Why character levels in RPGs are STUPID!

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this episode of shadow versity is brought to you by the sword should available in multiple colors and variant designs the sorcerer proclaims the truth that every sword enthusiast knows down to their core and swords are awesome why because swords that's why available through teespring link in the description greetings I'm shad and before we begin I want to give a shout out to a wonderful YouTube channel nerd a key like monarchy but the Nerds nerd aqui rape you to tell just huge amounts of role-playing game content ok huge amounts of Dungeons and Dragons and everything else really and they upload very regularly and like in the more recent videos that they've been putting up their quality has just jumped up a really great level so they come with my full recommendation please go check them out awesome YouTube channel now let's get into the subject of this video character levels in role-playing games I have been able to enjoy the leveling system really that exists in every single online game because it creates a sense of progression advancement having said that though even though I can't enjoy them I have come to the opinion and conclusion I think if a role-playing game is downright ok it will be better and more enjoyable with character levels non-existent thrown out the window so ultimately I don't really like character levels in role-playing games not anymore it's not to say like I just mentioned that I can't enjoy a leveling up system I still can you see when you look at a role-playing game like step back and try and analyze in a broad sense you find that live down levels end up being very redundant ok because in terms of gaming at the sense of progression and investment that can be achieved without levels it can be achieved through where achievements missions that you have succeeded in all items objects that you gain and you know become more rich and you're mad you get mad weapons at your disposal you can still learn magic stones without the need of a leveling system and as well as install their advanced in skills and such again without the design levels as soon as you put levels in it brings our whole world of problems and issues that I feel has been bogging down the role playing game genre you need the first things are nice is that generally monsters are always dazed to the strengths of the characters which makes levels pointless to think about it that means the same difficulty level will exist for you playing no matter what level you are so if you were just at the same level and have monsters at that you know difficulty level well then that you achieve the same thing you've lost nothing in that sense but then you can come across another powerful monsters and have a true challenge and you can just say well I'll come back when I've lived with up a couple hundred times and then chillin without even breaking a sweat that takes away here point of tactics and stuff like that because you're walking haha the car I have 20,000 s boy I got again I might get out I'll kill you and you're dead you have you've done nothing to truly vanquish that opponent that was so difficult in the past apartment riding no tactics use no creativity and that's not how we work in the in the real world if you were to transfer these fantasy theme and make them as real as possible now yes in the whole debate of its ends he doesn't need realism I make videos covering that of course of course you want it to be realistic it's emerging you want to be enjoyable I'm sorry because you have fantasy elements that makes it more necessary to have the other parts to be as realistic as possible to bring you know the people into us into this world so in summary to that point the fact that most encounters are monsters in video games and tabletop pen and paper role-playing games usually scaled to the strengths of the players it's the same difficulty whether they'll 11 5 11 20 the next thing levels are established the need for grinding and I hate writing it's not created as boring you're just doing the same thing over and over our Gila monster thank your neurons so stupid and now in terms of how this makes the world unrealistic by the end of the day you've probably tilled up you know two hundred thousand goblins just for grinding especially in MMOs and stuff like that let's see if Google - the whole army greater than a whole army now here's it would take a while to get up to two hundred thousand monsters slain but seriously in many games you have to do that writing also artificially lengthens the playtime of again which is choosing okay is because the developers demand up creativity to put plot and story and interesting agendas in are they made a fill out with crappy grind what is far more fun okay is having a really tough monster day after work to try and a suit okay not just running through a few thousand a little minions and might and also annoys me is if you are swamped by no tenant monsters or even you know other enemies bandits whatever and they are at least a moderate level of competency you're basically screwed in real life okay I don't care if you have four hundred hit points you're dead also on that note okay via the thing that it would literally not good - yeah the ridiculous level of hit points the points where you were basically invincible so stupid think about it I don't clearly got 200 hit points and dated to make person's neck when children all right in history there's never ever so a warrior so great that he was invulnerable to a danger to the neck and this is really annoying because it's so many games and you come across your laudable the ultimate bad guy or whatever fantasy setting and other parenting it should be so many ways we should be now to kill this guy you shouldn't be invincible I could sneak into his bed chambers at night and is asleep I should be able to kill him luckily in some role-playing games there are provisions for insta kill not all most of them and especially up for you know video games uh stuff like that now you might say well that's kind of a point because you want the players to get to that level of strength so they don't have to worry about dying is that when you pray for a character soul and you achieve so many things it would be a tragedy to seen by well then it really takes away any suspense of the game if that's the case to make a role-playing game really fun and I've experiences of speaking from what I have done okay instilling into the players minds the possibility that the characters could die in any encounter makes every encounter it became serious and important I like to force my players to approach their role-playing as if it was real because that doors the minute sucks them in and so when they see a group of bad guys there you suddenly double check you know your question is a little idea magazine running simulator by myself because generally and that would get me killed now finally there are some server centres written could derail it if think use tactics okay there and that's the results by making it taking away this invincibility bit point leveling up system okay from a game it creates a masters approach to game play and fighting and combat and in many cases a counsel point where the players right we need to say it's time to run where they have engaged a monster which is so big and so strong not by virtue of hit points or ligands but by virtue of its size and strength that yeah it's time to run and figure out a better strategy kill disease and include such honor to get getting okay I've had an entire roleplay sections where the entire game is just trying to think one whole step and it's a bit like dark song the more difficult that you method encounters the greater satisfaction in people who succeed the next time realistic to that mr. Cruz is that it makes monster dispersion very unrealistic videogames are the greater culprit in this because I know for myself in my own role-playing games I have AI make you know the map and say then a really strong dragon there and I don't care if the players walked in there 1/5 of that will lure 5 or whatever it's still going to be a message in hand open die which means they have to try to figure out all right what's the safe place to go on your slide some of this I've heard that way because it alternates does air and by that actually makes them know listen to the posting and it's just so stupid that you like in video games like I said you see is rocky start area and all the monsters are leveled to your level perfectly which may be that example oh look at that they're just increasing my strength that exact same level to where of the level of strength very nice and it continues on through all game have comes into that problem where I mentioned before that the difficulty level will remain the same and so it is leveling up thinking becomes an artificial construct because really you're fighting the same difficulty monsters for the whole game and it's stupid that all the monsters in this one area are of a certain strength surely there'll be a couple of like no there would be multiple levels of different strength monsters innocent are sources in an area another thing that leveling out ruins in role-playing games is that it creates a wall to the best and most engaging stuff in the game you've heard of in-game contents in MMORPGs and stuff like that like why hold that back between hours upon hours of grinding before you reach the level path and then you get engage in a really funny stuff I have given up on soloing video games it's also applies in turn paper role-playing games alright you never find the best relating change of gear until you're of that appropriate level that sucks if I lied funny thing ride a lower level character would have more precedent and need to get the more powerful magic items just so they can compete with a more powerful monster and carriages then the higher level characters leaving special items and equipment should be given as reward for not the level of monster because really if you're a high enough level you can make that encounter people's feels important whether to Father you take away the level and system okay and you give points to characters too you know maybe our character however much I want and they can't maximum so they have to either be balanced or specialize and also allow them to progress in certain skills based on play style and then having it effective okay and making encounters that either weak strong or whatever and then when you have an encounter or a dungeon or whatever particularly hard for all the characters in the game not just certain levels but all the characters that means the rewards you can put in that dungeon are rightfully earned by you whether complete sense levels also reduce skill curve in games you need less skill to play the game when you're a higher level than you do when you're a lower level because when you're in lower level you might actually step outside in the designated area that have these monsters appropriate to your strength level an episode might go out and find it more typical monsters and that will require you to play smarter by more tactical but if you learn excellent we'll have a Mac secure you don't even need a try anymore your loss forever you won't kill them yeah I never have got so many much hit points I can do so much damage I can just kill anyone I want they're nice given that at all like you know saying someone who is a level whatever the max level is a good player I actually kind of means I they're a worse player all that I have to work to get to this level what my grinding grinding takes skill another result of that is that when you start again at level one I for me I don't feel like I'm a crude part of this world were significant part that I could do anything of particular and I think it's funny you know aa Neverwinter online MMORPG [Music] okay when I first started they generally changed the doing missions only but I first started we were fighting off the invasion of the city and and I can't remember it personally but there's enough examples of this life for instance champions online we all evolved now superhero MMORPG beginning mission you fight off the monsters that are attacking it funny that both are taking the cities but after you do this digital edition you're hail that is this wonderful great warrior and let you save the city the only one arguing if you're weak as anything and they say you save the city and so this concept of leveling is destroying the you know setting that we're trying to create who's done something significant well you don't even though you haven't refined the weakest monster that you face in this entire game definite cheap spit you're not a true hero okay you're not going to be a true hero or valid an important part of this world until your grind your day is out and become a list or mori that sucks okay when you start a game want to enjoy it to its full engaging the best stuff that is in the game and that will encourage you to stay and play more and then it mean isn't it gives you more up choices okay possibilities in a city where Rama levels don't exist okay start and you could choose to do anything you can try and achieve the same thing that a player is doing you know at that point who has been playing for five years in that looks fun or to give it a go as well now of course it's a game of skill based you probably have difficulty but it's still possible okay and that makes it funny when I start on all playing game like pen and paper and depending on the goals of my character I want to feel that I could try and work towards those goals straight away ballistic kill be war king who you know wiped out my home village or whatever I want to think that if I didn't you possible to tell that team and get my revenge in the first places generally you're going to be able try and make difficulty so you still have to work to achieve it that's the key working to achieve it not grinding but obstacles overcoming obstacles to get me but I'd like to think if I could think up something particularly creative and benches to kill the king that I could pull it off there's no artificial barriers or walls preventing me from doing so in winter and these are the advantages of not having the letters in a role play and I think it meant are more engaging and enjoyable experience now it needs to be made white you can like there's a lot of ways to fail a together it doesn't have its levels as well one of the dangers is how easy it is for tyres to die because if you make all the most amazing to a certain level of killer building we've rented you can have differences like in a system that's me and my brother made that doesn't have levels cogent role play you download for free it's in the description obviously mention that needed getting don't have a that you can be advancing certain skills after working a trim and stuff like that but even though they're in our level or like I still put it really tough monsters that to kill and so not all monsters Lucas a level of tell ability but for I people yes dagger to the neck will generally kill everyone and the problem is well a dagger to any of the players next to two women well yeah you seem to describe a bit early like play it to make a really fun because no one likes having a character die and I have many tried to die very often either learn to accept them magnetic essentially summer getting to help you are in life willing to you know deal with disappointment failure and getting over things it should be possible for any characters to die especially if they do stupid things disease you know I play because I'm going to go jump off a cliff I like alright jump on the place you're landing tonight yeah consequences action the players are legitimately stupid they reap the rewards of their choices and they have to learn to make better choices and I really do feel even though the byproduct of not having a leveling up system in an RPG the results the unavoidable byproduct is that high-end characters are more killable with just as alien disease that creates more suspense and immersion and a more serious approach role-playing which makes it far more fun over and then you very notice of my thoughts on leveling up systems not be geez I think it's well into every times done away with them I'm sure that they are related you agree with me I'm for dreaming of comments down below I am just instantly sharing mine and if you do want to try out a free role-playing game system that does not have lenses at all you can go check out cogent role-playing which is developed by myself and my brother available online are free it's all it's in alpha I still have a lot of corrosion that work I'm doing and if myself my brother get around we will polish it but it's certainly playable we've also used this system in all the way out role-playing sessions that we prayed on tabletop time terms of time unfortunately is our hiatus and MO beginning inmate currently doesn't mean we won't eternal in the future but if you do want to see code into what it's like in action we lose don't check out some of the vulcanization context thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed and until next time error [Music] you
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 605,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rpg, roleplaying, role, playing, game, video, role-playing, first person, third person, diablo, blizzard, skyrim, the elder scrolls, game of thrones, lord of the rings, medieval, fantasy, sci fi, syfi, science, fiction, dnd, d&d, dungeons, dragons, epic, middle ages, sword, swords, knight, warrior, katana, samurai, level, levelup, up, lvl, rpgs, shad, shadiversity
Id: x6UV2gXwFPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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