The Spider That Shocked Everyone

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we've already studied many different abilities of animals we saw ducklings climbing the walls lizards squirting blood from their eyes birds setting fields on fire mountain goats ignoring the laws of physics and climbing in areas where it's simply impossible to climb wait what steve says they seem to be abusing their abilities mountain goats and sheep can climb to an incredible height but when you find a goat stuck on a power line i don't know how it ended up there did it decide to put its agility to the test and go for a wire walk or climb a tree and accidentally fall down the goat doesn't seem to be happy with the resulting situation but taking it down is damn hard seems like the goats have no clue how ladders work and i wouldn't be surprised if the goat climbed right back in after being rescued because well it just needs to be there or perhaps run away now you're free just when it starts to look like getting stuck in the wires is the worst thing that could happen to goats because of their abilities a bridge comes into play the bridge where in some unfathomable way two goats ended up and the longer i look at it the less i understand how did it happen and most importantly why then of course people came to the rescue again and we had another happy ending wait did i say goats don't know how ladders work i take it back this goat has no problem with the ladder it uses it for the intended purpose eating leaves of an otherwise unreachable tree looking like it was the one that put it there by the way since we're talking about ungulates i have something interesting for you check out this guy oryxes are relatives of antelopes that live in africa and the arabian peninsula like many other animals oryxes are certainly bothered by insects you can't repel them with long horns though you can certainly lease them this photo was taken at the central kalahari game reserve in botswana one of the tourists jess eisden saw an unusual oryx and was very surprised because he had a web wrapped around his horns i know what you're thinking the animal's head was in some bushes and the web stuck to the horns but this web looks very tight as if it was woven on the oryx's head for a specific purpose spiders ran along it and it seems like they came up with a brilliant solution the antelope was not bothered by the neighbors it kept eating grass and the spiders apparently caught a huge amount of prey have you seen how many flies usually swarm near ungulates yeah that's a real lunch buffet no really if i were a spider i'd always do that ants can't use large animals to catch prey but they are smart enough to understand how physics works see that millipede the ants wouldn't be able to carry it if they had just gathered around they wouldn't have enough space and then the smart insects went one step further they formed chains clung to each other and seems like this is how they portray the construction of pyramids and all sorts of ancient chips this technique really works moreover while the ant teams pull the prey some of them help on the sides and behind teamwork and all that good thing mosquitoes don't do anything like that i wouldn't want to be attacked by an organized group of bloodsuckers i can't stand them they buzz bite your skin itches everywhere they seem so greedy that they'll drink blood until they burst you've probably seen these videos and the insects really burst because they drank too much there's one thing though thirst for blood has nothing to do with it and even if you tint your muscle during the bite or stretch the skin the insect won't burst dr perrin ross claims that the ventral nerve cord is the reason for exploding insects if you damage it the mosquitoes lust for blood will never be quenched mosquitoes subjected to this procedure can drink up to four times their weight and burst let's look at the larger creatures because they also have special talents wolf a wolf climbing a fence it sticks its paws into the holes and keeps climbing wolf damn it really climbed over the fence did anyone tell this guy he's not a squirrel [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks to their skills wolves break through fences and attack farms fences what fences they simply can't stop predators when the prey is very close but the coyotes are the ones who really upgraded this skill they're related to wolves and know everything about climbing most coyotes easily climb regular fences if they have enough motivation that is when there is something delicious behind the fence they'll climb the obstacle of any height and if it doesn't work out they'll dig and then they feast on the farm animals actually most researchers believe wolves can't even climb trees because their legs simply aren't adapted for this that's true only if we compare the abilities of wolves and cats because if a wolf needs something like a bird's nest it's quite capable of climbing the lower branches of the tree as long as there are enough of them and the tree's not too tall or if it's bent enough you'll find a bunch of these photos on the web and the wolves look like the regular ones well coyotes will gladly climb a tree even for some berries these guys aren't picky at all to do something about the predators that ignore regular fences people have to come up with special ones at first glance there's no difference until you look at the top of the fence because it's rolling nothing complicated but this device stops coyotes from latching on with their front paws and climbing over the fence why even cats can't do it or even the birds not to mention dogs who love climbing over the fence and going for a walk around the area without an owner sorry buddy today's just not your day however i think that sooner or later the birds will find a way to deal with such fences maybe they'll learn how to keep balance on them simply because some birds are pretty damn smart and i'm talking primarily about crows their intellect is so advanced they learn to use people to get food and it's not about stealing your breakfast from your plate or anything like that japanese crows can't crack open a nutshell and so they throw nuts on the road so that some car drives over them the shell is definitely not strong enough to stay intact after that well it's quite difficult to pick up the treat after that because there's still traffic some crows have found a way out they drop nuts exactly at the pedestrian crossing and pick them up when people appear on the road although you know the fact that crows have advanced intellect won't surprise anyone even if one day they pick up sticks and decide to take over the world scientists will probably only shrug their shoulders swans are a completely different matter you don't expect anything special from them while these birds know exactly how ice breakers work when the temperature suddenly drops the swans who spend a lot of time in the water are often trapped and then they begin to break through the ice lining up in a chain the first bird usually a male breaks the ice the rest follow him widening the passage what does it look like the male does all the hard work well other birds are always ready to push him if he gets tired or if he starts regretting that he turned out to be so smart because this guy is clearly having a hard time this parrot definitely regrets being so smart during a police raid in northern brazil law enforcement officers suddenly saw a bird that upon seeing them began to make noise not some indistinct sounds though the parrot squawked mama police however the efforts of the bird did not help the police still detained the owners for dealing in illegal substances the parrot was also arrested but he refused to cooperate with the authorities well he didn't say a word to anyone else another incredibly cool ability of birds which i would put right after their intelligence is the ability to accurately choose a route during migration even overcoming thousands of miles the birds don't lose their way well in most cases in 1967 a lone albatross named albert got lost and suddenly ended up in the northern hemisphere instead of the southern hemisphere that is in scotland to give you an idea how far it is from the usual habitat of these birds just look at the map it's unclear why albert got lost but he didn't even try to find his way home instead for at least 40 years the albatross was hanging out in scotland and even tried to find love among gannons unfortunately they were in different way categories and albert remained a bachelor to be honest i didn't find any recent updates about albert but in 2007 he was about 47 years old and albatrosses lived to at least 70. the birds probably still alive in addition in 2016 another albatross of the same species was noticed in east yorkshire he also got lost during migration maybe albert isn't alone anymore though being unable to leave offspring isn't the worst thing that could happen when special skills get out of hand i've already talked about gastroliths stones that animals swallow to help digest food or to dive scientists believe crocodiles eat stones for this very reason quite a clever trick especially considering that these predators need to dive in order to pull prey to the bottom but sometimes even a life hack that's worked for millions of years can be deadly when mj the crocodile died at the crocodile farm the vets performed an autopsy and found rocks in the reptile's stomach along with the surgical plate the most common surgical plate used to heal bones and humans but there is no staff on the crocodile farm and even more so no one went missing no one knows how the plate ended up in mj's stomach but six months before his death he stopped eating maybe one day this crocodile swallowed a plate along with stones and that was the reason why he died this is not as absurd as it might seem especially when you consider the fact that a crocodile once drowned because he was afraid to get out of the water yeah the crocodile drowned this weird story happened in 2021 in china on a crocodile farm according to the owner the predator whose weight reached 220 pounds was very timid and afraid of everything i don't know how you can be afraid of anything when you're a huge crocodile anyway he dived into the water and refused to get out even when he ran out of oxygen so it was his own ability that killed him well something like that or perhaps he had a runny nose but steve hasn't found proof of that theory yet see you later
Channel: WATOP
Views: 1,239,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WATOP, Wa Top
Id: 1IGnN9sxoUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 17sec (617 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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