Why don't I watch Chinese TV? - Hu Knows!

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maybe you were curious why I don't like to watch the Chinese TV show which is we arrived because I'm Chinese [Music] welcome to who knows so today I'm going to talk about the TV show I watch every week first I have to say the TV show not really watch from TV I only watch from my iPad because the TV this day only can watch Chinese stuff really so if I want to watch the America TV show or career or Japan's one is impossible from the real TV because I don't know the kind of light limit from the TV station so and and also like a now have a create a lots of cool app and the app have a lots of choice and they have a proper translation so which meets super convenient to watch all the different TV show from my iPad because my spare time is quite limited so I actually only watch keep watching the few show too so on the ad and my favorite one well first I have to say because I watch different countries TV show so I think better you know separate them and the Americans one number one great anatomy the reason is very simple because all about adultery stuff and I watched this TV show from Wow almost 10 year old and 10 years ago because that that time I'm still in there college and it's a lot of fun to watch that kind of TV show you know to see the daughter how they do the job and after I have like a star to do my real doctor jobs also is funny to compare the daughter's job like in China and also in America I know like if you are doctoring in America you must you we must say like wow that's totally different in a real life you know the story and the work totally different and III think I can get that because in China every time we when they make some like a hospital story or something really huge mistake they make every every time and we always loving a debt you know so I understand if you have a same main same same thinking but for me I really think America's you know they do a good job at least makes sense for us maybe the just maybe the relation the relationship in the story a little bit come BK because they are always sleep together I know slick Iran so that's my husband always tell me like don't believe the story you know just impossible it's not that mad no the people not play around like a no no like they're not that sweet being I think maybe because the TV shows sometime have it that come like a relationship so that's why some Chinese state sometimes they will faint a foreigner they are to say being about a you know special life and the second one I think maybe gain of through because it's really interesting story right yeah [Music] yeah I don't think they need to be explained everyone like it let me think the number three and I think the number three is Modern Family it's it's quite quite a funny funny TV show to watch and it's worked quite a popular TV show in because they show so many different life in America and I don't know you know how many percent you thing is a true in the real life maybe you can tell me in the comment you know because I quite curious sometime you know in the real life is that they can do that or they can do these how many percent it's a true in the real life I also like to watch career and the Japan TV shows especially the career show which which is my husband's but really can't agree with me because every time when i watch the korean TV show you're just loving and me try to say the same career language and the he always find the man in the career TV show is too pretty here is love like make a joe sale that's really like a girl not a real man you know that's a sure style you know they all look Slean and why the skin super smooth the other thing I also quite jealous about that and I think that's maybe also some one of the reason I like to watch the career TV show because the man and the woman are pretty and also that's the reason I like to watch that because they are just nice and look nice you know some sunshine in you know chaube all right how about some tiny even we take a screenshot of the Korea TV show some like Momo Momo Tonquin it's mean like the same clothes from that TV show then that clothes maybe we get thousands they're out of ten thousand cells because people like it like the lipstick you know if that girl in the TV show use that and then they would just put in the table out to sell like the same color like her then then it will sell a lot which is crazy I think maybe difficult to tell the Korean name or the Chinese name maybe I would just show a little bit like this see they all look quite pretty but most of the Korea TV show i watch is funny one because my job sometimes coin dressing so I need some funny and reticular TV show to chew me up and how it's helped you know it's really helped some time yeah because can make me forget real life just watch the funny drama yeah and I do recommend one career TV show if you are interesting about the Oh a sure time it's called 1980 a ito Baba because they do show the live in 1988 in Korea and now we have some similar history now history I mean similar life you know because at that time I'm about four years Oh so I some something like some stuff they use or some food they eat it's quite similar like China so if you are interesting about some warming family story and also interesting about you know that not 80s Asia is life you can yeah you can check out maybe you were curious why I don't like to watch the Chinese TV show which is we arrived because I'm Chinese but this day I don't know seems like the Chinese TV show I think they are really almost all the same like if they're going to talk about some family drama always just like a Devoe's and also chicken someone that kind of story and maybe and they really the Chinese should really like to do the war drama and really a lot every time you turn on the TV you definitely can find one channel playing that show and it's it's quite brain for me because you know history it's important but if all we just make the history story again and again you know kind of boring I really wish you know China at the future can you know make some more interesting more than show or maybe you know future Russian story yeah looking for a while if they would try oh yeah by the way my husband's favorite TV show is how many years ago I don't know 40 or 50 years ago it's 1790 70s right 1970s something about the alias Star Trek wow that's really pretty O's one they make but you know the quality and the story I really think they do a good job you know even this long long time ago even the makeup you come whew it's like Oh TV show look like a you know just the one we have right now what should do you like to watch maybe if you was watching some Chinese TV show please write a comment I'm really interesting about that thank you for watching and see you next time yeah by the way I going to stop to make a few video maybe once in a month about some you know the most simple or common Chinese dishes in my kitchen so if you have some food you like to try or you want to see please let me know [Music]
Channel: HU KNOWS
Views: 38,942
Rating: 4.8228312 out of 5
Keywords: Hu Knows, Sasha Hu, Chinese TV, Chinese TV Shows, Korean Dramas, American TV dramas, What do Chinese girls watch on TV, What TV series to Chinese people watch, What's on Chinese TV?, Chinese TV channels, Chinese TV series, Chinese movies, Winston Sterzel, SerpentZA
Id: VUnXQCg0Yvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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