Why Are People Steering Clear Of Chevy's New 2.7L Turbocharged Engine?

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let's see what the acceleration's like hey everyone it's ben hardy here and in today's video we'll be talking about chevy's 2.7 liter turbocharged four-cylinder and whether or not this is a powertrain that you should go for first and for also a huge shout out thank you to the large miller chevy here in provo for give me some time with this truck so that i can talk about this topic i'm gonna include a link to their inventory in the description down below by the way this truck is available for sale right now if you're interested check out the inventory and so yeah with that being said oh also link to my carbine guide in the description down below as well let's get into it [Music] so let's quickly talk about the specs here of this engine so first off it's a turbocharged 2.7 liter four-cylinder that goes through an eight-speed automatic transmission fuel economy 17 around town then 20 in the highway is rated for this particular truck power outputs 310 horsepower and then 430 pound-feet of torque is one torquey boy and this is a very techy engine so first off it's turbocharged right that's quite a bit of tech already but it has auto stop start it has cylinder deactivation direct injection variable valve timing thermal management and a continuously variable oil pump that is quite a bit happening under the hood to basically make this whole situation possible now we're gonna go over a couple of issues that could potentially affect this truck now the reason i'm saying potentially is it's not guaranteed but there have been some higher mileage trucks that have had this issue and this doesn't mean that it's a death sentence for the 2.7 liter four cylinder right there's issues with pretty much every modern vehicle right but let's at least talk about it uh first off is potential for carbon buildup and that is because uh fuel entering the system is under a lot less pressure than what you had with prior power trains and this is just kind of like a modern powertrain thing this is not just a chevy thing now what a lot of automakers will do to kind of get around this lower pressure is they will do port injection this however does not have that and so there have been some higher mileage examples that have had quite a bit of uh build up another issue that could potentially affect this issue that could also potentially affect the 6-2 that chevy has and we could make a whole another video about that if you guys want is just lifter issues that have been popping up quite a bit um basically because the height of the lifters is variable there's just a lot of work that has to happen um to basically make the whole system work it's a lot more complex than the old big blocks that chevy used to have and obviously this is not a big block this turbocharged 2.7 liter four-cylinder but basically there's just a lot more work that has to be done and so there is potential for the whole system to fail which is obviously not a good thing and yeah there you go now that is the first part of the video now we're gonna take this out and drive it and i'm gonna go over the rest of the pros and the cons here of the 2.7 liter four cylinder to help you guys decide if this is the powertrain that you should go for [Music] i of course picked like the hottest day to do this video i am gonna be like coming out of a sauna after this because it is so toasty in this truck just because of where it was placed uh facing the sun and all that um but anyways let's talk about this turbocharged 2.7 liter four-cylinder now the reason i wanted to make this video is i've kind of noticed a trend where trucks with this engine tend to sit on the lots at chevy dealerships a little bit longer than trucks with six two v8s or 5.3 liter v8s frankly if a truck has a 62 v8 it doesn't sit in the lot at all like it's just instantly sold if it has a 5 3 v8 same thing whereas again trucks with this 2.7 liter turbocharged four-cylinder they they seem to be spending a little bit of time on dealer watson so i'm you know basically digging into this and you know this video is my attempt to figure out you know why people are not going for this powertrain and we're first going to talk about the driving dynamics of the powertrain and then we'll kind of dive into some of the stuff we mentioned at the beginning of the video um with potential you know reliability concerns and everything with this powertrain hopefully we can kind of figure out the uh bigger picture with this whole situation so first off let's see what the acceleration's like i mean for a four-cylinder and a pickup truck that is so solid like it's smooth it's quick the eight speed is really good it's it feels it feels super dialed in like no complaints from acceleration perspective i feel like that is just yeah great um so i don't think that that's bothering people and again since this is turbocharged you know being at 4 600 feet elevation here this feels great and it actually makes this engine feel quicker than the 5.3 v8 because even though the five three has more horsepower it has less torque and again it's not you aspirated so you have quite a bit more power loss with the five three and so uh funny enough like driving this truck around it feels peppier than the 5.3 and so that is solid and it's quiet too like yeah when you get on it full throttle you can you can hear the four-cylinder sounds um i don't think those are bad sounds though per se i think those actually are pretty decent for a four-cylinder and so i again i don't think that that is necessarily the issue yeah it's so torquey it just gets up and moves so yeah i don't think the driving dynamics are an issue um now i have seen some posts on fuel economy and and here's my guess is you know some people have been stating that they're not able to quite get the epa numbers with this truck and you know it obviously depends on the region you live in it depends on your driving style too you do have to kind of get into the throttle a little bit with this truck to kind of have a little bit of fun with it and so i'm wondering if people are diving the throttle just really hard with this uh truck and so there's constantly in the turbos and then that's just making it so it's difficult to get you know solid fuel economy uh with the truck um so yeah i mean you know it could be up to the drivers it could be something you know with the powertrain where it's just you know how it's set up it's just it's just hard to get those ratings some vehicles are like that right like uh ram trucks for example not trying to call them out but i'm gonna call them out because i've owned several it's like impossible to get the epa ratings with them like every single i've owned three ram trucks and every single truck gets like significantly worse so like for example i owned a 2018 rebel it was rated for 15 around town and then sorry it was yeah 15 around town and then like 21 on the highway i might my numbers might be off by a little bit but i think 15 around town 21 on the highway and i got like 12 or 13 miles per gallon and then my 2019 rebel same exact thing 15 around town 21 on the highway and i got like 12 or 13 miles per gallon so it's yeah it's kind of like it seems like it's a truck thing right it seems like trucks just don't get the fuel economy ratings that you think that well at least you know what the epa ratings are on them um but there have also been some complaints with the 5.3 on that as well so again i'm gonna leave that one up in the air um but i i don't think that it's necessary i think it's probably more with the driver than it is with the truck but again it could be wrong um and i really like that like how quiet this is again getting into it it is weird it's definitely weird hearing a four-cylinder you know when you're excelling in the truck and i'm noticing i'm having to dive in the pedal a little bit more so i'm wondering if that's kind of contributing to that lower fuel economy now let's obviously talk a little bit more about the reliability i kind of mentioned that in the beginning part of the video uh so here's the deal these issues that everyone's talking about here with the 270 that have been documented aren't affecting every single truck and on top of that this is happening at pretty high mileage like close to 100 000 miles which i understand for some truck buyers that might not be like super high mileage i i understand but still happening at higher mileage right and so it's not like you're gonna buy one of these trucks and then all of a sudden you're gonna have lifter issues and you're gonna have carbon build up right off the lot like it's it's gonna take some time if those issues do develop but on top of that you know chevy does have a power train warranty so like you know something happens within the powertrain warranty it's like you're fine you're covered under warranty so yeah it's it's one of those things where like you know there's gonna be some things they're gonna have to work out because this is a new powertrain and they just increase the power figures for this uh new generation of uh silverado right for the refresh and so yeah there is gonna be some things they're gonna have to work through with it but i you know i think they'll figure it out i think the fix that they end up they'll end up probably going for is maybe changing the trucks to port injection or something who knows right time will tell on that and now that we have a clearing we got to get another acceleration because this engine's fun i i saw some comments about turbo lag with this truck every turbocharged engine has turbo lag like that's a turbocharged engine thing it's not that bad it's not like better or worse than any other turbocharged engine it's fine and so you know i guess we can uh kind of come full circle here on the silverado the 270 here's my personal opinion and and i've mentioned this in several silverado reviews but you know we'll kind of talk about this in this dedicated video i like the 62 a lot because it sounds great and it gets pretty good fuel economy considering the fact that it's a big 6.2 liter v8 and it's got great power even at elevation because you know 420 horsepower 460 pound-feet of torque it's it is solid even at elevation um and then you know on top of that it's pretty reliable yes everyone always talks about the lifter issues with the 6-2 but again you've got the powertrain warranty for a reason and if you're really worried then just trade in the truck before you get out of the power trade warranty because it's such a cool engine the 5.3 right that's the one that's good old reliable i guess is what you could uh call it right and it's it's a super solid powertrain my only gripe with that powertrain is it just doesn't feel as solid as this at elevation from an acceleration perspective it's still it's still a v8 it's still great it doesn't feel as good as this now this obviously is not you know as they call it tried and true as the other two engines especially the five three the five three is the most tried and true that chevy has uh but that being said you know there could be worse issues right there's there's so many other cars that have power trains that are having failures that are way way worse than what this is having a little bit of carbon built up yeah that's not great that's not ideal but that's better than like complete engine catastrophe right complete engine failure so i know i might sound like an idiot saying that but that's okay um the point that i'm trying to make is if i were to spec out a new silverado my number one pick personally would be the 6-2 but if i wanted to go the safe route i go 5-3 and you know if i was okay with you know not for sure issues happening but potential issues then yeah i would be like okay you know what let's try out the two seven i really like it um but i i just i don't think it's all doom and gloom like a lot of these outlets are making it seem to be i think it's one of those things where yeah there is something that could potentially happen with this truck but the chances of it affecting you are not a hundred percent and you know for the most people buying this they're gonna love it and if you own the two seven let us know in the comment section below your experience let us know if it's been doing gloom or if you've loved it because i've seen so far people have commented that they've loved this powertrain and so i still think it's worth going for um but you said if you're really worried 5'3 they still make the five three that's cause something's up for our video on this turbocharged 2.7 liter silverado hopefully that helped you guys out and with that being said again a huge shout out thank you to the lurch miller chevy here in provo 4 give me some time with this truck check out them turn the description down below i'll see you guys
Channel: Ben Hardy
Views: 520,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2022 chevrolet silverado, 2022 gmc sierra, 2022 gmc 1500, 2022 ram 1500, 2022 ford f-150, 2022 toyota tundra, 2022 nissan titan, 2022 ford bronco, 2022 chevy 1500, 2022 chevy silverado, How much will the 2022 Silverado cost, Will 2022 Silverado have new interior, Is the Chevy 2022 2.7 Turbo a good engine, Is the Chevy 2.7 L turbo engine a good engine, How much horsepower does Chevy 2.7 Turbo have, What is the towing capacity on the 2022 2.7 L Turbo Silverado, silverado turbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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