Jalie Raglan Top Tutorial (Turn me off at 54:55 to avoid dissertation on marriage near end.)

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hey everybody joy here it's saturday feb roo airy 20 2021 so i'm starting the new project and someone requested that i do a sew along on this particular top so i didn't really plan on doing an actual sew along but since i'm going to make it today i thought i would just show myself making it it is so super simple super simple you can have a closet full of them so let me tell you what i'm working on yesterday i was a bad girl i was supposed to be taking all my new fabric and i have like six or seven pieces of yardage and i was supposed to be folding this brown knit but you see what happened to it i was folding it and i thought oh that stuff's really stretchy i thought i wonder how stretchy it is and so i started stretching it oh my gosh look at all that stretch so i got out my favorite legging pattern and i got my little chart see the little chart on the bottom and so i put my brown material up to it and i put it on the chart and ta-da it stretches even further than the chart so it's more than 60 stretch i stretched it the other way it stretches really far that way too but not as far so i decided instead of folding it and putting away i'd make some more leggings so here's where we are i have brown leggings now now this is a completely different feel and a different kind of fabric than my other leggings my other leggings are nylon and spandex and they're really they're really springy and i don't know it's kind of like bathing suit material but this is knit so this feels more like a comfortable shirt you know cotton knit and i'm just amazed at how much it stretches i wish i knew where i got it i'd buy one in every color i really like it very soft i put it on it fits me great i didn't have any problems at all making it so what i need now is i don't have a thing in my closet to wear with these brown leggings so i'm going to make one of these it's already fitted the pattern's already fitted because i made it recently you saw me wearing it one of my videos so i'm going to make this top but we've got to go look in my stash and see if i have anything that has brown in it so you want to come with me you want to come help me find some material to go with it what i need to do is cut a chunk off let's cut off a chunk you know what there are a whole lot of browns just like there's a whole lot of blacks a whole lot of blues a whole lot of purples a whole lot of greens there's a whole lot of browns i would look at this and say oh that's just dark brown no it is like extra dark brown brown black it's like the color i wish i could find for my eyebrows but i can't find it in my hair okay let's go into where my stash is and let's look around see if we can find anything that goes with these new leggings okay let me take a sipa and we'll just head right in the other room so here we are in the upstairs bedroom and someone just asked me yesterday where i got these shelves and what kind of shelves these are the um fabric you saw me standing in front of for yesterday's devotional it's on the opposite side of this wall so i have two of these units this one's full of knits the one out there is full of cottons the one you saw yesterday so this is called the calyx k-a-l-l-a-x calyx and it's from ikea and you can order it online i ordered this online took about 12 weeks to get it but i finally got it and it comes with different numbers of shells there's one that's like three wide by four long or four wide by three long or two over and three down they come in all different configurations and they have all kinds of containers that can fit into the shelves it's really cool unit and it looks really nice you get it in pieces now you have to lay it all out on the floor and it's heavy and if you live by yourself and you're a lady you're gonna have to get someone to help you put it together because that thing is heavy okay let's see what we've got that goes with this brown [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i'm going to decide on one of those knits i'm going to choose one of those knits in the other room and that's what we're going to cut out and we're going to make a top to go with those brown leggings let's go okay i'm going to show you what i like to do to make sure i'm going to like what i end up with i do this in fabric stores too i take the bowl to fabric i've decided this one doesn't look good so i'm going to use this one but before i do number one i want to check the stretch but it's real stretchy i'm pretty sure now this is not a cotton knit this is an ity so this is what i like to do and i will do this in the stores like i said i'll go to joann's i'll take out a bolt of fabric i'll unroll it and i'll open it up wide and i'll go hang it over the top of the shelf and then i'll walk away and i'll look at it from a distance and oh my goodness what a difference that makes all right so there we go let's look at that let's get in real close to where we can just see the two huh what you do when you're in a fabric store you stand far away and you like cup your hands so you can just see the material now see we can see hello do those two go together i believe they do what do you think i think that looks really good so the next question is do i want to go get another solid ity to put with the top and just leave the solid brown in the pants i'm gonna go look for that now so i'll be back in a minute with another ity i'm gonna have to start ordering itys in solid colors you see my slippers i hope not oh i didn't sleep last night so i'm comfy today y'all okay so this is a knit it looks like i have used it before now it's not an ity knit it's not an ity knit so this is how you do this now we're going to put this color there and then we're thinking about putting these two together so now we're going to drink this one on top of that one see so that will be the raglan top those two together and then that the brown pants so let's see what that looks like what that'll do is we'll bring a light color up around my face which is where you need the light color then you need the dark color on your bottom so i think that looks good together since that's the only color i can find in my stash that seems to go with that so i think that's what i'm going to do you all ask me how do you decide what fabrics to use how do you side decide what to put together well this is how i decided i drape them and i look at it from across the room sometimes i'll drape my body like i'll put the pants on and then i'll go and i'll drape the two other colors over my shoulders and see how they look in the mirror but i think that looks really good you remember the top i made right there and i have the leggings to go with it so that's what we're going to make again this is a pdf that means you can pay for it at jalee jali.com and you can get it right away immediately and all you have to do is tape the papers together you can even make it'll give you a whole bunch of sizes but you can turn off all the sizes use adobe to print it out and in adobe it will give you an eyeball for every size so you click off all the eyeballs for the sizes you don't want and it'll print out just your size so that's really awesome and then if you if you are one size in the shoulders a different size in the hips print off two sizes and then you can make your pattern start out small and go big okay because you'll have two sets of lines so this this is the raglan sleeve this is it this is the neckline this goes around your neck this sews onto the top and this goes onto the top very easy this is the front that i have put a full bust adjustment in now i'm not going to show you a full bust adjustment today i've shown you that many many many times okay so here i put the full bust adjustment and it definitely needed it and so i don't have a dart in it i have moved it down here into the bottom you can see my maybe you can see it better on the back you can see all my papers that i put in there and then what i did was i cut the side seam back you add this fba into the bottom then you can cut the side seam back i don't know why it works but you you can do it learned it from peggy this is the back and what i did was i just put more fullness in the back because i don't want it too fitted and i put a round back and a sway back round back's way back round back way back round back playback fba round back's way back fba we can play that game today yeah hey that'll help me remember it we have our three pattern pieces that's all there are except for the what you put around the neckline but you don't need a pattern piece for that but they do give you one so i think i'm going to use the print so it's mostly the print and then i'll use the the off-white knit for the sleeves and the trim around the neck i think that's what i'll do because that will put the light part up around my face look on the pattern find the directions i just happen to know this has plenty of stretch for this shirt because i've made it several times but look at the pattern and see if it tells you how much stretch you need in your fabrics if you can't find it emails these daily people now there's the little chart right there i'll show you right there is the chart you see that arrow so i'm going to get my fabric i'm going to hold it i'm going to get as much fabric not stretched i'm going to lay it from here to here then i'm going to stretch it and make sure it goes all the way over to there let's do that so you make sure it's going across the width not the length not the way the selvage the other way because it stretches more that way all right so i'm going to put that there and it goes way past it no problem now let's let's try the white one the white one is not an ity knit now a lot of times it's hard to tell where the selvage is there it is right there crosswise grain don't don't start at the edge start inside the edge the edge is a different animal you don't use the edge come inside you don't want to be out there at the selvage oh yes they stretch the same a whole bunch so that's perfect so we've got that figured out remember you don't ever let it hang over the table i have a whole bunch i'm not going to let it hang on the table i'm putting it up on the table because it will stretch and then when you get your pieces cut out they'll spring back to non-stretch and then you'll think why isn't this right what did i do wrong if your selvages curl just say i'm going to be very patient today if they curl really bad cut them off but then again it's hard cutting them off even all right so i've got my little weights holding this down with the selvages lined up now feel your fabric make sure there's nothing under it right here there's a piece of tape i could feel it what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut this off right here and then i'm going to fold it another way because i won't have to use so much fabric that way so why am i going to do that because i can fold this fabric differently and get the front and the back out of one width okay here i'm just going to put it on real fast you can see what i'm doing here is i'm re-folding the fabric so i can cut the front and the back out of one shorter piece and plus it keeps anything from hanging down so i'm going to mark the center fold with some pins because that's the middle of that strip of fabric and i need to be able to see it when i'm folding the two pieces in one of them will go past that point and the other one won't go quite that far because one piece takes a wider area than the other one does now i'm marking that blue marker i was marking where my pins were i have to take the pins out so i don't cut them with the rotary cutter then i re-fold it nice and flat i make sure it's wide enough to put my piece on make sure that piece is wide enough get them nice and even and flat and smooth lay them out now you can see i'm getting the front and the back both out of that piece of fabric that i chopped off that saves a lot of fabric i can make another whole top out of what's left plus get the sleeve out of it lots of weights peggy sakers you're always talking about her you're so mean to her i love frankie sagers i have every single one of her cds every single one of them i have never missed a single one of her thursday videos or her every other tuesday videos never so just because i complain about her patterns don't say well you just shouldn't you just don't like peggy sagers wrong why do i talk about her all the time because i watch her all the time i watch her twice every week so i'm going to add one inch to the length just to be sure just to be sure that i have enough to cover myself up over a pair of leggings i'm using chalk to mark market chalk one inch all right i'm going to fast forward here all i'm doing is cutting it out i'm cutting out the back first and what you see me doing there is i'm adding one inch to the length so it will be long enough to wear with my leggings and i'm cutting it out with a rotary cutter i use a lots of weights as you can see i don't use pins and i make sure that i cut it at the bottom of the added inch and of course i talk incessantly so i'll get rid of the weights pull the pattern up there it is that's the back put the back aside and let's work on the front so i'm going to the shorter piece now it's folded over here and i straighten it out and straighten it out and if the fabric isn't straight up your center fold your center front line isn't straight with the center fold of the fabric straighten the fabric out until it is straight because it should be perfectly straight along your center front and your center back when you're cutting them on the fold i'm adding my one inch here i'm sure glad i did because it turned out i needed it and you can see i love to use weights the reason i use so many weights is that's made out of kind of a typing paper weight of paper because it was printed remember it's a pdf pattern so it is typing paper so when you fold it and put it away in the envelope it gets really really wrinkled so i use a lot of weights to hold it down so it will flatten out so that's cut out now that's an arm that's an arm and this is the neck this is the middle this is your neck we may have to add some fringe i had tons of fabric i could have made it much longer all right we have a back we have a front now we have to have the sleeves and if we're going to make our sleeves out of this which i'm not sure if i want my sleeves out of this this is way heavier way heavier this is as light as a feather this is heavy see very heavy and i don't have any ity in a solid so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to cut my sleeve out of the same fabric because this really although you can mix things i don't know let me think on that and i'll be back all right i've made an executive decision i've decided to make the sleeves out of the same fabric as the leggings because this knit is much much lighter than that off-white one i like the color of the off-white one but it's much thicker and that's going to mess with my garment so i'm going to rearrange this brown over here on the table and i'm going to cut the sleeves out from it then i'll come back and i'll show you how easy it is to put this two together all right i'm just going to cut the sleeve out of this that's all i'm going to do this is the sleeve i'm going to cut two of them out of this and i'm back i've been asked many times if i use my mannequin for fitting no i don't this is how i use my mannequin i use me for fitting the mannequin lucy she doesn't lose weight she doesn't gain weight she doesn't sag she doesn't bag she doesn't drag so i use her mostly for trying garments on to see if i'm going to like them so what i've done is i've just pinned this together you can see how it's just pinned together and i'm going to put it up on her if i can figure out what the front is this is the front and i'm going to see if i'm going to like it i have her pants pinned on and her shirt about half on half off but i can see that it's going to look really really good that way i like it very very much i think it would look good with the the pattern on the sleeves as well but i like that very much and i have enough of that print fabric that um i can make another blouse i'll use a different style probably make a sleeveless one see that's what my outfit's going to look like that's what i used my mannequin for we've had it on lucy we like it on lucy let's sew it together it is so easy to sew together let me take these pins out and we'll re-pin it for sewing i'm going to use a stretch needle i have ballpoint needles and i have stretch needles i find that the stretch needles work better than the ballpoint needles for these knits okay how do we know what's the front and what's the back the back has double notches double notches so this is the back the front has single notches single notch duty so that's the front so we're going to put those right side up the sleeve take a sleeve any sleeve there's only two i have a big x on one side so i know what's the wrong side because both sides look exactly alike so i'm going to take the sleeve i'm going to find a single notch which is right here it's cut off but i have it marked with a little clip and i'm going to line it up right here you can see where it goes because they go together you put the two notches together and it just has to match up and then we're going to sew it together one quarter inch the seams in jailey that's why the pieces are so small their seam allowances are one quarter inch i usually write that real big somewhere [Applause] one quarter inch seam allowance one quarter inch you see part of the neckline's in the sleeve and the rest of the neckline's in the front and the back so we're going to sew this together one quarter inch so now instead of pinning the pin a little bitty bite on the 5 8 inch line like i've taught you to do we're doing a little bitty bite on the one quarter inch line okay all right so we've got that pin to that back now let's take the other sleeve and let's find a single notch on it and it's right there you don't want to get the bottom of the sleeve up by your neck make sure you're getting it right all right we have a single notch right there this is the top down there you can see is the straight bottom of the sleeve there's pictures there's lots of directions i've made it several times and to me it's very simple so to you it'll be simple too once you do it once let's line up that single notch pick it up so i'm sewing both sleeves to the front that's what i'm doing right now and then this will be half done all we have to do after that is so both sleeves to the back finish the neck and the hems i'm telling you this is so easy it is so so easy all right there we are there's our sleeves our sleeves going to the front see very simple this is the rest of your neckline this part of the sleeve goes around your neck right here so you can see that's most of the neckline until we get the back on it let me show you on the paper maybe that will be more clear okay so here you can see that's the bottom this is the center front this is part of the neck and this is sleeve here's the single notch so we've taken the sleeve and we've taken this single notch right there and we have lined it up two right sides together we've lined it up right there now this is more curved than this but they still go together so don't let that throw you okay so what i'm throwing together now is this and this together they go together all right so i'm gonna go sew that together then i'll be back i just want to show you what this looks like now i've got the sleeve both sleeves are attached to the front see here's a sleeve the sleeve goes like this let me see like this is the bottom of the sleeve see the sleeve will be like this you know on my arm right like that but it's not sewn to the back yet this is real different than set in sleeves and dolman sleeves so here's the sewn part there's the two seams easy peasy so easy now you may find that the sewing machine wants to eat your material when you start out remember if you put it on a little piece of paper move the paper to the side so you can see where you're lining this up at the quarter inch mark and it will move if you put that paper under there okay so now what are we going to do now we're going to take these two sleeves and we're going to attach this and this these two sides to the back here's the back so this sleeve is going to go here and this sleeve is going to go here does that make sense the exact same thing we did to the front so i'm going to lay this out flat on the table like this i'm going to get the back we're going to do right sides together all right now how do we know if we have it correct we know this is the neck we know this is the back armhole we know this is the front armhole why no these are both backs these are both back arm holes double notch double notch both back arm holes so we know that the back of the blouse goes right sides together to the front of the blouse okay so the bottoms of the front and the back here's the bottoms down here so i'm going to find that notch there's the double notch on the print find the double notch on the solid now this is like sewn with slime okay so i have the two double notches there they are you can sew this together totally wrong if you don't line up those notches those notches are your friend cut them out like i did i usually never ever cut mine out but on something like this you want it to stand out the crowd you can find those notches because that's the only way you'll know the proper edge to sew on so i'm going to pin both of them on the quarter inch line i'm going to go sew that and then you won't believe how easy it is to finish it all right we're gonna find our double notch again where is our double notch there's the double notch now i gotta find the dark brown double notch and there it is we're gonna match those notches right sides together right sides together right sides together right sides together you could be doing this and have the wrong sides together and then your blouse is going to fit you real crazy the back will be inside out and the front will be right side out so these notches are what's going to make you not make mistakes put your notches they're very very important all right so i have both of them pinned both of them are pinned right there pinned and ready to go so if i hold the sleeves up on the shoulder line of the sleeves if i play like i'm a coat hanger and i hang this up see this side's already sewn on that's the front and the back goes on the exact same way i'll go sew that up and then i'll be back and show you how to finish this let me show you another thing you can do to keep your sewing machine from eating when you're doing these slinky knits and you start on the edge it wants to take this edge and cram it down into the stitch plate the foot plate i i told you you can start with a piece of paper what i do is i just start somewhere in the center and i sew all the way one direction then i turn it around and i start back in the center where i started before and i go all the way down the other way that's what i'm doing today we have no way of seeing what we have let's see where we are now we have two sleeves in two sleeves we have a front and we have a back a back so if i hold it up in the air you can see how it's attached does that help you see the picture this is the front this is the back you can see the sleeve is sewn on to both sides of the back and the sleeve is sewn on to both sides of the front now all we're going to do is line up the front and the back like this and we are going to sew the sleeve all the way down to the hem start at the sleeve go run run run run around all the way down to the hem and we're going to stitch up the sleeve and the garment all in one step all of this side and then all of this side that's it that is it then you finish the neckline the hems and the sleeve and the hem and the bottom and i'll come back and show you how to do that if you want me to do you want me to you do don't you okay i'll come back and show you how i do that let me sew the side seams up let's talk about the neck binding i do not like their way of doing the neck binding you don't even know what the directions are it tells you in here turn garment right side out and sew neck binding using the technique illustrated in figures four to eight i had a hard time figuring out where four through eight were but i've got a great big x through it now but see here there's a four and there's a five a six a seven and an eight so that's how they're telling you to do the neckline i don't like the way they do it i'll show you how they do it they tell you technique depose day bands so hard to read so you just have to kind of look at the pictures because they don't give you any writing for this i think they really failed on this so what they want you to do is to cut this out of the fabric then they want you to fold this in half then you mark this in force and you mark the neckline and force you always do that it's always sports force force so then they want you to take this and sew it to the wrong side this is the right side you're looking at so they want to sew it to the wrong side then they want you to turn it on the seam around to the front and then sew it down i am not going to do it that way i think that's very complicated and fiddly and so i'm going to do it judy kessinger's way for one thing i'm going to start with a wider strip i'm going to do you remember my linda lee measure the neck judy says measure the neck subtract an inch and take a half inch c linda lee says do 7 8 of the neck so i'm going to lay it down right there on my table i'm not going to measure the paper i'm going to measure the garments neck the garments neck let me make it so you can see we're going to get our wheelie dealie i'll put a link to this in the description box below it's called the curve runner and it's wonderful it's a 12 inch ruler that goes around in circles that's what i like to measure with if you don't have that you simply take your tape measure and you use it you stand it on its edge and you measure on the seam line you measure on the seam line you measure on the seam line not out here at the edge seam line which is one quarter inch so we'll measure it both ways and see if we get the same answer standing on its edge and walking around 14 and a half is what i get with the tape measure let's see what we get with the wheelie-dealie start at zero and roll isn't that fun sometimes on certain fabrics it doesn't want to roll this one comes up with 14. didn't this one come up with 14 and a half well 14 and a quarter that time i'm telling you you can get a different measurement 20 times keep measuring whatever you're measuring i don't care what it is measure until you get the same answer twice i'm going around again 14 and a quarter so i got that twice on that let's measure with this again how do i know if i'm at the quarter inch i'm pretty good at judging a quarter inch all right now that came out a little less than 14 that time that's kind of strange isn't it roll away roll away roll away your blues 14. all right i've come up with 14 twice with this so we're going to double that because this is in half so we've got a 28 inch neckline that's a pretty big neckline 28 inch neckline so i am going to take 28 inches times 7 8. 28 inches times 7 8 28 times 7 8 that's linda's way and then we'll try judy kessinger's way is to take 28 minus one equals 27 minus one half inch seam is 26. so we would end up with 26 inches of binding on judy kessinger this is judy's linda's his take the whole neckline times 7 8. so i'm going to go get the answer for that i'll be right back here's the figures linda's way you end up with 24 and a half inches of a circle for your binding well actually we haven't taken a seam allowance in it yet so if you take a quarter inch seam allowance out of that you're going to end up with 24 inches now judy's minus one inch minus a half inch seam allowance we're going to end up with 26 inches going we're going to end up with a bigger a bigger circle for the binding here so i think i'll just fall in between the two i think i'll go with 25. and then when i take a quarter inch i'll end up with 24 and a half like that yeah i think i'll cut 25 inches and use the two systems you do whatever you want to 24 and a half or 26. we'll see hi you can't be eating a pretzel my face has cleared up no sneezing no coughing no runny nose no puffy eyes it's just gone so obviously i'm not allergic to this room i think i need to move a bed in this room just never leave it okay here's my band i've cut my band two inches with the biggest stretch going sideways this way this is going to go around my neck i have marked it into fourths there's a fourth that seam line is a fourth there's a fourth you have to find something to mark that you can see i use chalk on this so i have that in force then you take your top and you put it in force so the first thing you do is you find center front and center back that's very easy to do you just fold it in half i have a pin here at center i have a pin here at center now i want you to notice on the top of those sleeves where the center with the fourth is you would think it would be here in the middle somewhere but it's not it's way over there at the side what you do is you take center front center back line those up with each other and then you flatten out the garment and that's how you find your other quarters and they're never where you think they're going to be i can tell you that [Laughter] amazing huh i'm going to take this band i'm going to sew it to the right side the directions tell you to sew to the wrong side i'm not doing that and i'm not folding my band in half i'm keeping it flat i'm going to take the part with the seam allowance and i'm going to line it up with center back peggy sagers always lines hers up with the side seam with the shoulder seam i don't i don't like it over there i don't want it over there they sew it to the wrong side we're not doing it that way we're sewing it to the right side so right side i'm going to start at the back center back right side of this to the right side of the garment i'm going to pin it at the one quarter mark which is center back you have to be careful how you do this you have to arrange it so it can go all the way around the right direction you'll know if you got it on there wrong but i start in the center back all right so that's the first quarter so i have it pinned right there to the first quarter right sides together this is the wrong side this is the wrong side now i'm going to come right around here to the front and i'm going to put the two fronts together the front of the band and it likes to twist and turn and be all crazy so the front of the band right sides together you have your little quarter marks so this is one of the quarters so now i have the center front and the center back marked the other two quarters are still floating we're going to come over to one of them match it up right sides together then let's go over to the last one right sides together there so that's that they're all pinned now i'm just going to stretch the band the band has to be smaller than the neck the band the circle the little skinny strip has to be smaller than the neckline and it is look here you can see that this part of the top is much longer than the band so i'm going to stretch it i'm going to stretch it so they meet each other then i'm going to grab it in the middle hold it even grab it in the middle hold it with your thumb and your finger put a pin there so that's halfway between two of the quarter pins see there so now i have three pins now we're going to go between two more of the quarter pins and we're going to stretch that till it's even we're going to grab it in the middle and we're going to mark we're going to pin it right there in the center of that distance what's that called an expanse there's a word for that i need viv boob knows all the words she knows all the hard words okay here we are quarter pin quarter pin stretch make them be the same you're actually stretching the band not the garment you're stretching the band to be as wide as the garment is okay another pin right in the middle on the quarter inch line i hope the camera is seeing this well here we are the last two quarter pins stretch grab it in the middle and pin you want the band to be smaller than your top or it's going to flip out like this it's just going to turn and flip when you make the band smaller it holds this edge into you holds it against you it's marvelous the way it works okay that looks really good so now i'm just gonna go sew and here's my chalk we're gonna sew a quarter inch we're gonna sew on the band all right let me show you you see my white marks that's where i'm going to sew right there all the way around our neck that's our neck we're going to sew all the way around one quarter inch and then i'll be back all right here's what we've got we have a long skinny strip sewn to the right side of the garment this is all extra we're getting going to be cutting off part of this all right so this is the back this is the front we are going to take this binding you can see there's my seam my seam i think it's a kind of a fat quarter it's almost 3 8 but not quite so that's our seam we are going to take this pull it up we're going to pull this strip straight up straight up straight up there's the inside we're going to roll it over that seam allowance so the seam allowance is still sticking up and it's going to stay in there see it and we're going to stitch right here in this ditch that's called what does judy kessinger call that the chanel trim she calls it so i guess somebody named chanel came up with it all right so we folded it around to the back we've covered the seam allowance and we're going to stitch right there in the ditch the ditch is the seam allowance between the two pieces this is center back you can tell by my seam there so we'll go around both there's the top of the arm we'll do the same thing there same thing all the way around so so so then what we'll do is we'll come back and we'll trim off we'll cut off the extra that we don't need all right that's judy cashing our fitness system way i'll come back and show you when i get it done so here we are now i have sewn all the way around just wrap this around the seam you can see my stitches because the thread's a different brown on the inside you can see my stitches i just stitched in the ditch see i stitched in the ditch you can't even see it all the way around i use an open toe foot so i can see i watch the needle i'll watch where the needle's going in and out i don't look at anything else just the needle going into that crease right there that ditch now you can see we've got this much fabric left over we don't need that it makes it easier to do the job though if you have that extra in there so what you do now is you get a good pair of scissors that cuts this isn't probably it and i i hold it i fold the neck man part back and then i flip this extra out then i put my fingers underneath it so i can feel the scissors and that they're on top of my see see my hand there they're on top of my hand and so i can feel the scissor tip in there and i can tell where i'm cutting and the band the neck band stays there see you can see how i've trimmed it right there so it's just and you're sewing with knit and it doesn't ravel that's the beauty of knit that's part of the beauty of it i haven't tried this on yet i hope it looks good i'm going to finish cutting this off all this extra here all this extra i'm going to cut it off the whole way around then i'm going to try it on and i'll be back fast huh fast all i have to do is put a hem in the bottom and hem the sleeves you guys might want the sleeves a little bit shorter but i like mine i like mine just below my elbows three quarters actually like clear down to here but i like mine shorter so do you think it looks good with my brown leggings remember first came the leggings second came the raglan sleeve top i'm so glad i used the brown in it instead of the cream color i can't see what i look like so little bitty bitty bitty me in the screen finder viewfinder not a screen finder a viewfinder so i think you can see where the seams are that i've been showing you and how simple the hardest part and it isn't even hard is to finish the neckline and you know i just steam a seam these hems up half an inch with steam a seam and then sew them i think the back was caught i love this top i love it i love the style of it it's raglan sleeves and i have four five six of these i bought 15 years ago pennies and i still wear them sometimes and every time i wear one you'll see that's my favorite top you look so good in that top so i promise you you can make it i promise you if you have any problems just email me tell me i need your email i'll tell you what it is you can email me and i'll help you you can send me a picture i'll help you any way i can but if you're just learning to sew i would highly recommend the leggings pattern and this pattern both by daily here they are we have jaylee ragland top and jaylee clara leggings they both make you could make both of these easily easily in one day you could make both of these once you get your patterns now it takes me days to get my patterns the way i want them i may have made the leggings two or three times before i figured out exactly what size i wanted this i just did once so hey spend your time doing something you love it really really helps with your well-being with your happiness level i am so so blessed that i have this amazing sewing room i didn't start out with this my friends i started out in a little bitty rent house i couldn't afford curtains i had a a picture several videos back where i showed you an orange jumpsuit i used to wear and i was embarrassed i saw the window and i thought oh my god i've got the dish towel hanging up in the window oh no that i had dish towels on the window or i had a sheet over the window or a rug anything i could find yeah my husband had run off to be a drug addict and left me raising a little girl all by myself and um you all know that story but look at me now look at me now god is faithful god is so faithful do you all know joyce meyer oh you know you think you have it rough you think you have it rough until you hear other people's stories and you think ah i am so so ashamed of myself that i ever complained ever complained some people have it so devastatingly hard i don't know how they make it through but i do know how they make it through two god god helps them and the number one key how am i getting off on this when i'm doing a sewing video just turn me off and i can tell you this number one key to a happy marriage number one key to a happy family is forgiveness forgiveness ah i was upset with jerry yesterday about something jerry's got the patience of job and he's way way way more patient than i am and he bought something a year and a half ago because the people that are remaining our building wanted to have different kinds of thermostats well i just got away from telling all the different thermostats i can buy jerry said oh that's okay i'll just get them i'll get them for them and they can pay me later so he bought these thermostats they were like three four hundred dollars and they've been sitting there at our store all this time and those people never got anybody to put them in so jerry comes in yesterday and says oh i've got to go to the store there's problems with the thermostats air conditioner man didn't know what to do so i'm going to go down there i'm going to install those myself i said what i said are those thermostats that that other company was supposed to pay for he said well yeah but they haven't paid for them yet what do you mean i haven't paid for them yet i said when did you buy those he said a year and a half ago said and i just went crazy i said that's just insane i've got to call him myself what's his phone number what's that email i'm writing my letter i'm calling him up but i'm going to tell him what i think there is horrible reference and jerry he's just used to me being a basket case so he just said whatever you want to do joy so he left and while he was gone i thought you know why do i let myself get upset like that we're not gonna go bankrupt we don't need that money we'll never miss it why why try to fix everything why am i such a a fixture person why do i think i have to take everything and make it right i don't know what that is about my personality but it's really annoying but i was so proud of myself i said joy you are not going to mention another word to jerry about those thermostats if they never pay a single penny ever ever ever you're never going to mention it again you're not going to bring it up and you are not going to be upset with him over it do you know my happy meter shot through the roof that stress left me that pressure left me i just let it go just like a hot air balloon up in the air so i don't know where to pay for him or not but whatever it's off my worry list what am i telling y'all or i have no idea i'm gonna finish making this if you all have any questions comment below and i'll be happy to answer them for you bye
Channel: Joy Bernhardt
Views: 6,432
Rating: 4.8978724 out of 5
Keywords: How to Make Raglan Top, Jalie Raglan Top, Jalie Clara Leggings, Joy Bernhardt, Sewing Raglan Tee, How to Sew Raglan Tee, How to Sew Jalie Raglan Top
Id: zCJyvVR-JUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 8sec (3548 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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