Why Did This Tesla Owner Switch to Lucid Air?

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hi i'm joy i just came home from an event called zero run organized by will and marty of tesla club socal this was to raise awareness of all electric vehicles not just tesla we did a rally i think we had about 70 cars and we drove 50 miles i believe from santa clarita supercharger all the way up to ojai supercharger we had lunch there and we had raffle prices and everybody just hung out and had a wonderful time among us of course the majority of us were teslas but there was somebody that joined the rally with a pulse star 2 and a lucid air i have not been inside a lucid before so i took this opportunity to interview the owner of the lucid and to have him show us why he likes lucid why he bought this car and he was actually a tesla owner as well so check it out okay so ian i'm here with tesla joy i'm so excited i'm honored yeah hi i'm ian i'm a tesla toulouset and uh this is my lucid oh my goodness and this is number one lucid air so we call it aristotle oh interesting and this is the 14th one right this is number 14 on every door sill of the dream edition you'll find the actual number and uh so but this was the first dozen that were off the lot so i was actually the third car that pulled off wow how long ago did you get it uh october 30th wow so it's uh coming up well it's been six months since you've had it they flew us up they put us in hotels vip everything that's amazing yeah cool so yeah yes please show me the car uh these things here pull down of course you're gonna be able to get your seats to go down so it go 100 60 40 or pass through oh uh there's a clam shell so it's very wide open and then there's more storage down here and this is the most boring part of the whole tour let's get that out of the way yeah tesla to lose it so you were a tesla owner as well uh original roadster wow original s original x three y and now loose it okay so these things go open 90 degrees all the way open oh wow i like it huge yes back seats you're going to see two tone the back seats are light color the front seats are dark color [Music] oh i see that you're gonna see wool this is wolf wow yeah this is this yeah definitely luxury definitely definitely really luxurious wow [Music] this is great the back just eats good questions and what is this this is uh to open the door oh that's to open the door you could do it like that it's electronic or if you pull it all the way it'd be mechanical got it got it new car smells better than that and oh it also has cameras on the side oh 36 different cameras 36. okay yeah it's okay yeah it's okay it's okay that's right is it okay if i uh turn off the music real quick yeah thank you oops wrong one push back sorry i i press the rump button you push back on this thing oh so that's how you yeah exactly so uh another thing you have is you have a lot of hard buttons yeah and i understand elon is trying to put everything in software but in the meantime i still like heart buttons like so for instance what i just did was i turned down the music with this little scrolling button right here okay also air conditioning so if you want to go up or you want to go down oh i see temp yeah so it's going to show you have air high or air low right put it down because it'll be too loud right and then the temperature so another couple hard buttons that are there also air conditioning vents you know again i come from tesla so i know what they're doing with putting it in the software which is a great idea but sometimes you're on the road you want to be fun some with this so it's nice to have a party okay and um so is it this one just a touch screen or these are touch screens as well yeah so this is touch screen okay it's called instrument control right this is the cockpit panel okay co-pilot the pilot panel this one goes away oh wow so you have more storage back here that is cool yeah yeah i like it and uh so it's a little bit of personality i don't think i think you actually saw the 360 go on yeah yeah when when i press this yeah there you go that's right let's see so that when the doors are closed you're gonna see everything you know let's close the doors okay if you're cool with that you wanna sit in the back all right also it has um soft yeah we do so it's soft controlled soft closed so all i have to do is just get it oh and it sucks yeah so here i'll try to put a little warmer on for you okay thank you um but so you can see the people walking over there yep right but let's move it around oh cool all right let's look in the front yeah and there's junior yeah so where where is this camera like there's all these cameras and the software's putting it together to figure out stitches yeah it stitches exactly okay so if i turn that off and there's another thing we have is power front yeah and then we have power closed which i won't do because he's gonna yeah he's gonna do a front look at this you're getting actual videos i know of a front page picture so this is like the this is the making of a funk um i can't even say that the making of it so do they call that a frunk as well okay okay okay and uh i'll show i'll show it to you in a sec but it's very deep it's really deep like it's so deep wow okay so it's huge and like i said yeah front power standard up and down okay so um so this is for the driver and this is mainly for the passenger sure well they have drive modes right smooth swift or sprints okay and with the sprint is gonna be my maximum power that i'm going to be able to pull out of it by the way i'm happy to open the windows you know the doors again if you guys want to get some air right um actually we can i think this one yeah there we go oh you can put the air on yeah um so you have different drive modes at night you have different themes for all the different colors so you would get you know escape want the blue where you want the the red or the oh i see like like the ambient the ambient thing yeah ambient lights massage for the seats wow yeah you're going to be able to do different types of that driver and passenger that's going to work for you while you're okay you're getting it there we'll get you up strong we'll start to massage oh i'm feeling it huh yep wow and this is luxury so a lot of like these little extras that are going into it yes um up here so you have your home button and then you have this would be navigation yeah and then this would be your music right and music uh has dolby atmos okay so the music sound quality is amazing yeah i know that's probably nothing we're gonna show you right now yeah but i have uh i have sound system at home that that plays apple so i so you're familiar yes yeah um and i also have spotify on it and uh yeah a bunch of other stuff as well that's very cool so um it also does over-the-air updates right ota updates okay and how how often does it update um i got one about every week or two for a while and now it's been about maybe three or four weeks since i left okay in the beginning the updates came hot and heavy because you know they were yeah working out the bugs yeah yeah and the software still has something to be done the hardware on this car from day one amazing software is continuing to be approved yeah definitely definitely and does this have uh like autopilot similar to what tesla has yeah it's gonna be called dream drive so it has a version of it but nothing like tesla at this point okay but it's going it's getting there okay yeah so it's starting to learn neural network and things like that it's gonna be called dream drive dream drive yeah that's gonna be their autopilot and um how how long does it take you to charge at electrify america like how often do you charge i guess yeah so uh so like i said 520 miles on a charge and uh at an electrify america 350 i can get in 20 minutes 300 miles wow so it does go up to 350. oh yeah yeah 300 it's 350 kilowatt charging speed this is a 150 right here okay so but they have three 350s yeah i have a standard range three and i can only charge two yeah maybe 150 no no sure please yeah yeah wow so yeah how compared to like tesla what do you like better about the lucid yeah it's hard to to say you know which kid do you like better so i try not to do that i think tesla is an amazing company i i put down my first deposit in 2006. yeah i've had the original roadster the s the x uh the three and the y so yeah i've had them all i've enjoyed the ride um but i wanted to go to the next level the luxury on this is amazing yes um going 150 miles an hour which i probably shouldn't have been on a video is just they it still wants more okay it's so smooth on five yeah and maybe i was in germany on the autobahn when i say yeah and is there some anything that you miss from tesla uh the software and the software is really great okay i don't miss i think the tesla has a rougher ride this this is a smoother ride it's more luxury in here yeah but i i think i missed the software which i know i knew the journey that i was going to come on when i was going to be one of the first dozen to get the car and the people at lucid trusted me with that journey because they know that i'm providing feedback all the time the same way i did with tesla with every one of their cars so okay i'm happy to i remember that i mean if you really sat elon down he's going to tell you that the whole reason they started tesla was not to make money but was to help the journey and transition all of us to this sustainable type of transportation so we are here in lucid because of the alarm exactly uh and so and in fact these last two years i can't even keep up with how many electric vehicles are on the road now because of tesla exactly and by the way tesla is here because of something called ev1 which has its own tragic story uh revenge of the electric car is an amazing movie if you haven't seen it but uh elon's in that and it tells that journey so yeah yeah awesome so do you still own tesla cars i own the stock i bought it at 17. okay so you got rid of 17 17. that's right that is as in 17 the original share so when my wife wants something nice i'm like okay let's sell some okay so you no longer own tesla cars um my daughter has a three okay okay so i'm still okay protesting okay awesome well thank you so much ian for showing me just impromptu thank you thank you thank you all right so ian i forgot when we were sitting there how fast does your car go zero to sixty zero to sixty's 2.4 second with the lucid launch wow which is like any roller coaster again i've been in a plaid that's amazing i've been in the ravens before that amazing so on par five i think it's like 5 500 pound car yeah yeah it's just something to be uh everybody should experience that and realize why they don't need it but they want it that's right thank you that was pretty cool right i am just so happy that there are so many different choices of electric vehicles out there now thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video i will see you next time and god bless
Channel: Tesla Joy
Views: 369,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, lucid air, lucid motors, lucid electric car, lucid ev, lucid dream edition, lucid air review, lucid air dream edition, lucid air dream edition review, lucid air car, lucid air dream vs tesla model s plaid, lucid motors car, lucid motors review, lucid car, lucid car interior, lucid car vs tesla, lucid or tesla, lucid air or tesla, lucid air or model s, lucid air tesla plaid, lucid air tesla killer, lucid vs tesla, lucid air vs tesla, lucid air dream edition vs tesla
Id: 7oz0PEFLh6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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