Why Ceramic Armor? Hard but brittle!

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Disclosure: I was invited by the  Tank Museum at Bovington in 2019.  Here you can see the Challenger tank, although  it seems like huge steel beast, its armor also   contains ceramics in it. Now, ceramics are  known to be rather hard, but also quite brittle,   since often with high hardness comes less  ductility. High hardness can result in the armor   breaking and generally reduces also multi-hit  capability. This of course raises the question:   why use ceramic armor in the first place? Well, as so often there are several factors   involved, the first and fundamental aspect  here is the disruptor and absorber concept.  To put it simply, one wants to disrupt  or blunt the incoming projectile and   also absorb the large amounts of energy as  well. So, ideally one combines a material   with high-strength that acts as a disruptor: “The purpose of these high-strength materials   is to blunt the incoming projectile or rapidly  erode it. If the projectile is fragmented,   a hard material will tend to radially  disperse the fragments, therefore,   the kinetic energy of the projectile is  deflected and dispersed in the fragments.”  Additionally, to the disruptor, we want  a material that serves as an absorber,   so a material, which can sustain large amounts  of plastic deformation before it fails. Examples   for absorbers would be rolled homogenous  armor, polymers or fiber-reinforced plastics.  In case of World War 2, this concept was realized  to a degree with armor plates that had face   hardened armor like the Panzer III. Whereas, “Homogenous armor has the same hardness all the   way through, generally about 220-300 BHN, while  face-hardened armor has a thin layer of 450 to 650   BHN hardness in an otherwise homogenous plate.” To give you some idea about the effectiveness:  2-pounder armor piercing shell could  penetrate 86 mm of homogenous armor   at 0 degree and point-blank range, yet,  only 66 mm if the armor was face hardened.  Yet, there is more we need to discuss, because  the ceramics we know from day-to-day life,   like those in our bathrooms are a bit different  to the technical ceramics used in armor. Professor   Paul Hazell from the University of New South Wales  Canberra will give us a short overview about them:  the Ceramics when we the ones that we Deploy  on Armor systems uh generally are well they   are always what we call technical Ceramics or  engineering Ceramics which are fully densified   structures normally they would comprise of  self-selecting atoms which one of which would   be metallic and one would be non-metallic so for  example aluminum oxide so you've got aluminum   there and you've got an oxide part of the the  molecule so the what um Ceramics do is that they   they offer a really good way of uh providing a  resistance to penetration by simply because they   they are hard fully identified structures and what  I mean by that is not to say that they're they're   dense per se that they tend to have low density  values compared to other materials but they in in   the armor context they tend to have um fairly um  they're strong they're they're resilient they have   high harness values and they've been engineered  that way so you know that's why we would choose   to use um one of those those materials it's  just a material class that's kind of um provides   a good degree of hardness um and low density The next question to ask, is how ceramic armor   could be combined with other armor materials.  As a heads-up for the uninitiated, a HEAT round,   is high explosive anti-tank round, also called  hollow or shaped charge, like a Panzerfaust,   here is a short visualization about it: The effect is called the Munroe or Neumann   effect. So how does this effect work? Here you can see the warhead. Such a   warhead is generally called a hollow-charge or  a shaped charge, as you can see both make sense   because the charge is both hollow and shaped.  So, when the warhead impacts, the impact fuze   sets off the booster charge. This then leads  to the detonation of the explosive charge,   which focuses the explosion and deforms  the warhead’s conical metal liner into a   high-velocity jet. This jet is so fast that  it penetrates the armor. Be aware that it   does not burn through. A common misconception  and an error that I made myself in the past.  Professor Hazell will give you  now some examples on how ceramic   armor could be combined with other armor. it would depend upon a number of factors   we did it would depend upon the type of projectile  that you're you're trying to defeat so for example   um a multi-layered where you've got multiple  layers of ceramic might be appropriate for   defeating a heat round for various reasons uh  whereas a um for for body armors you know of   uh where you would need a ceramic tile um with a  a backing you might choose to use a ceramic and   a composite backing which would provide which you  know provide that disruptor absorber concept that   I previously mentioned so the Ceramics providing  the hard um outer surface bit like our you know   face um hardened example that we discussed with  the Tiger tank and the backing layer provides   you know the composite layer provides a kind of an  energy absorbing layer that can absorb the sort of   the resulting fragments that are that have formed  so and that's kind of how we we get over that   um that that sort of negative aspect I suppose  of of the brittle nature of of ceramics   so the composite would be something like kevlar  yes exactly right um you know for for higher   um you know for not just for personal  protection but uh if you look at vehicle   armor and that type of thing you might  be using a glass fiber reinforced plastic   or an ultra high molecular weight  ethylene is another example where   um you know those types of of materials are used  you know there's a whole range of of Composites   that are used the one composite that shouldn't be  used is actually carbon fiber and the reason for   that is carbon tends to have a carbon fibers are  just too brittle and carbon panels tend to have   a low trans laminar strength so in other words  they're not very good at dealing with punch forces  Now, you probably ask how does a multi-layered  steel-ceramic armor defeat shaped charge jets.   Well, glad you asked, since this is described  and shown in professors Hazell’s book:  We have a composite armor consisting of 3 layers  of steel and in between are 2 layers of glass.  The shaped charge jet penetrates the outer steel  layer, once the jet reaches the interface between   the first steel and glass layer shocks  emerge. This does not stop the jet though.  Yet, the shock reflects off the steel layer, this  reflected compression wave results in rearward   movement of the first steel layer that drives  some parts into the path of the jet. Additionally,   at the same time fractured parts of the  glass layer is also pushed into the jet.   These movements results in a narrowing of the  penetration cavity and is repeated with the   subsequent layers as well. Additionally,  the glass interlayer provides additional   resistance to penetration due to spring back: “When a jet penetrates a glass target,   the penetration path opens up to its maximum  diameter within a few microseconds and then   closes rapidly after the penetration front  passes. It is thought that the closure of   the penetration cavity is caused by rapid  elastic recovery from high pressure near the   penetration front.” Furthermore, shaped charges used against   strong ceramics produce narrow  cavities compared to metals.  One aspect that makes ceramic suited for  layered armor is that a cone of damage is   produced from the point of penetration outward as  you can see here. This means that the energy of   projectile load is spread out over a wider  area, which should reduce the load on the   absorber layer behind the ceramic armor: “In the context of a two-component ceramic   armour system, it would be expected that  the force of the penetrating projectile   would be spread over a larger surface area  implying a better resistance to penetration.”  Some properties of ceramic armor make it ideal for  defeating shaped charges, like fragmentation. Yet,   these properties are generally less suited  for dealing with kinetic rounds. As such,   for me question was, if ceramic armor  can be used against kinetic rounds.  with tank armor what you're trying to do is  to maximize process called interface defeat or   um or dwell so what you would do there is that  you would design your um your your tank armor so   that you can cleverly maintain a compressive force  on the projectile as it's penetrating through it   um and uh the way that that's achieved is through  a sort of a clever methodology of confinement   um so yeah I'm I'm being deliberately  vague there that's that's all could   probably say about in that one that's right Well, I guess we reached the classified area,   so let’s take a short look at some history. The first wide-scale operational use of ceramic   armor was during the Vietnam war, namely for body  armor of US helicopter crews. In 1965 such vest   was started to produce, additionally the UH-1 Huey  were also equipped with ceramic armor elements:  “[…] in 1965, the UH-I ‘Huey’ was fitted with  ‘hard-face composite’ armour kit used in the   armoured seats of the pilot and co-pilot. The  seats provided protection against 7.62-mm AP   ammunition on the seat bottom, sides and  back using boron-carbide-face fibreglass.”  Similar systems were also installed  in the AH-I Cobra as well.  Before we summarize this, let us look at  the main advantages and disadvantages of   ceramic armor versus metal armor. The advantages are as follows:  Good level of ballistic resistance  relative to the required thickness.  Lightweight solution against certain  threats, e.g., shaped charges.  Hard material. Relatively cheap in terms of logistical   requirements due to its lightweight and small size The disadvantages are:  Weak multi-hit capability. Due to its brittleness,   it can’t be used for load-bearing  structures, hence it is parasitic in nature.  It can easily fracture, which can result in  damage in regular use or even during transport.  For high-performing ceramics, the  cost can be relatively expensive.  Additionally, the production process  for high-performing ceramics is very   complex, which reduces availability. To summarize, why ceramic armor is used,   first, it provides very good resistance  against certain threats like shaped charges,   against which regular steel armor  provides very limited resistance.   Main drawback of ceramic armor is that it  is far less versatile than steel armor,   e.g., you can’t build a tank out of ceramic armor  alone, due to its brittleness it must be combined.  Second, due to its high hardness it also works  well as a disruptor against kinetic rounds when   combined with a proper absorber material. Big thank you to Professor Paul Hazell for   the interview. Thank you,   the Tank Museum, at Bovington for inviting me. Thank you for watching and see you next time.
Channel: Military History Visualized
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Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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