Why do you tie steaks? | Jess Pryles

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today we're testing out tied versus untied meat [Music] hey meat lovers it's jess from hardcore carnivore and today we are looking at the difference between using butcher's twine to tie up a piece of meat versus not using burch's twine you can kind of i guess call it the uh s m of the meat world but effectively it's a technique that is used i use it all the time with my venison back strap which is what i'll be demonstrating today but you frequently see it with tenderloin or fillet too because it's a nice cylindrical shape we tie the meat for two reasons one is to help the meat hold its shape during cooking so you get those beautiful pretty medallions instead of strips on the plate and the second reason is that tying it can actually promote more even cooking as well because it's easier to cook that cylinder shape more evenly than it is something with more acute angles like a strip or when it sort of falls flatter so i'm going to use two pieces of venison today to show you the difference between tying and not tying here is my beautiful texas whitetail venison back strap and you can see the kind of flat shape here i'm gonna start by cutting it in two pieces so i can do the experiment and tie one piece and leave the other i've got butcher's twine and i'm gonna start by making a knot at the very end of the loin what you can do is just tie your knot cut it and then go ahead and keep going until you've tied your whole loin or you can do like i'm doing here and do a double loop and pull system which just keeps the string in one long piece just make sure that you tie your knots every half inch or so so that that loin really comes together and holds shape you can see here that the piece that's been tied has already taken on a nice round shape i'm using hardcore carnivore black seasoning it's kind of my secret weapon when it comes to cooking venison and then i'm taking these guys to a super hot grill where i'm going to put them directly over the coals to char up and develop color i'm going to flip them every 30 seconds until i've got that really great crust on the outside and then i'm going to move them to the indirect or cool side of the grill to finish cooking to perfection i'm looking for 135 degrees fahrenheit as my final finishing temp the venison is cooked and rested and it's time to cut and discard the twine i love this little gerber vital knife because the blade is so thin you can nick at the twine without cutting any of the meat so here's the part that was untied and you can see it's still pretty flat versus the tide part which retained a nice cylinder time to cut in and see what we've got and what you're going to see is that the untied piece ended up cooking perfectly because of that method we use we've got that sear and then the indirect but when you compare it to the tide piece you're going to see a lot more moisture on the surface of the one that we tied up which means the meat is much much juicier now arguably i've gone and shot myself in the foot because i'm just such a good cook that i cook those pieces so perfectly it didn't even demonstrate the difference that i was trying to show you but if you look closely you can see that that non-tied piece did dry out a little more in the corners than that perfectly cooked piece that was trust and tied so tying your meat is not essential but it's a nice tool to have in our carnivores arsenal don't forget i put out a new video every saturday so keep checking back leave me a like leave me a comment come on it's free what do you got to lose see you next time
Channel: Jess Pryles
Views: 7,465
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Keywords: jess pryles, hardcore carnivore, why should you tie a roast, why should you tie a steak, why tie steak, trussing meat, trussing a steak, tying a filet mignon roast, tying a fillet of, why tie meat with string, why tie meat before roasting, tying meat with butcher's twine, tying meat for cooking, why do you tie steaks, tying steaks, how to get a filet to keep its shape, keep a steak from curling, how to keep a steak round, how to tie meat with twine, how to tie steak
Id: SgUIBLiacpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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