Why Choose Flutter in 2021
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Channel: Robert Brunhage
Views: 32,893
Rating: 4.93642 out of 5
Keywords: Flutter, Flutter 2021, Flutter cross platform, flutter web, flutter desktop, flutter ios, flutter android, flutter tutorial, flutter app, flutter future, the future of flutter, flutter 5 reasons, flutter community, flutter google, flutter hot reload, flutter hot restart, flutter visual code, should I learn Flutter, Should I learn Flutter in 2021
Id: KqX-96CI6GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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I like your video very much! I've started programming 3 years ago and work with flutter now for one year. I've also started now learning native Android (and iOS with Swift maybe follows) for one reason: Writing native plugins.
Is I agree with you in quite all points, BUT there are two major points I want to mention because they get me everytime:
1) Performance - Flutter is really, really fast. But only if you have a solid knowledge of the framework. If you build a bad state handling at some point, it gets immediately slow and doesn't perform well anymore.
2) No Google backed Plugins for Device Features like Bluetooth or NFC. Ofc there are third party libs for the most stuff. But unlikely they aren't well supported from time to time or are just react-native ports and work not fully stable. And for professional use, you don't really want to depend on something which maybe gets unsupported bc the dependency dev abandoned it.
Something I want to point out because I've recognized it since I've started to learn native: It is astonishing how much heavy lifting Flutter does in the background compared what you have to write yourself in native. As an example the state handling while just turning your phone into landscape.
In my opinion Flutter has a very bright future for simple Apps (i.e. simple Crud Apps). But everything which gets more complex, as I mentioned needs hardware specific access for example, there has to be always a solid knowledge of the native language for every platform.
I'll mostly agree with Mitchs opinions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEA9vw8t4Ho
Channel gets better. Good.
30daysofflutter anyone??? 😀😀
Flutter is awesome but you have to bounded in limited functionality.
Shadermask for web is not a reason. Learned that recently. But that's what I get for hoping to use a beta pipeline for a static site.
performance in flutter? yes on android, on ios not so much. ios first run jank is a major performance issue that will be soon 1 year old with not eta or at least a strategy to fix in the distant future.