Why Are My Leaves Yellow? NPK-University With Harley Smith

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okay let's do a quick diagnosis here quick rundown a little bit of a summary - yellow leaves today some brought in a baggie of leaves to me that were yellow so what's wrong why are my leaves turning yellow there's a lot of things that contribute to that I wrote a whole article on it and maximum yield if you go to through the archives in March of 2014 go ahead and look that up you can read more about that and help you diagnose it but really when it comes to minerals deficiencies it's one of three it could be a nitrogen deficiency if it is there'll be a general yellowing of the plant the plants will turn the leaves will turn pale yellow starting at the bottom of the plant and working its way up but just one little dose of nitrogen the plant will respond it will recover in a matter of days next is magnesium remember that's the central element of chlorophyll that will show up as intervener chlorosis yellowing starting at the bottom of the plant the veins stay green the tissues turns yellow one little dose of magnesium though as magnesium sulfate these are is a foliar spray we're at the roots risk elm egg but that has nitrates so don't spray that on the leaves but if you're Zeppo at the roots plants will green up the other is iron iron is immobile to select the calcium so those symptoms will show up at the top of the plant because iron is a catalyst for chlorophyll production to make the green pigment so you'll see that at the top and most of the other trace metals like the manganese and the and the the copper that shows up first in the top leaves as well but if you can provide some kind of a chelate chelated trace elements the that deficiency goes will be weary quickly and we'll talk more about this next week so I don't want to over you know spoil it for next week when you come back but in nature humic and fulvic acid as a bio stimulant actually aid with the uptake of iron and other minerals and especially the trace elements humic acid fulvic acid stimulates the enzyme in the cell membranes called h plus ATP s so it's a proton pump the outside of the cell membrane becomes more positively charged the inside becomes more negatively charged the voltage potential goes up against again across the cell membranes the plants able to take up iron more efficiently also as the plant pumps the protons the outside of the cell membranes become more acidic so it's soluble lives as those trace elements the surface of the roots could be as much as 3 points lower in pH than the surrounding soil so humic and fulvic acid excellent way to to treat trace mineral deficiencies plus they have over 62 beneficial trace elements from ancient compost piles if you're using our old water I don't know if you are but if you are you're stripping all the minerals out of the water all the bicarbonate including the trace elements that the plants need so if you're using RO water and a little humic or fulvic acid first it helps buffer pH raises a pH of acid soil lowers the pH of alkaline soil it helps buffer changes in pH in your hydroponics if you're using RO water and it's providing a lot of trace elements the plants need also you can use fulvic acid as they fool your feet so if you're seeing up iron deficiency just spray a little bit on the leaves he'll trim the folic acid will transport the iron through the cell membranes release it inside the cells where the plan needs it the most but come back next week and we'll talk more about it you you you you
Channel: NPK Industries
Views: 43,466
Rating: 4.9588475 out of 5
Keywords: Nitrogen, Magnesium, Iron, cannabis, leaves, yellow, plant nutrition, fertilizer, grow your own, learn to grow, indoor gardening, hydroponics, soil, coco, dwc, cannabis cup, nutrient deficiency, nutrient lockout, garden, tomatoes, pumpkins, maximize yield
Id: s6VHzxiD6jM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2016
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