Why Germans Are So Crazy About Fish Sandwiches | Filet-O-Fish German Style!

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[Music] fish and a bread roll are northern germany's traditional street food but it has to crunch nicely when you take a bite all along the coast locals and visitors have their is [Music] stand in hamburg's harbor serves the traditional tasty snack the way it's been eaten since time immemorial it's easy to make and no secret just slit open the bread roll and slap a fish on it and the onions [Music] um the fish bread roll is all but unknown internationally but germans on the north and baltic sea coasts enjoy the snack anytime anywhere but how do you spot a really good one before you buy it has tried out all the stands in northern germany and devoted several books to the specialty including a cookbook top chefs have redefined the snack it might be served on a butter croissant or with pesto and pear or calamari tilman says the range offered at the stands has widened the classics have been reinvented offers up his creations in hamburg's sancte paulie district what remains the same is the combination of fish and bread roll [Music] here you can enjoy a fried fish roll and an american-inspired lobster roll [Music] um international berhan chavich and his partner opened the underdocs restaurant with its industrial harbor interior in 2017 and they have a mission but in the end for most northern germans it's the quality of the fish roll that counts [Music]
Channel: DW Food
Views: 192,642
Rating: 4.905107 out of 5
Keywords: DW, Deutsche Welle, DW Food, filet o fish, fish sandwich, fish sandwich recipe, fischbrötchen, hamburg, hamburg germany, hamburg fish market, fish roll, fish sandwich germany, gourmet fish, gourmet fish sandwich, fried fish sandwich, hamburg travel guide, things to do in hamburg, filet o fish sandwich, germany, visit hamburg, what to do in hamburg, hamburg travel, best things to do in hamburg
Id: 2PPB-ZmS9Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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