Why does everyone hate Jordan 2?

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[Music] why does everybody hate the jordan 2 so much i am not much of a sneaker head and so when i saw this and i look at compared to the jordan one i'm like they look similar enough and everyone loves these and everyone hates these so what is it about these shoes everyone hates is it the construction is it the leather quality is it the way it looks well we bought a pair to cut in half to really find out the truth of what's inside of this thing and to see why people hate the jordan 2 so much have you ever wanted a high quality aaa game with great graphics and cool characters that you can take with you on your phone well this video is brought to you by raid shadow legends explore millions of champion combinations and master countless tactics as you take on raid bosses dungeon runs campaign battles and pvp arena matches with hundreds of artifacts to equip and over 600 champions blessed with unique skills you can build your team develop your champions and raid your way use my qr code or 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designed the dunks and the air jordan ones and bruce kilgord who designed the air force one went to work on the jordan 2 and the idea of the sneaker was to be a more comfortable basketball sneaker sold at a higher price point with higher materials and a premium construction and from the outside it looked like it was a sneaker more designed for the consumer rather than the athletes using the shoe and so when they released the jordan 2 in 1986 it didn't do very well it didn't sell nearly as well as nike wanted it to partly i think because it was of the price of it partly because of the way they looked and because jordan didn't really play in the jordan 2s because he had a broken foot so it just didn't sell well and because of the lack of the cells peter moore and bruce kilgore were off the jordan line and jordan himself just wasn't very happy with the nike deal in the previous iterations and he was thinking about leaving nike so they hired tinker hatfield for the next jordan that were cutting apart the jordan 3 and since then they've been doing re-releases in retros starting in 94 in 96 they're worn by bill murray and space jam in 2008 they collaborated with eminem and then more recent years there's been collabs with a lot of other brands like union and all of these brands and this specific shoe that we're cutting apart is from the 2014 release and that's what we're going to be cutting apart and to see what about the shoe people didn't like the construction how it's built what the leather quality is if it still lives up to the italian made idea of this premium sneaker that it was originally supposed to be next let's go over the leather quality but before we talk about the quality we need to figure out which of these panels is actual real leather and which is fake because nike is really good at hiding fake leather in places you wouldn't expect it so first let's start with this bumper panel that wraps all the way around the toe and put it to the flame see if it's real leather or not and we just started doing a leather grating system to see if we can standardize some of these results that we find so it didn't melt and burn kind of like the air force ones do so it maybe doesn't have as much of a heavy polyurethane coating but you can see that top coat just kind of flakes off but it is real leather because you can see the little leather fibers underneath that top coat that we just burned off what about this fake iguana leather this is the one where i have some doubts about so we'll give this a little burn test same thing it's actually real leather underneath so next to the this vamp panel let's see if this is real leather knife i i think it is because i can kind of see there's a flame jeez i'm big on this one so we got that almost nearly exploded let's cut let's scratch this off and there's leather underneath that as well so so far three for three on leather panels okay now to this panel that i'm concerned about leather underneath so all these major panels are leather i thought for sure they'd sneak some fake leather in here so props to nike for not sneaking fake leather in this thing because they easily could have especially in this panel where there's no cross section to be seen so next let's pop a few of these stitches and we'll get a caliper in there see how thick it is and also be able to see a cross section to see where in that cross section of leather this slide so we can put it on our newly established grating system about 1.5 1.6 so pretty standard thickness for nike leather nothing too thin but nothing too thick that was the surprising thing about the jordan 185 we did everyone claims they're way thick leather high quality but it was just air force one leather and this seems about in that same standard so then if we grade this leather on our newly established rose handle standardized leather grating system but if we look really closely at the cross section you can see that there is a little bit of that grain at the top that's that really smooth that really tightly packed fiber layer at the top of leather that most people associate with the really smooth high quality leather but the problem is as we saw there's a really heavy polyurethane coating on top that disguises this leather as a better leather than what it actually is and it has that fake print embossed into it and it's somewhat excusable in the fake iguana leather because it's they're imitating a different type of leather but with this the rest of the leather is just a fake print on top so to me that's pretty pretty clearly a c grade leatherness and that's pretty standard for nike but what's interesting about this sneaker is like like i mentioned earlier it was designed originally to be a premium sneaker with italian leather and italian made construction and so you would hope that when they retro these and brought these back that they would try to make it out of a better leather or have it maybe made in italy like everyone thinks italy is so expensive to have shoes made but they're not that expensive so it's kind of a bummer they didn't use a higher quality leather but it is what it is and there and there's also some misconceptions about italian tanned leather not everything from italy is perfect gray leather like s tier leather they have just as much garbage leather as any other country that manufactures leather but there's a little bit of mystique around italian leather so what do we what do we even mean by like a really high quality italian leather well generally most italian made sneakers and shoes are going to come with a b or a grade leather where you don't have as much of a heavy plastic coating on top you have more of a pigment on top and it's a more natural leather they're not trying to hide as much of the natural characteristics of the leather because obviously this looks really plasticky if you look at the shoe it doesn't look like it came from the skin of an animal it looks like it's made in a factory because it basically is the top coat's just plastic so next we wanted to test the the air unit because if you pull this insole out you can see that you there's an air unit in there it's right underneath that lasting board and usually i feel like most the shoes we've cut apart you can there's a layer of foam under over top of that but you can see right into that air unit and we did this test before i started filming we took our little tire pressure gauge and pierced it from the outsole in because usually that the rubber seals that little needle really well you can get a pretty decent reading but nothing happened we didn't even hear a hiss we didn't see a blip on the little dial at all so then we were like well maybe we didn't puncture it deep enough let's go to the inside tried it again still no pop no hiss no reading so then we went to the other shoe but this time instead of going from the outsole and we went from the insole in and still no reading so i don't know if there's just no air pressure in these air units on the the jordan twos because we've seen a pretty heavy a pretty decent psi in some of these other jordans like when we did the 85s there's like almost 11 or 12 psi but these it was either popped or there's just no psi in them which it could just be it's just as likely either way like i could see nike not putting anything more than like two or three psi in this air unit and i could also see them just having popped so next we wanted to test the eyelets on this shoe because you've got these little plastic ones right here and you as you look at the jordan line you can see how these plastic eyelets slowly progressed into some of the later versions of the eyelets i think they're a pretty cool touch but i'd be worried that they're going to break and shatter and so i'm just going to grab a pair of pliers let's see if i can even just shatter one of these before we do the the pulling test on it let's see if this is a brittle plastic or if it's pretty strong so i'm just going to give this a little twist see if we can break it so looks like it's fairly flexible at least so if i'm like i'm bending this back and forth it's not just going to shatter so that's good to see so now let's run the test to see how many how many pounds it takes to pull one of these eyelets out or to break that eyelet so as you saw the plastic eyelets held up pretty well but not quite as good as the other eyelets which makes sense because you know you got to pull through all this leather versus just the stitching or the plastic on the top of these plastic eyelets but held up well enough that i wouldn't have any concerns about it and one thing i noticed while i was burning this is how much this midsole and outsole started separating away from the upper when i was burning it and i think that's because this is mostly a foam outsole like if i take this knife and just cut a little part of that outsole off i'm pretty sure it's not a full rubber cups but you can see now that i've got that cut it is almost like a rubber foam it's it's not quite as soft as some of the other foams that we've cut apart it's a two compound cup sole where this white layer is a foam and the darker colors on the outsole is rubber part of the problem with that and i think a lot of the issues they had with comparing the two shoes the jordan ones the jordan twos what the jordan ones is a full rubber cup sole which doesn't experience hydrolysis whereas the jordan twos because it's a foam it's more susceptible to hydrolysis where basically moisture in the air gets trapped in the little teeny microscopic air bubbles in the foam which cause it to slowly degrade and fall apart and become almost sticky and gooey and over a few years your shoes can completely be ruined and the only way to really combat that is to wear the sneakers which is super counterintuitive to sneaker culture where people want to wear their shoes but if you really want to maintain foam in your shoes you got to wear them otherwise they just fall apart and rubber can do the same thing and same with leather basically anything you let sit it's the same as cars if you let a car sit for 15 years rather than run it every few days for 15 years the car even though it has way more miles because you've been running every day it's gonna be a lot better shape than a car that just sits for 15 years same thing with sneakers and one thing we forgot to do is test this back panel because there's one panel i know for sure is not real leather and it's this back panel with the nike so let's burn this just to have something to complain about with the leather so why do people hate the jordan 2 because it does it looks similar to the jordan one but also a completely different shoe you know it's like it is definitely more chunky it's a lot allegedly the midsole is a lot thicker and it had a lot more foam in it and just generally it's not quite as sleek of a shoe you know they tried it seems like they tried to take this pattern and make it more futuristic more sleek less hard angles and more flowy angles and it just it just looks like a stepping stone towards the future iterations of the jordans it didn't add any new features or advantages to the sneaker other than how it looked and the concept of having been this italian made sneaker with premium materials it just didn't get pulled off the right way and so i think that's why people hate the design of the jordan 2s but that only means so much because everyone's opinions are super subjective so to really see why people hate the shoe let's cut it in half and see what's on the inside so [Music] all right i got a cut in half so let's see what's inside the most hated jordan and see if we can identify why people hate this shoe so let's see what's inside [Music] this shoe is weird because the original jordan 2 had very similar air unit to the regular the jordan ones and it was supposed to be just an air unit in the hill but this version that we got the retro version has a a nearly full length air unit so it's hard to really know what that means and why they switched to the full length air you know if they had some extra parts laying around that they needed to throw into a shoe and on the subject of the air units after recording this video colin stopped by and was talking about the shoes and everything and he noticed that the air unit in the jordan twos is the exact same area unit in the nike monarchs the air monarchs which is pretty hilarious and probably why we didn't get a reading on either of these shoes with the psi test but kind of funny that jordan 2 has the the most dad shoe air unit in there i thought that was kind of cool but it is an interesting construction because if you look at it compared to the regular jordan ones whether it's the mids the 85s or the shattered backboards they're completely different shoes and even if it did have the shorter air unit it is still a very different shoe and i think jordan complained about the fact that he couldn't feel the core underneath of his foot and that's because there's three quarters of an inch of foam underneath your foot and it's pretty dense foam because even from the outside i didn't know right off the bat that this was a foam sidewall i thought it was rubber because it's so dense so we put the drometer tester on there comes in at a 40 compared to see that's the difference you can't really even take a really accurate measurement on these jordan ones because it's there's so little foam in them so the 85s 27 so if you're used to playing in a slimmer outsole like the jordan ones and then you move to this thick of an outsole it's a very different feel when you're playing basketball other than that though they're they're not that different especially if you looked at the originals with the smaller air unit they really just increased the amount of foam on the inside they made it a little bit more soft the different design so there's really not that big of a difference construction-wise material-wise so i think what it really comes down to is people just didn't like the jordan 2 because of how it looked and at the end of the day it doesn't matter how durable a shoe is it doesn't matter how perfectly it performs for what it was designed for if it doesn't look good nobody wants it and it's that whole debate of form versus function and function versus form no matter what there's always a little bit of an interplay between the two that's like you gotta find compromises because if you look at the bunny boot that we did the buddy boots the warmest boot in the entire world you don't see anyone out there wearing them because they're the ugliest boots in the entire world but it's the same with sneakers too like you could you could probably design the perfect basketball shoe and it would look horrendous and nobody would buy it because at the end of the day most people are buying sneakers not because of the quality but because of how they look and quality is usually just a little extra that helps them justify the price of the sneaker and where these were originally released for almost twice the price of the regular the jordan ones i can see how people be like yeah it's nicer quality you've got some broguing on the side and it's italian made italian leather but it's ugly and i don't want it and so i think that's why people hate the jordan one is but in an era where in a post dad shoot era where ugly is good it seems like these are on the rise because they're kind of ugly it seems like when everything else is cool the next thing that's cool is whatever's not cool and so i think i think nike's spot on with having these doing some co-ops because i wouldn't be surprised if they got really popular with some with the right collabs but also i could see them flopping because they are kind of ugly so let me know what you guys think and what your experiences are in your jordan 2's if you even have any and let us know what else you want us to do for jordan july i think we have like four or three or four spots left so let us know what you want us to cut apart because i've really enjoyed just looking already at the lineage of how these shoes have slowly changed and transformed over time it's uh it's really interesting so thank you guys for everything you do and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing because subscriber count is the only number that sponsors care about and the sponsors are what allows us to buy stupidly expensive sneakers to really find out some of these truths about what you're spending your hard-earned money on and start debunking some hype and maybe reinforcing some of the other hype so thank you guys see ya [Music]
Channel: Rose Anvil
Views: 323,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: air jordan, air jordan 1, air jordan 2, air jordan 2 retro, air jordan 2 union, air jordan ii, jordan 1, jordan 2, jordan 2 a ma maniere, jordan 2 off white, jordan 2 on feet, jordan 2 rattan, jordan 2 union, jordan 2 union grey fog, jordan 2 union rattan, jordan brand, michael jordan, michael jordan shoes, michael jordan sneakers, rose anvil, rose anvil review, shoe review, sneaker history, sneaker review, what's inside, air jordan 2 chicago, jordan 2 chicago
Id: sdeuxV24eTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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