Why Dissertation & Thesis Writing Services Are A TERRIBLE Idea 🚨

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We get it. By the time you have reached  the final stage of your degree programme,   the dissertation or thesis can seem like a major  hurdle. Your battery is flat and the temptation   to hire someone to do a little writing for you is  understandable. The light at the end of the tunnel   is visible but you have got this seemingly  massive hurdle between you and the finish   line. It would not be such a bad thing to get  a little help in the form of a writing service,   right? Wrong, in this video, we will unpack six  reasons why you should never consider using a   dissertation or thesis writing service not even  for a chapter or two. These reasons range from   ethical which you may or may not care about  to practical which you will definitely care   about. If you are feeling even a little  tempted you definitely need to watch on. Reason number one it is blatant academic  misconduct. Despite what the well-polished   dissertation writing websites might tell you  if your dissertation or thesis is written by   anyone other than yourself even partially that  constitutes academic misconduct plain and simple.   Yes, you can get guidance and review-based support  from a dissertation coach and generally you can   even outsource non-essential tasks such as  transcription, editing and proofreading to   a professional but the actual writing must be  your own work. So what are the consequences of   academic misconduct you may ask? Well, this will  vary between universities but academic misconduct   in the form of having someone else write your  dissertation for you will usually result in your   entire degree being revoked. Yeah, you heard that  right. Your entire degree it does not matter that   you completed your assignments reports and exams  on your own your entire degree will evaporate.   So if you decide to hire a dissertation writing  service you will be risking the many years' worth   of work you have put into your degree. To make it  even worse some universities will go so far as to   blacklist you and share the information with  other universities which will make your life   really difficult if you ever try to apply  for another degree programme elsewhere. One   more thing to keep in mind your university can  initiate an investigation at any point in the   future if there is any reason for them to suspect  that you have cheated the system. This means that   your degree can get revoked many years after you  have received it. So just because you can get   away with it and receive your certificate  now does not mean you are set for life. Reason number two cheating the system can amount  to fraud. If the thought of getting blacklisted   for academic misconduct does not scare you off  the idea of committing fraud should. But how   does a little rule-bending in university amount  to fraud? Well, the primary reason that most   people complete a degree is to gain employment  or to improve their current employability.   Of course, employers do not make their  decisions based purely on your qualifications   but your education is always an important factor  in the recruitment process. So if your degree was   gained in part by cheating you would be using  illegitimate documentation in other words your   degree to earn money. Disagree? Well, here  is the Oxford dictionary definition of fraud.   Fraud, the wrongful or criminal deception  intended to result in financial or personal gain.   Sound familiar? Naturally different countries  and employers will take different views on this   but there is a very real risk that if you  are caught at any point in the future by   your employer they will have a clear  case of misrepresentation against you   at best or fraud at worst. That is not going to  be fun especially if you earned a law degree. Reason number three you will probably be caught.  The biggest misconception we see among students   who are considering using a dissertation or thesis  writing service is that they genuinely think they   will not get caught. But my writer has a PhD  but this company has loads of positive reviews,   oh, but my friend knows someone who did it and it  worked. Okay, yeah, here is the thing universities   know all about these types of services and many  institutions dedicate resources to detecting them,   especially for dissertations and theses as these  are the crowning jewel of any degree. In fact,   it is really quite easy for a university to  see when things look fishy and ultimately   catch you out. For a start, a dissertation usually  involves supervisor interaction and involvement.   That supervisor works with you and as a result,  can easily spot any inconsistencies in writing and   communication style. They can also easily assess  whether you understand what you have written   when they speak with you in real-time. All it  takes is one little contradiction to arouse   their suspicions. Ultimately a research project  like a dissertation or thesis is an ongoing dance   between you and your supervisor or advisor or  chair. There is simply no way to incorporate an   outsourced dissertation rider who is often sitting  on the other side of the world into this party   without someone smelling a rat. The love triangle  just does not work. Also if you have to present an   oral defence as part of your project you will  almost certainly get caught out at that stage   as the examiners will dig into the finer details  of your research and ask you probing questions   that you probably will not be able to answer.  If any suspicions arise your university can   easily compare your previous written work, for  example, your assignments and reports to your   forged dissertation and identify the  inconsistencies both in terms of the   language and the overall quality of the work. They  can also ask to review your data sources. Many   universities will require this by default which  you will not be able to provide since dissertation   writing services do not typically undertake  any real data collection. Long story short,   do not make the misguided assumption that  you will not get caught chances are you will. Reason number four the work probably will not  even be pass worthy. This one is pretty simple   as the saying goes if you pay peanuts you  get monkeys. Undertaking quality research   and writing up a quality dissertation or thesis  requires a significant time investment and a   substantial amount of effort. There is simply  no way around that. So you cannot realistically   expect quality work from a dissertation mill that  promises a document in a week or two sometimes   even a few days at a rock bottom price. Sadly  we have seen it so many times students approach   us at Grad Coach after they have paid anything  from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars   to some supposedly highly ranked dissertation  writer then they receive a piece of work that is   nowhere near pass worthy. In their despair, they  reach out to us to try to help put the proverbial   lipstick on the pig. Needless to say, that is an  impossible task. The bottom line is that you get   what you pay for and sometimes not even that.  No self-respecting PhD holder is going to pump   out dissertations and theses for a minimum wage  and with impossible timelines. Moreover, anyone   that has been through the pain of earning a PhD,  a real one, would have major ethical objections to   engaging in this type of work. It fundamentally  goes against the purpose of academia.   Helping people develop knowledge and skills,  knowledge and skills which you will also   be missing out on by the way. So if you  do decide to hire a dissertation writer   there is a very good chance you are going to end  up with a piece of work that is nowhere near the   quality level it needs to be which means you have  achieved nothing, wasted a pile of money and you   are back to square one and that is a relatively  good outcome especially compared to the next one. Reason number five there is a good chance it is a  scam. If you thought getting a low-quality piece   of writing was bad imagine this not getting  anything at all. Very often these writing   services fall into the if it looks too good to be  true it is not category. Over the years we have   had numerous students approach us after falling  victim to a dissertation writing service scam.   Generally, it is the companies and  websites that offer really low rates   and or promise suspiciously quick turnaround times  but it can happen with any level of provider.   These students then find themselves in a really  tough position they have spent all their money on   a scam and have made absolutely zero progress  towards a submission-worthy dissertation or   thesis. But this company has over a thousand  reviews on Facebook you say. Come on do not be   fooled by the glowing reviews remember you are  looking at the reviews of a company whose core   business is creating fake documents. Simply put  if you are going to hire someone that helps you   scam your university do not be surprised if  you end up being the one getting scammed. Last but not least reason number six.  You will have to live with it forever.   Okay, so let us just assume that somehow you do  get away with it somehow you manage to find a   reliable company that is not a scam that produces  a semi-decent dissertation without any interaction   with your supervisor and does not trigger any  alarm bells with your supervisor or examiners.   As we have already said this is highly unlikely  but let us just assume that somehow you managed   to do it even if you managed to pull that off  you will still have to live with the lie for   the rest of your life. There is no rewinding  the clock or making it right at a later stage.   Now perhaps that does not seem like a major  thing right now but your perspective will   likely change as you get older and imposter  syndrome will creep in. So keep that in mind.   As you get older your ethical perspectives  will change and you will have no option to   reverse the decision you made and set it  right. You will always have the weight of   deception on your shoulders and you will always  be wondering if one day you will get caught.   That is a burden you do not want to be  carrying around for the rest of your days. All right if you have put in the effort to  watch this far I am hoping you have come   to see the light and realised that hiring any  sort of dissertation or thesis writing service   is the worst decision you could possibly  make regardless of the circumstances.   If you have got any questions, be sure to  leave a comment below and we will do our   best to reply. Also, hit that subscribe button  for weekly tips and advice to help you craft   your dissertation thesis or research project the  legitimate way. Lastly, if you are looking for   hands-on ethical help be sure to check out  our one-on-one private coaching service   where we hold your hand throughout the research  process step by step. For more information and   to book a free initial consultation visit  gradcoach.com. Until next time good luck.
Channel: Grad Coach
Views: 9,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dissertation writing service, thesis writing service, dissertation writing, thesis writing, writing a dissertation, writing a thesis, how to write a dissertation, how to write a thesis
Id: I-bkTg7UdtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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