The Roots of Your Profits - Dr Elaine Ingham, Soil Microbiologist, Founder of Soil Foodweb Inc
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Channel: Oxford Real Farming
Views: 241,947
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Length: 96min 13sec (5773 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 25 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This is probably the best tip a new grower could follow.
Shes great so is jeff lowenfel's teaming with microbe's teaming with fungi and teaming nutrients
I am so happy to see people people learning about this stuff, so happy so see all the comments and curiosity surrounding these systems.
This is what is going to save us from ourselves, The co2 problem, the ocean acidification, the housing crisis, the problems with law enforcement, all of it gone or very much supressed, when we learn to properly steward our earth using proper scientific methodology.
I want to be very clear, though this shit appears hippy dippy on the surface, I assure you it is not that, this is the real deal, this is how shit works, you don't need your lime (except for very very specific situations) anymore, you don't need your pesticides anymore. Lets stop fucking fighting everything, and lets start emboldening the good guys that are actually capable and more than happy to manage these systems, and that is, the microbiology that we murdered in the soil with modern agriculture, mining, and clearcut forestry. Opportunistic bacterial blooms have moved in and are putting out much more CO2 in to the atmosphere that the weedy (not cannabis) plant species can sequester.
I'm at the start of these online courses as we speak, I have bought a microscope, it is extremely fun. I am starting a landscaping company that employs these heuristics, I wont be trucking out your shit dirt just to truck in some more sterilized shit dirt.
I'm going to collect organic material from jobs, and do the composting myself, properly. If you want something done right, you have to do it yourselves, and quite frankly a bit of this behavior of mine is driven by anger. I want to disrupt the toxic farming industry, and the softwood lumber industry by utilizing more sustainable biological methods.
Instead of spruce or cedar 2x4s, why not hemp composite grown on currently fallowed farm land that I am currently learning to restore using compost extracts.
Lets get out there on these fields, living and working as they should, as stewards of the land, cause I definitely can't do this all myself, just give these kids a fucking acre and give them a fucking chance for fuck sake why are we wasting all this land. Boom there is your jobs problem, gone. Why not have them raise their kids on this newly highly bio diverse farmland so they can learn some real world heuristics? Boom education problem, done.
Eventually, drum up enough capital to start buying up logging land, research old growth forest microbiology (if they haven't fucking cut them all down by then), and re-inject this biology back in to the ground of my beautiful but scarred province of BC, and get the necessary super high fungal (old growth forest soil is 75% fungus!) biology back into that soil for the trees to be able to penetrate those anaerobic compaction layers, and make their way up to their true final succession of growth, which is old growth forest, something we desperately need right now because the CO2 balance is so fucking out of wack and we don't truly believe the gravity of this situation because we are all born in to it. Also these old growth forest will provide trillions of dollars worth of research opportunity, so there is your source of clean cash there govt's!
My mission in life now is to get as much gas carbon as possible back in to the ground as biology where it belongs. And if that means I have to fight a couple fights, and make a few enemies along the way so be it. And do it without cash incentive, though I am going to need massive amounts of capital, I will never EVER EVER under any circumstances will I be asking any government for a cash hand out. If you can't run your business without cookies and cakes from mommy and daddy then you shouldn't be in business, that means something you are doing is not sustainable.
Or I might just go around and cut a couple lawns and get too tired to do all that stuff, but I doubt it, I am pretty full of piss and vinegar right now, and I don't see that going away anytime soon.
Just so you know, Kevin Jodrey is a friend of hers and has a tremendous amount of respect for both her and Lowenfell. Soil food web is the way of the past and the future.
Had a poopy morning, smoking one and hitting play. Thanks dude!
Thanks for the share, I agree
Smart point!
Thanks bud!
Dude Grows Show podcast is a really good resource for home growers as well.