Why Did Marika Shatter The Elden Ring?

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hello everybody Jake here and welcome back to another Elden ring discussion video today I wanted to talk about the ultimate question the most important question that I have in regards to the lore and a question that can answer so many other questions and that is simply why did Queen America shatter the Elden ring I think it's sort of amazing that well over a year later Post Release that we still don't know definitively why she chose to do this we can guess and make interpretations as to the most likely cases which we will discuss today but the only major sources of reasoning as to why this happened is in the opening cutscene great Elden ring was shattered Queen Marica the eternal is nowhere to be found we can also get some extra Insight on this from Elden Ring's story trailer where it starts with the Knight of black knives starting with Godwin the golden Queen Marico was driven to the brink the shattering ensued a war that roared only Darkness Elder ring was broken to why and finally there's some dialogue from Roger that can help us understand the timeline of this event it happened during the Golden Age of the ERD tree long before the shattering of the Elden ring someone stole a fragment of the Rune of Death From malacath the Black Blade and on a bitter night murdered Godwin the golden that was the first recorded death of a demigod in all history and it became the Catalyst soon the Elden ring was smashed and thus sprang forth the war known as the shattering I once wished to become a scholar you see I've spent many an hour scouring the archives for knowledge of that fateful plot the world has grown crooked and if you intend to put it to rights you'd better understand what happened to make it this way now this dialogue by Roger is vitally important to understanding everything that's happened because it seems like there's still some confusion within the community I received this comment that says people need to realize that the Knight of black knives is implied to have happened shortly after the Eldon ring was shattered by the intro the story trailer and Roger's dialogue now I sort of understand getting confused by the intro cinematic because it does portray the Alden ring being shattered into America Vanishing and then showcasing the Knight of black knives into the shattering War which is different from the shattering of the Elden ring however we did just watch the story trailer and it's made clear by Ronnie that it all started with death being stolen Godwin being killed the Elden ring being shattered America going missing and then the war starting and we just heard Roger say the same that the death of Godwin was the Catalyst the start of it all so at least we can be sure about that I think the intro is this show case to us a bit out of sequence and that's all I do find it sort of interesting that in the story trailer Ronnie doesn't know who broke the Elden ring or why it happened at all when we do know that she fully admits in the game that she is the one who started the plot to kill Godwin I stole a fragment to the Rune of death and used it to forge the god slaying black knives through fearsome right I did it all I have slain the body I was born into and cast it away I performed the ACT not to bury the past nor in Shame of the deed there's nothing wrong with a well-laid scheme so we can really tell here that Ronnie was confident in her plot and has no regrets in orchestrating it I think it is possible that Ronnie even in the story trailer is manipulating you into helping her perform her tasks for her even before we started the game even owned the game it would be an incredible example of foreshadowing by from software if this was the case unless of course thou should take the crowd so now that we have established a sequence of events we can come to the most likely conclusion as to why Queen America shattered the Elden ring and I think it's explained beautifully by Finn who said I really kind of think her main motivation was just grief for the death of Godwin given that he was America's firstborn son was born in the ER tree's age of abundance and had the full title of Godwin the golden he definitely represented the grace and beauty of the golden order to America so she probably had great love for him unlike some of her other children like The Omen twins Godwin is very much a balder figure a Norse god of beauty with golden hair who died in an assassination when supposedly nothing in the world could kill him America would then be equated with balder's mother frigg or possibly even Freya both golden-haired goddesses of fertility Beauty war and even death in Norse mythology Baldur's death is the inciting event that starts Ragnarok which is the battle between the gods that destroys the old world and makes way for a new one America shattered the Elden ring due to the grief at the loss of her Golden Sun and the loss of her faith in the golden order leading to the shattering war and battle between the demigods can be seen as her intentionally starting Ragnarok especially with the direct parallels of the burning of the earth tree and the destruction of the world tree idrisil Jake if you read this far I'm high and the ADHD told me to lore this is perfectly explained Finn you are clearly smoking that good so while I think this is the most plausible reasoning it's still up in the air somewhat nothing is truly solidified and that can be frustrating for some people like this comment that says honestly the fact that something as crucial as this remains a mystery over a year after the game released is some of my biggest problems with golden ring while I understand the frustration I don't agree that it's a problem having a single solid answer to everything would just make the story less meaningful and in reality almost nothing is this straightforward we make decisions every day based on so many different factors and experiences that differ from person to person in all likelihood America probably had many different personal reasons for shattering the Elden ring that can't be summed up as easily as she did it for the Vine I think we could go over tons of different reasons as to why she did this but ultimately I think doing so would lead to just more confusion if you have a theory as to why she did it you could be right but here's what I believe America was driven to the brink because her world and her family were not perfect like it was expected to be America was split between understanding the faults of her order and completely converging it America clearly wants to change the world but as the vassal for the Elden ring wanting this clearly goes against the greater Will's wishes she even goes as far as to mock radagon for just blindly following the order oh radican Leo Hound of the golden order Thou Art yet to become me the art yet to become a God let us be shattered both mine other self she's at odds with herself figuratively and literally I believe this is the major reason that America and radagon were split they are literally two opposite halves of the same hole one side wanting to break the Alden ring and the other wanting to repair it and through this frustration she was pushed to the brink when her Golden Sun was killed in a night of wintry Fog she thought enough was enough and just as Ronnie likely planned it to be America shattered the Alden ring and started a major change in the world as we find out at the end of the game America's disappearance was the greater will imprisoning her inside of the archery using radagon as a sort of mold to keep her and the Eldon ring somewhat together while we bring the rest of the pieces to them and when we fight radagon I truly believe this is not radagon at all it's just a portrayal of him or his body is used as a puppet by the greater will to attack the greater will couldn't let the world see that their God was the very reason their world had been broken and if the people were to find out well we can see what their reaction would be from Corin a devoted follower of the golden order [Laughter] comedy look at it of perfection burning before our fairy eyes laughs thank you all for watching I hope you enjoyed it please let me know what you think down in the comments and if there is a video topic you'd like to see discussed have a great rest of your day and I'll see you in the next one take care
Channel: AgtJake
Views: 69,218
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Keywords: video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload
Id: yRg2GXDuudE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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