Why Do We Tolerate Poverty?

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Billionaires pay millionaires to tell us everything is okay.

👍︎︎ 119 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Because we tolerate hierarchies, with in-groups and out-groups.

Why do we tolerate hierarchies with in-groups and out-groups?

I dunno, because we are still primates, I guess.

👍︎︎ 71 👤︎︎ u/ting_bu_dong 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

You gotta understand poverty is a feature of capitalism

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/kidkadian99 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Unless the answer the is capitalism, why would anyone watch?

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/TheKingstonRabbler 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can't tell you how many times I've had to discuss with people in person and online how people dying because they're poor is unacceptable :/

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SenseiDes 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

Because no one actually cares :~)

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

I got some negative comments about posting a video by T1J because he's a liberal. I have no hard feelings against anyone who made these comments, I just want to clarify my intentions.

An argument T1J makes in this video is that, in a world with enough resources for all, it's disgustingly unethical to tolerate poverty.

I've heard self-identified socialists say it's ok for people to be poor if they "don't make an effort." So on this issue, T1J is more "radical" than a portion of leftists.

This message -- that every single person inherently deserves a good standard of living -- is foundational to socialist/communist thought, even if T1J doesn't take it to that conclusion.

Even if most people on r/BreadTube already agree with T1J on this, it's a good video to share with those who don't.

Another criticism I got (though from only one person) was on the title of my post:

Why Do We Tolerate Poverty? | T1J's video on poverty does a better job at making a point I tried to make in my video, that in a world with enough resources for all, poverty is never justified

This person took issue with me mentioning my video, thinking I was doing self-promotion. I don't see how, as

  • I didn't link to my video

  • didn't mention its name

  • spoke of my video only in a negative way.

I mentioned my video because I'm humbled that T1J made a more powerful argument than me and wanted to concede this.

Thank you for reading. :)

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/1luckyblackcat 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really don't want to hear what T1J has to say after he's repeatedly thrown socialists under the bus!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Richtofen-72 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies

T1J is a liberal, stop posting him here just because he sometimes levies mild critiques at capitalism while still fundamentally missing the point

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/VacTheDumbass 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
This video is sponsored by CuriosityStream. Sign up today, and you also get access to Nebula, a streaming service created by and for your favorite independent creators. Hi I’m T1J. This video, like every other video would not be possible without the support of my Patrons and Members, including homies like SonnetQ, Twirlinghaze, Evan, and Alejandro Cedano. Big shoutouts to all the Homies, and if you’d like to support me and my channel, you can become a Homie yourself by clicking the Join button below the video, or by checking out my page on Patreon. So being poor kinda sucks. I think most people who are or have been poor would probably agree. Financial issues and lack of access to basic necessities are one of the biggest sources of stress and misfortune, and sometimes also illness and death for people across the world. In developing countries, the existence and pervasiveness of poverty can be the result of various circumstances, such as war and other political violence, historical colonialism, or ineffective or corrupt government. But there are various countries that generally do not have these problems, at least not to anywhere near the same degree. Yet poverty and near-poverty continues to exist to some extent in virtually all of those places. For the purposes of this video, I’ll define poverty as “not having enough resources and/or income to meet a basically acceptable standard of living.” And of course that’s kind of a nebulous definition, as that standard might be a bit subjective. So there are cases where it’s very clear, and there are also borderline cases. And of course the amount of money and resources that is adequate for a person’s needs will vary widely depending on what country they live in. Some snarky people like to say, ‘Well a dirt poor person in America, is 10 times richer than them poor kids in Africa.” And it’s like yeah, How does that help in any way? What’s the point of saying that? But like said, I think most people agree that poverty sucks. I think even people who have never been poor probably at the very least pity poor people. They understand that it’s a bad thing that decreases the quality of people’s lives. And I think that most people aren’t sociopaths and generally dislike watching other people suffer. And by any reasonable account, rich countries with functioning governments and access to vast resources should be able to mostly eliminate poverty if it became a priority to do so. The money is there, the resources are there, we can see it. In reality, there’s enough food and resources in the world such that no one on Earth should be poor, especially as technology advances. There’s this idea floating around this conversation that the world either is now or will soon be overpopulated, such that our planet will literally be unable to sustain us. And insofar as millions of people live in extreme poverty and die every day from preventable causes, I’d say we’re already there. But in a future where we reexamine our lifestyle choices and reframe poverty as unacceptable, it’s possible the Earth could sustain even more people than we have now. But we don’t do that really as a human society, or as nations, and in many cases, we don’t even try. I mean, some people and some organizations work to reduce poverty, but it doesn’t seem to be largely considered a coordinated priority by human society at large. And I think that’s for many reasons, but I think one of those reasons is because a lot developed societies have been conditioned to tolerate poverty. There are other reasons that developed countries neglect to sufficiently address poverty, but that’s the one I’m gonna focus on in this video. So we’re in election season here in the United States, and a problem that we have when it comes to elections is the various ways politicians engage in voter suppression. One of the ways they attempt to make it harder for certain people to vote is by requiring official identification before they can cast their ballot. Now this may not sound like a big deal, but for very poor people, this can be a significant roadblock. Where I live, getting a state-issued I.D costs about 40 dollars (which is actually a recent increase, it used to be closer to 25). Not to mention the gas money it takes to get to a DMV or other county office. And this is assuming you even own or are physically able to drive a car, because if not, the transportation costs are likely even higher. Because of this a lot of people don’t bother getting IDs, or renewing them when they expire, particularly the elderly or disabled, students, and poor people. Sometimes when I talk about this with people, the conversation kinda goes like this: “Well I understand 40 bucks is not a small amount, but why don’t they just suck it up and go pay it if they wanna vote?” “Some people can’t afford to pay it!” “I know some people are struggling, but they are just going to have cut out the McDonalds and Beer Money for a couple of weeks, if it’s that important to them!” “No, you’re not getting it, some people don’t have an extra 40 dollars period! Also you shouldn’t have to give up things you like just to vote. Voting is a basic right.” “You’re telling me that an American citizen with a job can’t scrounge together 40 dollars to get an ID.” “Yeah sometimes!” I’ve realized that one big reason some people tolerate poverty is because they don’t actually understand that it exists. And this comes from progressive people even sometimes. Like, they get that some people live on the streets, and that some people have to work multiple low paying jobs to survive, but they’re just ignorant of the tangible day to day struggles. Yeah, some people literally don’t have 40 dollars. Sometimes when you come home from work, pay the bills, and feed the kids, there’s zero left after that. Sometimes you don’t even have enough to do those things. Sometimes you have to make a choice between paying rent or buying groceries for the month. A few months ago sociology professor Dr. Sara Goldrick-Rab tweeted that “Every day #RealCollege students drop out of college because they can’t afford an unexpected bill of even $200.” To which conservative economist Michael Strain responded, “Can they not get a credit card?” He later clarified, “To be clear I have no doubt that many hard-working students do not have ample financial resources. But concern over $200 is surely exaggerated. And “I think dropping out due to financial stress is a real issue. But finding $200 isn’t.” I had to read this exchange a bunch of times to see if I was missing something, maybe there’s context lost because it is Twitter after all. Twitter’s still bad. But it really seems to be inconceivable to Mr. Strain that a poor college student would not be able to put together $200. To the extent that he is suggesting taking on credit card debt for money that that he knows the hypothetical student doesn’t have! If you ask the question, why are poor people poor? you’ll no doubt get a different answer depending on who you ask. My answer would be that, like everything, it’s fucking complicated. But some people think they’ve got it all figured out. Based on the polls I’ve found, a growing number of people seem to basically understand that there are dysfunctional and unequal systems that result in widespread poverty. But a roughly equal number of people blame poverty on other things, such bad choices, drugs, and lack of work ethic. Add that to the fact that a lot of people attribute financial success to hard work and ambition, it’s no wonder why Americans and residents of other developed countries are willing to tolerate poverty. It’s the nebulous and problematic concept of “meritocracy”. The people who are smarter, and who work harder and who make better choices should and will inevitably succeed. So why should we help the poor? If they worked harder and made better choices, they wouldn’t be poor! It is justifiable for a lazy or immoral person to be punished for those choices. This style of argument is really popular in right wing circles, but I think even people on the other parts of the spectrum subconsciously internalize this idea that wealth is a reward for exceptional people. And if there were no consequences for poor choices, it would devalue the notions of hard work and talent. Now I personally find it an appealing concept; that people who work harder and have great ideas should be proportionally rewarded for that. However, in practice this seems not to really play out quite like that. Sure there are people who become financially successful because they worked hard or because they had a profitable idea or made smart investments. There’s an idea on the left that every rich person either became rich by being evil or just kind of lucked into their wealth through inheritance or nepotism or something, which is kind of silly. I mean, while some people become rich due to inheritance or luck, probably most rich people became rich due in large part to their own work and choices they personally made. But it’s just so much more complicated than that, to the extent that it could be its own video. Thomas Corley, a researcher for Business Insider asserted that there were four major types of people who become millionaires. The Saver-Investor: A person who consistently saved and invested their money over a period of many years, essentially their whole lives. The Big Company Senior Executive: Essentially people who found a job at a big company and worked their way up to a senior management position. The Virtuoso: People who have invested time into becoming one the best in their field, setting them apart from the competition. And The Dreamer-Entrepeneur: The person who had a dream and pursued it into extreme wealth. This includes business owners, but also authors, musicians, and actors. And these are all fine and good, but the thing I noticed that they all have in common, is that they kind of all require you to already not be poor. Arguably, you can still save and invest money when you’re poor, I personally think you should – but I acknowledge, it is extremely presumptuous to ask a person who lives paycheck to paychek to put 20% of their income into savings and investments. And of course, even if you do save, if you’ve got barely any income, your potential gains in the future are severely stunted. And you can’t just walk into some corporate headquarters and force them to hire you. You’ve got to develop qualifications and experience, which usually requires going to college, which in this country is very expensive. And if you’re taking that route, you have to hope that A. the company and industry remains successful and B. You don’t get laid off for some reason. Similarly becoming a virtuoso or a dreamer usually requires a tremendous time and money investment. You’ve got to pay for classes and education. You might need equipment or technology. It costs money to start and run a business. It’s not something most poor people can even really do. And it’s acknowledged by Corley that most of these paths require some amount of risk, and many of the people took huge setbacks in their paths to wealth. The problem is that most poor people can’t afford to take those kinds of risks. It’s often literally a matter of eating or going hungry. Shelter or being out on the street. Life or death. But really the main problem with this mindset is it doesn’t add up from the other end. Sure people work hard and succeed. But people also work hard and struggle. One the absolute most infuriating things people say is that people are poor because they don’t work hard enough. People who say poor folks don’t work hard, must have never gotten to know a poor person before. Those who live in poverty are essentially required to work hard, or else they can’t really live. You telling me that single mom that works 65 hours a week across two jobs in order to feed her kids isn’t working hard? The folks slaving away in hot kitchens and dirty factories to keep the lights on, they don’t work hard? Absolutely fuck out of here with that noise! This is the where this whole concept falls apart. We pretend to glorify hard work, but at the same time we devalue hard work when it’s done by poor people. Methinks it’s not really about the work. But really, ultimately. Even if the reason poor people are poor is because they don’t work hard or aren’t smart enough- which I’d argue it largely isn’t- it doesn’t matter. What kind of sadistic society looks upon a class of people who can barely afford food and other basic necessities, and say, “I’m okay with that.” This absurdity was lampooned in George Bernard Shaw’s play “Major Barbara:” “If a man is indolent, let him be poor. If he is drunken, let him be poor. If he is not a gentleman, let him be poor. If he is addicted to the fine arts or to pure science instead of to trade and finance, let him be poor. If he chooses to spend his wages on his beer and his family instead of saving it up for his old age, let him be poor. Let nothing be done for "the undeserving": let him be poor. Serve him right!” And I see this sentiment expressed unironically, in real life, all the time. It’s mind boggling! We’ve convinced ourselves so clearly that poverty is the result of bad behavior that we’re willing to literally watch people suffer. It’s amazing the ways in which humans rationalize cruelty. We should want to keep people from suffering, not as a reward for hard work or grit or sacrifice, but just because protecting people’s safety and well-being is what decent humans and for that matter, government ought to do. The thing in this conversation that is bad, is not laziness, or stupidity, or misfortune, or criminality or drugs. The thing at the forefront that is bad is poverty. Perhaps the most disappointing reason that individuals seem to tolerate poverty is the idea of a zero-sum, winners and losers game. There may still be some people out there who glorify poverty, who think it’s humbling or holy. But in large part, I think most people don’t want to be poor. I’d go as far as saying that most people probably want to be wealthy. Not everybody desires to be a billionaire, but it’s hard to argue against the assertion that being financially independent and flexible is pretty much ideal. But in a society and in a world where there is economic inequality, it makes sense that for some people to be wealthy, that probably implies that other people have to not be wealthy. In order for there to be a boss, there has to be people that the boss bosses. And because we demean and devalue labor that is typically done by poor people, we’ve reached a point where nobody really wants to do that kind of labor. We all want to be the boss. But somebody has to do it. Somebody has to work in kitchens, and scrub toilets and do hair and take tickets at the movie theater. And we’re okay with those people barely being able to afford basic needs, because somebody’s gotta do it. We just don’t want it to be us. We’ve got higher aspirations. It’s gotten so bad that some people actively campaign against increasing wages, benefits and working conditions for people in these types of jobs. They’re supposed to be the losers, that’s what those jobs are for. They don’t deserve more money. But me, I deserve more. And you know maybe it is zero sum. There is a finite amount of wealth and resources available in the world, and there is a shit ton of people, and that number continues to grow. But as I implied earlier, I think there’s enough to go around. It is ridiculous that there are, simultaneously, people with more wealth than what is needed for a hundred lifetimes, and also people who literally can’t afford food and shelter. It’s just not a dichotomy that should exist in any just world. And to be fair, most of that wealth is being horded by a very small number of people, who by and large don’t seem to want to give it up. But I think a large reason they’ve be able to pull this off is by working to convince us that we should tolerate poverty, and think of wealth as a reward for clever people. But as you might have guessed, I don’t think we should tolerate poverty. Poverty is suffering. Poverty ruins lives. It ruins legacies. It harms children. It kills people. Those facts alone should encourage us all to take action to eliminate and prevent it, especially when the resources needed to do so are readily available. And I don’t mean giving to charities, I mean fixing the systems that reinforce it in the first place. And I want to be clear, it doesn’t matter to me how many bad choices a person makes. First of all, a lot of times those choices made under the duress of poverty. Poverty leads to unhappiness and desperation. It can cause stress and mental illness. Poor folks have less access to proper education and mentoring. So yeah, maybe some bad choices were made. But also maybe not. Did a poor child choose to be born into a family that was struggling to put food on the table? Do people choose the fact that jobs won’t pay you any money unless you obtain a degree you can’t afford. Either way, when people are suffering, we figure out how to fix that, regardless of how it that got way. It is in my view the only morally sound option. You don’t leave people to die just because you think they made bad choices, unless you’re a monster. And if preventing suffering and death requires some rich people to be less rich, that seems like a no-brainer of a tradeoff. But we’ll never get there until we decide en masse that poverty is an unacceptable condition. We have to refer to poverty as what it truly is. Human suffering. And allowing human suffering when we have the tools to address it is tantamount to a crime against humanity. DAS JUS ME DOE. What do you think? Thanks for watching, and thanks to CuriosityStream for sponsoring this video. 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Channel: T1J
Views: 66,368
Rating: 4.9573627 out of 5
Keywords: the1janitor, t1j, hako, progressive youtubers, poverty, poor, rich, income inequality, wealth, income, wealth inequality, wealth inequality in the world, wealth inequality in america, hunger, basic needs
Id: 5Jo0y9_k5xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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