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Today's video has been  brought to you by Squarespace  but more on that, later in the video. Let's imagine a scenario. You're idling at, say 600 RPM. And then you decide to put the vehicle in gear, and floor it. The butterfly valves under throttle body take a fraction of a second to open fully and allow maximum air into the engine. It takes that air even less time to actually get into the engine, into the combustion chamber And then takes the injectors another absolutely  minuscule amount of time to deliver  the fuel needed to match this air. So within a fraction of a second, we're giving the  engine everything it needs to build maximum power. We're allowing maximum air into the engine and we can deliver maximum fuel instantly. So then why can't the engine deliver maximum power and maximum torque instantly? Why does it need to rev to here and here to build peak torque and peak power? Why can't it build peak torque and peak power  right after idle if we're giving  it everything it needs to do so? Now, I know we're accustomed to seeing power and torque as curves. But have you ever wondered Why are they actually curved? Now, I'll let you think about it one for just a moment, as I tell you a bit about Squarespace. So, what is Squarespace? Well, Squarespace is everything you need it to be, if you want to kick start the process of turning your passion, into your career. Let's say that you're really talented photographer, or you're a creative designer  or you make some really  amazing and unique jewelry. Well, that's nice. It doesn't matter how talented you are,  or creative, or how amazing your jewelry is  if the only people who know about  it are your mom, and your doc. You need to tell the world. And this is where Squarespace comes in. And no, it's not just another  user-friendly website making tool. Well, yes it is that. It has a really amazing  templates, but it's so much more. It's a one-stop shop for everything you need. So, everything from your custom domain name, to your unique online CV, to your online store,   to website analytics. And even stuff like Email marketing  tools that you find and keep new clients So it doesn't matter what you do. It doesn't matter if you even ever had a client. Squarespace will help you seamlessly  establish your online presence  And demonstrate to your potential future clients,  just how serious you are about your passion. So if you're ready to kick start the process  of turning your passion into a career,   then head over to Squarespace  and try it out for free. If you like it and want to launch. Then head over to Squarespace.com/d4a. And get 10% off your first purchase  of a domain for your website. And now back to engines. So do you know the answer? Why is power and torque a  curve, and not a flat line? Well the answer might be both  surprising and kind of obvious. And the answer is piston speed. Why piston speed? Because a fully open throttle valve, may allow  a lot of air to 'potentially' get into the engine. But how much air, actually gets into the  engine, is determined by the piston. Now, I know a lot of you right now are going Huh? What is this lunatic talking about? Piston speed? No it's the intake valves. The size of the intake valves, and  how much they get open to their lift. And the duration of how long they stay open That's what determines how  much air gets into the engine. Well yes, this is technically true. But again, intake valves are  just like a throttle body. A large intake valve gets opened a lot, has a  lot of lift, and stays open for a long time,   only creates potential for a lot  of air to get into the engine. Again, how much air actually gets into the  engine, is determined by the speed of the piston. So, how does this work? Well, it's actually pretty simple. When the piston moves down the bore, it  creates a void, an absence of air, a vacuum. When a vacuum appears, air of  course moves to fill that vacuum. And this vacuum which is constantly being  created by the piston as the engine is running,   is the true source of the engine appetite for air. Now, the higher the engine RPM,  the faster the crankshaft rotates,   and the faster the piston travels down the bore. The faster the piston travels down the bore,  the more vacuum it creates at a more rapid rate. The more vacuum it creates, the  more air rushes into the engine. The more air is being pulled into the engine. And this is the reason why  power and torque are curves At 700 RPM, there simply isn't enough piston  speed to pull in a lot of air into the engine. You may open the throttle fully and  create a for a lot of air to get in,   but a lot of air won't get in, because  there isn't enough piston speed. And this is why when you floor it from idle, nothing really happens. There's no drama until RPMs  increase at least a bit. By the time the engine builds  up, let's say 5000 RPM. The piston's travelling so fast, that  it can ingest the maximum possible   air that the throttle body  and intake valves will allow. You can match this with maximum fuel and create  the maximum combustion power you can generate,   which generates maximum combustion pressure  and pushes the piston down with maximum power. And then using the connecting rod  and crankshaft pin as leverage,   the piston can act on the crankshaft, and  the crankshaft spins with maximum torque Now, I know that again some of you are going Ah! who cares? This only applies to naturally aspirated engines. Because when it comes to forced induction,  we can use a turbo or supercharger to stuff   in more air into the engine than a silly little vacuum could hoped for. Well, yes, a supercharger and a turbo can  increase the peak power output of an engine Definitely. But, the power and torque curves of  forced induction engines are still curves. No conventional mass produced forced  induction device can create flat power   and torque curves, nor can it generate  instant power and torque right off idle. And this is of course because no turbo  or supercharger can create boost at idle. A turbo needs heat and exhaust  gases to be driven, to create boost. A supercharger is directly connected to  the crankshaft pulley usually via a belt,   and needs engine RPM to spin  fast enough to create boost. At idle neither is creating boost. And this means that again, the initial  combustion, that creates exhaust   gases, and increases RPM, and then  drives the turbo or supercharger,   is again dependent on the vacuum  generated by the piston speed. Which draws in the air, creates the combustion,  and then drives the turbo or supercharger Piston speed and the vacuum which is generated  by the downward piston movement, is at the core   of the internal combustion engine, and as  such it shapes the power and torque curves. Now, it's time for the Level 2 question. Why is peak torque always generated  at a lower RPM, than peak horsepower? Aren't torque and horsepower linked together? Isn't horsepower essentially torque x RPM? So if they're linked together, why  don't the curves follow each other,   why don't they look similar or the same? Well the answer to that question  is in the question itself. The curves can't be the same,  because horsepower is torque x RPM. If you're using the horsepower formula, then  horsepower equals torque in feet pounds x RPM. Divided by 5252 If you're using kilowatts, then the  formula is torque in Newton meters x RPM. Divided by 9549. But it doesn't matter which formula your  are using, you can see that at the essence,   at the core of the formula,  torque is multiplied by RPM. So what do these two formulas tell us? Well they tell us that it's simply  impossible to have similar or identical   horsepower and torque curves, on the  same graph and at the same scale. Why? Because both torque and RPM are  a multiplier for horsepower. Let's use a dyno chart of an electric  vehicle to demonstrate this nicely. In this case, it's a Tesla Model 3. And as you can see, because it has an  electric motor, it can generate instant torque An electric motor obviously doesn't care  about piston speed and vacuum and what not. The battery supplied energy, the  electric motor starts spinning. And voila! Instant torque. And as you can see, the  electric motor can also keep   a flat torque for a pretty large junk of its RPM band. But okay the horsepower curve, although the torque  curve is flat the horsepower curve is increasing. It's rising. Again, because RPM is a multiplier for horsepower Here we're multiplying torque by 1000. Here we're multiplying torque by 2000. Here we're multiplying torque by 3000 And so on and so forth. Even if torque is flat, RPM is always  increasing and it's a multiplier for horsepower. And thus horsepower is going to be increasing. The same goes if torque starts falling off. As you can see on this dino chart, torque is  falling off but horsepower is still increasing. And this is going to happen as long as  torque doesn't fall off too sharply. Because again, although torque is  falling off, the RPMs are increasing,   and we're multiplying the torque by the  RPMs thus increasing the horsepower value. And now the final question. Level 3 The boss question. No not really, it's not hard, just  something you might be curious about. And the question is, why do torque and horsepower eventually start falling off? Why do they reach a peak ,and then fall off. If the business moving faster  and faster as the RPMs increase,   shouldn't torque just keep  increasing, until the RPM limit? if we're getting more and  more air into the engine? Well, the answer behind this is that it will be   stupid and useless to have peak torque, occur near the RPM limit. You may indeed see that some racing engines do  have peak torque pretty close to the RPM limit. But a racing engine spends most of its very short life   being revved all the time to the RPM limit and driven all out. But other engines that see a very wide variety of uses,   so you need to join on the highway, stay on the highway You drive to curvy back roads, drive to city traffic. In this case, you really don't want to be forced   to rev to the red line all the  time to get the vehicle moving. You need torque to get the vehicle moving. And you want the torque to be somewhere   reasonable, so you can access this peak torque relatively easily. This means that the location of peak torque  is calibrated for the engine's intended use. And it's calibrated predominantly by the size  of the intake valves and the throttle body. As we said, the intake valves  in the throttle body determine   the potential air, the maximum potential  air, that can get into the engine. And the piston speed, the  vacuum generated by the pistons,   determines how much of that air actually gets in. But how much air (Within the  maximum potential determined   by the intake valves in the throttle body) So the size of your inlet devices, is a  limiting factor to how much air can get in Because at a certain point, the speed of the  piston is going to try to ingest more air,   than can actually come through the  intake valves and the throttle body. At this point when the piston becomes too  fast, and tries to suck in too much air,   we have reached the maximum possible  flow of the size diameter of our orifice. Which is a throttle body. And the intake valves. If you install a very large throttle body and  very large intake valves onto your engine,   you are creating potential for a  lot of air to come into your engine. But to realize this potential, you  need a lot of piston speed to actually   ingest the maximum amount of air that the large  throttle body and intake valves can provide. This means that you need to rev  high to realize this potential. So, your ultimate power/your maximum  power, will increase with a larger   throttle body and larger intake valves, but  your peak torque will be moved higher up. And you will need to rev  higher to actually generate   this power that has been allowed by the  larger throttle body and intake valves. But even with the larger intake valve  and throttle bodies, at some point your   piston speed can become too high, and try  to ingest more air than our orifices allow. At this point we have reached the maximum  mass flow rate through our orifices. And now they're becoming a  restriction, choking the engine. Revving higher, and increasing piston  speeds higher beyond the maximum amount   of air that can come into the engine, will  obviously not result in a torque increase. Instead, the torque is going to start falling off. An analogy will be letting a  child breathe through a straw. A child might be able to breathe through a straw,   because the maximum amount of air that he or she  can draw in might be sufficient for the straw. But if you give the same straw to an  adult, an adult will start choking and   will be unable to breathe through the  straw, because the orifice is too small   for the amount of air that the adult is  trying to draw into his or her lungs. What about electric cars? Why does their torque start falling off? If they have an electric motor and  a constant supply of energy from the   batteries, why isn't the torque curve just flat? All the time, throughout the entire RPM range? Well, the answer is back EMF,  or a Back Electromotive Force. Basically, it's a force that opposes  the changing current which induced it. In other words, it's a voltage fighting another voltage. The faster the motor spins, the higher  the back EMF which counters the motor,   and reduces the torque output. Now, when it comes to the instant  torque of electric vehicles,   this is often presented as an advantage  over internal combustion vehicles. And although it definitely is in situations like city driving,   on a different type of road, it really isn't an advantage. Because having to build power, to reach peak power  and peak torque, isn't necessarily a bad thing For many, it leads to a more rewarding, more  involved, more focused driving experience. And actually very few things are  absolute advantageous or disadvantageous. And many have merits depending  on different conditions. And there you have it. That's pretty much it, when it comes to today's video. A bunch of obvious questions,  but maybe not so obvious answers,   in case you didn't have a firm grasp on all these things already. As always, thanks all for watching. And I'll be seeing you soon,  with more fun and useful stuff... ...on the D4A channel.
Channel: driving 4 answers
Views: 144,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: torque, horsepower, horsepower vs torque, what is torque, torque explained, piston speed, dyno chart, dyno sheet, power and torque curves, torque curve, engine, internal combustion engine, ice vs ev, tesla, tesla dyno, ev instant torque, torque curves explained, horsepower explained, engineering explained, 1000 hp, turbo, boost, boosted, supercharger, supercharged, 2jz, new car, buy a car, tuning, car tuning, engine tuning, tesla horsepower, camaro, car buying, fast cars
Id: Nbev14oIH6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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