From Low GSP To Elite Smash With Dr. Mario

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all right oh my god is that gonna cure yesterday I'm sorry sir it's an extremely rare case for someone GSB to drop this much overnight I'm not sure if it's possible to make a full recovery we do have our best doctors on the case dr. Mario we're gonna be hopefully healing out GSB all the way back up to elite smash today let's get into it guys I'll tell you right now if you don't like medical jokes this is not gonna be the video for you because as you saw in that intro there's just too many chances all right you ready for the signature dr. Mario combo this is my favorite one the stomp and I miss them there we come and landed it there let's see if he wants to get this counter again every single time Wow he can hold that for so long there here we go caught him with the tornado oh that was nice Oh got him with the fist - and the AH nearly hit the defibrillator all right let's meet him off the edge what how did he just die - that I'm not sure why he came offstage to try and hit me there because he is definitely just dead classic Fox oh my god that was so close to me not making it back I'm gonna just stare him down for a bit make sure he knows that he's dead yes we've got the obligatory custom stage low GSP match for you here now where's he going I'm gonna perform a routine air dodge attest on this pit well he didn't hit us but he didn't miss the tick so I guess that's a bit of a fail anyway isn't it oh hang on I kicked him off know why he did not deserve that hi my name is dr. Lucy I'm gonna be performing your routine on a road test today and just have a hold of you and yep that's failure that one now in an air dodge see if you can yep again Ridley you sort of failing these air dodge tests and they go you're just dead as well here we go all right one more air don't you taste really stop it yep that really tested positive for every year this is like the the 1% versus the working class look he's builder Mario I've been to university got my degree got my PhD where'd dr. Mario [Music] Oh what how does he grab richer than us we'd like the same person that uh that doesn't make any sense oh there we go though charging up F smashing he just drifted straight in is that gonna be it all the trade oh that was such a bad trade for him getting off straight away trying to come at us oh ho I can't believe I missed that cake alright let's try it again he's gonna just jump again and we got this Mike to our but dr. Mario sucks there we go who got the down in a forward air again oh ha oh my God my tornado just somehow stopped me from getting down inside it but I am very thankful for that speak of tornado why did that just kill all right let's throw them off see if we can get this dead ahead there we go Kenan Dorfman not much options to avoid that one oh he's dead no I saved him just so that I could the highest boat spikes that was embarrassing okay Samus I'm gonna be looking to keep the charge shot here and that's basically it so let's just go for the doctor punch that's the official name for that move by the way there's a handbook in melee that actually names every single move characters have and dr. Mario's folder is the doctor punch there here we go we did get the cape on the child shot though right back at ya oh here we go get this combo oh my god that was crazy let's see if I can finish it no almost but - there we go I told you we were gonna get a cape on that all parried straight up that's how to show your dominance but can he keep it going oh no no way that killed our there's items on that just ruins my incredibly hyper combo let's just ignore the fact that there's a giant bird and because I was quite enjoying my combo until this all turned into chaos somehow combo it off the fly SWAT though however get him offstage oh I can't believe my both of my moves they didn't connect and I'm dead okay I know they made up to worse in this game but did you just see the hitbox that missed him oh my god I've done so much damage oh haha Perry interchanges oh my tornado missed there we go thrown back move is so strong I'm gonna try and go for the down here to a forward smash again oh my god that was so good oh I didn't get that every time you try to go for something cool the stock you just died and I need to get this kill so shake I got some bad news for you you've only got five seconds left to live five four three two one there you go I cannot believe that way alright let's see what sort of low percent combos we can do what what's the damage not much all right these clouds dude I'm calling it oh I missed the third back it would push oh I take the down smash that was godlike alright ready for this one he just went straight past the ledge poor clown you know what let's perform another routine add-ons check out well he did it down it and I've got to say that's almost just as bad and then he get up attack get that defibrillator this is the zero to death right here get ready oh it's happening no I missed it wait it's still technically is there today that is technically what I was about to say that's technically a zero today but it's not yet I messed it up off for the surgical suite kicking him off the edge [Music] oh I don't know how that somehow oh I was gonna say it managed to kill him but we didn't even I'm actually dead oh thank you for the save Donkey Kong oh I got the weak spot on the forward air otherwise that would have just killed him all right let's see if we can you Oh surely I'm not dead at 13 percent oh right what can he do okay he's just gonna cross off stage all the Cape I'm so sorry Donkey Kong straight away gonna be versing another Donkey Kong fine by me he's a huge hitbox for us to just attempt to zero to death combo that would have been awesome but instead dr. Mario sucked and I died that's just disappointing isn't it oh what a homie alright he's giving us the homeless dog oh I managed to get him with the pill off of a spike it was so close there we go jumped over him and kicked him in the face alright he home he stalked us so I can't just leave out on him I gotta give him at least one more match oh no red my spot dodge what a genius alright at least we got three stocks this time oh that was awesome the pill pops them up and then you just uh down here all this combo and we got the forward smash alright can I pop him up with the pill again or not dude I can't believe I haven't been using dr. Mario pills these are done which you cannot just to come back swing them with the forward here I'm scared so I'm just gonna throw in my medication I have a good reason to be scared though just look at this I went through it all with that down here how did that work I saw where I thought I nearly died there but we stomped him bounced him off the roof okay heavies after heavies after heavies here what's this though that was the hardest read possibly I've ever done what even and he did bad Wizards foot he didn't have a jump he's gone zone oh trying to use that Wizards foot again I thought I gave him enough of a reason not to oh no I what's the point of even mashing I'll give him that one broke my shield gonna get me with the Warlock punch but now now it's time for our zero today oh my god I said it was time for a zero to death I did not think it would be that much destruction he just keeps trying to Wizards foot immediately I thought me reading him super hard last game would have stopped that but apparently not oh my god these are pear strings are insane alright let's see if we can lead him off ah he jumps straight away I missed the Cape wow this guy just loves his s DS at the moment oh he did it he Wizards footed straight at me I was waiting for him with the dr. punch this time though oh he's starting out the game by not pressing any buttons and I'm just gonna get a free 41 percent Oh caught him trying to land you think your swords big you check out my giant noggin alright he's off he's jumped and I've got the Cape Oh but okay I'm dead I went for a double Cape because I thought he might be able to make it back but alas he is cloud I'm off got another cape but he air dodge backwards he is actually a genius he did a reverse air dodge which got turned around with the Cape dr. tornado that is the strongest move you just know we got to go out deep for the tornado oh thank you he was on the complete other side of the stage I've discovered the counter to Samus possibly what was that he tried to f2 only three times and I just gave him that was a seven no 5 540 all right let's see if this sam has learned from first stock oh I meant to Cape that he's trying to pay me out with this child shot and I'm scared Oh I thank God I take that that was godlike Oh box you look at that bag and I was nowhere near December's but I'll take it cuz my heart is beating a mile a minute oh my god I've read him jumping straight into our doctor punch there the time of death 5 minutes and 30 seconds alright he's just going to drop to his death too scared of the spinning doll [Music] Oh Falcon why would you roll in there that was a huge mistake right now we kill him a zero what the directional air dodge 360 back to the stage what a genius what is happening on this edge guard that was so weird our dying from that the Falcon offstage oh you managed to make it back there dodging through oh god cape into the spike that was beautiful all right getting a bit overzealous there with the Falcon punch Falcon you're down astrak-- yeah that's that's what I'm gonna say to that Falcon punch get it out of here I'm confusing him too much oh I'm in his head and now he's in the blast zone [Music] I'm really dead from that I might know why I got the tick oh my god I swear I tried to get a Kade out there [Music] that combo was sick down out of it combo yes who turned him around with the cable and F smash he landed straight in front of us oh I can't believe he caught us I want this pill to down it all right this is the time there we go that looks so cool [Music] Oh is he just dead but oh so am i though I went to the Cape because I thought I needed it you can draw him off now I just needed down B oh I don't I guess I don't need it and we got the down air over there yes oh what a combo don't do it how did that work I just jumped on him like three times and then we got the spike and the doctor punished oh I can't believe how close I dodged his swipe and then we hit him with our own ah that one was a mistake this empty [Music] oh I swear you'd touch the ground but apparently not if they just slid off to his demise that was unfortunate oh here we go [Music] sending him all over the shop how do I just not recover from that dr. Mario's recovery is so bad oh this is how it gets started is it going to landed it oh my god water zero today [Music] nope come cruising on in with the super sheet gonna say no thank you to that one Cape Cape it oh I thought he was going to do the shot no what are the spot dodge I can't believe these spot dodge there there we go Gordon trying to come in that's a bit of my own elbow all right oh my god is that gonna kill him no way that was absolute destruction oh hang on boy that was an insane zero today [Music] oh yes got the cape on it this time though alright I knew I was gonna do it that time oh that's it I grabbed him yes the Ute yep there we go ah I was holding my breath and again ii k ii super sheet just sending everything back return to sender against that samus that's all we did and is that gonna be it congratulations we made a full recovery back to christine health in elite smash so thank you to dr. mario and thanks everyone for watching remember to subscribe and i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Little Z
Views: 1,396,643
Rating: 4.9200993 out of 5
Keywords: Smash, Bros., Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo, Switch, Little Z, OP, Elite Smash, Memes, Funny, Montage, Highlights, Commentary, Gameplay, Online, GSP, Pro, Elite, Dr. Mario, Dr Mario, Mario
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2019
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