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foreign [Music] to another one of my videos this time we're looking at one of the party changes that I have just purchased and I've just been on the phone to a dealer I've been up and seeing a couple of cars and I have bought one of these vehicles bid on two of them but I've actually won one of them it's not really something that I wanted and you're probably wondering why I've actually bought this car there is a good reason for it I thought maybe there might be some potential in it but after driving it I think I may have made the wrong decision but it's not the end of the world to explain to you uh fairly later on but whatever bought well I bought a Nissan Micra an old 55 plate Nissan Micra I want to give 250 bid for it it's in parties change so let's have a look and see what I have actually bought okay so here it is in Gray little 1.2 Nissan Micra got the windows down on it because it's very very warm today I said I give 250 pounds for it it's coming part exchange from one of the dealers I buy off I buy you know a few cars off them to be fair starting to buy a bit more often recently and uh this I mean on facebook 250 quid doesn't seem too bad uh it's got has got available hasn't got much mot left on it um it's been 120 000 miles it's 250 quid that's what I bet on it the only denied a little bit but eventually accepted the bid at that sort of money it's basically just scrap out money so it worst case scenario you can scrap out of it and basically come out with your trousers on or might just lose 20 30 quid you're not really gonna have too much to worry about now I wanted to have a look at the car got the key started up already starting from the head all the things are going I'm not finally wrong with it I'm sort of making a list of it and working out my head what pounds and Shillings and pants that's going to cost me to sort of fix um and I came to the conclusion that it was probably sort of borderline whether or not you'd fix it or not but obviously I want to give bids on cars when you go to dealers it's a bit privileged really when you get to going to a dealer where they let you go around the pie exchanges and sort of allow you to sort of have the opposition opportunity to buy them and you need to be realistic and obviously you want to buy stuff because ultimately you'll end up providing you doing it correctly you end up making more money out of the ones that do well rather the ones that don't so anyway we'll talk about more about that later but it's it's not a bad old thing really it is you know what it is it's an old car decent Tire on it for 14 is all around about eight mil on it pretty straight on the side it's got a little bit of a scuffy on the door I promise you most of that would probably come out to be honest you're certainly with door we'll have a look at the interior in a minute because it's a bit rancid it's just a cheapy old Nissan Micra Nissan Micra is a perfectly good car you know obviously this is a model I used to defer the older model before this I think it was K10 and k11 and stuff like that at the older models are a little bit better these weren't too bad actually they've sold a lot of these over the years a couple things that go wrong with them usually sort of like steering faults will quite common on this model um modules and stuff like that but other than that they're pretty robust that you don't get too many issues with them um I sit at the back it's not a bad old thing a couple of scuffs on it what do you expect for an old car Black Box fitted it's not on at the moment um been learning combat looks as well as had our plates on it or a pass plate on it pretty reasonable condition for an old car we've got a little bit of rust going down there what you expect screw up on the door but probably would dull slightly a bit of damage on that Wing you know for 250 quid you cannot really complain for that how we're looking inside well it's definitely been used and it definitely wants a valley it has got huge amounts of water bottles in there I I first of all saw that I thought this man's drinking a lot of water maybe it's a horse or he's got a water leak so I did check the coolant there's another one was at the dealership popped the blood in just had a lot it's actually got fresh cool in it so he's not putting it in the head of tank so he must just be a very thirsty individual it wants a valet obviously we're going to go on with it um I mean seat wise is actually quite all right not torn or anything like that it's you know just wants a valid get all the crap out of it it would certainly make a car a little bit of trim bits coming off there but the stuff can be easier rectified 120 000 Miles when the screen comes up in a minute the service light is over by 77 917 miles is what he said then so it might be do a service we've got an airbag light flashing straight off the bat before we even started it so obviously got an issue there we have no air conditioning which has been a bit of a tricky drive back to say the least um but anyway inside is not so bad outside for 120 000 miles it's as you would expect it to be so where do things start to go wrong well it start to go wrong when I turn that ignition key I'll do that for you now it's got a little bit of petulance we've got plenty of fuel and straight away with a bit of a rattle if you can hear that now we've got a rattle going on basically there's a couple of rattles going on now explain what they are in a minute but I mean it sounds alright got blown exhaust another problem um but the engine wise is revving up fine it's not got any haunting arriving issues like that or misfire it seems to be okay although there is going on here as well we've also got another noise as well and if you can quite hear it there you go that's the coil spring that snaps on the driver's side so another another fault we've got to deal with um we've also got of the bonnet they're usually quite Reliable Nissan engine and this one with fairness actually drives all right however sadly this one has got a little bit of a noisy chain now it has quietened down a bit now since um we've driven it back it's got quite warm but when I first started it it was rattling its brains out so sadly is also going to need a chain as well and that's where on this sort of age of car they start tying things up you start to think to yourself is it really worth doing if I just rev this now you'll probably hear it I mean there's a heat shield right underneath as well so that's there is ignore that noise I don't know if you can pick that up now but there is it a very slight changing noise now but it's quite bad when it's cold and we've also got blown exhaust we've also got a heat shield rattle underneath I mean that's nothing that would just be a case of just removing the heat shield off or something like that I'm not gonna bother with that but the chain is a bit of a problem um not the issue above about doing timing chains I've got free time and change jobs on the go at the moment but on these they're a ball like absolute ball like to do um effectively you really have to remove the engine to do them properly because of so little room you can do the change without removing the engines but it's so time consuming that it's just easy just to remove the engine so it's doable and the kit isn't even D you can buy a kit for these now for about 60 quid um but the time in labor involved is just ridiculous so I say sadly it's a it's not a bad looking car for its age and you know if it was reasonable condition on a retail pitch we're 120 000 miles driving all right with no we didn't have a noisy chain we replace the chain it's probably a 1295 car you know honesty if you put it for a ticket and got everything done on it um but you know the list of stuff I need to do to this I mean I've got a wheel bearing gun on this back as well it's absolutely deafening when you drive it it's that definitely and I can't even test drive it um is that that loud you won't hear me with the exhaust blowing as well I mean you could end up putting a flexi on it could be more you could be right underneath we've not even got to any rot underneath yet you already know it's corroded Nissan microns do stuff with corrosion especially this sort of era I mean it doesn't look too bad but you know we're not going to do it properly so we can't make a real assessment of it we've not looked at brakes or anything like that they don't seem that bad there's not many other knocks of found other than that spring but we just don't know until you start going through it and if you start tightening us up 250 pound for the car I could probably get the chained one for 250 pound off a friend of mine protect the engine out put a chain in for me I haven't got the specific to do it at the moment myself so you know we're on 500 quid before we even bought the chain chain kit then you need a spring throwing your top mount you an exhaust on it your wheel bearing we've got an airbag light on and then you've got an mot and then the bits and Bobs you're easily going to spend eight nine hundred pound on this car I mean fine it'd be great at the end of it and it'll probably Drive really nice but are you realistic going to spend 900 pounds like the car owe you sorry 900 pound done I mean it's only probably a 1295 car it's just unfortunate the numbers don't stack up for it which is a real real shame because it's not a bad looking car and you know would it give someone a couple more few years service hopefully um but we just it's numbers just don't work on it so the question is why did I buy it well let me just let me sit down and explain okay so what should we do with this Mica well unfortunately guys the simple answer to that is your scrap basically and I pretty much knew it was scrap when I went to go and have a look at it um which was the question why buy it uh well there's a good reason for that the ultimate problem you have when you when you're buying and selling cars dealing in cars is stock you need to buy stuff uh so you have to put your name about the places and you can get stock from all sorts of places you can go to auctions which I do quite regular and you can get lots of a lot of stock from there but there is obviously risk to auctions because you're limited about the the your ability to check the car over obviously you know you're coming through you can hear them listen them you can look at reports and stuff you can get in the car just before run and get a bit of an idea of the clutch by but you're not test driving the car fully it is a gamble you can make a fair assessment of a car but it's never going to be 100 right never really going to find all issues and faults of it and stuff like that and have a proper proper in-depth sort of inspection of it's just not that way um and you've got private buyers which is fine but my experience with private buyers buying off public although you can make a lot of money out of it you cannot run a business off buying private buyers solely because you just need to be doing all the time it takes up too much time you get messed about by private buyers you turn up some place 50 60 miles away taking age to get there and they're not in or around the corner or they haven't told you stuff to me personally I'd rather just go to somewhere are you an auction or a dealership where they have cars in and you can just go and look at stuff and buy a multiple amount of cars or try and buy more cars and then come away that's what suits me down to the ground um like going to auctions and I like like buying from dealers pie exchanges um fill up the ladder basically they're selling cars for five or ten grand um so obviously they're gonna get parts exchanged in that might be this sort of thing I buy a few hundred pounds to a couple of grand and I do buy quite a bit some buy a few bits off people but to get in there really into the English and have the trust really for them to call you and say come and have a look and bid on some stuff it takes a lot of time to build up those bridges you don't want to burn and so you just sort of have to take the rough with this move a little bit that doesn't mean you get used as a Dumping Ground um or anything like that you know you just go in there and you try to make offers on everything you get shown um you've got the ability to go and check stuff over I got quite friendly with my dealers they can go and test drive stuff again have a proper look at it and then I can get a better assessment of something and which means really not only does it work both ways for me and them but you know it's not me about trying to work out is the car am I overpaying for the car I might be able to overpay for a certain car or possess it better and give a better price for it than a water door maybe an auction where I'm a little bit more restrained because obviously I'm trying to think worst case scenario what sort of mode do I need to spend on this car if XYZ goes wrong do the when you go in part exchange like this you don't have that issue because you can go and check stuff over you've got ability more time you're not under pressure it's a lot more simple and therefore you can offer more money or in this case where someone's really bad um you can just say look it's not for me but I'll offer X for it or it is to me but I'll only offer X for it whatever it will be um they said so I've bought lots of cars off this dealership before made a lot of money out of it and in reality for every five cars you buy you might get one button and if you blow a little bit of money on it it doesn't matter because the other four you bought outweighed it and it's that's what it's all about it's a numbers game um it's as simple as that so you don't want to burn your Bridges you don't want to go in there and start taking all the cream and saying I love that one but not that one I love that one or that one because basically they just won't call you again and so you just it's all about working with with dealers because ultimately they don't want the cars on their pitch either they want them gone they want them further sent away whether it's to auction or to guys like me who buy them um so it's just about basically working with you your suppliers and uh make a repair bids and assessment and see if you can try and make profit out of stuff and generally you will basically generally you will and it all evens out quite well and you know you just have to get past the fact that yes you've lost a little bit of money on this car I can can scrap this car I've been on the app for 235 quid so I've lost 15 pounds and an hour of my time um but in reality it does not matter because if I go back the last four cars I've had from there they've all made money so it's not an issue to me um it's just a case of just get rid of it move on and if you just get into that mindset especially guys starting out and I used to do this a lot if you if you start out you get that first car where it's the disaster and you lose a bit of money on it and your old world tends to fall apart you think oh I've lost money on it and never again just learn from your mistakes and you just build on next time you know you you won't you'll learn from it you'll be better and you'll make better judgment stuff now this isn't a mistake buying it it's just becomes part of parcel of being a car dealer you will get crap cars given to you or you will buy crap cars thing to do is just to make sure that you get out of them quickly enough get rid of something that's a problem or a headache whether it's disposal or whether it's selling it on someone else or if it's trading it on whether it's auction whatever and just moving to someone else get the money back and reinvest it I always found that to be the best way just not to get too stuck on a particular vehicle also get attached to them really so this is nothing out the ordinary you I buy cars like this every month I must have a handful that end up I get bought and I have to scrap off um but it does not matter to me because ultimately like I said the other stuff outweighs it so it's just another day in the car trade we'll get this micro scrapped they get the money back in and you just basically move on and reinvest it into something else this is a shame because it's actually not a bad little looking car and it wasn't for the chain I probably would be doing all their work I'll be doing the exhaust and all other bits and Bobs and the coil spring and whatnot trying to get through an mot because there will be a decent margin in it but not at that level it's just not worth it so I hope you enjoyed this short video it just gives you a little bit of different context uh from in the motor trade really sort of the negatives as well as the positives sort of a day-to-day stuff that I have to deal with as well it's not all sort of milk and honey in this game it's not all about just gonna go back after one thousand say for two thousand and get a thousand pounds profit and there you go it doesn't work like that um you know you have a lot of obstacles and stuff you have to do along the way a lot of stuff you have to deal with and stealing stuff like this you know you know you waste the morning picking a car up which you don't really want but that's the way it goes so thank you for watching this one guys please like And subscribe to the channel if you haven't already done so I've got new videos coming out every week so please check them out and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: Car UK
Views: 11,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carauction, cheap cars, auction, flippingcars
Id: VXR6m8t0T7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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