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you know what's happening guys coming at you from downforsound shop.com and in this video we're going to be going over a hater complaint that I see all the time down for sound amps all of them blow up all them overheat they're blowing up left and right so in this video we're going to get into the realistic view of that let's go all right so if you're on social media you probably are because you're here on YouTube so that's a form of social media but anyway on Facebook and Instagram and stuff like that you'll see the haters especially squawking down for sound amps are junk they're not any good they overheat they always like they blow up all of them blow up they're they're not good they don't have any longevity all these things that you hear less than 1% of people saying and then you'll have people that read that and then they repeat it they're like oh yeah everybody's down for sound amps blow up so let's get realistic here in like the actual facts so down for sound Amps do they blow up can they blow up of course any amplifier can have an issue doesn't matter the brand um doesn't matter where it comes from is at the end of the day it's an electrical component and it can have failures I've had an iPhone fail I've had like different brands of TVs fail it happens but what you're seeing in reality as less than 1% failure rates on our amplifiers so does that so when the haters say all of them are blowing up it's simply not true the truth is you're just seeing people so say if you sold 100 amps 1% of that somebody and then most people that do have a failure or whatever it's a pain point for them so they're going to go complain about it most of them don't even contact us first they go straight to social media and complain about it without even contacting us first for whatever reason I I I won't ever understand that I guess they want 15 minutes of fame or some attention or or whatever it might be so if you have an issue just contact us first send us a message through your order on the store let us get you taken care of but anyway so they go there and you see that or or people see that and they're like oh that person had an amp fail and then like a week later oh I saw another person had an amp fail oh these things and then in their head they're like oh all these things are failing they're junk but in reality you're only seeing the one person talk about it because theirs failed you're what you're not seeing is the 99 other people out there listening to theirs enjoying theirs not having any issues with theirs every single day because they're enjoying it ever since like I've had an iPhone for a very long time it was one of the very first ones that failed like iPhone 3 or four since then I haven't had a single issue out of it I know I'm going to have some people that hate iPhones in the comment section but anyway I personally haven't had a single issue out of it so I just use it every day I like but I don't feel the need to go online and brag about I have an iPhone it's so great like all this so on the flip side when somebody is in in enjoying is enjoying something the chance of them of sharing their positive experience is maybe 1% so I would say 99% of people that have a failure or an issue will post about it they'll cry about it they'll they'll tell everybody about it but on the flip side of that people that have a great experience like the 99% of people that are having a great experience only 1% of those people feel the need to go online and brag about it or like tell people we love these amplifiers they're doing great so that's the reality of what's going on with the amplifiers and again we're doing our best to for the 1% of people sometimes less than 1% of people that do have failures or issues we are doing our best to get you taken care of as fast as possible because we don't want you without the equipment we know you want to be up in basing or jamming out as fast as you can every time so just know that we're doing our best on that people will say the JP amps get hot and maybe it should be a whole another video but anyway so people will post this and then somebody will say they they won't post a picture of their setup or anything most of the time that they don't so people will say oh you show us like your setup and they'll post it and they'll have the amp crammed in between two seats or their seat in the back wall or somewhere that's in direct sunlight and I'm like bro like what what are you expecting like it can't breathe you're not even helping it so what social media man like what do you expect to happen when you have a lot of current running some through something and it sandwiched between something or or even somewhere where it may not be sandwiched but there's no airflow whatsoever going across it so how is it supposed to effectively cool itself so I would highly suggest a few things if you're having not not just with our brand I mean it's not just our brand of amplifiers that will get hot it's any brand so if you're experiencing your amp getting hot whether it's our brand or anybody else's some things that you can do is make sure when you have it mounted that you have it somewhat spaced up is always good like space it up off of whatever you're mounting it to just space it up a little bit so air can not only get under it it can get like obviously over the top of it but have it spaced up a little bit that's going to help and also most of our amps 99% of our amps have high flow fans in them to help combat heat anyway but again if this is mounted flush this cannot work properly because if if this is being blocked off it's obviously not going to be able to cool so a lot of common sense would go a long ways in this area uh something else is we sell high flow fans like external fans that you can buy they're not that expensive you and so if you have your amp spaced up off of um where wherever it's mounted you could have a high flow fan actually grab one real quick all right so Tada we just made two fans up here so uh we have high flow fans to help move massive amounts of air across your amplifiers is that the end of the day a lot of people that are also making posts about this they it's during the heat of the summer they it could be 100° outside I mean you live here in uh Nevada or Arizona it could be 125 outside so inside your vehicle some people will say I turn my vehicle on my amps in protect you would be in protect too if you were in your trunk and it's 125 deg outside and inside your trunk it's 200° what what do you expect put yourself in that situation and see how well you perform being so hot so you have to give them not again not just our amps you have to give the equipment a chance like and this is a a great way because even in a trunk if you do have the amp spaced up off of there if there's no air moving in the trunk it's just stagnant it's just going to keep getting hotter and hotter and hotter uh but having a fan even though it's going to be blowing somewhat hot air it's going to be be better than not having any air blowing across there as well so the third thing is please make sure they're not mounted in direct sunlight when amplifiers are in direct sunlight they're just absorbing heat like crazy and that's going to like have thermal runaway especially when you turn it on if it turns on it's just going to start heating up really fast for that reason some other things that contribute to an amplifier getting hot is the impedance that you have it wired at the lower the own load the harder it's working so once you like if you go from two ohm to 1 ohm it's going to be twice as hard you go from 1 ohm to half ohm it's going to be again twice as hard from 1 ohm to half ohm you go lower than that you're getting really in the danger zone it's going to be even harder it's going to make it heat up even faster um oh voltage and battery power making sure this is a big one people don't have the proper electrical to be running most of the amplifiers even though we try to educate people they will still go get a JP 83 and try to run it on a factory alternator with one extra battery you're like what what come on man like so please do your homework and research before buying an amplifier to make sure you have the proper electrical for it cuz that's huge as well if you don't it's going to make it heat up even faster as well so I'm going to go ahead and end this video on that hope this clears it up if you see post like this on social media I do see a lot of people starting to correct uh some of the haters most of most of the people that are commenting are haters they're just trying to Brand bash and everything like that which this is that's fine like it happens but if you are a fan of down for sound and what we're doing if you see people posting misinformation um or even they're posting like hey my amp's getting hot like let's try to help them help educate them hey do did you do these five things that JP talked about in this video to help your situation um and also the like percentages like all the amps are failing just comment that's not true it's less than 1% is having a fail you're just hearing about those because of people have a pain point so anyway that's going to conclude this video if you need any fans or any High uh quality Performance Products uh in cor audio hit us up at downforsound shop.com and if you have anything that you would like for me to go over in the future let me know we'll see you what's happening guys if y'all enjoyed all the H content that you saw in that video be sure to follow me on YouTube Facebook Tik Tok Instagram under the life or price and also down for sound shop on Facebook and Instagram and don't forget Snapchat I'm JP d4s on there so be sure to check me out there we'll see you in the next one later
Views: 30,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sundown audio, down4sound, subwoofer, amplifier, battery, nightshade, v6, jp, johnathan price, power, car show, car audio, shopping, wattage, watts, ohm, big 3 upgrade
Id: m8oqVC4elZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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