UPPER PENINSULA MICHIGAN: Pristine & Isolated, It's Unlike Anywhere Else In The U.S.

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wow it's beautiful am I right I am in Escanaba in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan a beautiful fascinating place an interesting place that we are going to show you in this video a little bit about the peninsula first or the Upper Peninsula the U.P as it's called it is 29 of the land mass of the state but only three percent of the population and believe it I've been driving around the area a little bit or quite a bit actually and you go through huge stretches of Countryside where there is almost nothing I'm showing footage right now somewhere in the middle of the peninsula just a lonely road absolutely gorgeous though isn't it now the economy here mostly based on logging and some tourism also iron ore production again a lot of vlogging you see trucks loaded up with cut down trees all along the roads are on the roads as you drive around the area it's a beautiful day today by the way I'm sitting here on this bench hanging out with these guys uh it is mid July 71 degrees Fahrenheit 22 Celsius about 11 A.M the locals here and the upper peninsula call themselves Yoopers I believe you have to be a native to be called that I could be wrong but yes you purse if you live up here you are a yooper let's see there is a historic lighthouse up in this direction how about if we check it out first and then we'll head into downtown the Sand Point Lighthouse built in 1867. there is a placard over here let's take a look at it real quick from 1868 to 1939 the Sandpoint Lighthouse warned Mariners of the spit of land extending into little Bay dinok at the entrance to the Escanaba Harbor U.S Congress authorized construction of the lighthouse in 1864. shortly after the first railroad began hauling iron ore from the mines to docks at Escanaba the newly appointed keeper John Terry died just before the opening of the light so his wife Mary lit the lamp for the first time on May 13 1868 Mary Terry served as keeper until March 1886 when she died in a mysterious fire at the Lighthouse so this Lighthouse is haunted it could be said in 1939 the new crib light began operating the in the harbor and uh of course it's all electric now I think we can go inside here Sandpoint lighthouse on the national register of course well it should be huh cool all right I am inside I'm going to climb this lighthouse up here wow how awesome huh and here is the light fantastic all right this is the second floor give you a look a little bedroom another little bedroom little tiny bedroom and a big bedroom wow this must be where Mary stayed Isn't that cool well well okay there's the stairwell again let's go check out the first floor looks like it's got a little living area here and a little kitchen looks real cozy doesn't it downtown Escanaba is that way that building that you see let me zoom in a little that is Harbor Tower at 18 stories it is the tallest building in the upper peninsula but what I'm really here to show you is this this is the house of Ludington built in 1865. a Historic Hotel Queen Anne's style of architecture that is basically an American style of Victorian architecture my understanding is that Al Capone used to hide out in the tunnels underneath population today is a little over 12 000 people population was in 1960 there were 15 391 people [Music] the median age is 43 52 percent of the town is female [Music] 12 of them are widowed 48 of the town is male 86 percent of the city is white three percent Native American two percent Asian two percent Hispanic one percent black last six percent mixed got lots of interesting stuff here [Music] on what this building is just ask hunting and fishing licenses cool huh uh median household income here is 36 000 a year which about 700 a week [Music] pretty low income poverty is 17 percent children's poverty is also 17 percent uh people 16 and or 65 and older is 16 those are pretty well in line with the U.S averages [Music] and let's see crime's pretty low 22 incidents per 1000 people U.S average is 23. got a couple theaters I want to show you here downtown beginning with this one the Michigan it says stay groovy on the Marquee I'm wondering if that references Michigan native film actor Bruce Campbell who starred in The Evil Dead movies and he says groovy in those movies to Comic effect one of my favorite actors anyway the theater it's not an operation which is kind of sad because it's got immense potential here's the second theater I was going to show you uh it looks like an even worse condition but wow what a beautiful building or it could be really beautiful really unique looking man it's too bad somebody uh doesn't fix this up now this is grab and go a little sandwich shop here they have beef pasties here one of the Hallmark Foods the official food if you will have the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and that place is reputed to have one of the best so I got one you want to go the car can you see it there and anyway I'm gonna go to the car and I'm going to show it to you and try it out all right guys here it is a up Michigan beef Pasty basically a beef stew wrapped in a pastry uh a meat pie that you can eat with your hand and it is considered a full meal in itself smells amazing uh this is a banana cake that the guy also makes I went ahead and bought one of those because I can't say no to that anyway let's take a bite this thing is huge I'm just gonna take a couple bites here um and I'm gonna eat the rest of the hotel tonight oh hot wow yeah you can see the beef in there vegetables I think there might even be some potato so oh man that's good all right guys well there you have it the classic up Michigan beef pasty the official food of the Upper Peninsula well I think it's time to see some residential but let's look at a map real quick like I usually do see me there the wide arrow and the blue dot up there in the upper peninsula you can see Wisconsin to the West Chicago's straight South uh Canada North that's Thunder Bay that is up in Canada let's do the mileage log real quick shall we I think you can see that 96 069 miles there it is all right let's go check out some residential looking pretty awesome isn't it that is a beautiful home let me swing around see the front of that oh oh the houses on the street wow really awesome architecture they all look completely different from the other I'm a mere two blocks off the main street of downtown so this is the downtown area or a downtown area neighborhood very old neighborhood but uh it's quite beautiful look at this guy he's got his lunch and he's guarding it he's not even getting out of the way of the car I'll go around your fella I won't mess with your dinner a lot of churches in this town uh here's one of them First United Methodist First Presbyterian Church this one's got really tall spiers Bethany Lutheran [Music] this town is full of churches that is something foreign the town of Manistique now in 1920 this town had nearly 6 400 people in it that's a major city in the early 1900s today there are 2 800. so that is a pretty significant loss population over the past 100 years median age is 46. 52 percent of the town is female so that's 48 percent male 86 percent of the town is white five percent is Native American one percent Hispanic one percent black last seven percent mixed median household income uh just under 37 000 a year which comes out to about 700 a week so that's um it's pretty low income median household poverty is 19 percent for children 17 and under it's only 11 though that is lower than the U.S average of 17. 65 and older though it's a little high 28 percent live at or below the poverty level all right I'm going to drive into the major part of downtown right now [Music] um crime a little high last year 28 incidents per 1000 people us average is 23. quaint nice downtown not seeing any empty storefronts so there are businesses here what you'd like to see all right uh well I'm gonna look around a bit all right I'm driving up towards the town's main landmark and that is the Schoolcraft County uh water tower all right so here it is the Manistique Water Tower built in 1921 when it was in operation it would hold 200 000 gallons of water yeah there is a steel tank inside of it and they actually used to have city offices here below yeah that's pretty interesting well uh this is pretty typical of residential a lot of older homes all in really good condition lovely neighborhoods in this town really nice houses Manistique is on Lake Michigan the beach here uh here in town and it sure is beautiful isn't it wow they've got a lighthouse out there um there it is that was built in 1916. it is owned by a private individual you can't help but notice that although this is a beautiful beach with lots of sand the sun is out it's mid-july but there's no one on the beach very few people here it's because it's chilly it's a about 11 A.M and it's 55 degrees here the wind is blowing and it is cool uh by the way that 55 degrees Fahrenheit is 13 Celsius in mid-july it's a shock to the system for this Texan I got to tell you but oh man oh man it sure is beautiful isn't it I have arrived in the town of Newbury it's right in the middle of the Upper Peninsula [Music] get you a look at that real quick the town's Peak population was in 1950. there were 2 800 people here today there are a little over 1400 so the town has lost half its population from its peak time [Music] it's a neighborhood right outside of downtown median home value here by the way is 53 000. and get a home pretty cheap here median age is 40. 52 percent of the town is male 48 female 13 of those females are widowed eight percent of the males are median household income is forty one thousand a year that's a little under 800 a week that's quite little downtown isn't it they have a grocery store right here on the edge of downtown rahalis um let's see a couple other numbers poverty is high here 25 percent children's poverty is even worse 44 percent so that is really high that is uh three times higher than the US average for people 65 and older it's 11 percent crime is low though last year 10 incidents per 1000 people U.S Savages 23. so um what's that 14 crimes basically last year yeah no one's going to complain about that let's see the town is 85 percent White seven percent Native American four percent Hispanic last four percent mixed the town although small does have what looks like pretty much a full Hospital I'm guessing it serves probably this entire area here in the middle of the Upper Peninsula now the most significant building in town is this the Lewis County sheriff's house and jail this was built in 1894 and it's just like it sounds it's the jail and the sheriff lived here as well here let's check out this placard real quick constructed in 1894 this graceful Queen Anne style structure served as the Lewis County jail and Sheriff's residence for over 70 years Peninsular Land Company donated the site so the sheriff would lock them up it appears in this section of the building you can see bars on the windows yeah that's where the people were locked up and he would actually live in this part of the building that is something you don't see anymore it's a great building though well you guys want to see what they're paying for gas up here in the middle of the Upper Peninsula 359. see that 359 for a gallon of gas let's see I'm turning on Harry Street h-a-r-r-i-e now there is a house for sale here I'm curious what it sells for especially in a town where the median home value is fifty three thousand dollars when you guys check it out tell us uh what they want for it this house right here is for sale 204 Harry Street again that's h-a-r-r-i-e that is an interesting looking house all right everyone I am entering the town of Munising actually I'm in the town heading into downtown it's quite beautiful a lot of people here tourism is the biggest industry in this town and you can see it although there's only 2 000 people not even 2 000 people that live here there are a bunch of hotels and motels as you come into town now the peak population of the town was in 1920 there were over 5 000 people here then so the town has lost quite a bit of population but it's pretty clear that it the town is doing well because of the amount of people that visit there's a lot of them here it's an older Town median age is 47. 51 percent of the town is male 49 female 16 percent of those females are widowed the town is 86 percent white three percent Native American two percent Hispanic one percent black and the last eight percent is mixed race it's real nice isn't it uh median household income is 42 000 a year that's uh a little over 800 a week poverty is 11 percent children 17 and under it is 17 percent people 65 and older it is 10 that's right in line with uh the us as a whole those numbers looks like I'm driving into residential so I'll tell you the median house uh the median home value let me get that spit out it is 108 000. so houses here are definitely worth more than they were in the last town crime is low last year eight incidents per 1000 people U.S average is 23. so that is what a third a third of what it is in the US as a whole certainly the neighborhoods look real nice don't they this is a really pretty town [Music] well it looks like I have found it Lake Superior and you can see all kinds of people here get a look-see shall we looks like there is a pier here that I can go walk on so why don't I do that yeah I could get used to this am I right if you like cold weather anyway you don't like cold weather this place is not for you but um yeah it's beautiful oh why don't I uh head out here take a look these are uh little cruise ships sailing I'm sure it's a big thing oh it's a bit chilly here let me give you a nice look at the town from out here on the pier nice Hills up around the town they do have a beach here it's small but it's a beach feel the wind coming in off the water and probably hear it too uh you wonder what it would be like for people who live here to come to Texas right now where it is 97 degrees Fahrenheit 36 degrees Celsius and it feels like summer there it just doesn't feel like summer to me I guess you get used to it and there are people of course that like colder weather I fully admit I like hot weather I don't think I could ever get used to this um it's beautiful here but this is just too cool I mean it's not cold but it's definitely cool a lot of people walking around or wearing long sleeves in the middle of July anyway it's interesting wow I wanted to show you guys this house this is something looks small when you're standing right in front of it but you get behind it gets a lot bigger doesn't it all right everyone we are in the town of Marquette [Music] driving into downtown got Nicole with me let's give you a look at downtown before we get out on foot and look around tell you about the town there is twenty thousand five hundred people here today it's the biggest city in the upper peninsula 1980 was Peak population there were a little over twenty three thousand let's see median age is 30. and I saw that and go wow what a young town and I looked at the population breakdown by age people aged 21 to 30 is the biggest population group 31 percent of the town now why do you think that is why would so much of the town be young it's because there's a university here so yeah it's so this is a college town Northern Michigan University is here the wild cats and this is a pretty downtown isn't it 89 percent of the town is white three percent black three percent Hispanic the last five percent mixed look at that great old theater so cool and it looks like it's still working in operation anyway you can see Lake Superior we're coming to find it well this huge structure is the lower Harbor or dock so peaceful looking isn't it those guys look like they're having a nice afternoon anyway this was built in 1930 uh used to lower or load or iron ore onto ships uh it closed in 1971. but it is a city Landmark now let me yeah it's not operating now but yeah it's 1200 feet long it's big huh I'll do it there's steps right there yeah oh it's chained up all right you didn't bring your uh bolt cutters now they're in my other bag oh yeah anyway downtown is there so we're gonna head over there in a bit we're looking around this is the Marquette County Courthouse built in 1904. classical Revival architecture uh let's see two big events happen here in 1913 former president Theodore Roosevelt sued a local newspaper for saying that he was publicly drunk here in the area so the trial was held here in this County courthouse and Roosevelt won how much money did he get of course he won he probably didn't get any money he just wanted his good name back I assume oh he got some money six cents not six dollars or sixty dollars six pennies of course he won that was the president that's right well come on well anyway he sued him for libel one also the 1949 movie Anatomy of a Murder took place and was filmed here ah uh starring Jimmy Stewart cool it is considered one of the best if not the best courtroom trial movie ever filmed I might have to watch that I want to watch it too I guess I haven't seen it anyway there is a church right across the street that is awesome too let's go check it out okay this is Saint Peter's cathedral built in 1881. Romanesque Revival architecture it is a beauty it is a pretty building we are on the campus of Northern Michigan University I want to show you this the superior Dome built in 1991 it is the world's largest wooden Dome oh cool yeah that's interesting isn't it yeah it is where uh I guess the football team plays the Wildcats it's also the home to women's lacrosse and the women's track and field teams it's kind of different they play football inside well you'd have to up here they've got two feet of snow on the ground from April to or I'm sorry from October to April here they just don't want to try to clear the snow out anyway it looks like U.S Olympic Training happens here as well that's pretty cool checking out a neighborhood here and it is spectacular yes I really like these houses and they're definitely all different you know from each other they are not they're not like each other at all see look at this house they could see the uh Lake in their backyard that's nice that would be nice yeah check that out that guy looks classic cars huh that's my future house I think I want the cars too this one's some kind of truck or something I don't know yeah there's the house here on the uh left side here too right here look at this wow that's huge it is I would doubt that it's just a house but it's between a whole bunch of other houses so you could almost call that a mansion am I right yeah it's quite it's quite big that is some architecture there kidding about this house here though very unique looking yeah it is especially with that porch it's the porch that really does it you know and the woodwork yes that is amazing that is something isn't it how much is does a house like that cost do you think if you were to buy it I would have no idea no clue do you have an idea I have no idea I know the median home value here is 192 000. I mean look at that it's like like a fourth story uh I don't know what you would call that way at the top can you see it way up there some trees yeah I can only see three stories from here that's a three-story house yeah there it is right there okay yeah sure huh another big house here crime is real low here too uh last year eight incidents per one thousand U.S average is 23. oh wow crime is very low in this town very low it's relaxing here what do you think yes yeah usually the water is you should go put your foot in there to see how cold it really is no way you first you know I'm not gonna do it no you're not gonna do it it's a close-up shot we are trying to show you the lighthouse here it's not easy to get to but that's it right there that is the Marquette Harbor Light station built in 1852. it is closed here for some reason today why do you think that is I don't know maybe it's like maybe it's a covid thing and they never reopened on Mondays so many things are still closed on on Mondays because it is Monday because uh because of covet it started with covid and they didn't want to reopen on Mondays or something I don't know I could be definitely wrong but that's what I'd say well I believe this Lighthouse is still in operation that's too bad I wanted to see it I was in Escanaba and was able to go into that Lighthouse oh really but can't go into this one was that one still functioning the one in Escanaba was that still functioning nah this building was built in 1894. and it is richardsonian Revival our richardsonian Romanesque Revival architecture so this is the fourth building on this trip that we've seen that is that architectural style yes amazing um medieval area or I'm sorry ancient Roman Greek style architecture but his style in particular usually look like castles saw the one in Missouri that absolutely looked like a castle that Courthouse it's a beautiful building though anyway uh yeah let's take a little walk through downtown here right next to this Old City Hall is the United States Post Office and Courthouse I don't know if that's still in operation as such but that is Art Deco I can't miss that is that common that they combined a post office in a courthouse I don't think I've ever seen that before they did back long ago got a great old theater here I'm not sure that's working as a theater oh it's a appears that it is a restaurant now well I guess that's one use for it we decided we liked the menu at this restaurant in a theater huh yeah dealt so we're going to eat here oh this is the upstairs they have a bar up here for when it's busier and we're on the first floor and they have there's the kitchen and they have a big screen here maybe they show movies not sure anyway uh the wife Nicole is right here and she has ordered our drinks we ordered the stretch Italy stretch Italy or an appetizer it's basically bruschetta [Music] yeah looks good underneath well it's kind of like a percentage it's like a brusetta dip but anyway yeah it's fourteen dollars how do you like it uh it's really really good it's like the best bruschetta I ever had to Dish it onto the onto the bread Best You Ever Had wow that's well but it's done actually that's big talk has like olive oil it has some kind of balsamic baby in there and has what are these pine nuts on it so it's not exactly but shut up but once you dish it onto the bread that's the idea you're gonna get in your mouth it's like bruschetta all right our food is here I've ordered ribs with some fried ribs yeah it's got fried Brussels sprouts and french fries it is totally it is 29 and you've got a salmon salad yes it was the classic Delta salad so like a house salad and they added this other salmon it's uh 27. all right okay well they look good let's try them out my ribs are fall off the bone and it has an Asian Sriracha honey sauce on it it's really good it's not a regular barbecue fantastic so how's your salad it's amazing it's called the dove salad which means it's kind of like the house salad it and so it's got mixed greens got carrots got cucumbers uh red onions and then I added the stem into it and it's really really good and I got like a house dress and a balsamic vinaigrette okay and it's really really good I love it all right that's the end of this video we are heading to lower Michigan next uh going to check out flint and Lansing and then after that East Cleveland Ohio don't be looking for those all right we are on the bridge become noisy yeah yeah this is the bridge leading out of the Upper Peninsula into lower Michigan this Lake Michigan and on the other side Lake Huron that's where they meet man it is strange driving on this the car is like wiggling all over the place yeah I can feel that can you feel that yeah foreign [Music] thank you oh yeah [Music]
Channel: Joe & Nic's Road Trip
Views: 683,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D3Bb-wcici8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 31sec (2731 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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