Why are People Buying This $469 Gaming PC???

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hey how's it going guys jack and Matty with the toasty Bros and today we're looking at an Amazon pre-built from a company that actually has quite a few pre-builts and it was 460 bucks this is the tjj Halo gaming PC desktop with four RGB fans with remote it features a GT 1030 and a 6 gen I5 it is 460 dollars the specs don't sound amazing to be honest but it's from Amazon with prime shipping and why are people buying it we're about to find out but first they were from today's sponsor are you tired of your unactivated windows install on your gaming PC well today's video sponsor gbg mall has you covered GG mall is an online Marketplace to gain access to really awesome discounted game keys and more specifically as we mentioned Windows 10 licenses it is incredibly easy to get your windows 10 or 11 activation key from gbg Mall just use code tb20 to get a special discount and then all you have to do is take that code put it into windows and boom you have an activated Windows copy we have been working with Gog mall for several years now and we love the reliability of all the products they have to offer so be sure to check the link in the description down below use code tb20 to save on your next purchase of a Windows key or other product from gvg mall so a couple things whenever we do these videos we're not really just buying the PC just to roast it we genuinely are just curious we want to know where the value is so it could be possible that they used a really nice case it might have a good upgrade path they might have used very high quality parts we don't really know yet but it's also nice because we have a pre-built company where we sell gaming computers and laptops and whatnot so we can kind of compare the pricing to see if it actually makes sense or if they're charging way too much or if they absolutely undercut our pricing because at the end of the day we know there's a lot of people out there who are just going to go to Amazon and buy a gaming PC when they type in gaming PC so regardless of that you want to take a look at what some of the best sellers are out there are ones that we think people might actually buy because of the pictures or whatever there might be to draw the people in but yeah this is another one of them but we definitely take a look at let's open it up so unless this computer is like massive they did double box yeah um it looks like it is a custom build like it has its own box and everything one thing I do like well okay it's a thing I do and don't like so so the first thing that I don't like that I see almost every Prevail company do is it sounds dumb with giving it names I'm just not a fan like I don't know it's like the model over the Halo gaming yeah like and I looked at all their other builds and this is really common like even really big companies the other PC names I just think it's tacky like it's not really the name doesn't give you anything I mean you can call it the Juggernaut Slayer all you want but if it has a second gen i5 and like a gt710 it's it's is it really is it's not Jugger nodding or slaying like so yeah I'm not a big fan of like naming schemes I think it's a lot more important like I like the way we do it we just literally put the exact CPU in the exact exact GPU in the actual title like there's no need to I guess you could say like hype up your build if you have a good build so at the gate I do see we are double box which I really do love to see I'm not gonna lie though it's not the most amazing double bucks like in terms of um I guess you could say like Pierce uh protection it's good like you're not gonna have a knife easily go through uh two layers of box but there's not a whole lot of cushion in between it whenever we box our stuff we like to like actually think of it as like a membrane almost you know you got to have bubble wrap all the way around so the PC is like on shock so that when ultimately Amazon or UPS or FedEx throws your boxes around it doesn't just directly shatter the glass but I see we got a mouse mat an extended one that's an extended one that's actually pretty cool you don't see those very often it's a really big one yeah and that's actually it's it has like their model so tjj nice I wish it did look like they have some of their own like peripherals and stuff um we have two massive Wi-Fi antennas so I'm assuming we're probably gonna either have an actual Wi-Fi board which would be kind of dope for Sixth Gen or it's going to be a uh Wi-Fi adapter that they've installed um but we got this which I'm already liking this it's actually on the front front and center so it's backwards let's flip it over um step one they just talk about removing it make sure that the the most common cables to disconnect are the hard drive power and data cables so they're actually telling you like what cables could be disconnected and then the other side here I realize I'm like reading this upside down but on the other side it basically just talks about how to connect your display you know if you have a graphics card how to connect your peripherals and then powering on the system and then they talk about if there's anything wrong with it to contact them basically they talked about the windows keys on there so that's definitely nice so I think we got a mouse and keyboard combo too Altec that's really familiar heard that name before yeah and that logo is like Superman I don't know if we've used them in a Roundup or what it almost has like the circular style keys on it so not really gaming style but it's not too far off I think it could be a wireless mouse and a keyboard are they any good I don't know but that's you don't see that very often I mean they don't look like they're super gaming oriented but I don't know it almost makes me feel like they kind of hand selected a little bit like they didn't just cheap out and find the absolute most gaudy RGB keyboard they could find which a lot of companies do the keyboard is very cheap feeling I will say that it's not game or anything but it is in fact Wireless looks like it takes Triple A's or Double A's full size yeah you know don't get you started yeah it's all right uh did it already fall out or is it just that like oh my god do I have to scare this am I dumb or is there batteries um there is a mouse in there there it is there oh my God see how light this thing is this is the lightest waste Mouse this is the super light Mouse so with the batteries in it'll gain a little bit of weight but yeah this thing is like I mean it is lightweight um fortnite gamers are going to want to cop this yeah no macros and it's a really basic office Mouse in terms of office use this is actually pretty dope I mean if it stays connected and they work and the battery life's not terrible I mean props to them for including that now you Gamers out there you're not really probably gonna love this but that's whatever you know I'm just glad they included it they didn't have to do that but this is the Halo 7 plus I guess it's their own case is my assumption like this case they probably only use for like this build but from what I could read we're supposed to be getting a Sixth Gen I5 now that was the other thing I was gonna say that I don't really love they do the usual thing we're in the title they just put Intel i5 I don't like that because I think it's very misleading you never see HP Dell in any of those companies like Asus you don't see them do that you don't see them just put I5 like usually they'll always put the actual model number because they're not scared to admit it but this is a Sixth Gen it's better than like a second gen or something I would have pretty upset it was like a second or third gen that if it was second or third and I'd already be saying this thing's not good for the price but I mean you know the thing about um Sixth Gen is it's a weird transition they actually had ddr4 so in theory this should be a ddr4 board but it could be DDR3 we'll find that out very shocked well it looks like it arrived in one piece you know we mostly reviewed cheap pre-builts from Amazon um obviously some of the hiring ones will probably be boxed a little bit better but okay in terms of case quality I like this case we have a lot of cool stuff up top this really means nothing I'm sure it just lights up but it looks cool a reset switch indicator lights One USB 3 two twos uh dual Jacks for input output power button acrylic in the front and acrylic on the side a little bit of minus some points there but it's whatever you know it's not a huge deal actually like pretty okay motherboard I mean the motherboard has some display out so you're not going to be using our graphics card it's a 1030 so we just have the HDMI and dvl oh that is oh it's not screwed in it's missing the screw and I also notice there's a missing screw on the power supply as well yeah we just have you're missing here that doesn't have a screw this is screwed down it's like it's kind of being held in but that's not the way it looks like there would have been a screw though that's so weird they screwed in this didn't look like a return did it no no it looked pretty it looked pretty much like even if it was like I mean yeah there's no way someone would returned it and just randomly taken like two screws out so okay I mean hey if it works we're still good I mean honestly if we didn't know about PCS and we opened this like I can plug something in the garage it's a little weird but we want you guys to know you know we did notice it definitely not the greatest thing but like I said if it works it works you know it's not the end of the world I'm gonna go ahead and open this front panel up and we'll see what we got it's 80 plus bronze and I like how we can actually see this this is good whenever you see this it's a 500 watt uh Auto switching power supply um it looks ketchup and mustard very much which oh I'm excited to see how they adapted that or if that power supply somehow has that's probably an adapter going to the yeah because that's definitely not normal um what is that is that a ground yeah it's definitely a little little freaky like the other should have if it wasn't needed cut it I'm worried because that is from the power uh so from the power is it like a front panel thing I don't know because it could be like a proprietary front panel I just shoved it in there for now but okay so let's just go over the specs it looks like everything's plugged in USB 3 that is one of the freakiest USB 3 connectors I've seen it's like really small but anyways uh we have two RAM sticks they are SK heinix 8 gig 2133 so that is ddr4 so we have 16 gigs total dual Channel props then for that we have a Cooler Master cooler which is definitely interesting it's slightly larger than a stock cooler for sure it definitely has probably new thermal paste I'm what does if it overheats then we'll change there's been people who've been saying like guys you're taking stuff apart how do you know you're not causing problems and it's like I don't think we would but you know we won't do it for this pretty good at what we do but yeah this is definitely not great I mean obviously it's stating it's a really small card too it's a gigabyte and it's a oh it's a gdr5 one too two gig that is important because gdr3 ones will perform worse than gdr5 um I can't guarantee you'll always get one of those here's our Wi-Fi adapter let's go open the back of this thing up and then we'll try to turn it on once we I just want to see how we're adapting and everything back here how's the cable management and also what type of storage do we have I'm assuming it's an SSD maybe a hard drive as well actually no it shouldn't only be an SSD we only have one cable get a big old screen that is zip tied that's that's um you know an interesting feat I guess wait so like did they really just that adapter is I think they straight like wired it to the power supply actually that's a board there's a small PCB in there um yeah I don't really know exactly I'm assuming they had to put like a resistor or something something's going on there we do have an SSD it is a crucial 2.5 this is old though I can tell just by looking and it's not like a new one I don't know the size sadly and it's screwed in we'll find out once we get into Windows Fan's proprietary but they are RGB but they are proprietary so you can add more in theory but you'd have to find and I don't even know like even have a brand on them no they're their brand TJ JJ but uh cable Management's not bad I mean the adapter might be a little bit sketchy but I'm not I can't like subtract points for that because if it works it works I might doubts have the power switch is going to work but let's find out hope I was wrong it works I don't know yet maybe the reset's not I mean yeah that that extra cable is weird I mean I don't see what it because like I wouldn't just think maybe they soldered to something but there's no solder on it like this was in something at some point 460 for you guys like plus tax as well well I mean so probably close to like 500 bucks will just say it looks cool I mean does it perform well I don't really know yet I mean we have an idea we know what a 10 30 performs like we know what an i5 performs like but they perform like together it's been a long time we have not really had to do a build like this recently so what we're going to go ahead and do is we're gonna go ahead and put the side panel back on so we get a true temperature test which I think is gonna be just fine uh we're gonna play some games and then while we play these games I'm gonna go ahead and pull up PC Bros I want to kind of compare to see what we have versus them to see if this really is a good deal or if it's kind of like me you know and kind of go from there all right guys we're playing OverWatch 2 and I'm gonna show you guys the settings really quick really quick so we're on low we have vsync on to the 60 hertz Monitor and we're also down scaling as well we have it set to automatic so I can't really tell you exactly what but I imagine it's at least 20 downscaling so even though we're running 1080 we're truly running like you know maybe 720p or something like that but it kind of goes up and down until you can see now it actually looks decent but the freaky part is and I'm starting to wonder that CPU is pinged at 100 which seems a little awkward and one thing we have noticed with Windows updates um on these older systems if you get the latest version of Windows I don't think this one's like been fully updated it can improve some of the performance in newer versions of OverWatch so we might be losing low performance there but that's kind of the out of the box experience you might get with these pre-built sometimes too look the CPU usage is now down to 50. so like I don't know if something is just loading in slowly and now it's fine I don't know all right alrighty the game goes on yeah oh what I didn't get anyone did your bubble just like stop it I guess I see now I have to re-earn my old I fought for it you're in the thick of it I'm hurt killed someone oh come on I thought they would push up oh no I should be holding back here and then I'll swap you [Music] guys I'm gonna sell some pallets selling pallets I'm in Sub in let's go okay but tell me about that mouse and keyboard though if you didn't so as you can tell we are now using the mouse and keyboard and as you can tell I swapped in for Jackson because uh he has to go sell some pallets but uh yeah um the mouse the keyboard ain't great wirelessly not great I'll be honest with you uh I don't remember how to play this guy there we go but yeah not great um we tried gaming on it but it just the wireless mouse is not ideal um it'd be fine for office use but in terms of uh doing anything other than that really wouldn't recommend it to be honest hey okay I didn't have to do much of anything but I won the game GG's easy look at all that damage I'd added every little bit of that damage but it runs okay it's a GT 1030 and a 6 gen I5 the 6 gen I5 has more Headroom by the way but that 1030 kind of is what it is let's move on to fortnite all right guys we are now in fortnite on performance setting unlimited frame rate which I might change here in a minute medium view distance medium textures and um not not amazing performance right now I'll be honest with you but we're gonna give it a shot and see how it holds up um it's a GT 1030 I mean we're even on performance settings and we're getting GPU usage into the 80s that just shows you that the 1030 is just it's just a budget card it's just not amazing um so we are gonna be limited with that in mind and when you see the built-in Benchmark some of the hiring games we like to test during the built-in benchmarks you're gonna see how much the GT 1030 can hold back so far okay it's getting a little better fortnite's not too bad as long as you have dual Channel memory a decent CPU and a game like fortnite you will be able to we're getting killed by somebody else I just heard somebody wait am I in build I don't want to be in build like no build I didn't mean to do that okay come here how'd that guy Juke me so hard here's somebody got him okay good gaming experience simply cracking what a name oh helium hog sorry Lady Luck okay I I don't know what they were doing there they boxed themselves in but we got a win and build fortnite I don't know what that was but you know what we did it and uh yeah so far it's exactly what we expect this GT 1030 system on performance mode you'll get 60 plus FPS get yourself some victory royale's in fortnite and play OverWatch while be it on Lower details so we're gonna go ahead and do is switch some built-in benchmarks we'll wrap this video up real quick all right guys we just got done benchmarking this 400 and 69 gaming PC and overall it actually did pretty good you know minus a couple of kind of weird things on shipping like the graphics card being loose and the one random cable that's still just dangling there it performed well so if you were to get this out of the box you might be a little bit confused like well what's that cable but I mean other than that the PC worked and we played you know our Esports titles we even threw in like a triple layer to see how it did and they were okay it's a GT 1030 and a I5 the I5 actually can handle a better GPU but it's really just a GT 1030 system for 460 dollars and just for comparison purposes so you at home as a shopper can be more informed we're gonna give you all some of the PCS is that we do sell at PC Bros for similar to the same price or a little bit more and compare whether or not the value for money is actually here for this because with these Amazon PCS you normally either get really bad value and they really try to throw a lot of RGB at you to sell well a PC that doesn't perform very well or you get some hidden gems every so often so a PC Bros at the moment I'm just going to go through a few of the bills for 400 bucks we have our budget office gamer Fortune I5 with an RX 6400 4 gig for 400 free shipping we have an i7 7700 optiflex with an rx60 per 100 for 425 we have an i7 11370 H Mini PC with an mx450 4 gig for 450. I mean overall like I said this one's not like terrible for the price we do include a year warranty with all of our stuff and I'm assuming this probably just comes with like the Amazon standard warranty which would usually be like 30 days give or take but yeah I mean overall like I said this wasn't too terrible we've seen some really bad ones on Amazon so I can't really hate too much on this one so yeah if you want to learn more about this PC check the link down below being for the link and it will help us out let us know what you think of this PC in terms of value for money obviously if you build it yourself you could probably build this thing for like 300 or less if you find really good deals that's not really the point it's just as a pre-built system so anyone to buy something on Amazon is 400 a decent value let us know in the comment section down below so as always we hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did check out our other two YouTube channels and also twitch.tv toasty Bros and do not forget to like comment and subscribe and we'll see you guys in the next one goodbye so not to tutor and Horn too much but pcbros.tech you know we got to do these outros and yeah we highly recommend checking out our website before checking out all the others and go ahead and we recommend comparing our prices with some of the others and feel free to ask us questions too we're very open we stream Monday through Friday on twitch.tv toasty Bros we have a lot of people coming to morning streams and ask us to compare one of our PCS versus another pre-build out there and we'll kind of give you the honest scoop about them PC brows attack gaming PCs gaming laptops and so much more to use code toasty Bros tour and check out the save a whopping two percent of your next purchase see you guys later
Channel: Toasty Bros
Views: 149,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toastybros, budget gaming pc, prebuilt gaming pc, best gaming pc, cheap amazon gaming pc, $469 amazon gaming pc, tjj gaming pc, best prebuilt gaming pc
Id: Aw6aXXxOad0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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