Why Are So Many Full-Time RVers Quitting RV Life?

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this is how the closer works that that's i figured it out you guys you knew exactly what you were doing closer where marissa nathan hensley and jj we sold our house in 2015 and moved into an rv full time to live a life of less junk more journey life is a journey let go and get going [Music] what's up fellow journeyers and so we get asked the question all the time how long do you guys plan to be on the road and living in an rv and you know what we just don't know we evaluate it every year but this has been a very interesting event in time at the rv entrepreneur summit where we're at because we have ran into admit a lot of people who have come off the road who've been on the road for years and a lot of them are actually settling down in this area montrose colorado and a lot of that has to do with the guy we're going to show you joe hendricks a great friend of ours he calls himself the closer but we'll get to the closer we're on the tail end of the event heath and elisa host called rv entrepreneur summits where we spoken about what it means to define your win we also got to hear a lot of really awesome speakers uh while we're here at the summit we got to meet some incredible people with which really that's a big part of what this is about is connecting with other people but last night weather-wise was probably one of the craziest loudest nights we've had since we've been living in an rv were you scared did you go to mom or dad did you scream why are you making that what does that mean there was loud thunder last night and it kept me up all night long it was very very very loud did you get to sleep with your mom and dad last night i couldn't sleep by myself like that quite possibly the loudest thunder i've heard in my life and it was like for six or eight jj obviously he's still asleep he needs to wake up but and we don't have a lot of like insulation in the rv you can see and feel the storms was that the loudest thunder you've heard in your life yes totally will you let me get you with your cup of your favorite loud for you yeah definitely the loudest i've ever heard one of our biggest prayers is that god places us in the path of those that that need us and that the same for us that the people that we need are placed on our path we've seen that work out so many times it's just an incredible thing and we have met some really amazing neighbors at the rv entrepreneur summit and we've been kind of giving each other a hard time pranking each other it's been amazing getting to know them i've worn my my camo because i am going to do a little bit of prank for them so they um have a kyd sticker on their rig and they said oh we need a less junk more journey sticker and we're like oh yeah you do so we had some printed up there are multiple sizes just to test them out so with their permission we have asked hey we'll put a sticker on your rig they're like oh fun cool all right we have to be incognito because i want to see their real reaction when we put this sticker it's hard to be income you know we're like 10 feet apart but ask them if we're borrowing a cup of sugar or something hey nothing going on here we're just uh yeah we're just uh hanging out next to your porch don't mind us borrowing a cup of sugar alcohol or anything yeah mercenaries are alcohol in the morning you want to help me okay come here here yeah definitely that is definitely bigger how's that look that was good you got your sticker on you got us a sticker but this time it's a small version yeah it's just a small version who put that giant sticker on my rv oh my gosh you said wow you said you wanted a sticker it's it's big it's purty i like it i actually like the size i think it i think it fits just right i did i'm surprised it's not sitting right over the kyds oh wow you know we love them we got 10 miles of open road lasting the radio we got both windows down and no one around don't have to take it slow [Music] we have been to this state park before we uh had an interesting time with our class abe when we were here that's the first time we had something go wrong like with a campground where we i'm not gonna lie it was probably a rant i'll link to the video to get the ridgeway state park we drove 10 miles from jelly stone down the road well we're not going to hook the car up we're going to drive the car behind and bring it over here with us well we pulled up here she says well this isn't your tow car i'm like it's our tow car it has all the hookups for she's well no no no you know it has to be hooked up so i had to pull by the ranger station we get to wake up our sleeping toddler get her out of our tow car hook up the tow car so i've got to drive back around and go through the ranger station again and show her that i'm hooked up in the tow car and she said and then she will give me the daily pass for the state park for a tow car come on colorado i mean come on but we love this we still love the park we're back we love colorado pros and cons so it's reasonably priced but keep in mind if you don't have a colorado state park pass it's an extra nine bucks a night so we we're staying here weeks so we just went ahead and bought the yearly pass for 80 bucks it cost us an extra 80 bucks to stay here so you got to sort of factor that into the price but still what you get the money you're talking 60 to 80 bucks a lot of the campgrounds around here i'm stingy on the space i want to get like as much space as we can over here so i intentionally got it pretty tight i'm going to start i guess just yell i don't think we have cell service we have walkie talkie somewhere but i have measured this out and we should be good but you know it doesn't look that tight but these slides come out quite a bit so she's gonna just like just bang on that looks pretty tight yeah just bang on the wall or something if uh oh geez i'm gonna go inside and start now granted i've got the app so i can control the slides with the app but like i need to know what's going on inside too so i could do a little here a little there at that point i don't know so i'm just gonna do it from the inside and then she's gonna yell or bang on something right oh jeez i don't know if this is the official way to do it by banging when something starts going wrong oh he's going it's gonna make me hear any noises i'm running back and forth hello you looking good yeah tons of rumors so this is gonna get you here i didn't know it was going you better come out yeah such a love-hate relationship with slides that actually worked out perfect huh oh look at this i am having a little bit of airstream crush right now so pretty [Music] just a little bit of energy today oh my goodness [Music] now i think there are a lot of decisions when it comes to am i hitting the road when do i know when it's time to get off the road or am i hitting the road to find somewhere to settle down or am i hitting the road knowing where i'm going to live but still just hitting the road for a short amount of time i'm just hitting the road and i don't know exactly what the plan is all i know is i don't like where i'm at and what i'm currently doing and i want something different obviously we've seen kids have a huge impact on whether or not especially a family stays on the road um we we frequently talk to inslee we ask you know do you still enjoy travel do you like this is this and we as parents you know we're asking is this the best thing for our daughter and right now um there's good days there's bad days there's days where the kid seems like the kids are going stir crazy and maybe it would be nice to have a larger space indoors for them to hang out but right now from where we're at the pace we have we feel like this works for us but you have you have to have those honest conversations and we really want to try to make sure that what we're doing is not dictated by even like our channel it's not dictated by family it's not dictated by friends it's not dictated by social pressure once we define that whim is our decision whether we stay on the road or we get off the road like is it our decision and is it helping us go where we want to go as a family at the last rv entrepreneur summit that we spoke at we met an amazing friend and photographer 2018. in 2018 joe hendricks and he had an airstream like we did at the time right we had one at the time and he was full-time and with his son and wife just an amazing photographer and he is now living in this area and when you're friends with an amazing photographer and he offers to do family pictures you finally shower for after boondogging for a week can you go and take family pictures [Music] again [Music] that's a little bumpy ride i forgot with the dually man it is not soft like if you're not towing and stuff about that yet yeah no it's um it's way better you know if you have a load behind you but gotcha he's like that's got wheels so why do you call you call yourself the closer right or they call you the closer yep i call myself the closer because i was on the road full time when i decided to get off i came to machos because manchester in the middle of so much yeah and now i'm bringing all my friends here i started with heath and alyssa i got my friends john and nadia i have some i have a few other friends that are coming here too uh paul and heather ryan yeah yeah we've all been on the road full time and i'm bringing them here and i uh i just take people out for four-wheel driving and let you see exactly what it looks like like the drive out here this is mind-blowing it's beautiful dude look at this looks if this doesn't make you want to come here nothing wrong we joked on the way out here that like sometimes you take pictures that are so beautiful people think they're fake like it's like a green screen or something with behind you and this is definitely one of those spots yeah oh here's the horses guys yeah so that speckled one uh-huh is evidently a really rare horse i don't know what it's called huh it is oh yeah it's beautiful man oh my goodness that one really likes being touched [Music] [Music] that was awesome and then it's my turn two three that's what is super cool about the travel wife style is you can get pictures of your family or as in a couple any anywhere in the country so we've never done mountain pictures before as a family um and i never knew we would have the opportunity to have a backdrop like this in family pictures we've done florida and sand dunes and i've done my maternity pictures at the beach so it's just really cool to get to incorporate the travel lifestyle and the scenery all over the country into our family memories it's just i mean joe has no idea what a blessing this is to our family good job whoa dude that is really cool you want to take a picture of your sister she's right there no that's your mama's leg oh and the hole in her jeans yeah the jeans i'm too old to be wearing yeah i was told that on a youtube video once i was too old to wear holes in my jeans so this is me hey these are being too old on the way out here yeah it happened in all my adventures like it's my adventure jeans so you do all elements now yeah yeah have 16 in the next 20 24 or 25 days oh my goodness yeah i have everybody's all open i have a stretch before on the road was it like you just did a variety of stuff just yeah yeah just all kinds of different stuff you did a lot of landscapes we did we were lost on the road we didn't know what to do really we got to the point where we were losing a lot of money yeah so you never really got a rhythm with yeah yeah yeah did i ever tell you how we sold the airstream didn't this might run into you come on and it paid for the restoration of the airstream and so i sold it immediately we've seen that people are selling the rig because they can like come out really well right now this one seems to eat more than that they're so pretty can i keep it i can't have a pony i want a pony i want a pony oh please hey we'll see we'll see horses again maybe not these horses what do you mean you put on the back of the truck oh no looks like we're moving to montrose and getting a horse so thanks you're so cool you're just chill i love your personality later me to tell them that you're saying hi when i come out i will i've got lots of pictures yeah so i'll make sure that i get you some of the most beautiful pictures so that you can see them over and over and this is how the closer works that that's i figured it out you guys you knew exactly what you were doing closer i brought you through the horses it works every time good luck leaving there goes joe bye-bye joe they don't call them the closer for nothing [Music] [Music] our bedding is like the only thing that i can't do in our combo washer and dryer so i do have to find washers big enough to fit our our bedding in yeah this was definitely a first that i was doing some laundry at the laundromat and i got asked hey when you're done [Music] finished with your laundry do you care to put my towels in the washer and i was like sure and i've wondered what everyone would do in this situation would you say yes would you put the towels in the washer it's just funny that it's like towels too i mean it could be someone's underwear so i guess it could could have been different i guess i'm gonna do their laundry hey i'm curious would you do their laundry would you stick it in yeah you would do it [Laughter] are you supposed to drive into it he didn't ask me to dry them so i'm just going to stick them in anybody he left the money and the detergent here i don't know i've never been asked that so i guess i'm going to do the laundry all right here we go um oh it's wet there's like washcloths our beers are just the kind of sweetest people they would do my laundry so i'm gonna do somebody's laundry uh-oh i got his money stuck [Music] all right here we go i'm just going to start going to a laundromat and just uh saying hey when you're done can you throw mine in make it a lot easier right [Laughter] so joe was fantastic at any kind of photography i've ever seen him take but especially if you want to elope um he has a lopetelyuride.com you can check him out there and so even though we don't plan on moving here i would love to visit here more often and if you're going to come off the road full time this is not a bad place to do it at all so although we have not made the decision to come off the road full time we have made some decisions in our life and that we've shared with you guys on youtube that have been tough and so we want to link to four of those videos for you guys as a playlist the first is like our first video we ever made it's called going houseless it is the video quality will blow you away it is it is horrible video quality but i hope maybe the depth of the content there will be pretty cool and the next video that comes to mind is something that was like a just it was a tough situation it was tough for us to do but we sold our class a which is what we visited colorado in four years ago but we sold our class a made the decision to go to something smaller which ended up being the airstream which is the third video i'll link to that was also emotional when we sold the airstream it's super emotional with all these changes with these rvs it's more than like just a vehicle it's actually even more than just a house because you've gone places in your house it's tough to even describe and then the fourth was when we went from the open range fifth wheel to our current fifth wheel that we have with the grand design that was emotional i know especially for hensley and so as we've gone through life even though we know these changes are good for us that doesn't mean they're not difficult that doesn't mean they're not emotional well that's our journey for today we're excited we got to hang out with the closer we're excited we got to visit this beautiful area around montrose colorado until next time we'll catch you guys later hensley why do you love horses so much you guys are related to unicorns oh that's so true
Channel: Less Junk, More Journey
Views: 205,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full time rv, rv, rv living, rving, hensley and jj, how to rv, camping, camper, full time rving, rv life, rving with kids, travel vlog, 5th wheel, fifth wheel, less junk more journey, less junk more travel, best rv youtube channel, rv living with kids, rv travel, quit rving, quitting rv life, full time rvers, rv living on your own land, why we quit rving, christian full time rvers, less junk more journey colorado, less junk more journey 2021
Id: SQGX5J659uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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