Why Doner Kebab is Berlin's Street Food Star

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Hi, I'm the Döner kebab. Berlin's street food star. Let me tell you why. It's easy to think that I m just bread that's been overly stuffed with meat, sauce and salad. But honestly, once you've taken a bite, you'll never forget me. You could say that I'm Berlin incarnate. People lose their minds at the sight of me. Everybody wants a piece of me. People will go to great lengths for me. I am a taste explosion. I am more than a food. I am a ritual. Fine? Who asked these guys? Now off to my home: the Döner shop. There are over 1000 in Berlin, but there's only one with Kofi. Classic me is made with beef or lamb, lettuce, onions, tomato. But Rüyam is home to the most popular spin on the OG: the vegetable kebab, with grilled veggies and chicken. Meat is king. The clue's in the name. "Kebab" means meat in Turkish, and "Döner" means to turn like the spit the meat's turning on. But we'll get to my Turkish roots later. Kofi, do you remember how our love affair began? Ordering me is quite a grilling, hey? With me, you gotta know what you want. And I'm as diverse as my disciples. Good fella. I'm not a salad! Bit weak, but I'll take it. Smash. Kebab literally means meat, mate! The kebab box. Without bread. Not my finest form. But it's part of the family, just like the rolled Dürüm and the kebab plate. In fact, my Turkish relatives are served on plates. Turkish immigrants in Germany reinvented me in the 70s as street food from the spit. In Berlin, the kebab capital, you'll find me on every corner. Hint: You don't all have to queue at the same one! There's plenty of me to go around. I'm a bit like a vampire. One bite and you're hooked. Oh, and my best time is at night, when Berlin really comes to life. Kofi, tell me: How many fans come per day? That's it, huh? Good night. And bon appetit. Your Döner.
Channel: DW Food
Views: 278,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doner kebab, doner kebab recipe, doner kebab germany, doner kebab turkey, doner kebab berlin, döner kebab recipe, döner kebab berlin, döner kebab deutschland, döner kebab sauce, döner kebab bread, doner, döner, street food, street food germany, street food berlin, street food europe, european streetfood, food, Germany, Berlin, doner kebab meat, döner kebab meat, DW Food, DW, Deutsche Welle, Deutsche Welle Food, döner kebab, berlin doner kebab, berlin street food, german food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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