Why are people leaving Michigan - Is It Really That Bad?

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so you're thinking about moving to Michigan but you might have noticed that Michigan isn't exactly retaining a lot of people there's a lot of people that are leaving the state of Michigan as well and you might be asking yourself why the heck is that and in today's video we are going to get into just that you know Michigan has been ranked one of the top five states with the most amount of people leaving the state we're going to break down why that is and what life is like here in Michigan so you can get some better insights into what it's like to live here and ultimately make a decision if moving here is the best situation for you and your lifestyle and hey if we're meeting here for the first time my name is Eric Meldrum I'm a realer with true living group here in Michigan so if you like this video and you find it helpful consider subscribing to the channel give it a thumbs up and hit that little bell so you're notified to learn about all things living here in Michigan as I was do my research I found one really interesting thing that I wanted to share with you guys I thought it was funny so United Van Lines published a report in 2022 they've updated that report since but I was kind of looking back and I just thought it was funny because they track where people are moving from and where people are moving to and out of all the people that left Michigan they went to every state in the United States except for one and that state was Vermont I saw that I'm like that makes zero sense like Vermont isn't a bad state so if you were that person that moved from Michigan to Vermont or you know somebody who did it in 2022 drop it in the comments below so we can prove United Van Lines wrong all right so enough of that let's get into the reasons why people are moving out of Michigan so first up we're we're going to talk about the job market and the job market is a big reason why people are leaving the state of Michigan but ironically enough this is also one of the main reasons why people are coming and moving to Michigan which I thought was fascinating because you know when you really dive into some of the jobs here you know it's been primarily Automotive healthc Care higher education yeah obviously people are coming to Michigan for those but why are they also leaving for job opportunities is there not enough jobs and I had to dig a little bit deeper you know with Healthcare with automotive supply chain and how deep it goes a lot of these companies have headquarters all over the world if you look at the automotive supply chain which I was in for a while that takes you to California takes you to Europe takes you to China takes you to South America even though people are moving to Michigan this is home based for the Automotive Land and more so Advanced manufacturing and a lot of these specialty engineering jobs it also has a lot of opportunity outside of Michigan they're looking for talent too and who better to help them with their Automotive needs than people right here in Michigan that have the skill set and have the experience and the other industry you know is the healthcare when you think about it doctors do the same right if you're a doctor and you just graduated medical school you're going to go do residency at a hospital but eventually you're going to start looking at a hospital system that you either have a specialty you know focus on whether it's oncology or whatever else you know you may be specializing in and then you're going to go seek that hospital out so what might have brought you here in the first place is not ultimately where you're ending up there's a rotation in the job market here in Michigan is really my point people are coming in for opportunity but they're also leaving for better opportunities that may exist outside of Michigan so next up on our list is the cost of living here in Michigan now this is probably one of the questions I get most often which is how affordable is Michigan can I buy a home for X price and if you look at Michigan the average home price you know here in the whole entire state which keep in mind it's this Mitten here and then if I can do that the Upper Peninsula up here right so you got a lot of land mass so when you look at the average cost for homes here in Michigan it can be very skewed right the average cost of a home is sitting right around like $240,000 in the whole entire state of Michigan but if you're looking to be like in some of the popular areas Grand Rapids Traverse City Southeast Michigan that is not going to be the case there's certainly pockets and rural areas outside of those major cities that yes you can still find that those are going to be your smaller towns there's really not much life besides Farm life or rural country living so if you're looking for something like Metro areas awesome downtowns those are going to come at a premium you know the average cost of a home in Birmingham Michigan is right around $800,000 the average cost of a home in Northville Michigan is like 450 to 500,000 Brighton Michigan is 4 50 Ann Arbor 525,000 cost of living is really relevant to the lifestyle that you're going for is really my point of that so some people get here thinking well I thought this was going to be cheaper you know I thought my gas was going to be cheaper my groceries were going to be cheaper my internet was going to be cheaper my healthc care was going to be cheaper but a big proponent of your cost of living pretty much in any state is your home your living cost right what does it cost for property taxes and your your house and your rent some of the other stuff yes that does play a role but I've ran the numbers so many times with people moving from other states the living expenses for your house and property taxes those are the two major ones that you really need to be paying attention to which is the perfect segue into our next topic which is taxes now there's more than just property taxes here in Michigan you also have your sales tax and you have state income tax in addition to property taxes and those are the three main taxes you should be aware of if you are thinking about moving to Michigan state income tax can be about 4.05% now you're being taxed on the money that you bring in okay so on your income you're going to give it to Uncle Sam the federal level and then you're also getting taxed at the state level by Michigan can be frustrating if you're coming from a state like Florida where there is no state income tax so you just need to be aware of that you know 4.05% it's going to the state right it's going to go to the roads the I not even going to pretend I know where it goes and I'm sure wherever you we think it goes it does not go there and then your property taxes here in Michigan on average and this is going to fluctuate based on the city the county you're in whether you're in a Township or city limits whether you have City Water city sewer property taxes will run you about 1.38% of your home's values so if your home is $500,000 you would just multiply that by 1.38% to get your taxable value for your home now the last one is sales tax and sales tax doesn't go for everything that you buy in Michigan a lot of perishables food items are not taxed okay but there are goods and services that are taxed 6% so next up is the weather now the weather here in Michigan can be very unpredictable and I get it like a lot of people are leaving Michigan because they're just sick of the weather and what they're really saying is like they're just sick of winter that that's really it like all the other Seasons spring fall summer those are fine you don't hear a whole lot of like michig Anders complaining about those three season Seasons it's just that winter that winter can drag on and drag on and drag on and just get tired of it year after year after year the snow the slush the ice it becomes tiring that's also one of the main reasons why a lot of people do love the weather here in Michigan which is they like skiing they like snowmobiling they like ice fishing you know they like having those all year you know kind of activities that they can get out and do even though it's like hit or miss you know this year this past winter you know a lot of the ski hills didn't get a lot of fresh powder you got to weigh your options and I guess the people that are leaving have just chosen I'd rather be in the sunshine than in the winter or maybe they went out to a colder climate like Alaska you know it just depends on your lifestyle right and that's what it always boils back down to is like Michigan's not a bad State and at the end of the day people prefer what they prefer people prefer being in just a very warm climate all year round you know some people prefer being on a beach but there's a lot of people that enjoy that type of stuff here in Michigan as well so next up on our list there's a group of people that are leaving Michigan for a specific reason and that is they're retiring you know and for a lot of the reasons I just mentioned previously the weather the taxes the job opportunities well you you retired from them so you don't not really looking for that but the weather and the taxes can be a big burden on folks who are looking to retire and property taxes sales tax when that stuff starts adding up you start asking like is there another better option is there cheaper option you know and the most common one we hear is people are moving to Florida you know from Michigan or moving to the sun Bel States for warmer climate and as you get older Bones start to hurt you know you you got arthritis the colder weather can be very harsh on some people's health and that's not me speculating that's just facts you know I've had clients recently who are selling their home to move out of Michigan because life here has been great up until the fact that so and so had this health condition and now the cold weather just accentuates it it's painful in their joints and their bones and they just don't want to you know endure that so they're looking for warmer climate and I've heard that time and time again and if I go back to that report from United band lines that accounted for about 15% of the people that were leaving the state of Michigan all right next up is the limited outdoor activities now if you're somebody that likes being outside pretty much all year round then Michigan probably isn't the good state for you and that's evidently why some people move you know out of Michigan is to go that lifestyle right go to a state like Florida or California or Texas where you can pretty much walk outside or just look outside and be like yep it's a shorts today or I'm wearing a t-shirt you know there's not too many days where you're going to have to go look and see like well am I going to have to wear a sweatshirt am I going to have to wear long pants long pants not going to have to wear pants in general but doesn't matter like you don't have to do that in some other states in Michigan you're constantly looking at the weather you're constantly pulling out your phone be like what's the weather going to be like today do I wear a sweater am I going to wear a rain coat should I bring an umbrella those things are real here in Michigan but the outdoor activities those are the things that people love doing running biking hiking and when you're constantly in the elements you know here in Michigan it just sometimes isn't enjoyable right and if you're in the winter months you're basically shut in right I there's really not much I can do if you're not a snow mober if you're not a skier if you're not a snow board if you're not into any of the winter sports then yeah the winter can suck you know for those reasons you know outdoor activities are very limited certain time of year here in Michigan so another reason that people are leaving Michigan and it's also changing at the same time is because of the startup scene you know if you asked 10 years ago what the startup scene was like in Michigan you'd really get directed to Ann Arbor you really wouldn't get directed anywhere else so in previous years that was a drawback you know entrepreneurs coming to start businesses recruit Talent there were other better places right Silicon Valley Austin Texas New York you know those type of places where where there was a lot of talent and a lot of innovation happening at the same time didn't really exist here in Michigan as of recently that is tipping the scales you know Michigan downtown Detroit Ann Arbor has always been bustling it's even grown you know since then the connection between Ann Arbor Detroit now Grand Rapids Traverse City there's a lot more Innovation happening in a lot of these hubs in Michigan so for that reason is the same reason people are leaving Michigan but now it's kind of tipping the scale bringing them back Michigan is definitely on the map but it's not as big as some of those other hubs all right so last but not least and what this really boils down to is ultimately your lifestyle that you're going for you know living in Michigan is ultimately a lifestyle choice and you might be coming here for an opportunity for a job but where you choose to live is all about your lifestyle whether it's on a lake whether it's on land whether it's being part of a subdivision or living in an urban area like downtown Detroit those are all possible so if we want to be close to Parks well we could do that if we want to be near a golf course or on a golf course we could do that too at the end of the day Michigan's not for everybody everything always comes back to what is your desired lifestyle and that's what we focus on you know so if you are considering Michigan or just wanted to know why people were leaving Michigan I hope this video was helpful you know we covered a lot you know from the outdoors the weather the taxes right the job market and at the end of the day it's all comes back to Lifestyle some of those things we can't control cool thing is you still get to choose where you live you can live a half hour from really anywhere and be on a lake be on acreage you have your pick of the litter I hope you guys enjoyed this video you know if you do have questions drop it in the comments below or if you are a michigander and you have something else to add about why people are leaving Michigan or if you just want to throw in your two cents I'd be happy to look at those and until next time we got some other videos that are all things Michigan here and don't forget to subscribe tap that Bell so you're notified every time we drop a new video just like this so you can learn about all things Michigan and until next time we'll see you on the next [Music] [Music] one and
Views: 35,463
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Keywords: why are peaple leaving michigan - is it really that bad?, moving to michigan, living in Michigan, michigan real estate, best places to live in michigan, michigan real estate agent, best realtor in michigan, why do people move, is michigan a bad place to live, relocating to michigan, is michigan a good place to live, is ann arbor a good place to live, in brighton michigan a good place to live
Id: 1_iP7N7IRlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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