Why Do Bees Die After Stinging?

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in 1957 unique hybrid bees were created in Brazil scientists expected that these bees would produce more honey but something went wrong the insects turned out to be incredibly aggressive and attacked anyone they saw by the 80s the Killer Bees had reached the United States today they continue to spread across the world and it feels like a horror movie so in today's video you'll learn what happens to a person when it's stung by this insect it sounds incredible but a bee can take away your life and do bees really die after biting us let's find out foreign so you were stung by a bee most likely you're not very happy about it probably be your first reaction but let's take a look at the bite in about two minutes the skin will turn slightly red six minutes later the area around the bite will turn white and in about a half an hour a blister will appear B venom has a very strong effect on all vertebrates so the pain will only get worse after a day the wound will be very red and it it it itches so much melaton is the main component and the major pain producing substance of honey bee venom fortunately if you don't have any allergies your body can fight against it but if you're allergic then game over we'll talk more about bee venom later but first let's see why bees behave like this why do you think a bee can sting it all scientists have some ideas and hypothesis maybe it's a b radar something like that Studies have shown that bees most often attack people when they pose a threat to their hive if you trespass on Bee's territory you'll be lucky if you get off with just one sting when a bee stings another creature it releases an alarm pheromone and if the bee then gets mortally wounded it releases a greater amount of it can you guess what happens then the presence of huge quantities of alarm pheromones near The Hive attracts other bees and they'll be ready to attack any Outsider this will continue until the threat is eliminated so you only have two options you can either run or die and remember that water won't save you because the pheromones do not wash away so the bees will keep attacking you once you reappear on the surface of the Water by the way people say these pheromones smell like banana who would have thought bees don't like bananas for those who've never been stung by a bee we should probably describe how it feels well you remember the screaming person it's believed that the pain from a bee sting is comparable to pinching the earlobe you can try it right now but be careful in fact there's a whole pain index known as Schmidt's scale and honeybees are the pain level too just the second level in fact their sting is almost painless compared to other insects it's far from pain level four it includes for example the bullet ant bite Schmidt described these Sensations as pure intense brilliant pain like walking over flaming charcoal with a three inch nail embedded in your heel now we don't know how a respected scientist knows how a nail in the heel feels when walking over hot charcoal but let's try not to judge surely he's working for the sake of science other options to describe a fourth level bite are blinding Fierce and shockingly electric and torture you're chained in a flow of an active volcano for it's absolutely excruciatingly debilitating incapacitating just shuts you down just absolute sheer pain it's worth mentioning that the person who created this list has exposed himself to over a thousand bytes of various insects during his life probably the pain was unbearable yeah tell that to my pinky toe that's unreal but back to bees you probably know that his sting is fatal for a bee after losing its stinger it dies you could say it gives its life to protect the hive just like a real Knight but why do bees die the shape of the Stinger is to blame it's Barbed in such a way that it gets stuck in the victim's skin especially if it's a mammal the insect can't free itself after the bite it twitches and leaves the sting along with a part of its tiny organism muscles nerves a fragment of its digestive tract after this death comes in a matter of minutes only Queens can sting an unlimited number of times and remain intact their Stingers have a smoother structure and therefore these bees are able to inflict many poisonous stabs even in a row so don't make the queen angry and what happens if a bee stings another insect of course bee stings were not designed by nature to protect them from people otherwise they'd be attached to the bee in a better way their stings are ideal for fighting with other insects a bee can sting other insects hundreds of times a day until it gets tired or bored and the Beaver is also a really formidable weapon but it's not the only weapon they have some bees have learned to cook their opponents that's not a figure of speech in this case insects form a sphere around a hornet and start to vibrate synchronously creating powerful ultrasonic waves researchers say that in this case the air inside the Swarm gradually warms up to about 40 degrees celsius it goes without saying that the Hornet doesn't have a chance against the Heat and finally dies this is a very cruel way to kill but the bees have reasons to behave like this take a look at this picture there are hundreds of dead headless bees these are the consequences of a hornet attack on a beehive yeah nature can be very cruel fortunately the heat attack only works with Hornets for now it would not like to experience that we're only affected by bee venom and our organisms have long learned to cope with it in this photo you can clearly see how the temperature rises around the sting this means that our body is fighting against the Venom we have to thank our immune system for that the bad news is that the B Venom dissolves in water and most of the human body is made up of it so the toxins spread almost instantly whoosh now your point zero one percent B white blood cells are the first to fight against B Venom they're kind of a rapid response Squad you're still screaming and swearing while your white blood cells are already fighting against antigens in the B Venom as the Fight Continues the redness and the temperature will keep Rising when stinging the bee injects a portion of melaton into your body while the white blood cells are busy it destroys the red blood cells and stimulates the pain receptors melaton is also responsible for the itching but your body knows how to react in return it sends histamine an organic compound that fights different infections like a SWAT unit to fight against the militant however it also causes swelling but hey we don't say anything when superheroes destroy entire cities while saving Humanity right but the most amazing thing is that in the fight against bee venom we use our kidneys even if the bee stings your pinky toe once the bee venom starts damaging the cellular tissue in your body the king kidneys start working to eliminate this damaged tissue so they're aware of what's Happening like a task force but don't worry about your kidneys you can be stung many times for them to fail or a bee should sting you right in the kidney in rare cases a sting can cause an overreaction of the body and cause death a study from the University of Melbourne has shown that 25 people have died from bee stings in Australia in the last 13 years at the same time 27 people have died from snake bite nevertheless we're scared of snakes but don't usually worry about bees and just brush them off literally and figuratively but let's face it bees are actually our friends there are many useful things that these little workers do for us have you heard of bee therapy trigger warning this can be shocking because people well they allow bees to repeatedly sting them not for pleasure of course bee venom helps to fight the symptoms of Lyme Disease an infection transmitted by ticks there are special medicines for this but they're not cheap at the same time you can order live bees online in a couple of clicks and their regular bites help you you get rid of the symptoms the only drawback is that the bees can't survive the process should they die for our health tell us your opinion in the comments while some people order bees online this old man went a little further he became lord of the bees and wears them as a costume the bees are alive by the way apparently b-man uses special pheromones which attract these insects he feeds his frightening friends beforehand because the fedby is unlikely to sting you but what if 30 or 40 of these bees suddenly get out of control and feel threatened most likely he won't survive however honey collectors risk their lives all the time especially if they work to find unique types of Honey which can only be found in Nepal twice a year the bravest men from the local Villages risked their lives climbing the Steep Cliffs of the area in this place they find the hives of special wild bees known as apis dorsada laboriosa it's the largest species of honeybee in the world and its nectar has hallucinogenic properties now we know why Winnie the Pooh is always so happy locals believe that this honey has power powerful healing properties but you shouldn't eat too much because well surely you know how hallucinogens work now imagine you ate this curious honey and suddenly sea bees are winking at you okay the last spoon was definitely too much it's time we all went home but while you're still here take a look these tiny creatures somehow know how to build colonies and scare away Predators they create a wave like fans at a football stadium if we were predators we would surely stay away from these bees what if their favorite team lost today or Worse what if they won the human body is amazing and bees are amazing too but you should stay away from them instead give us a like unlike bees we don't bite and we can be useful too hey have I told you about the healing subscription to our Channel hey
Channel: WATOP
Views: 9,277,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WATOP, Wa Top, Bees Die After Stinging, bee, insect, science, science experiments, insects, bees, bee sting, beekeeping, bee attack, killer bees, bee venom, bee queen, sting is fatal for a bee, what happens if a bee stings another insect?, bees vs hornets
Id: 0LwCdwRF64g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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