This Restaurant Invented Pickle Pizza

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♪ Pickle pizza ♪ ♪ Eating pickle pizza ♪ ♪ You take some pickles ♪ ♪ And you put them on your pizza ♪ - Hi I'm Beryl, and today's video happened because I saw a photo. Here I am casually scrolling on Instagram, but wait, what's that? Zoom in, closer. My god, is that pickle pizza? I mean look, we all know that the world loves pizza. It is one of the most universal foods that exists. On my YouTube community page I asked you all how you eat your pizza and I got a myriad of responses. In Sweden, people said they liked it with banana and curry powder. In Japan, I was told that Domino's had a boba pizza. In Brazil, they like a type of cheese called catupiry and they pair that with shredded chicken. In India, corn and cheese pizza. I saw hamburger pizza, french fry pizza, plantain pizza from Puerto Rico, someone mentioned taco pizza. But in all the flurry of responses, and all the incredible toppings, nobody said pickles. So you know what that means. We gotta go to the source. (soft clap) (upbeat music) This year is pickle pizza and you can find the original in a city called Rochester, New York. This city is in upstate New York, touching Lake Ontario near the Canadian border. They are known for a few food dishes already, including the garbage plate, and a white hot, like a type of hot dog. But now I got one more. I needed to find somebody in this city to help me. I actually asked on Instagram because I didn't know anyone, and you guys came through. So everybody, this is Alex. - Hi. My name is Alex and I'm a photographer and videographer in Rochester, New York. Before Beryl told me what I was gonna be filming today, I had already said yes, and then she mentioned that it's about pickle pizza, so I was just very glad to do it. - Before we get started, one quick thing about the art today. The art is by Jess Stanley. She is an illustrator and animator from Canada. Look at how cool her stuff is. It's kind of like paranormal and also Lord of the Rings. Yes. (Beryl laughs) I will leave a link to her Instagram and her shop. All right, enough chit chat. Let's get this pickle pizza party percolating. (Beryl laughs) I wanted to do the alliteration. - Yeah, we went viral with the pickle pizza about two years ago. My name is Cindy Arena and I am the manager of Rhino's Pizza in Webster, New York. What happened is one of the girls that works lunch with us, her daughter went to a pickle festival in Philadelphia, and she came back and said, you really need to do something with pickles because they're all the rage right now. So we thought, let's try putting dill pickles on a pizza with our garlic sauce that everybody loves. It's always been our most popular sauce, the pickles just took it to the next level. What the pickle pizza is, it's our garlic sauce, and then we add the mozzarella cheese, and the key to it is using refrigerated dill pickles. You need the cold refrigerator pickles because those are the crispiest. And then we bake it. (upbeat music) And when it comes out, we sprinkle dill on it and that's it. The magic I believe is in our garlic sauce. I have not had really one person say, this is horrible, even though they didn't like pickles. They're like, oh I'm shocked, I'm shocked that this is good. The pickles still stay crispy, even on the pizza after you bake it. So I think a lot of people have this thought of like, ew mushy pickles, but that's, it's not at all. (upbeat music) - So of course I had to ask Violet, who helped Alex on the shoot, how it tasted. - Mm, this is so good. I love pickles. (Violet laughs) - And Alex, what do you think? (upbeat music) I'll take that as a it's good. So I'm gonna make it myself. This is my kind of base ingredients. I'm gonna make the sauce using a base of crushed garlic, and I'm gonna kind of make it up as I go. We've got a big heaping spoonful. I know that I'll need some vinegar to keep it like a little bit tangy. At least that's my thought process. And of course, you're gonna wanna add olive oil, and the olive oil will help give the fat that you need to make this a good base. I'm gonna add some oregano, red chili, and onion powder. Those seem like pizza spices. (upbeat music) First finger dip. We need salt and more garlic. A second finger dip. Okay I'm using my pickled onion vinegar 'cause I thought that that might help give more flavor. (upbeat music) It did. Here are the refrigerated kosher dill pickles. I'm gonna use my mandolin to slice these nice and evenly. Look at how perfect. And nobody make fun of this pan, don't do it. It is a workhorse, I love her, she's perfect. She's a little crusty though. Adding a bit of oil so nothing sticks. This is the pre-made pizza dough, and I'm just stretching it out very professionally. Adding all of the sauce and kind of trying to get it in the corners, mozzarella cheese, pickles going on, and pizza going in. TTYL pizza. I cooked it for about 23 minutes and look at that. I mean, looks pretty good. Yeah thank you, Beryl. It does look pretty good. Actually it looks really good. (upbeat music) ♪ Pickle pizza ♪ I have some ranch because Cindy said that you should eat it with ranch. I'm gonna try it without it first. It looks good. (upbeat music) Oh my god. (Beryl laughs) Why haven't I ever thought of this? The pickles are crunchy. Why are they still crunchy? (upbeat music) Oh my gosh. 10 out of 10. I'm gonna try it with ranch. This ranch is like a yogurt ranch, kinda like healthy ranch. (upbeat music) Oh my god. The flavor of the pickle has that kinda vinegariness, and I would say that the sauce that I made makes it like tangy garlic bread with cheese and vinegary pickles. If you like pickles, a hundred percent you will like this. And if you don't like pickles, I do think that you would like it. (upbeat music) It's pickle forward, but it's not like you're eating a pickle. Like it's not the same as eating a pickle. I don't know what to tell you. I think that baking the pickles makes them less pickle-y. It makes them like more back to cucumber world with a little bit of tang. My recipe for the sauce, I will leave in the description, but obviously like, take it with a grain of salt because I just threw a bunch of random stuff together. I don't know if this tastes even in the slightest like Rhino's Pizza sauce, however whatever I did does taste good. I think that all you need to get out of the sauce is like an olive oil, vinegar, garlic mashup. If you want to add more spice, add more spice, more salt, you know, yada, yada, yada. I just think you want something that's more like a liquidy garlic spread. Honestly, I think more people should be putting pickles on their pizza, and case closed of the is pickle pizza good mystery. I hope that you guys liked this video and I will see you all next week.
Channel: Beryl Shereshewsky
Views: 151,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pickle pizza, beryl, berly, shereshe, beryl shereshewsky, greatbigstory, pizza, pizza toppings, weird pizza toppings, worst pizza, best pizza, pizza recipe, pickle pizza recipe, food insider, new york pizza recipe, new york pizza, dill pickle recipe, adventure time, bacon pancakes, pickle pizza greg doucette, pickle pizza review, pickle pizza mukbang, pickle pizza sauce, pickle pizza ingredients, dill pickle pizza, dill pickle pizza recipe, pizza recipes, Dill pickle craving
Id: WFiE1Jaczk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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