T-Fade reacts. JP34 vs. Arc Audio

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what's up guys t-fade here i thought i'd do a quick little reaction to a review slash comparison that i just uh that i just read and doing this one a little differently because i can't seem to get in front of my camera or my computer i'm just going to run this off my phone and also i'm sober so i'll just have to do this one popped up on pre-workout but anyway the topic of today is i i saw a review slash comparison of the new jp 23 and i just wanted to give my thoughts on it uh pros and cons and um disclaimer i have the review is on bestcaraudio.com and i'll leave a description or a link to the to the review in the in the uh description but um i'm not affiliated obviously with with best car audio not affiliated with down for sound other than i'm facebook friends with both of those gentlemen uh david mccannon is the author of the the review on best car audio and then obviously you guys know jonathan price that sells the uh the jp amps so let's get into it uh he is calling this a bench brawl so sort of a head-to-head of the jp 23 versus one of maybe one of the best class d amps on the market i mean just about as good as you can get it's the arc audio i forget the model number arc audio arc 1000.4 dsp so this is a big ass sq class d amp with a full suite of uh of dsp the arc audio ps8 built into it so right off the bat is this a fair comparison to compare a um what's the retail on on these amps is it a fair comparison to compare a 250 dollar amp to a 1500 ram that arc is probably 1500 at least if not more i don't know i should have looked that up beforehand but these amps are not even in the same league as far as price point but but is it fair to compare class a b to class d and i think that's really the was kind of the point of this comparison because the the old adage the old like the argument for years and years and years is that class a b is better than class d hands down class d is garbage for for sq or for your highs or whatever so in that sense i think it is a fair comparison to compare i don't even i shudder to call it an entry level but you know a less expensive class a b to a really expensive class d so i think that is fair but i think maybe he should have picked a different class d to compare this thing too because this is just cream of the crop type stuff i mean you might as well be you know comparing up a civic to a ferrari at this point which is funny because he makes a car reference at the end of there at the end of the review there so anyway the other thing that i wonder is is it fair is the arc makes 250 watts a channel and the jp makes 135 watts per channel and even though the testing was done at one watt and you know a lot of people say the first watt is the most important watt even though the testing is done at one watt uh this is laboratory with very fine instruments um and i don't know if it's fair to compare a 250 watt amp to 135 wide amp even though we're just doing one wide so they're both should be obviously perfectly i mean perfectly capable of producing one watt you know what i'm saying it's just i'm not sure that that part is fair but counterpoint we're just doing one wide so price power right off the bat it seems seems like an unfair comparison but let's go through it so he says what determines amplifier quality and basically says um we want the amp to imprint as little change as possible to the signals to the source which is absolutely true we don't want any distortion we don't want the amp to add anything other than make the original source material louder right right we can all agree on that and that's the whole that's the whole point of an amp hopefully and that's also where the whole debate comes in do amps sound different so which one what's adding what how does this amp sound different than that if we can't measure it so um 250 100 250 watts versus uh 135 watts as i mentioned and one of the things that i wanted to just get into about the a b versus d thing and the power is the big argument against a b v the one of the biggest things about a b versus d is behavior at clipping and class ds just do not sound good when they're clipped and a b handles clipping way way better than d so when you have more headroom almost double the headroom here um it's almost impossible to keep an amp out of clipping because music is so dynamic whether you i mean certain certain parts of a track can have i don't know 7 db worth of dynamic range and 70 it doesn't sound like a lot but that is a ton of power it's almost almost 10 times the power so if you're even making 10 watts now you're making a thousand you know it needs a thousand watts to jump up there not quite because it's logarithmic but you know you guys know what i mean it's almost impossible to keep something out of clipping especially like kicks and cymbal crashes especially symbol crashes are super dynamic and though that you'll really hear on like if something goes into clipping through the high frequencies but uh anyway so we didn't get a clipped um we didn't get a clipped measurement here so that would be interesting to to hear these two amps in the indian actual environment in which they're they're intended in the car to listen to them but he doesn't do any listening here which is a shame um let's see oh he he rips on jp here for his ratings which i see this often obviously jonathan price did not write this manual but i've seen this a ton of times where the amp is rated 200 watts into two ohms and then bridged into four ohm that the rating will be more than double the 2-ohm rating and that's just normally a red flag but well this is an easy fix jonathan price if you watch this just change that to 400 watts please because it just looks it's sloppy uh so we get into the power the the ratings and the measurements here this is a la big d and uh the arc it just crushed it i mean like i said this is a super uber end amp rated for 250 and it did 230 243 244 at 13.7 volts would have easily made rated also at about 90 efficiency 2 ohms watts rated for 250 i don't know the 4 ohm rating and the 2m rating are the same which is strange made me thought it was made me think it was a regulated amp and then bridged it's rated for 500 watts it did 700. that's that's filthy with still 70 uh 77 efficiency so these are like uh like you see on big d's channel uh up to one percent one percent distortion the jp rated for 134 watts did 129 watts at 14 volts i do think you know he'd have uh he'd have gotten there at 14 4 which is where it's rated 60. 61 efficiency uh which is expected with a class a b it's just that's just the nature of the beast which is why we all use class d these days 200 watts into two ohms made uh 198 at 13.7 so again it would have made rated and then the big the big little little black eye there is the 450 watt rating bridge made 397 so almost 400 watts which was which is accurate right double the double the the 2 ohm rating close really close uh let's see he actually calls this a tie he actually concedes that it uh it would have made rated and that the calls it a tie because they both did rate it or better uh now we get into harmonic distortion and noise which is this is the big this is his big dig on the amp and i will link you all to the um to the review but just so you know these are the fancy graphs that he is using this is this is the fundamental right he's playing a one kilohertz tone and that's the fundamental in all this garbage this is what we don't want this is distortion so when you play when you play a fundamental you don't want anything other than the fundamental right you want nothing else other than what you're actually playing and so if you look at this one this is the arc and you don't really have to know how to read these graphs you just it's pretty obviously visual and this is the jp so you can see this is the fundamental and this is all the unwanted garbage that we don't want so lots and lots of distortion visually but here's the thing here is the thing about this this graph is it looks horrible it looks terrible right on on in a picture like that on a spectrum analyzer but that is about thd plus noise so total thc plus noise point zero one two point zero one two versus the oh without those arc zero one two versus point one eight now that sounds that's like an order of magnitude it's like ten times as much distortion but is that audible is it no it is not minus it's 60 db 60 db below the fundamental 60. that's a lot it looks terrible looks like is it audible not me personally no you're not going to hear that especially here's the other thing especially to the target audience that jp made these amps for are they playing these through like you know focal utopia m's no you guys are going to throw these on pa and pa woofers and super tweeters and just wang and you're not going to hear that personally i don't think so so this is like if he were to put these two on a bench and a b x them at one watt or even 10 watts and tried to hear that distortion it's not going to happen .18 get out of here david let's see so the next one is a big deal uh intermod intermodulation distortion this y'all seen this is imd another thing another uh type of distortion so this is basically sort of like when you're playing two tones at once how much distortion is there outside of those the two fundamentals that you're playing and this is actually a big deal because this because amps play more than one frequency at a time all the time like the way that they're intended so this is another bad one so here's the arc so he's playing a 19 kilohertz and a 20 kilohertz uh tone there and then we're seeing how much added garbage there is in the in the reading right so this is a big one and this this is the arc this is the jp again it looks terrible it looks horrible like the jp just gets on in here but here's here's another thing here's the other thing is the he says the a b is 44 times as bad as the arc 44 times but 44 times as bad is still point zero eight nine so point let's call it point zero nine the percent distortion point zero nine you wanna talk about splitting hairs the other thing is he's playing 19 and 20k none of you yo what are y'all dogs you cannot hear 19k sorry and he mentions it goes out to a hundred k so are you me 100k what are we bats it's not happening amplifier efficiency don't care we know what we're getting when we get an a b amp you know the class d is going to be more efficient you guys all have way too much electrical anyway well there's no such thing as too much but y'all have overkill electrical anyway so here's the part that really took this was like almost offensive and i actually enjoy when people um do the objective measurements and then give a subjective so like their opinion i actually enjoy when people give their opinions at the end um like in the summary or whatever they give their opinions but uh this is the one that really rubbed me the wrong way he says if you think ab if you think this a b is good for the money you're wrong it is not good it is not even okay it's disappointing and frankly i'm embarrassed that anyone would offer this to the public oh wow really tell us how you really feel dude jesus that is like that's rough and honestly this amp is not nearly bad enough to be like embarrassed i mean the other the other disclaimer i need to make is i've never heard this arc i've never heard this particular amp i've heard plenty of art camp and i've never heard the jp but just looking at the measurements i can tell that no one no one would be able to tell the difference between these two amps if they put them on a bench swap back and forth and you had to guess which one was which if both of them were kept on uh clean i i challenge david to put them on listen to them both have someone else switch abx and and pick 10 out of 10. he won't do it he couldn't do it i challenge you david if you see this and i'll actually message you that do that and if you can tell the difference i will eat my work i'll also buy both apps and listen to them myself but there was one other uh one other thing that i wanted to mention crosstalk he didn't measure that's also a big deal whether the two channels talk um interfere with one another uh lack of differential inputs you guys running a differential input so he's just like finding to nitpick the arc audio obliterates this entry level class a b no dude no anyway that's my thoughts i don't care i don't need either amp but reading this review makes me kind of want to buy an arc audio because i need a i need an amp tsp anyway but maybe i'll buy jp 23 instead just to spike dave mckinnon anyway t58 out
Channel: Everyday Audios
Views: 6,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yDjJmpOsxP0
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Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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