Do these 8 things for your RV propane system

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hey folks Nathan with access RV back with you once again today we have got eight propane tips if you've been struggling or have questions about the propane system on your RV this is the video for you if you like what we're doing make sure you like and subscribe so that we can keep bringing you these types of videos let's get right to it okay the number one tip I have for you for propane systems we get a phone call at the service department at access RV that says something like hey my refrigerator won't fire up on gas we always ask customers have you bled the system yet a lot of times they say no here's the process on which you do that go to your cooktop let's go ahead and turn it on and let's let that burn for about thirty seconds or so we should see a nice strong blue flame we don't want to see a lot of yellow in that flame that way we know we're getting all of the oxygen if there is any out of the system once you have a nice strong flame burning you can go ahead and turn that off now is the time to try and fire up your appliances most of the times if you do this all of your appliances will fire on the first or second try usually try that tip next time your refrigerator won't turn on gas okay here we are with tip number two phone call we get it the access RV service department is hey I can't get any propane into my RV it just stopped flowing customer might think it's their bottle maybe they don't have propane or something is frozen up in the bottle is what we get told in a service department oftentimes we don't think about the bottle itself so much as we start to think about the pigtail that feeds propane from the tank to the RV built inside this pigtail is what is called an excess flow valve if too much propane tries to flow through this one time it will trip that excess flow valve now the way to reset that is you go out to your RV with your handle hooked up you shut off the flow of propane open up the pigtail until you hear the release of propane pressure reattach the pigtail and then very slowly and I stress very slowly reopen up that bottle of propane try that next time you can't get any propane flowing into your RV okay for tip number three we've come outside we're gonna talk about the appliances on your RV the appliances that burn propane are usually your furnace your water heater and in this case the refrigerator at least on an annual basis you should be pulling the access panels to your appliances and you want to check the propane lines you want to check the gas valves you want to check the burn chambers here at the shop we use compressed air and we blow these out really good to get the leaves and the debris and the little particles out of it spiders and bugs love the smell of propane and they want to make little nests in there make sure that you take those little burner tubes off clean them out with a pipe cleaner or blow them out with some compressed air keep your appliances working the way they should tip number four on at least an annual basis you should be taking your RV to an RV repair facility that is certified in repairs on an annual basis there is a very specific propane leak check that they should be doing on your behalf very specialized propane equipment that they use to do those tests so make sure you take a to your RV dealership on an annual basis to have that checked ok tip number five we get lots of questions about how these auto changeover regulators actually work you've got two tanks on your RV a right and a left there's a little sight glass here and then there's a little valve that switches back and forth how this works is the direction that this arm is pointed towards is the primary bottle if the primary bottle has propane this little sight glass right here is going to be green when that bottle runs out of propane this turns red but inside here it automatically changes over to the other side but what you need to know is when it's in changeover mode you lose about 30% of the capacity of the propane system so what you should do is simply move that knob over to the side that has propane you should see this sight glass turn green then you could disconnect your bottle take it down and get it filled and bring it back once you see that this sight glass has to turn red again go ahead and flip it the other side take this bottle down and get it filled and that's how the automatic changeover regulator works okay we're back with tip number six this is so you know how much propane you have in your tanks when you're out camping there's really three ways to find out how much propane you have in your tank now your grandpa might have taught you this one when you're using your propane system you can take some warm water or some hot water you can actually throw it on the side of the tank and what you're looking for is you're looking for a frost line that then develops on the tank and then you know kind of where the level is at on your tank the second method would be there are stickers and they stick to the side of the tank they have a tendency to come off and and they're not highly accurate and you do have to be using your system in order to know how much propane you have because it just gauges temperature if you would like to use technology this device has come out now we're going to talk about this in a future video so make sure that you like and subscribe so that you can learn a little bit more about it but this is uses uses technology it pairs with your phone it actually sticks to and stays on the bottom of your propane tank and sends a very precise amount of propane to your phone so from the comfort of inside your RV you could simply look at your phone and know exactly how much propane you had you never want to run out and leave you and your family cold on to tip number seven tip number seven is actually about propane detectors so the number one complaint we get about detectors is it's going off and I don't know why and the number one reason for that is because the batteries in your RV have gone low just like the smoke detector in your house if this starts going off it's probably starving for some voltage so make sure your RV is plugged in or that your batteries are in good condition there's a button on the front that you can push to reset it if it is going off if it's still going off it may need to be replaced propane detectors are good for seven years there's a date stamped right on the back of these replace it after seven years also you should be checking this on a periodic basis you push and hold the test button for between three to five seconds and it should start beeping at you as soon as you let go that alarm should go off the should be green and you'd be good to go on to our last tip number eight okay tip number eight is for you cold weather for season campers we get phone calls at access RV service Department say something to the effect of hey I'm camping it's very cold outside and my furnace isn't keeping me warm it feels like it's barely getting hot at all well the problem may not be with your furnace it may be with your propane the furnace in your RV uses a vapor phase of liquid propane we store it as a liquid and through the evaporation process it turns into a vapor the way to get around this in cold weather conditions is keep your bottles full the more liquid propane you have in your bottle the greater the surface area there is to turn that liquid propane into a vapor phase that your RV then uses and burns your water heater your furnace your refrigerator etc so when you're camping in cold temperatures tip number eight is keep your bottles full okay folks that's our top eight tips that we've got for you today make sure that you like and subscribe so that we can keep bringing this content to you we'll see you again next week
Channel: Access RV
Views: 366,532
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Keywords: rv rental, rv rentals, motorhome rental, salt lake city rv rental, jackson rv rental, travel, recreational vehicle
Id: KpyTfYjmOgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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