Why do Semi-Trucks Use Inline-Six Engines?

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If you ask your average diesel bro what his  favorite engine is, you're gonna get a mixed   bag of answers between Cummins, Powerstroke,  and Duramax, with one of those engines being   in inline-six and two of them being a V8.  But, if you were to ask the same question   to somebody in the commercial truck world, you  get a wide array of answers including Detroit,   Paccar, Caterpillar, Volvo, Mack, and so on. And  that got me thinking, why do commercial trucks,   why do semi trucks use inline six engines  almost exclusively? In the world of gas cars,   you have a wide array of configurations inline  fours, inline sixes, v6, v8, v10, and so on. But,   in that commercial world, in the world of semi  trucks, it's pretty much all inline sixes,   there's really no other configuration that's being  made today. So, sit back and get comfy because i'm   gonna tell you exactly why inline sixes are the  superior engine platform in the commercial truck   world, in the diesel world, and why they're also  a great engine platform for gasoline-powered cars. To start this out, I think we should look at  some of the more popular engines being made,   2019, 2020, or you know at least some sort of  recent data so that we're on the same page as   far as what's popular and what is not popular.  This set of data actually comes from Fleetseek   and it covers the 2019 to 2020 truck models and  basically what engine was the most popular in   heavy duty trucks. As you can see on this  graph, Detroit is the most popular in 2020,   followed by Paccar, Cummins, Volvo, Mack, and  Caterpillar. For Detroit, they're offering their   DD engine line of inline six engines, Paccar  has their MX and PX line of engines which are   inline six, Cummins has a few different lines  of engines with the ISX15 being their flagship   engine which is an inline six, Volvo has their  D11 and D13 engines which are an inline six,   Mack has their MP line of engines which are in  inline six, and then Caterpillar who doesn't   actually make on the road truck engines anymore  but they used to and they were pretty much all   inline six. So, as you can see, pretty much  everything on the market is an inline six.   You have to go pretty far back to see  anything other than an inline six being   popular. The reasons for why the inline  six configuration has completely taken over   as the go to engine configuration for on the road  commercial trucks are actually fairly simple. But,   let's hop into them one by one. The first reason  for commercial trucks using this configuration is   because there are no size constraints or at least  very limited size constraints in these big trucks.   Really, the big reason that you'll  find V configuration engines in cars,   is because cars have to have a relatively short  hood and small engine bay. That means you cannot   have a very long engine. In terms of gas cars,  the outlier on this is BMW, who still uses a   lot of inline six engines, even in some of their  smaller applications. But, for the most part, most   manufacturers either use a V6, V8, or inline four.  With a V8, for example, your engine is really only   four cylinders long in length. So, it's roughly  half the length of an inline eight engine and   the exact same thing applies with a V6 engine and  inline six engines. If you have size constraints,   a V engine can often be the best solution, but  commercial trucks really don't have any size   constraints. These trucks are big, with massive  engine bays that have to house engines up to 15   or 16 liters in size. With that in mind, it's easy  to fit a massive inline-six engine in an equally   massive truck with very minimal size constraints.  You can basically run any configuration you want,   so an inline six isn't a size issue like it  is on non-commercial trucks and cars. But,   that still begs the question, why choose an inline  six over all the other available configurations?   And that brings me to my next point, which is  torque and engine speed. Now, we've talked about   this in other videos, but the relationship between  bore and stroke has a big impact on your engine's   performance. I'd like to highlight that there  are a lot of people who claim that the inline six   configuration is inherently better at producing  torque or inherently produces more torque than   any other configuration such as a V6 or V8. And I  think it's worth noting, that that's not actually   really true. Now, the different configurations  allow different usage between bore and stroke   and the relationship between those, which allows  each engine configuration to make more power.   But, the configuration itself isn't inherently  going to produce more or less torque. To recap   on some of the info from our bore versus stroke  video, bore is the diameter of the cylinder and   stroke is the movement from bottom dead center  to top dead center. Typically, bore and stroke   are measured in millimeters, but for many American  engines, you'll see these measured in inches. So,   mathematically bore and stroke are very simple  and if you wanted to increase displacement and   ultimately increase power output, you would  just increase bore or stroke. The easiest way to   explain the torque measurement is to visualize 100  pounds on the end of a one foot wrench. That would   equal 100 pound feet on the center of the axis  of the nut that the wrench is putting force on.   If you change this to a two foot wrench, you'd  now be talking about 200 pound-feet of torque.   With this simple visual, you can see how  increasing stroke would ultimately increase   torque, since you're increasing the throw of the  crankshaft, with the pivot point, which is the   center of the crankshaft, further away from where  the piston is pushing down on the crankshaft.   Horsepower is just a function of torque times  engine speed, whereas torque is a measurement of   rotational force. In the case of these commercial  trucks, they're hauling massive loads up to 70,   80, 90k pounds, and sometimes even more. So  for them, horsepower is irrelevant in a sense.   Sure, it's a useful measurement of performance  output, but ultimately these trucks need huge   amounts of torque. With these inline six engines,  you'll generally see a big difference between bore   and stroke. If we were to look at a Cummins x15,  for example, we'll see that it has a bore of 137   millimeters and a stroke of 169 millimeters. With  that longer stroke, the engine will inherently   make a ton of torque, but it will be limited  in terms of peak RPM, which in this context,   really doesn't matter at all. Most of these trucks  spend their time between 1000 and 2000 RPMs,   so a low rev limit isn't an issue for them at  all. In fact, keeping RPMs low is one of the many   things that allows these commercial engines to  rack up millions of miles of use without failure.   An engine built with a rev limit of 8,000RPM is  probably not going to live as long as an engine   with a rev limit of 2,000RPM. It just makes sense.  Your engine is spinning slower and ultimately that   means less stress, and equally as important,  the ability to maintain a very simple design   and minimal parts. That brings us to the next  major point, which is that the crank pins aren't   shared on an inline six engine. What I mean by  this, is that with a V engine, you typically have   two connecting rods bolted to one crank pin on  the crankshaft. So, those two connecting rods have   to share limited bearing space. On top of that,  the main journals before and after the crank pin   basically have double the work to do, because the  crank pin is dealing with two pistons, rather than   one. On top of that, the rod bearings aren't  shared on an inline engine, which means that the   bearings have a much larger surface area to work  with and provide lubrication with. That brings   us to the next major reason for using an inline  six engine and that's simplicity. At the end of   the day, a low revving inline-six engine has less  parts and less complicated parts than a comparable   V engine. There's only one head, which means  that there's less valve train parts to break and   a simpler gear train. There's bigger bearings for  improved lubrication. There's no need to focus on   rotating assembly weight, because the rev limit is  super low. There's only one exhaust manifold and   so on. To put it simply, pretty much everything  is simpler on an inline six engine, as compared to   a V6 or V8 engine. And that can translate over to  gas inline six engines as well. Regardless though,   an inline six just simply has less parts  to break, which means improved reliability,   which is paramount when you're getting paid by the  mile and if your truck breaks down. your income   stops. The next major reason for using an inline  six engine is that they are inherently balanced,   unlike most engine configurations. If we were  to take a V8 engine, for example, the force of   the pistons don't cancel each other out. This  is because almost all V8 engines have a crank   throw of 90 degrees. With some basic math, you  can see that this creates a positive net force,   which creates a vibration in the vertical plane.  We can see this by multiplying the number of   cylinders by the crank throw, which gives us  720 degrees. In order to balance this out,   counterweights and balancing shafts are used. On  the other hand, you can really break an inline   six engine into two three-cylinder engines, with a  120 degree crank throw. An inline three with a 120   degree crank throw, has a total of 360 degrees,  which means there is inherently minimal vibration   because the frequency is the same as as the  engine's rotation of 360 degrees. What I mean by   this, is that the inertial force of two pistons  moving downwards, cancels out the third piston   moving upwards. Take this and double it up to an  inline six, and it's simple to understand why the   inline six configuration is inherently balanced,  as compared to other configurations. Now, the last   major point that i'd like to bring up is that an  inline six engine is much easier to work on and   fully rebuild without removing the engine from the  chassis, because the frame rails really aren't in   the way of anything, since the engine is pretty  much vertical. This means that in the case that   your engine needs to be rebuilt or fixed, it'll  ultimately have less labor associated with the   repair as compared to a V engine. To summarize all  this info, commercial trucks use the inline six   configuration because it's not a space limitation,  allows them to run a big stroke which means more   torque, is mechanically simpler and more reliable  than a V engine, offers improved bearing space   and load for the crankshaft and connecting rod  bearings, and it's inherently balanced which means   it doesn't need balancing shafts. Of course, there  are other reasons for using the inline six engine,   but everything we discussed in this  video is pretty much every single major   point and i'm sure that there will be truckers and  technicians, especially diesel technicians down   in the comments, you know, letting us know some  of the other key points that make these engines   so reliable, so efficient, and so good for this  specific use. And if you guys enjoyed this video,   be sure to smash the thumbs up button, really  helps me out. Drop a comment down below if   you think there's anything I forgot to add or  anything I might have accidentally messed up   in this video. Drop a comment down below letting  me know. While you're down there, get subscribed,   check out some of the other videos on the  channel, and I'll see you guys in the next one.
Channel: Dust Runners Automotive Journal
Views: 774,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peterbilt, international, kenworth, diesel, volvo, paccar, caterpillar, semi truck, commercial truck
Id: eOaEcb_9HkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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