Why are Classic Horror Games so CURSED?!

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what kind of materials do dinosaurs use for the floor of their homes reptiles welcome to you thought those new monsters were scary well take a look at these today we're going to be taking a look at the cry of fear resurgence mod that's been added to gary's mod look at him there's a child with a knife so strap into the nightmare zone we're going to be testing them and seeing what they do but first there's an urgent mission you must subscribe why because it's free and i'm yellow so you may notice this mod comes in three parts aomdc and cc misc but today we're just taking a look at the main pack and if this video hits 5000 likes i'll take a look at the other two so let us begin how we all begin we're with a baby okay oh it's a hi oh it's just a friendly his head's a little big that's fine you know not all babies can be beautiful oh his head became a spike uh under the bridge up next we've got book simon oh simon's got a gun he's not very accurate though with 500 health oh look do you see his face he got me a couple of times he got me right in the stem simon can i have a look at you oh we can sneak up behind him what's he wearing oh hello hi look oh gosh that face i don't like it i don't like it's got yellow teeth is he british i can say it ambrose all right simon where's he gone cyrus just vanished okay okay baron he can do that but can he do that sorry okay up next we've got the version where he's got a hammer instead of a gun it's a bit of a downgrade oh god i don't think i like this stop it simon oh he listened he dropped the hammer oh and he sleeps now can i have this this is mine now and then we've got this thing this is the oh what are you why am i bleeding where is he going why is he is he attached to a balloon what is this thing it's the carcass um look at his legs look at those legs look at them oh i don't like it and let's just freeze him a second because you you need to really get close to appreciate this man has two mouths that's kind of a dream imagine all the snacks you could eat but i think he might have got his hands and his legs stuck in his throat at some point these things happen he's got 2 000 health and let's try and see what he is throwing at me go on what is that oh it comes out of his belly yeah that's definitely some sort of belly juice are they are those irons what are those can i catch one i think they're little heads maybe look at his belly should we go in can we go in sir oh that's a he's got a butthole okay we're gonna just uh sort this out yeah there we go you defeat him and he sinks to the shadow realm with his chains still here nice next we've got a child the one with the knight two knives oh okay he's got 80 health it's not that strong it doesn't do that much damage oh he will kill you though but be warned 50 is too many oh hi kids up next we have a scitalo pram am i saying that right she's also got a knife is this their mummy she seems nice she doesn't have much health so we'll probably just sort her out from a distance oh there we go all right i like how she died up next we've got craig and we've seen a version of craig before in another mod this one's is a slightly spookier but if you ever need a hedge trim did you man oh greg i was advertising your business all right let's let's let's sort him out he's the irony craig more like hey up next we've got a crawler does what he says on the tin he is uh shockingly fast considering oh i don't like his face and he's also got a hammer he's just gonna break my knees it takes him a while oh we'll let you have it help yourself oh wow must try harder will you feel this oh we felt it up next we've got a crazy runner uh should i start running now yeah there we go kind of reminds me of the grudge okey-dokey she's coming she's is that a knife does she have a knife i think she has a knife how does she see anything with that hair she's slicing me right up should i just clear that hair from the front of your eyes up next we've got the croucher oh died oh like this i know let's turn them off what is that is that one eye stay still would you matt what is this thing and if we let it get to me here's what happens oh he hammers me from below a new technique rest now friend dr purnell doctor doctor doctor i think i need glasses you certainly do sir this is a restaurant oh why do you have a gun up next we have the dreamer who oh god i thought it was invisible for a second it does go invisible where's he gone oh no dreamer oh i don't like it all right let's pour another one did we get him and then then we got the one that runs um a bit of screaming this one doesn't go invisible i i much prefer it when you can see them and flatten them and then we've got the drowned oh miss you're floating has anyone ever told you you're floating you're slowly coming towards me she needs a good sleep oh what is that that's a baby that's a baby with a knife all right fair enough oh classic horror games man why they like this they don't like to make them like this anymore up next we have the faceless uh does he face this i feel like there's a face there stop is that why he's got no face he's just headbutt so much kind of cakey yeah i suppose it's not much of a face good job i'm a surgeon fixed it here's a here's a faceless but it's it just crawls instead oh that is just gross oh it's like a human spider no big nope he's a faceless but he's faced he's got a ma is he stolen her face just he's still headbutting he's going to break this one too stop it and then we've got the twister valve oh it's like the old it's like a siren head from the past just head's been replaced by things a horror genre in itself ah you're dead and then we got the the twister this dude what even happened to you would you guys stuck in a mangle what do you do you just grab use your head oh i think he is a little bit i loved it his next one's called faster oh she's sounds like little metal rods oh a little terrifying what happened to this woman who did this to you all right go on then oh the screaming i don't know if i like the screaming she does 10 damage roughly per stab and then we've got the male version of it i don't know which one i prefer what's wrong with his head hang on can you stop sir can i have a look at you those are pipes going through his head how's he even alive and why is this shirt orange oh those his teeth is this fly undone this next one's called fly gear what the there's a dude on a bed is he okay sir are those knives oh they're scissors are you gonna stab me with them would you mind if i asked that you didn't that'd be swell oh here he comes hi join me to turn the bed up up the right way you're just gonna stare at me okay oh no he's now he's got me he's he's like how is your bed flying this is what happens to the members of slytherin who graduate oh what was that that's he's spitting blood at me can you not oh that's just gross he's only got 100 health so if you're quick you can sort him out and then you get a free bed nice up next we've got hanger oh is this another invisible one oh god nope don't like it no we we're gonna leave that one and then we have this guy hang man who's what is this his head has become a tongue you know fair enough gerald oh gel oh thanks i needed to respawn i am a mess jerry can you fight this thing would you mind jerry you're coming for me okay all right fair enough is this because oh the hang man got me has charlie seen him are they friends all right fine jerry you're fired so he i think he just if you get too close he's just gonna tickle you with his floppy head i don't want him to kill him oh it's really he really joins you around ah would you stop that ah please let me just you it seems almost impossible to kill him i think that's why jerry couldn't all right fair enough you live whatever you are and then we got the human flower really gross those are faces those are faces in it there's um it is a human flower after all and i i'm dead how what happened i think one of the arms reached for me i wonder if we can kill this one oh sounds like i'm under water no you can't these things they're unkillable just don't go near them up next we've got crypan dinesh i'm probably saying that wrong um but i don't know if anyone knows how to say this dude's name doesn't even matter he's kind of useless to be honest i'm crawling away he's crawling towards me and he just can't keep up it's just another hammer dude up next we've got mace and well i wonder why he's called mace he's kind of got boobs a little bit what's that coming out of his mouth is that his tongue okay you're gonna hit me with that 180 health bad wow he does a lot of damage but so do i in the boob wait am i i can't tell what's happened i've suddenly stopped having powers no no there's nothing i'm i'm hitting him but okay next we've got psycho and what is this why do you look like a beard it looks like if the teacher told you in fourth grade to to dress like a bird for a school play and you did it in the morning but oh maybe that's why he's furious excuse me sir oh i can i can hit this one let's just get him sort him out before he comes do we no he didn't get him it's going to not a lot oh there we go now we got so crazy oh my this is the more intense version of the other dude he is he is pretty sore crazy and ones if we oh okay won't shut you up next we've got one called saw uh sora sora is he just is he naked [Music] he cut through his pants he's got nails in him oh fair enough not sure i deserved it what's wrong with you all why are you all so mean suddenly he's walking really slow he was running a second ago oh now he's running again but he runs with a bit of a limp see if we can fix that stay still would you wait for him to stop why do i have minecraft arms let's just fix his limp for him come here you sir another unkillable creature what is that thing on his back what is that that looks like someone's head wouldn't put it past him and up next we've got the saw runner we've also seen this dude in another mod so that's enough from you he's a dude with multiple masks i think pretty gross up next we've got sumo sumo's does he tied his own arms to his chest how is he gonna oh is that what's up that's a tongue is he licking me is this mark zuckerberg he's in every mod he's got holes in his pants oh no wonder he's angry can we at least sort him out there we go sick simon oh my simon what are you doing with the he's throwing things at me okie dokie fair enough i didn't see that coming simon doesn't seem that sick simon's spawning in boxes he's picking them up and he's i missed haha and he spawns these things uh these weird head things hi simon um you look pretty normal to be honest why are you so mean oh you've just killed some of your own friends foolish they should call him foolish simon simon no bad simon there we go and then we got this one there's a different version of simon this one's got a gun he's not spawning things that he seems a little worse for ways come back for revenge simon just resorted to a regular gun for some reason he had magic powers now he just wants a gun here's simon henriksen so it's simon but is he a different simon he loves freedom he's non-violent though he's the first creature we've seen that's just non-violent even if you're beaten good for you simon next we've got the slower he's he's a little twitchy oh and is that a hammer of course it is hang on excuse me sir let me just nope thank you here's slower but he's 10 uh slower 10. he's uh not much he's actually faster he should be called faster one what is that thing around him can you stop stop it what is that where are your eyes so some sort of parasite or his hat his hand is also that thing gross slower ten to two he's stuck in some sort of web i didn't mean to do that let's turn him on see what he does oh you actually stuck oh if i get too close though bonk on the head slower three this one's uh you looks slightly different seems like a bit of a different guy slightly faster kind of useless still though and slower no this one's got three heads why not i suppose the more the merrier oh let's have a look at those heads oh some of them have more than one eye why do they have so many eyes now we've got the spitter oh that's gross what what are you oh why how does this happen to someone look at him from the side oh he's got a little goatee oh no hang on that's the second mag i thought it was a beard uh the spits do 20 damage and they don't miss but what if we hit him here in his weak spot then we got the stranger is his head a book i love reading am i dying my i feel my heart beating really fast and i'm dead he's like whole man from the past it all comes full circle and next we've got taller i recognize this dude from another mod he's quite big i wish i was this tall although you think he'd one shot you i'm stuck he got me stuck in something oh and now he's standing on me all right did you poop yourself gross oh what up next we've got the face and oh the face spawns in these dudes the faceless that makes sense he's their god because he has one but he doesn't have a body and does he i don't think he does any damage oh he does do his damage with his spinning these guys are not that into me though are they coming for me no they're just sort of roaming oh never mind take it all back they're violent i need to teach him a lesson there can be only one oh he's unkillable fair enough he's just a sort of a spawner he's a bit terrifying up next we've got upper and oh he walks on his hands what a is he a gymnast oh they should sign him up for the olympics that's kind of impressive and how does he kill you oh he kicks you or is he slapping you wow it's really hard to tell that science gone too far and what happens if we kill him how does he die oh we just pulls over and then finally we've got watro i was watching another invisible oh guys sort of like one of one of those plants the human flower but just slightly fewer heads and arms and can we kill this one we can and he sinks to hell but that's pretty much it for this part of the mod if you've enjoyed this video or please remember to subscribe it's free and i'm yellow
Channel: JustJoeKing
Views: 528,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: justjoeking, gmod sandbox, classic horror, cursed, gmod, garry's mod sandbox, garrys mod, sandbox, garry's mod, just joking, Garry’s mod, Trevor henderson, just Joe king, garrysmod, banana joe, just joking gmod, g mod, cursed gmod, cursed monster gmod, cursed monster, cursed garrys mod, cursed mod, cry of fear, cry of fear gmod, classic horror gmod, horror gmod, horror, scary gmod, meme gmod, justjoeking mod, justjoeking new
Id: 7cAl1ZRtHPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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