Helping Lee to not hate MacOS

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hello denizens of the internet welcome to my channel well one of my favorite youtube channels f-stoppers has got a whinge on using the mac os i didn't know he was exclusively a pc uh user but he's called his latest video pc fanboy uses mac os for three weeks and he's got a ton of complaints about mac os yeah and what is a a mac os fanboy going to say about it well he's right almost 100 of what he's complaining about is right i'm sorry but i'm going to go through each one of the things that he is whinging about and and i'll discuss uh it's you know whether he's right whether he's wrong with his alternatives to it and maybe help him along so let's dive right into it and and let's hear what f-stoppers has to say about our mac os okay for my entire life i have exclusively worked on windows machines but for the last two or three weeks now i have packed up my desktop pc and i have been exclusively using the brand new macbook pro with the m1 pro chip inside there's things that i absolutely love about this laptop and this operating system and there are other things that drive me crazy let's talk about nothing is wrong with the mac os so i've made two videos about this laptop so far the first video was my first impressions having had this laptop for just 24 hours and basically what i told you guys was that i absolutely love the hardware but the software mac os drives me crazy when i want to select a group of files i like clicking on the first one holding shift and then clicking on the last one and it doesn't work when you have thumbnails view open but in list view here it does work okay so his very first example is a bad one i think it's just something that you uh well as a mac user you end up getting used to it what he's talking about is something that you can do in windows uh i think he's being kind of a about about this if we're just trying to select a bunch of files here in mac os i mean obviously you can select them one at a time [Music] it is a bit weird that you can use the shift key and the uh command key both of them do discontiguous uh selection but on the other hand you know if i want to select a bunch of these i just hold down the shift key then i select these i mean i i think he's uh overstating the anxiety about selecting files in um in icon mode let's keep going i have a ton of friends who use mac os and i was shocked by how many people i would call and ask questions like hey how do you do this and they would just go like oh yeah i've never done that before one of these things was cutting and pasting and if you're in most applications you can command x to cut something and then command v to paste it now that's that's on the deskt well yeah in applications on the desktop you can only do that on the pc but there's there is a reason for that on the finder and you try to cut any sort of file at all and then paste it it doesn't work and i talked to multiple mac owners and they were like oh yeah you just can't do that and i'm like right so cutting and pasting on the finder can be done uh it's not quite the same as in windows and i've talked with an apple engineer about that they don't want you to cut an a file and then let's say unsuccessfully paste it someplace and then the file is gone so that is actually done on purpose for uh stupid people although there is a way to do it and he does describe it a little bit later on that is not possible that you can't cut and paste files like you're telling me i have to copy this and then making them in the original way too big a deal about it that's what you have to do no that's not true you copy with command c and then you hold command option v and that will paste it or move it to the new location put it right again this is uh one of the things that's in mac os uh you could say that the os is made for dummies uh compared to windows oh and only dummies use windows so uh i know the issue here is that it's a little bit of a fail-safe device that apple's not going to change this is just part of the philosophy of their os but there's lots of other dumb things that they do which we will cover little details like that that happen all day i'm using this laptop so i'm currently copying a folder from my server onto the desktop and i want to start a premiere document in this folder and it's grayed out it literally will not let me do it and he's absolutely correct about that windows is surprisingly flexible in ways that the mac os isn't it it lets you do things with a lot of windows servers and i was always amazed at how well um you could interrupt processes or while other processes were going you could go off and do other things it's not the same on the mac os that's a good example i've never thought of doing that only because i i know i've got to wait for the entire copy to to complete but if this is something that's he's used to doing and windows is capable of doing it then i don't see why the mac os wouldn't let you do this uh uh either so he's absolutely right about this until it's completely finished transferring now anyone who's been following f stoppers for a while knows the rage that i feel when i talk about docks and dongles and stuff i've also had the issue occasionally where the computer falls asleep all the monitors turn off and then when i wake the system back up one of the monitors is slow to turn back on and then so before we go on to this monitor thing yeah the whole docking uh thunderbolt usbc side of things on on the mac portables i've got an m1 uh macbook pro not the uh well not the uh the pro or the max uh yeah i've got the yeah the original m1 uh and yeah the the usbc docks suck it's not my favorite aspect of the apple hardware which is why i continued what i continue to hack and tosh and as far as you know connected devices i've got this logitech mx master 3 which i absolutely love and if you're going to be editing video apart from using uh this i also use all this at the same time this is just an absolutely brilliant wireless wireless mouse now he's complaining about losing connections with the monitors which is like again uh this is a terrible feature it's one of the things i hate about my m1 portable kind of like go out of position and all the windows that i had in a certain order get moved all around and the only way for me to fix it is to unplug it and plug it back in so that in itself isn't a huge inconvenience but i always have sd cards plugged into this dock the macbook has to give me these warnings i am so sick of this coming up every time the plug is unplugged and plugged back in every time i cannot get these little notifications to go away it drives me crazy and i had multiple sd cards plugged into different things and so many of these warnings were just stacking up on the side of the monitor and they don't seem to go away after a few seconds you literally have to click on every single one so this again is one of those things where you do it the mac way or you you don't do it the mac way yeah uh well the obviously those little error messages are popping up uh to remind you that you have pulled out your memory card or or a hard drive for that matter uh without properly disposing of it in the in the trash well it's not the trash anymore it turns into arrow which again that took a long while on mac os to go from throwing discs into the trash that was always something that was weird to try to train people back in the good old pre-os 10 days that how do you eject a floppy disk from your mac well you just drag it into the trash well doesn't that erase everything on the disk no no it just ejects the disk but if i want to erase something i put a file into the trash and that erases the the file yeah well you have to select empty trash so why doesn't it trash the the disc i don't know but he's right it would be nice to have a professional option because you know what you don't really need to properly detach an sd card this is a very narrow use case scenario he's a professional but it's clearly bothering him and why can't there be an option to just say yeah i know i will take my chances don't bug me with this laptop and mac os is the dock at the bottom of the screen and this is probably the most important thing for me when it comes to moving between tons of applications really quickly i can just look at the bottom of the screen and know okay here's what i have open on the screen even if they're all minimized and you just kind of get a feeling of like i don't remember what i was doing but i remember it was on the screen let me look at the bottom here oh yeah this window right here is what i was doing and you open it up and you can get to work but on mac os there's just one dock when you have an application open it doesn't show you which application you have open so you have to memorize all of these icons well that's that's not i think what he means is maybe which application is on top if he means what application is open well i mean you get these little black dots under your application that shows that they're running so i don't know what his complaint is about that uh there are some other complaints about how apple manages what's open what's not open and how things close and what things don't close i did a video on why apple doesn't know how to close its applications but let's let's just keep listening to him and i'll get back to this for example if you download a new application and it's got some new icon and you don't recognize it or you don't know what it is and you have that application open you don't know which one of these icons down at the bottom is the window that you're in right now so if you ever minimize that screen and you want to quickly get back to it i find myself mousing over each one really slowly and trying to figure it out it's just so incredibly slow i don't find it a problem at all i think i've been dealing with a ton of applications open and at no time has it been difficult for me to not memorize what the icon icon is i think uh maybe he's just getting old and then a bunch of people recommended the software called hyperdoc and basically what hyperdoc does is if you have multiple instances of a single application open when you mouse over the icon on the bottom it will show you thumbnails of those windows and kind of show you what's open you would think that this is going to be on the right screen so it's using the wrong term it's not multiple instances of the application there's multiple windows of the uh application i i don't have an issue with what he's trying to deal with and it's just something that he's got to get used to i don't think it's such a big deal the fact that he's using chrome i mean i think that's bad no one should be using chrome left but that's not how it works and he's using the genie effect to minimize which is the first thing i turn off whenever i uh install mac os no one should be using the genie effect because it's stupid and these stupid finder extension thingies i i find they don't work particularly well to begin with they kind of kind of glitchy and then when apple updates the os they blow up and they always have to be fixed so when this third party option didn't work i just started watching tutorial videos on youtube of like how to use mac os you know it's like what your grandmother watches and in these videos you know people are talking about the mission control which basically you can swipe up if you're on the laptop i was not i was on my mouse and it basically kind of makes every window you have open uh these little thumbnails that you can click on now the problem that i have with mission control is if you have a lot of applications open or your applications are changing all the time and you swipe up and it just throws up all of these little thumbnails i think this is in the category is that google chrome like everything looks the same it's like white screens with little bits of gray this is just way slower than when you have highlighted items along the task bar that have titles of what they are and you know exactly what's open and what's not something else that i learned how to do again every single application that's open has got a tiny black dot under it i might not be enough for uh people who need a better prescription but for the most part you get used to it i i wish it was a little bit more obvious now after using this laptop with multiple monitors for weeks now and it's starting to make sense to me why i always see windows users with multiple monitors and i always see mac users with a single large screen i've always wondered why apple doesn't sell a matching second monitor to go with your imac but now that i've used this operating system it makes sense it's kind of annoying to use multiple monitors absolutely not uh in fact mac was i think the first os between windows or dos or what at the time that i can recall that allowed you to use multiple monitors and the fact that the color space in the color space management of mac os is far superior superior to that in windows was also a reason why using multiple monitors worked so well on the mac os so i've been using multiple monitors for almost the entire time that i could attach a radius monitor to my mac plus so i don't know what he's talking about mac os is a really strong multi-monitor operating system yeah there are aspects so for instance uh for the longest time uh the the menu bar at the top only appeared on one monitor if you had three monitors you had to mouse all the way back to your main monitor that had the stupid menu bar but now they put the menu bar on the top of of every single monitor that you've uh you've got and i i don't know maybe that was a jobs decision to to not do it and then he had to die for apple to finally execute that particular feature i i have no idea the dock is a major problem if you have multiple monitors you're always having to go back to your dock to find stuff on other monitors that's incredibly slow so if you got three monitors put the dock in the middle because i know it's a trial to just move your mouse over although it's a great way to build up your your lats but more than that something that i've found that's incredibly frustrating to me is that to activate a screen or activate an application that's on another monitor you have to click on that monitor first like if i've got this video up here and i mouse over this video you can see the uh the bar down here comes up i can start playing this but if i click on something over here on this monitor like this and then i mouse over here you can see that it's not affecting anything on this monitor until i click and then my mouse will start working if i click on something over here like if i click on this over here but then i come up here and i go for instance to like edit and i want to copy and paste this i can't because when i click on the second monitor over here it's like it's only working on one monitor at a time well not a big deal you say you could just you know use shortcuts command c command v whatever but like if i want to export this timeline and i come up here and i click on file export media nothing happens i'm not quite certain what his complaint is and this could also be an adobe premiere complaint because i did test this premise in in um final cut pro and i seem to be doing to be able to do what i think he's doing but maybe not i don't know but um let's continue so all that being said one of my favorite things to do with my desktop computer is to have at least dual 4k monitors running all the time but if i had unlimited money or i was buying this off from scratch or whatever and i knew i had to work with mac os i would probably choose one larger monitor rather than two smaller ones now of course the main claim to fame with this laptop yeah i'm suffering i am suffering with my my two monitors yeah that's horrible my windows desktop is literally doing way better at editing in adobe premiere than this macbook is so there uh there's your first clue doing way better in adobe premiere yes adobe premiere works better in windows than it does in mac os there are aspects that adobe has now improved on the m1 chip but i hate adobe this thing just keeps glitching out it keeps doing crazy stuff it's like when i click the window comes up and then disappears and i can't click on anything adobe i do have to say when i was in adobe premiere either creating proxies or exporting projects this was exporting extremely quickly maybe even faster than my windows pc i wish i could have done a test but i literally packed up my windows pc it's in a waterproof box in the garage right now so i didn't want to open it back what you didn't do an a b test that's how you get followers on youtube you do endless tests between stuff come on lee don't you know how to run a youtube channel now that being said editing in adobe premiere was not that smooth for me um adobe first tried to edit off of our server with a 10 gigabit wired connection now just talking about the server connection i have found with my m1 that i actually get faster performance over wi-fi than i do with the uh thunderbolt ethernet connection i don't know why uh it's very frustrating again uh this the whole dongle dock thing on on the mac products uh that that is a source of absolute frustration for me now i know some of you are saying you got to move over to final cut pro it's optimized but yeah i'm not doing that like we're and he's absolutely right absolutely correct he's not going to change his way of working or the way he is enjoys working and he's got a business to run and there's more people who are transferring files i guess in the professional realm to each other in in premiere it's it's become a standard so uh no one should be asking him to change his preferred uh platform of choice software of choice but it just would be nice if adobe would get their act together and really uh make use of the potential of the m1 max maybe their work in the middle of it they're still in the middle of it who who knows i hate adobe did i say that already now the other thing that people say about macs all the time is like they just work and they never freeze i don't know if it's just me but i'm really good at freezing computers and here we go adobe has just crashed i assume this is frozen like i cannot get this off my screen usually there's an x-box up here yeah the entire computer just froze i lovely as you guys may or may not know i'm moving right now so i am going to be using this laptop as my main machine for the next month approximately so uh maybe things will change maybe over time i will fall in love with this operating system but probably not so there you go let's cover some of the things that absolutely are horrible in the finder mac os ecosystem that lee didn't even bother covering multiple ways of quitting applications which he didn't even talk about so uh let's say you've got pages open and i'm going to create a new document one of the challenges with mac os is that you can have a whole crap ton of applications open and people are their tendency is to just close the window and then they they don't know where the application is going now in the case of of pages let's say i'm going to close that i do have a window of opportunity to go back up to pages as opposed to windows so in windows if i close that last page then it the application shuts down but in pages as long as i don't click anyplace else i can create a new page so if i cancel out of that but then i click on the desktop then you can see down here uh pages completely closes there's a certain um that that actually works uh fairly well however if you go let's say to the audio audio media devices set up which is kind of a i guess it's a system tool if i close that it stays open why i i don't know there's really no reason for it to stay open uh and that's a that's an apple application uh quicktime player well it's actually running right now but if i open up quicktime and then get rid of the quicktime window it actually stays running for a bit and then times out and then disappears on you which is again non-standard well it's nonstand in the sense that like just pick a method uh if i go to what have i got on my list here messages okay so i've got messages i've got these messages open okay so if i close this it's still running but it it doesn't die after a few seconds like quick time so um okay that's that's weird but face time if i click on facetime and then i shut face time close at facetime it quits a messages doesn't quit facetime does final cut pro if you close your window then it also quits it's this mishmash of stuff that you can't figure out what the rules are trying to help your elderly father-in-law who will remain nameless and he's got a crap ton of applications open and he's got no memory and the computer has slowed right down and he doesn't know why because he's just closed the windows and the applications are still running and he can't really see the tiny dot or doesn't know what the dot means so these are things leigh didn't cover i'm telling lee i'm telling you lee right now if you do watch this video watch out for that thank you very much for watching this denizens of the internet i appreciate you joining me on this adventure uh lee if you need any uh tips or help give me a shout i'll be happy to help you till next time be seen [Music]
Channel: Call me Chato
Views: 16,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Peter Paul Chato, The Frantics, Paul Chato, video editing, adobe premiere, final cut pro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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