Why Business Costco Is Better.. Especially for Home Cooks!

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business Costco are almost always really empty so a business center is open to anybody but of course it caters to business people or people that own a business that need different types of products the thing I find though is if you're just getting Staples you don't mind having less options when it comes to snacks or Foods it's a dream in fact there's things that a business Costco has that a regular Costco doesn't so anyways I'm going to show you like a giant commercial coffee earn more important ly to snacks not food but actually pretty cool this walk carbon steel this is exactly what you want a welded handle this is legit man this is this is the kind that uh I have at home that's solid right there so I have the black ones at home but you can even get these blue food handling gloves or kitchen grade food safe gloves which I love not just for food handling when I'm cooking but also washing dishes similar to a restaurant supp like store you only get the kind of products you would need that are useful and practical it's not about show usually the price is right and it's the best value like these stainless steel bowls super useful a Prine mes strainers $12 dang there's things that I'm finding that I even know existed here see this whole aisle it's all restaurant supply type of products that is just priced way better than if you were to go to a Williams Sonoma for sure there's products I've never even seen in a store like this right here this is a pink butcher paper aluminum foil single sheets preut sheets that's pretty cool they got the Kirkland brand and the name brand here heavy duty foil rolls oh deli wrap okay cool I didn't even know this is the kind of place you would get this I would just assume to buy on Amazon now I know Business Center that's where you go to get this stuff so normally I do use tupperware at home but I do like these composable food trays or these food boxes sometimes it's just more convenient especially if you have lots of leftovers after a party if you want to give this away for people to take away dud 20 bucks for everyone in your party to be able to take home some food I know I've lost a lot of Tupperware just giving it away I don't mind you know what I mean it'll give somebody some Tupperware to bring home some food and then you never see it and then you look for it later and you realize sometimes years later oh yeah I think I gave that away so come here and get some compostable food boxes Judy just text me we need some laundry detergent so I'm going to go ahead and get one of those is the price better here Judy said we need some dish pods I think this is the brand all right something I've been looking for forever pizza boxes cuz I do a lot of pizza at home and some sometimes I want to give it away to people so got a huge package which would be perfect for to make home deliveries so generally speaking if you're going to have a party even though the business center might be kind of far away cuz there's not very many of them worth the visit when you're entertaining A lot of people including if you're going to have a pizza party I am going to have one soon so this is perfect we going need to stock up on some oranges the girls love their citrus fruits we'll go through this whole bag and 48 Hours get the huge size kimchi same brand that I like to buy when it comes to produce they they don't have everything but they have enough to where you can get mostly what you want uh like Judy wants blueberries and usually we buy organic blueberries and I don't see organic blueberries I'll just get these ones they do look good though typically most restaurants probably don't buy organic produce as far as I know because it costs too much we went out to dinner the other night it was a fancy place but it was just me and Judy we each had two drinks he ate a lot I was completely stuffed by the end but it was 200 bucks with a tip now that's crazy 200 bucks we could have bought a whole C full of food at the grocery store they do have some asparagus here that's organic just by chance are you a thin asparagus person or a thick asparagus I like it when it's a little more thin it's easier especially for the kids that eat there's a gardening Channel I follow on YouTube epic gardening and um I think the guy's name is Kevin he totally grows his own asparagus I think it took him a few years to get going that sounds like it would be delicious cuz anytime you grow something at home as long as you grow it correctly it's always better than at the store I bet you homegrown asparagus is sweeter than asparagus at the store last time I think this was one of my favorite buys this hum kombucha you can get this stuff at any other cost but it doesn't come in this uh two flavor pack and the Blackberry is really good it's just nice that you can switch it up I don't know why they do that but you can only get the combo at uh the business center at least here in the Seattle area what I love about this brand is it's less sugar because there can be a lot of sugar in Kucha if you have coffee but you want something super convenient right here cold brewed espresso okay never mind that's a little bit different but still n bucks is that a concentrate this Pudo caught my eye because I love Pudo and for 10 bucks that's a really good deal you get quite a bit you can get a huge chunk oh man so this whole thing is not even seven bucks and this is way more how heavy is this so you get 4 lb with this this is 1 lb 16 oz you need a slicer for this but I mean that's it's still a hell good deal if you love pido 4 lb worth another thing that's nice about buying a whole like that I've never done it myself but it probably keeps longer because you're not slicing it thin like this you only slice what you need so I remember Papa had a whole leg and it wasn't Pudo it was um some other kind of Spanish cured meat similar to Pudo and he had that thing forever he bought it off of Amazon of all places I think I've seen it at Costco before I believe in Mexico and in Japan I saw it it was a huge Spanish cured meat let me know in the comments which one I'm thinking of I have never seen this before look at this thing at the whole thing the whole wheel now I believe this is an American brand so it's not from Italy but it's still really good made in Wisconsin but you can get a whole wheel let's see how big this is so it's 529 a PB a little bit cheaper 140 bucks for this whole wheel when I make pizza I like whole milk mozzarella cheese the low moisture kind that you can shred and this is $2 per pound it is 12 bucks normally when I buy just that little ball of cheese it's easily I want to say five or six lbs each so you're probably getting five of those balls maybe six for a fraction of the price now that that's a steal right there compared to me paying five bucks for just that tiny little ball and do do want to pick up some butter all right last time I found a huge tub or a huge bucket of soy sauce look at this one oh my God look at this thing that's a lot of sour cream my hands looking kind of funky it's freezing I don't know if you noticed but it's giant cooler normally these are in a cooler and you open up the door but here you just walk into a giant cooler so it is freezing so make sure you bring a jacket maybe one of our favorite buys at Costco at least recently is are bacon we go through one of these every time we eat breakfast now see what I'm saying carada beef I've been looking for this forever look I finally found it if I ever wanted to entertain a whole bunch of people and have cares Sada pre-cut that's what I'm talking about I've never bought this product but I know it exists liquid egg speaking of eggs this is what you normally can get 5 dozen eggs at any other Costco this just like IR regular or got a restaurant $ 15 dozen for $32 so normally my eggs cost 6070 cents per egg it's like less than 20 cents per egg I think that's a good deal as always grab a box of milk probably one of the foods that Costco holds that has the best quality compared to just about anywhere else is meat so I find that I love the meat quality at Costco and I'm going to buy these uh whole young chicken oh per pound I thought that was $2.99 for these guys how much is this yeah 30 bucks for two of these so $15 each yeah that's not bad it's not necessarily the price that makes me like Costco in general it's the quality when it comes to the meat as long as you can butcher your own meat just watch some YouTube videos if you like steak you can buy this whole thing even though it just looks like a big chunk of meat these are New Yorks all lined up slice them into the exact size you want for $149 that's a hell good deal you can even do that for ribe eyes as well I've done it before of course it's more convenient to just buy a pre slice but usually it comes with a higher per pound cost oh nice grassfed beef I've never seen that before and also this is all Halo as well so you have that dietary restriction you only can eat Halal beef they got you covered is hella cold like literally freezing right now they have way more options for water of course Crystal Geyser danani pure life I've never seen this at a regular Costco Voss that super fancy we don't drink that because we just drink right out of the tap but if you like that Bouie water they got you I bet a lot of convenience stores or people that sell snacks and drinks come here my second favorite buy actually is water let me show you so sparkling water now you do see a lot of these brands at a regular Costco what they have here that I like is the smaller bottles this is nice when you're entertaining or you got guest over want to just give them their own little bottle or if you just want a small little drink so I will get one of these all right so they got the big plastic bottle right there they've got that regular size too Chico they've got lime too Chico if you're into flavored Waters they got the San pelino multiple flavors uh peach Clementine pomegranate more citrus last time I did Vlog this whole thing of lamb or this is go actually a schol if you want that but if you're into lamb which I love lamb you can get a whole bunch here so this is a ground lamb this is a box of different lamb cuts a rack of lamb now this is a place I'd buy L 40 bucks that's pretty good price for that whole thing if you're going to have a big party and you really want to treat them good come here for the drinks I think almost every Costco you can get bottled glass bottled Coca-Cola is this one from Mexico yeah I guess it's real sugar I don't know but glass bottles always a treat but what about Pepsi I haven't seen glass bottle Pepsi in forever and then even Fanta so there's um multiple flavors in here there's Fanta Sprite and Coke so if I was going to have a get together and I really wanted to kind of maybe even you know spoil my guess I would get all glass bottles cuz just more fun like Fanta you get four flavors in the glass bottles orange grape what is this strawberry and then pineapple if you've ever been to Mexico or a Mexican food truck or Mexican grocery store you've seen this you can get the multipack lime Mandarin guava pineapple guava sounds so good I have not tried that I showed you the multi pack but if you just want one flavor you can get that too and then and even just regular minaga I bet this is the same company looks just like the hotos this is just sparkling water whoa I have seen this I've never seen it at a store normally when I deep fry I like using the beef Tallow or pork fat I saw in a video somebody using avocado oil I don't know tell me in the comments have you ever deep fried with avocado oil I'm going to totally try this though cuz compared to the price of beef T this is way more affordable maybe I'll deprise some french fries at first see how it goes at the Costco in Mexico I did see this at their normal Costco but huge cans of tuna typically you don't find at a normal one but here at the business one they got it it looks kind of funny being in such a big package with that design on there this is what I was looking for this is not a pen but it's Sano ham from Spain yeah papa bought one of these and it came with a knife and a stand and he had it on the kitchen counter forever how much is this guess how much this is how much do you think it is IAM 100 bucks I think that's even better and the U Pudo I'm assuming the Pudo is a maybe a fancier product more of a premium cut of meat so I almost never buy honey at Costco even if I do find the raw unfiltered stuff because I like to support local honey uh people a look at that 114 bucks that's got to be for a bakery or something no no never it's funny finding both of these next to each other I remember growing up in the 90s Tang was a thing I don't hear about people drinking it as much now and then also Gatorade was also a thing and both powdered and in a bottle would you say tang and Sunny D is the same thing because it's been so long since I had Tang I don't even really remember what it was like I just know that super sweet it's like an orange like drink it's not really I mean if I'm going to give the girls orange juice I'm going to give them orange juice and you know I like to actually freshly squeeze it fact maybe I'll do that that'd be fun it's just way better for you but yeah juice just has a lot of sugar in it uh I usually don't mind especially if I squeeze it myself or make it from the juicer but still kind of like regulate a little bit but Tang you might as well inject sugar into you just 100% sugar recently I went to a 7-Eleven and did a vlog there cuz kir wanted Slurpees and one of the things that we couldn't find was Twinkies cuz a guy that owns a 711 or he was running it said that every time Twinkies hit the Shelf they always sell out which I thought was interesting You' think you would just stock up a lot more but it sounded like they go pretty quick you know another thing I didn't see there that was common whenever you go to that section of a convenience store pies these pre-made or these packaged pies of course apple pie this actually caught my eye because sounds hella good cherry pie o made with real fruit bonus of course it is this too they didn't have any honey buns they had some kind of generic one but right here yeah talk about sugar okay so another thing about a business Costco that uh I just have to give you a heads up on there's no samples I've never seen samples at a business Costco but because of it and yes they do have less options not as many cool finds there's just nobody here let me just show you one person there literally I think one lady down this aisle at this time at any other Costco this place would be packed so yeah I already mentioned it before but uh you can be in and out of this place way faster and as you saw in the gas line no line at the cashier either you want to be the coolest house in the neighborhood during Halloween come and get these KingSize packs of candy bars that would be a good one I you can really just get all Milky Way too it's not that bad I mean it would definitely be more pricey 32 bucks for how many bars here 36 bars I mean these days there's not even that many kids that come to our house we could probably buy two of those yeah 60 bucks but I know as a kid Whenever there was that house that would give full-size candy bars you always remember that neighbor not rageous re is outrageous I'm not for sure but I'm guessing that there's way more candy out of business Costco because I can't recall if I've seen all this candy now especially gum they definitely have every option here now obviously you don't come to a business Costco for this but if you're into Asian Foods Asian finds Asian snacks business Costco is not going to have as many options so just just a warning but that's not why you would come to business costole I went to C of today and there was a lot of traffic Judy said we needed some stuff so instead of going to or regular Costco I thought why not I'm in traffic anyways just pull over and just pick up a whole bunch of stuff if I was trying to find something new something fun they do these special releases business Costco isn't for that also no food court unfortunately I also just realized no booze no wine no liquor I guess if you're a restaurant you have to buy liquor from a proper liquor place by the way this is why restaurants also cook such great french fries dedicated fryer the amount of oil that's in this and the fact that they can control the temp there's a temp look at this thing it is so beefy this would be awesome to have but that would require a lot of oil the trick is if you want to mimic this at home have a big pot I like using cast iron have a thermometer and don't overload your oil so a lot of people they just try to fry too much at once if you just do a small handful which I know is annoying because you probably want to deep fry a lot more all at once when you put too much into your oil especially when you're doing something Frozen Less in your oil one more heads up about business Costco closes about an hour earlier I even asked a cashier does this Costco ever get really busy he says almost remember just on the weekends I said I I was even surprised by the gas station he said yeah that doesn't even get that busy so little tip doesn't have everything but in some ways has some additional options so it's just fun to be able to go there and get some things you can't get at a normal Costco for parties for when you're entertaining you know things that are I don't know um only specific for certain events definitely business Costco uh the third thing is the restaurant supply stuff you know if you want to get some really affordable cooking tools business Costco definitely uh no samples but because there's no samples there's just not as many people shopping here and kind of creating a traffic jam so that's a bonus you can be in and out really quick and yeah anybody can go so why not they don't have very many location but if you um are near one it's definitely worth a visit but uh it's not for everybody I like to go if it's convenient for my schedule and it's on the way to wherever I'm going or back home which it is today all right back home to the girls
Channel: Benji Travis
Views: 104,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benji Travis, benjimantv, shopping vlog, food vlog, family vlog, Why Shopping At Business Costco Is Better
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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