the general  consensus among the non-Soviet   Warsaw Pact states became NATO membership. Bulgaria, Romania, and  Slovakia also joined in 2004. Albania was the only hold out. The 2004 class also included Slovenia, a western-facing former Yugoslav republic   that had made NATO membership a  priority from its independence. But the biggest blow to Russia was Estonia,  Latvia, and Lithuania’s pivot toward the west. Prior to World War II, each  was an independent country. However, they were occupied during the war,  and integrated into the Soviet Union afterward. Joining NATO was a step to ensure  that that would not happen again. In 2009, Albania finally joined. In doing so, it became the last  non-Soviet Warsaw Pact defector.   Albania wanted obtain membership sooner. However, NATO requires that countries have some  level of domestic stability before joining. This is where things went wrong  in 1997, when Albania spiraled   into a civil war due to rampant pyramid  schemes. Yes, I said pyramid schemes. The government was blamed for its  complicity. About two-thirds of the   population were involved in scams,  leading to six months of unrest. It took twelve years for Albania to reach a  point of stability to earn entry into NATO. Croatia joined them also in 2009, delayed by turbulence from  its war of independence. And France reintegrated with the  unified command at that time. Montenegro joined in 2017 after working toward membership  since its independence in 2006, though NATO’s popularity in that country is mixed   due to the scars of NATO’s campaign  against Slobodan Milosevic in 1999. North Macedonia is the most  recent entry, coming in 2019. The delay here was another weird one. Greece  and the country formally known as Macedonia   were in a dispute over the latter’s name. Greece has an internal administrative region  called “Macedonia” dating back to the ancient era. Greeks worried that a country named  “Macedonia” would implicitly have a   desire to expand its borders to reclaim  all areas with the Macedonia label. Greece played hardball:   the country would not support Macedonia’s  entry unless there was a name change. However, in 2018, Macedonia signed the Prespa  Agreement, and renamed itself North Macedonia. With the barrier gone, it  entered into NATO the next year. And that completes our journey  through every member state.   But why hasn’t everyone else joined? Broadly,  there are five categories of explanations. The first is geographic. Article 10 of the North Atlantic Treaty reduces  the scope of this question. It says that “The Parties may … invite any other  European State … to accede to this treaty.” The United States and Canada are allowed to  contribute by virtue of being founding members. But this immediately eliminates Mexico,  the next country south, from consideration. Countries further south like  Brazil also need not apply,   despite President Trump expressing a  preference for Brazil’s membership in 2019. It also rules out other traditional U.S.  partners like Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan,   the Philippines, and Thailand. They were once part of an organization called  SEATO—it was like NATO but for Southeast Asia.   It didn’t have the same buy-in from its  members as NATO, though, and it folded in 1977. The Europe-only rule also  eliminates Japan and South Korea   despite their common alignment  with Western interests. Taiwan is in the same boat, except it’s also  missing the “state” part of the equation. The second class of  explanations is dislike of NATO. Heading back to Europe, we can  remove Russia from the discussion. The sentiment of Lord Ismay’s philosophy  of keeping the Russians out is mutual. We can also cross off Russia’s alliance  partners. The Collective Security Treaty   Organization is Russia’s version of  NATO for Soviet successor states. Belarus is a part of it, never mind the fact that its president,   Alexander Lukashenko, is best  friends forever with Vladimir Putin. Meanwhile, Kazakhstan has a small portion  of its country within continental Europe. But it is in the CSTO as well. Armenia is not a part of continental  Europe because the Caucuses lie just north. Sometimes gets lumped into being European anyway.  Regardless, they have the CSTO knock against them. In addition, Turkey does not have  diplomatic relations with Armenia,   so there would be a veto problem there too. The last CSTO issue is with Serbia, who is  an observer state within Russia’s alliance. There is also the slight problem  of how NATO fought a war in 1999   against the predecessor state to Serbia, making  NATO not particularly popular within the country. The third category is neutral states. For example, Austria was occupied by American,   British, French, and Soviet  forces at the end of World War II. But the country did not experience the  same division as East and West Germany. Instead, the occupying forces withdrew in exchange  for an Austrian declaration of neutrality,   which its government passed a  few months after independence. That keeps Austria out still today. Ireland is also a neutral country, though underlying tensions with  Great Britain have historically   troubled its relationship with NATO as well. Malta has been a neutral state since 1980. And Switzerland is the most  famous neutral country of all, holding true to the principle  for more than the two centuries   since the Congress of Vienna  and Napoleon’s final fall. Sweden also began a policy of  neutrality after the Napoleonic Wars. And Finland pursued that  policy during the Cold War. However, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine soured both  Sweden and Finland on their neutrality positions, and they will now be joining imminently. Meanwhile, the Vatican straddles  this category and the next, which is microstates. These include the Vatican, Andorra,  Liechtenstein, San Marino, and Monaco. NATO as a military institution was never  really built with microstates in mind,   which is why these do not get very far. The final category is instability and conflict,   the thing that stalled  Albania’s entry from earlier. We are witnessing this right now in Ukraine. Remember back to the entrapment issue  that concerns alliance partners? NATO is well-aware of it and has  a general policy to not admit   countries until they have settled  their territorial conflicts. This was one of the motivations that  Putin had for the Russo-Ukrainian War.   If Russia exacerbates tensions between Kyiv and  Luhansk and Donetsk, NATO will be unwilling to   make Ukraine a full partner. Indeed, the  current war is history repeating itself. 14 years earlier, Georgia was  getting close to joining NATO. That required settling issues  with Abkhazia and South Ossetia. But Russia made this impossible by invading. And thus there is no Georgia in NATO today. There are a few other less famous cases  that fall under the instability umbrella. We can also cross off Moldova. It has been dealing with the separatist  Transdniestria region from its independence,   and has Russian troops  deployed on its de jure soil. Cyprus is out as well. This, oddly enough, involves another NATO member. In 1974, Turkey invaded Cyprus.  The war lasted a month until— you guessed it—some lines were drawn on maps. Since then, Cyprus has been de facto split  into regular Cyprus and Northern Cyprus.   That alone would be a problem. But to make matters worse, Turkish forces  have aided Northern Cyprus since that time,   which adds an extra layer of complication  because of Turkey’s veto power. Azerbaijan won’t work either. It has the  Nagorno-Karabakh region in dispute with Armenia,   fighting a war over it in 2020. Thus, it is a no go. And the same is true for Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is a unique case. They have a membership  action plan with NATO, so the holdup is explicit: The country is actually two separate  entities with one central government: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republic of Srpska. NATO is requiring that all its  military facilities come under   the control of the central government.  The Republic of Srpska is holding out. Finally, we have Kosovo. Slovakia, Romania, Spain,  and Greece do not recognize Kosovo’s independence.   Fixing that would seem to be a  precondition for Kosovo’s membership. And there you have it: why every  country is or isn’t a member of NATO. Let me know what you think in the comments,   and check out my new book on the  causes of the Russia-Ukraine War. And if you enjoyed this video,  please like, share, and subscribe,   and I will see you next time. Take care.
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Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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