Lucid Air Owner's Review

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[Music] we build cars that inspire both heart and mind we are lucid [Music] [Music] after driving electric vehicles for eight years i knew i could never go back to gas i also knew that it was time for something different something more luxurious something new this is the lucid air dream edition p there's a lot of preconceived notions and comments out there about this car but very little from owners so i put my money where my mouth is and three months and 3 000 miles later let me tell you whether buying this was a six figure mistake so if you've never heard of lucid you're probably not alone they're a relatively new company they actually got their start as ativa a company that made battery packs and powertrains for formula e and other eevee makers so they've got a name and reputation for evs and performance and a lot of ways that's the allure of this car they've taken everything great about evs made them a bit more luxurious added a bit more performance and given it a style that i think is really unique so looking at lucid there's a lot of cars in the airline this one is the dream edition you know hence all of this it was a limited edition run of around 520 cars it's broken up into two different versions you had the dream edition p for performance which i have then it was a dream edition r that gave you max range over 520 miles on that version this guy though is a lot about performance so 1 11 horsepower and with the 21-inch wheels about 450 miles of range so ton of performance and also a ton of range to go with it but again this being a limited edition car it's helping set the stage for the rest of the lucid airs that are going to come as the price starts to go downstream now that this run is over the top of the line is going to be their air gt and it's going to filter all the way down over the next 18 24 months to the air pure ultimately should start just under 80 000 so i'm going to talk a ton about design but broadly this is actually tied for the most aerodynamic car ever made with a coefficient of drag of 0.21 it's actually tied with the mercedes-benz eqs which as a reminder looks like this so when you look at the lucid air it was all about aerodynamics and how the aerodynamics can be used to maximize range i know it's kind of counterintuitive to have a car that's aerodynamic with giant 21-inch wheels but it was a contradiction i was at peace with but everything on this car from the hood scoops to the lights to the reason it's a trunk and not a hatchback was done with aerodynamics and efficiency in mind a big question i get from anybody who asked me about it is why i would choose to spend this much money to get a car from a company that's never made a car before and that carries inherent risks and as we get through this video you'll hear my answer but hopefully if you decide if a lucid air any of the versions are right for you you'll get an answer for yourself as well when it comes to a car the question of worth at least to me starts with the drive so let's do that first [Music] this is the best driver's car that i've i've ever driven i've not driven every car out there but in my experience this is the best car what's striking is the differences between the drive modes when i'm driving in smooth it feels like a mercedes like i'm driving on a cloud and that's despite it not having air suspension it just uses a coil suspension uh but it does it feels really good when i switch it into swift so i'm getting access to more of the horsepower here i believe it's 800 or so horsepower you get with that and it starts to tighten things up a little bit so you get the more power you can feel the steering tighten up a little bit and it drives more like a sports car and it's incredibly fun to drive this is the mode that i prefer to have it in what i'm driving but if i'm feeling especially uh saucy you can go ahead and put it into sprint and and ask you a couple questions make sure you really do want to do that and know that you are sort of unleashing the full 1100 horsepower the best part of you don't notice much of a difference when you're driving normally in swift versus sprint uh but where you do notice the difference and where the difference is the most apparent is things like this [Music] and i'm just gonna say that you do not feel the speed in this car like you feel the acceleration you get thrown back you don't realize how fast you are going i i don't think like a roller coaster is the best way to describe that i i don't know how to describe it being in the car but my wife made me promise that i would never floor it again um in sprint with her in the car so it's fast it's really like insanely uh insanely fast obviously with any car the more power you have the less efficient it's going to be whether it's electric or gas and this is no exception but where lucid i think is differentiating itself from everybody else is the miniaturization of the electric motors themselves so this is a dual motor cars obviously there's two of them but they shrunk these things down they actually could fit in a little overhead suitcase he'd put on an airplane they've gotten them that small that lets them be more efficient and also leaves more room for battery cells so smaller more efficient motor plus room for more cells means more range without sacrificing performance so this being the performance model with the bigger wheels it's certainly not like the range king of the lucid line generally though i charge it to 80 and that's like a solid 380 miles and it's actually a pretty good representation of the actual miles that i get it's the range estimate changes based on how you drive but i've gotten really close to that [Music] so being a new car first car from a new company i expected some creaks and rattles on the drive especially when i was going you know at high speeds i don't have that at all this car drives like a car for manufacture it's been around for a lot of years i'm really just impressed by how tight everything is i also really love the steering wheel it's like a big chunky boy with a flat bottom and it feels awesome in the hand also a really pleasant surprise too was visibility out the front is really really good there's some giant a-pillars here but i don't have any blind spot issues at all and if i did have any blind spot issues when i put on my turn signal for example put on right here i get a camera that'll show me what's in that blind spot i know it's things other cars have first time i've really had it in a car and i absolutely love it said i've been driving electric cars for eight years so i rely heavily on regenerative braking that's i've kind of gotten to the one pedal driving um this is heavy cards like around 6 000 pounds so there's two regenerative braking settings the high one is really really strong uh what i do like about it is you don't feel a difference between the regenerative braking and then like the actual friction brakes so there's no like weird brake feel at all with something i've really enjoyed and i've experienced sort of other evs the brakes are really good here you can tell this car was designed by car people people who like to drive cars and that's seen throughout the drive seen throughout the pedal experience the steering wheel visibility handling suspension everything this car was designed by people who love cars so being a modern ev it does get over there updates and in my about two-ish months of ownership i've had seven ota updates so the company is pushing them out really fast and i've already seen things change my very first over there update they asked me to make sure it was not connected to wi-fi and make sure it was not plugged in which seemed weird and then in subsequent updates it was okay being on wi-fi and then make sure it wasn't plugged in and now you can just do your updates any way you want so we're seeing things change really quickly and the software team seems to be pushing out updates very very fast one of the big selling points about the lucid day really any of them is dream drive and dream drive pro and ultimately what that's going to be on the pro side is some level of autonomy three level four you know that's sort of the vision of ultimately we will get there but this car has the sensors and the hardware at least allegedly to do that so it's got 32 sensors 14 cameras and one of those sensors being actually lidar built into the car and when i bought the car and i knew it when i went in no dream drive features were active about two and a half weeks later over their update came and hit and suddenly dream drive was working and what that brought with it was adaptive cruise control it started reading uh speed limit signs and a lot of driver safety features started working i think that's the beauty of these cars these computers on wheels is that software updates come that not only refine what's there fix bugs but also can't unlock new features so the way it's activated is pretty much the left side of the steering wheel so i've got a button right here i'll push display in the center stack will change showing me the cars the next button if i want to i could adjust the follow length to make it you know two three four car length difference and then this jog guy right here i push it in dream drive is now enabled so it's going to go down recognize the speed limit so i'm going over the speed limit so it's red right there is the speed that i'm going and then i can go up or down to be that that i want it works very well it's very encouraging too to see how well this works to think about what dream drive pro is going to be ultimately when that starts to come and it's you know more of the lane keep assist type of autonomy when it comes to evs i think charging is the biggest concern question that people have especially if it's their first ev so when i charge this guy most of my charging is done at home i've got a nema 1450 outlet that i've used for previous evs it came with the mobile charger literally just plug it in and plug it into the car and i get about 31 to 32 miles per hour on the charge so overnight is not an issue it also comes with three free years of electrify america charging um so i can pull into a electrify america station literally just pull it out plug it in and it'll do all the payment stuff on its own i get a zero dollar receipt i had a chance to test that and i was actually really impressed with the speed but the question mark theirs are the stations going to work are they labeled properly will they be available there's obviously other public charging options out there and for road trips i think that's a big concern i'm not a giant road trip guy i've only done really a few in my life but i would not have concerns with a range of 450 miles that i could find a public station to juice up for 10-20 minutes this guy's theoretically one of the fastest charging evs on the market it can take i believe up to 300 kilowatts i charge at a 150 kilowatt electrify america station and i got about 100 miles in 10 minutes which for my mind was really good really quick and in 20 minutes i could be on my way to 200 miles [Music] so i obviously i got a lot of questions about why i decided to go for a lucid air and the one of the biggest ones is why i went for a lucid air as opposed to a tesla model s plaid which is you know on the outside a pretty comparable car um so there's a few reasons that i decided to make that choice first i've been driving tesla's for eight years i had one in the original model s's back in 2013 i had a model x and i had a model three i knew that i wanted to stay electric but i really just wanted to look at something different i just wanted to try something different for different sync and i was drawn to the luxury side of lucid and i think that was something in waters that tesla isn't competing in right now the model s is an amazing car and amazing driver's car but a luxury car it is not it offers some luxury features but the interior at least to me don't scream luxury so i decided to try something very different to look like it was competing in different waters and that was kind of what drew me to the lucid and then the other reason it's hard to fit three kids with car seats in the back of a model s three adults maybe both car seats it is really tight and the leg room in the back of a model s is not as big as you would expect so that brought me to it brought me to lucid so being a new car company service is a concern every car is going to dean's service at some point in my first four weeks of ownership i had service come out five times and don't misinterpret that as there were giant catastrophic issues with the car this was a company that was still learning how to do service there was nothing giant that needed to be done or fixed they were still learning how to fix it and since my car was one of the first that was out there they kept coming back to make sure that the steps and procedures were being documented properly the main issue that ended up having was uh some software wasn't updating properly with over-the-air updates and one of the camera modules just needed a firmware update on its own but being a company that's competing in a luxury space they wanted to make sure service experience was as smooth as possible and that this experience especially was going to be positive so i ended up getting a phone call directly from lucid ceo peter rollinson which i'll talk about more they actually took my car for two weeks up to their headquarters northern california to look at it to make sure everything was working perfectly but also to reevaluate how they do service and i knew being a new company that these bumps were to be expected but that doesn't mean that this amount of service five times in the first five-ish weeks of ownership should be tolerated having been in the ev space and driving evs for eight years it wasn't a surprise but anybody coming over from a luxury internal combustion company or internal combustion car this would have been a very jarring probably disappointing experience but my expectation is any new lucid buyers won't have to go through those growing pains and i feel really confident about that after getting my car back on how good and reliable it's been but it did make for a very interesting you know first four to six weeks of ownership one thing that's still lingering the back of my head so my service experience was frequent uh but overall very positive you know again going back to even peter rollins and calling me but i don't know that typical owner's experience or if i got any sort of preferential treatment because i have a platform my hope is that it's the former and that would be the same treatment that any customer who bought a lucider would be but i don't want everybody use that example as what their experience might be because there's a chance that maybe i got some special treatment and maybe others wouldn't receive so i'm gonna pull into the spot right here but i do want to talk about some software stuff one of the coolest things is 360 camera you can spin it around you can see different views while you're driving which is kind of a neat thing to uh to see there there's also a lot that leaves questions and things i don't understand uh let's start the navigation so the navigation is actually really good advantage of the 5k display it looks beautiful and crisp and i love it what i don't like is hearing the navigation lady tell me to make a left turn ahead i just want to look down and see the directions as of miss filming i have no way to mute that lady as i find myself not using this otherwise really wonderful gps seems like a very weird software mission so obviously software it's like a giant part of this car and i'm going to talk way more about it but i'm not going to linger on it too much by the time you watch this video there's probably been like six or seven probably more software updates that have come out because it's always changing and always evolving but before i get to my final thoughts on the software let's talk about the interior so the first thing you notice when you sit in the car is that 34 inch 5k display uh is striking and you can tell the resolution is really high uh 5k is probably at least 1k unnecessary but it does make it just look really high quality uh you're also drawn immediately to this pilot panel this secondary display that'll interact uh with this touchscreen here on the right uh but sitting in the car luxury is the big question so how does this stack up with the s-class of the world and it had to stack up with the luxury of the eevee world which i think would be the eqs that's the most luxurious eevee out there so the seats are incredibly comfortable their high bolster on the side making them feel slightly sporty they're supportive in all the right areas from the side or the touchscreen pretty much every control you would want for a seat you can control to get it almost perfect i love the fact that they've got full massaging functions built in i like that i can adjust the headrests it's a really comfortable place to be but it's not as comfortable as an s-class and the seats aren't as lush and luxurious as eqs are it kind of straddles the line between luxury and performance i think it does a really nice job with those so those are the positives but again having owned this car not everything is perfect let's start with the wireless charger so there are two slots down here in the center console for phones first you would assume both of them could wirelessly charge your phone you would be wrong only the one on the left does and it does it like marginally i tested this with six different phones and out of the six different phones it barely worked i don't know if the coils are small you have to adjust it just the right way but my daily driver is an iphone 13 pro max which pretty much you can't use with this wireless charger i don't know if it's too big you can't use it with any cases at all no matter where you have it lined up once you put a phone in you have to kind of do a dance to figure out exactly where it's supposed to be you should be able to take your phone slide it in no matter what phone it is and it should charge and you can't do that here with the lucid air what you do have though are two usb ports one usb type-c and usb a so i have a mac safe puck that i use to charge my car it's not the most elegant workaround and i shouldn't have to do it in a car this price but it does work to keep the phone charged so another very strange quirk of the car is a cup holders it's got two really nice size cup holders but they're right in front of the pilot panel so if you put in a water bottle and this may be his exaggerated example it's big but it blocks the pilot panel and if you've got two here and one in in each you have to kind of go around and these are buttons down here you have to hit all the time we're talking your climate controls your settings if you're on a 360 camera that's a strange design cue how you have to sort of work your hand around it something that you wouldn't think about unless you were driving a car but somebody who has coffee in the morning almost every morning it is a design flaw that i'm keenly aware of and what i'm reminded of on a daily basis so up here you've got 34 inches of 5k display there's a couple things that i really like about this car so like most modern evs that are pretty touch screen centric you can control a lot of stuff from the main screen but a lot of times it's hidden under menus so this screen on the left gives you quick controls for a lot of things that you might need now they're not things you're going to need while you're driving where you got to be distracted and look over i i had a short video on tick-tock and a lot of questions people had was like that seems inconvenient while driving well i'm not locking my car while i'm driving i'm not rolling down my charging port while i'm driving those are all the things that are here but i do like that they're quick controls and i can access them and also being software they could change they could be upgraded and updated over time which i really really dig in front of me is the main display it shows the general stuff you've got your miles per hour it'll read the speed limit it's where your dream drive settings will be in the middle show you some of your efficiency and distance since last charge so this is the main touch we can use to to interact with everything and it's a weird shape but it is very responsive and works well and then below is the pilot panel almost shortcuts to different settings but one of my favorite things is how these screens interact with each other so if i go to navigation for example and this works in a lot of different menus um you can use them together so anywhere that you see that little bar on the top or bottom you can drag it down so it might not be convenient to reach up here and type but it's way easier to have it down here so i could type in my destination that i want i can use this as a secondary display to see the overall route or if i don't want it i can just push it right up and again it works for almost all the settings including bluetooth audio phone calls and everything else it's just another way to see and interact the pilot panel is where a lot of the general interaction happens and i really like how it's laid out i wish there was more here but it does everything you need to do from the openings in the car which you can control the front and the trunk uh you can't control the doors from here the seats to control the settings your massage function different themes to control the led lights in here charging to precondition or set your charging limits your different drive modes here smooth swift and sprints you can adjust the steering wheel and the mirrors your glove box controls um your ac controls settings and then access to your 360 camera with this pilot panel uh kind of a cool surprise under here uh there's a bit of hidden storage so you'll notice that little arrow if i swipe up on that i get some storage back here i've got my glasses case and some masks and a cleaning cloth for the screen nice thing to have go ahead and pull that down and it'll come right back down it's completely unnecessary but i love it [Music] one area i think they absolutely nailed is the controls in the car even down to the weird trigger you have to unlock the door i love the way things feel and they're not relying only on the touchscreen to interact with the car so i've got redundant controls here i've got temperature controls for the driver temperature controls for the passenger i can control the fans i've got an actual analog volume knob too which i love it controls on the steering wheel here too so controls on the left for dream drive and this knob i really like how it feels it feels really high quality and you've got volume controls here track and then access to voice control which is done by alexa [Music] now in theory that sounds awesome and you would think that having that built into your car you could do a lot of amazing things like for example make phone calls text a friend that doesn't work as of this filming and i cannot figure out why uh it's supposed to work and according to lucid it should work all the bluetooth settings are set enabled all the settings for the assistant are enabled but if i wanted to for example call my wife call rebecca rettinger mobile calling with alexa is not supported on this device you can use the alexa app instead why have it in the car if i can't use it so i find myself having to reach over here and dial or just say hey siri or ok google and be able to do it that way i imagine alexa will get better not talking to you but right now it is more cumbersome and annoying than it is helpful now having said that my kids absolutely love doing trivia games and stuff when we're driving to school in the morning so there are definitely some positives that it has but like the very basic stuff that should make things easier doesn't work that well so software is my biggest gripe with the car but it's also the area that can be improved the easiest and they improved over the year so for example some issues i had with the car when i got it the massaging seats would time out i know that's like the most first world of of first world problems uh the responsiveness wasn't very fast on the software side i can use my phone as a key via the lucid app my phone wouldn't work as a key it wouldn't set up now software updates came and they addressed those issues which is nice to have but a lot of things that this car is going to be aren't there yet so software wise the big things missing are really the full suite of dream drive pro features so a lot of these semi-autonomous features and a big one for me that would fix a lot of my issues with the assistant is apple carplay compatibility and android auto are eventually coming they're worded very weird on lucid website it says compatible which screams like you're giving us an out if we don't ever deliver on it but that is a huge missing feature also oddly missing with these usb ports is any sort of data so if i wanted to plug in a thumb drive listen to music or perhaps use it one day for wired carplay or have that option it doesn't work and i imagine it's capable of doing it i'm just guessing but not there yet the software while usable and the software well helpful is not nearly as refined to the level of the competition sometimes finding settings can be cumbersome sometimes getting the car to remember things can be cumbersome for example if i set my profile i like to drive in swift when i get out of the car and come back the next day it's going to revert back to smooth automatically it should save all of those settings if i move my seat for example from the left side here and i don't use it from the seat settings an option doesn't pop up to save to my profile i have to go into seats and then save it it's small little things that need to evolve over time to think be a little more well-rounded and ultimately have this car compete for not only the tech but also in the luxury front probably one of the most surprising things about the car is how big it is on the inside so you know sitting here in the driver's seat this is my my comfortable spot but behind me i have a ton of room so if you have kids and need to fit three in the back you'll be able to fit three in the back here no problem i've got two booster seats and one car seat all three of those fit in the back without any issue but if you're carrying normal size adult or even tall adults you could very easily fit three across this is more rear-legger at least it feels to me than some of the biggest internal combustion sedans going it is almost limo style amount of room back there [Music] so i mentioned earlier in the video when i was talking about service that i got a phone call from peter rollins let me give you some backstory almost about a year ago i had a chance to go to one of the lucid flagship stores in beverly hills to look at the car kind of as it was getting debuted and unveiled and had a chance to meet peter rollins in there and he gave me a business card and i kept that business card and then as servers started becoming once two three four five times i sent him an email letting him know uh what was going on the parts that i enjoyed about the car and all fairness and the areas where i thought it'd be improvement and then to my surprise uh the next day i got a phone call uh from peter himself first you know thanking me for for buying the car and assuring me that the lucid team is taking the feedback seriously taking the issues that they discovered with my car very seriously and personally said they would make sure if they took my car for service it would be replaced while it was away with the exact same model of the lucid air dream edition again they're only 520 of these so they let me drive a white one version that i didn't have before of a lucid air dream performance one of 520 they brought down from los angeles um so i could have that for the two weeks my car was away um that was a pretty incredible customer service story and again i don't know if they would have done that for anybody i like to assume they would or maybe i got some preferential treatment uh but it did show the level of commitment that i got from a ceo and i came away feeling really positive about the brand the company had a direction and they knew where it was heading or was going and they were taking feedback from customers and consumers uh really serious [Music] so that's the interior of the lucid area it's a really comfortable place to be they did an incredible job with build quality and materials and there's still a ways to go when it comes to software but that's not the whole story about the lucid air [Music] i love the sauce blows so the design of the lucid air i think for the most part is relatively fresh but some things are familiar and that might be due to lucid ceo who depending on who you ask was either the lead engineer on the model s project or worked on the model s and a lot of the design here is again sort of unique to lucid now some online and i think probably rightfully so i've compared the design to looking let's say a little honda according but the design on evs is i think is very different than the design of regular gas cars these are designed for efficiency the more aerodynamic the car is the longer the range is going to be the first thing i noticed when i saw this car way back in pre-production form was those headlights are different they look really small and they are actually they're as far as i can understand the smallest headlights ever put in a car now it's not to say they aren't bright because they are crazy bright and they'll turn with you as you move the wheel but but smaller headlights mean less surface area for wind to butt up against it giving you more efficiency and somehow they still managed to have those headlights have a functional sort of air vent on top to cool them so these wheel designs especially on the 21s are unique to the dream editions now like a lot of aero wheels the plastic caps can be pulled out i've kept them on for efficiency and it looks kind of kind of growing on me i've gone back and forth on the two-tone design here it's not shiny like i might look in some of the pictures it's actually kind of a matte chrome but overall the design to me is elegant and beautiful and being an ev it's a cab forward design you don't need a huge cavity up front for an engine you could sort of save that space for interior room and lucid themselves to kind of describe the car as like mercedes e-class footprint with s-class room inside and that room also goes through for storage space so the frunk on this thing in addition to being powered which i really like is ginormous you even have a subfranc i'm actually using that even more than i'm using the trunk it locked on its own and if there's one area of the car that's controversial probably is that trunk so the aperture like the opening of it is weird i don't know how well subscribed to me it looks like a frog mouth uh lucid says they did that to make it easier to sort of load stuff in and out and it definitely is like functionally it is really good and really easy to get stuff in the trunk is also really big it's got a big sub trunk in there as well like a lot of evs do and this car being black it hides that frog mouth seam a lot better than maybe like the white one would so on the laundry list of concerns that i had buying like a new car from a new company was going to be the build quality i was really impressed with the fit and finish and build quality of this card now granted it was only a limited run of 520 and i would assume that pretty much most of this car was going to be hand built and then crazy inspected before it got delivered so you would expect that with you know these kinds of cars but the build quality is awesome this car is tight i haven't had any weird sort of wiggles or gaps in the interior the materials feel really rich and beautiful i've been able to find many soft touch plastics on here everything about this car screams quality and that's really what they're trying to do they're competing i don't think with necessarily the model s you're competing more to mercedes s-class when you're competing against the best in luxury you better bring your best [Music] i get that's a lot of information on a car but there's a lot to talk about here and again this is my car this is a car that i chose to buy and there's been a lot of information online from other reviewers and people in the forums and reviewers who've had this car generally had it for a few hours and again this is somebody who used their own money and bought it and has driven it for months and when you look at the forums and you look at comments and lucid videos it doesn't tell the full story a lot of people who are commenting have never driven it never sat in one and are judging it based on looks appearances or preconceived notions they have either on lucid or on another company and overall i have been really happy with the car the things that can't be fixed or addressed via software updates things like build quality things like driving experience just the the fun factor of the car and even the wow factor and the performance of the card for the most parts are incredible and nothing about any of those scream first car from a new company and that was a huge and very pleasant surprise what wasn't so much of a surprise was the software side there is a really solid foundation here what the software is going to be but it's not there yet there are bugs there are slowness things there are features that aren't turned on or active yet and i don't want to say half-baked but what this car is going to be in 3 6 12 months is not what this car is right now and i actually think in a lot of ways that's awesome you've got a platform here that's going to get better and going to improve and there's an argument that it should have already been there on day one when they're selling a car at this price point and there's validity to that argument but early adopters i think expected things like that i was one of the first to have a model s at the end of 2012 and i'm familiar with those growing pains but i also saw where tesla got with that car and perspective of where it was and that gives me hope and encouragement that lucid is going to do the same and judging by the amount of software updates that i've had in my few months of ownership i have no doubt that's going to continue and get better with lucid soliciting feedback from owners asking what they can do to improve asking how they can be better what features can they fix i think the future is really bright for lucid motors now this is not a car for everybody this is a car that's competing in the very top of the ev space and the automotive space like i talked about earlier competing with an s-class but as the price goes down and as it starts competing with the teslas of the world with the mercedes bmws the established legacy automakers there's enough in this car differentiate itself to make it not only have a place amongst the other manufacturers of the world but also stand out while doing it [Music] [Music] my [Music] you
Channel: Jon Rettinger
Views: 792,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jon rettinger, jon4lakers, technobuffalo, lucid air, lucid, lucid air review, lucid car, 2022 lucid air review, 2022 lucid air, lucid air dream edition, lucid air dream edition performance, lucid air interior, lucid air test drive, lucid motors air, lucid air vs model s, tesla model s, lucid vs tesla, lucid air dream edition review, lucid air dream edition 0-60, lucid air range, lucid air pure, lucid air dream vs tesla model s, tesla model s plaid, Lucid GT, lucid air gt
Id: dgIKqkyWvT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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