Why are Christians Poor- Apostle Joshua Selman

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finance just a few questions straight to the point ed Jimmy why are Christians broke welcome to our channel today we're here with another amazing video today's video will bless you in no small way if you have yet to subscribe to our channel please subscribe and also click on the notification button below so you'll be notified every time we upload a new video if you feel this video can bless someone kindly join us to spread the gospel to the world please sit back watch and enjoy let's talk about this monitoring why are Christians broke well as a consolation it's not only Christians that are broke or believers to a Brooke but the operation is children ah if crystals are sons of kings so why are we I think the first reason why Christians are broke is because Christians have refused to recognize that they are responsible for the financial situation that's the number one thing like you see son something you do so do you - who is responsible for your currently reputation something you know what you have refused to believe is responsible for your current reputation and something you believe what you have refused to consistently octopod is responsible for your reputation so why are Christian believers why are Christians but number one they have refused to take recognition and responsibility but our current financial situation talk to the average believer when you talk to him about soon we need em he has a paradigm he has a definite plan for it talk to him about marriage he has a definite plan for it we can speak with specificity talk with them about wealth finances you start hearing all sorts of fakeness grandiose weakness jealous man I put a post op reset on my Facebook and I put a pot of three cards and I said that did you choose one as a Reuters Putin said of three are you aware that these cars are costing not less than 80 million the casualness which witness said it let me know that the thing is going to come from ever so the first thing is a failure to accept and recognize their responsibility the second reason why Christians are broke in my oh please listen are we getting blessed am i stay with you please I want us to all pay attention you just wrap this up shortly but I'm we may not have the time I took for granted that we may not really have the time to discuss this much but I think the two issues were talking about is really very very serious and I want you to pay attention especially in on our finances even as we talk about this way Jimmy is talking about why priest ends up group number one he says lack of recognition but they are responsible for the financial destiny go ahead son the reason eyes I see the size God taught us in Genesis 1 verse 29 that we should we should multiply which you saw does not is suggest oh is it commandment and many Christians have not as accepted it and indeed as a commandment the suppori see I believe is a poverty mindset especially Christians in Africa we were conditioned we live in such abject poverty that subconsciously we have accepted it if you talk to an American there are certain things we take for granted good rules houses why because they are exposed to some levels of wealth so because well we live in Africa we have subconsciously being conditioned to accept poverty as a default state and this poverty mindset displays itself in different ways number one a criticism in discomfort when you talk about wealth I asked the average Christian top many things you will see that just let them see a pastor in Egypt the efest default response is criticism or discomfort and the truth of life is whatever you Chris sighs your mind shuts you away from it and because we are critical uncomfortable with you don't care to ask questions you just shut your mind so that that's a very real reason we have been conditioned to be critical of wealth and then the last name I believe is financial literacy a lack of understanding of the rules of wealth and his what he qualified the average wealthy person is selfish and stingy or he believes you don't honor his sacrifice so he will not be predisposed to help you so we don't have that attitude that can attract those who can help us and teach us how to become wealthy so lack of recognition poverty mindset financial illiteracy yes doctor sir please can you put us on it why are Christians poor we really need to deal with this I mean I personally am concerned about the way very well-meaning Christians who love God pastors so many people you know this poverty thing is terrible people have prayed about it fasted about it it just doesn't seem to go why are people really poor yes there are dealt very well with this by also to add that I think one other thing that Christians do is it so much of all of this responsibility financial responsibility on God and not on themselves well there's the place of God no doubt about that opening the windows of every blessing coming down and all of that but then there has to be something in your own hand that God has to place now if you don't have something that God will bless he might as well be looking at you and so so we should not underestimate our path in partnering with God to see that we are blessed well amazing my body is already itching me now he just said something that is forcing me to have to speak I plan to keep quiet and just let them talk on this issue but now that it has come out they made a statement that was very interesting why are Christians poor and a Jimmy said something that is very important we call this the law of recognition listen it is very important right I have passion to letters get this before we begin to pray the law of recognition states that everything is available what you need to be aware of its presence where before gravity was discovered what we call discovery is simply an awareness of a reality that has always been there when it becomes aware to you then we call it discovery I were together now so many believers are not even aware that they are responsible for their financial destinies then he made a point that was very interesting the conditioning of our minds every time I mentioned the word rich wealth million prosperity for many of us yet what I just said is deception fraud wickedness carnality that's what you heard I seen that now so we have conditioned our mind to associate wealth with the negative once you see a wealthy person you just are all these young people who are rich they are for one-liners or they appear some kind of bad people or they're drug dealers you know so until that conditioning changes and then he said something number three which is very important lack of the understanding of the laws everybody said financial prosperity self t'me has laws one more time say financial prosperity has laws and then dr. jellia just fitted to the nil he said we leave everything to God Bishop where Eko said something he said any Christianity any practice of Christianity that makes God absolutely responsible for the outcome of your life is an irresponsible Christianity so there are so many believers and I say this with you by us - not on Christians we have this mindset Haqqani Elijah Rhea I will together now the northern conservative evangelical Christian it has made us to kick prosperity out I went together so we hate it we resent it and we think if God should bless me then he has the power to bless me the cattle on a Thousand he'll belongs to God and then we don't do anything about it so that's really very important because I said this sincerely many of us sitting here outside and the thousands of people following online are victims of this so we sit down and wish what we resent and we don't have it and we're angry I wasn't alone I don't understand why I am saving you I'm praying and so on and so forth so he said something and I want to pick it from there dr. Gellin said we have a row I call it a partnership and I want you to buttress please what exactly is the role of God in a man's finances and what is our own go pass off a Connecticut from there please what exactly is the role of God what where does God played the part and where do we come in please good one of the just one minute we will click to two to three minutes in turn of the very popular scripture when it comes to you the Christians used to put all the responsibilities on God is the issue of type in Malachi 3 verse 10 bring you all the tithes into my into the house that they may be meat in the storehouse prove me here which if I will not open the windows of heaven and believe I see the windows of heaven as one day maybe 12 midnight at the time everybody sleeping they'll just come out and some dollars will be falling he opens the windows of heavens and he gives you ideas he gives you favor he gives you opportunities and it is your responsibility to prepare so that you can maximize the opportunity when it comes for example I I started preparing for what I'm doing a long time ago I thought because someone like me is the victim of this kind of message the kind of Christian bargain they fight anything that has to do with financial prosperity I know that so I got to start lending some of these things myself at a very late age and when I discovered that my financial well-being is tied to my assignment in life is part of my being acceptable to go part of my my hearing from God well don't the good of it service servants so I tied it into everything I was doing and I started preparing when I discovered that this is the primary thing that God wants me to do and every other aspects of my lifting is connected to this thing that I'm doing so I said that preparing so that aspects of preparing for the opportunities that God bring is an aspect that the Christian body is neglecting so you see that God can open the door for example to be posted something recently cut Gnostic government brought out a master plan of five years what they want to do and Jimmy said download and read carefully opportunities may be in it I don't know mental soils I've downloaded items coordinates because there are opportunities in it I had a message recently somebody calculated the amount of money within two asks a conference of cat Gnostics and they'll run into trillions of Mara and the question he asked is how much of these we get into your hand and how much of it will get into your hand is the value that you have prepared yourself to contribute to this system because money is not created they change hand and they change hunt based on your contribution to the sustainability of the system that way thank you amazing amazing now out out Allah that y'all come to him again asthma can you take it from there now that we agree that there are spiritual laws there are physical laws please help the people because I believe the question many people are asking is ok I'm a tiger I'm not getting anything is there more to this because many of my pastors have taught people once you tied the general message about finance in the body of crisis if you want to be reached tie and give go to bed things who work what's your opinion sir very quickly please two minutes let's write to talk very quickly on time and on given there is a reason why pathos tends to emphasize it that's because the office of the past Oh benefits from tightening and offering I would say that fairly critical import the pastor is offering spiritual value only costly spent pieces we are here you are getting something yes or no you are getting inspiration hope miracles you don't make analyze it because it came from God but certain aspects of it you demonstrate your gratitude via your substance that is exactly what God expects every believer to do offer a value offer a service offer a product that will be of such high value that you can exchange it but what Christians want is to collect without discussing what they will give I need to let us know that our prosperity is tied to our afraid offering does not mean Efrain enjoys your offering is what you have to offer please let say that my offering is what I have to offer does the number one reason so the question is what do I have to offer the first inside my opinion is the earth define assignment the reason why you were created what problem did God put you on earth to solve and it is always three food a spiritual problem and the secular problem and the transformation our problem the problem is we focus only on the spiritual has the Internet blessed anybody yes has Motor Vehicles blessed anybody yes has electricity blessed anybody yes is the this mic blessing somebody yes to God all things come from him so the first question is what has God put in me right that is an assignment for me to establish on the earth the second thing is what are my god-given abilities so festa what is my god-given assignment or my god-given task the second what is my god-given ability or my god-given truth sadly the first one is only revealed in the place of of encounter the burning bush experience where God tells you what then I use the story of Moses you realize that Moses at age 40 realized I hear the call of greatness to be pretty is realized and then he goes and he separates and Egyptian pulling a an Israelite and accuse him and then he sees to Israelites and he says why you guys fight him same thing that they would know that God has called him to be a deliverer and they asked me a question who made you a ruler and a charge of us if you encounter wealth if your quest for wealth it will ask you who made you a ruler and a church it is the god of the burning bush that you will go back and sit as a spirit called mama so you have to have that encounter where you settle it with God and God says I am giving you X Y Z so so so assignment then you can say lift up your heads who you gettin be lifted up and that means sets up the place of your god-given assignment your god-given tools then your passion your Papas and then the second one say I will talk about is your portfolio extremely important your portfolio you will never a mass well if you don't have a system that leverages and clothes money for you when you are not there if you intend to work for every penny you will work and we know how people that work for 40 years they retire and it looks as if they never worked because God didn't design it like that look at Abraham anytime God is talking about well he talks about country the ability you just go mate one male and one female and it brings without you necessarily being responsible for the multiplication process you must have a portfolio you must have a system that proves pit land for agricultural purposes or land for realistic purposes or land for mining and extracted purposes read financial markets stocks portfolios currencies good gradually you begin to save and last desire you must have a clay pot understanding of these five things number one how to end number two how to spend number three how to save number four how to Malu number five how to invest I believe personally every believer should have a medium understanding of these five things how to earn how to spend how to save how to pollute how to endure Wow amazing are you learning something truly truly brothers and sisters there's no magic about wealth all those all those foolish things we do around in church we just mock ourselves for nothing there is a very powerful paradigm very straight to the point let me allow doctor and his wife to respond on this now he is talking about that there is more aside from tithing and giving there's the place of value please take it from there sir the place of value yes I think within a group presently and the book is the outliers and there are two two very important Oh summarize the whole thing about two just two points one of them is the place of excellence and the other is the place of time and chance happening to them all or in other words the lines falling into one in Pleasant places now where we say that we need to okay the part of God once tight opens the heavens and all of that but on one side excellence side varieties that won't we whatever I want like just one hand finds to do once you do it with both eyes one should be excellent at it what happed is what it is and that is what we create value for what well what one has to offer like he said offering that's one great value for what you are offering and that's what made will people thank you thank you so much sorry what can you say about it the concept of value it's not less let's demystify this thing I know we're out of time but I don't think we should be afraid of starting small no matter how little it is it's good to have a big plan it's good to dream big and all of that but no matter what it is you have what is that small thing you have like Elijah Tuesday that we do what do you have and then she had oil and she kept pouring point and point but there had to be something very small what is that little thing in your hand you can pluck hair you can use you can sew clothes you can need you can't sell bad so pure what Evan if he's trained in error you're making on each with time it'll grow God reward diligence it's wonderful to work in a bank it's one or two it's wonderful to have a federal government appointment it's wonderful to work in the cbn and all of that but before those ones come there should be something in our hand that is working balls a Bible says something about the proverbs 31 woman that she seeks out wool and pluck and develops it with really enhanced wool and flax are raw materials so it's important for us to identify those things that link India they look like the crude States they look raw they don't look fancy food they don't look attractive but then with willing hands they can be computed Lee finished product praise the Lord okay you're itching to answer okay so so you just say something two minutes okay I don't see something I started doing business when I was on campus I was making and selling shirts so I want to see that for those who are looking for chily to be insulated by the campus environment this is a good time to start practicing not because of the income no but because of the transformation that will happen to you as you begin to master the laws of business most people the reason why you should start small is not don't despise starting small it's not about the profit of starting small is about the things you will learn customer relations do you understand so when God brings you to your next level the same way Joseph stood in front of Pharaoh and after he had explained it wasn't his first time of interpreting the dream he had been interpreted small small small small dreams for most most most more people so the moment is to be fulfilled that competence was undeniable it was new Kate is a king has to package it to be fit working for the same competence so let's focus on doing business for the transformations that will happen to us as a result of doing business so that the day God brings you into a bigger opportunity like proportion you just click and drag and you'll be able to do the exact same thing only big ask you which is why I always tell people whatever it is just start small and focus on the transformations that will occur to us well amazing please I want everybody to write this down very quickly write this down the concept of something for nothing does not exist in the realm of finances please write it and understand it once and for all the concept of something for nothing is the illusion we drive ourselves with in church the body of Christ has been brainwashed into believe in God is an errand boy who is forced to bring money to also show he died for us and we have the lazier set of people as believers we have the most less men those who are very backward in innovation with the ideas concepts you know he talked about excellence all of these things listen that concept prosperity works on the law of exchange the law of reward are we together now so that's what I want us to write the concept of nothing for so for something for nothing does not exist in the table of greatness everybody must bring something you must bring something up on that table and then partake of the wealth upon that table having said that please I want to reconcile something the Bible says true wisdom is a house built not true favor are we together now when you tithe watch this when you tie and you give you satisfy the spiritual conditions for open heavens now money will come ideas will come wisdom will come but it is not tithing that manages imbues wealth is one thing for money to come is another thing to master the art of managing it and multiplying it I define for financial prosperity among other definitions as having availability of financial resources alongside the ability to replenish to manage to multiply it and to maintain its availability if you cannot maintain what God has given you you're poor so your time keeps opening the heavens money is coming boy you consume it and it finishes and he said Lord it has finished so God is performing his own role he gives seed to the sower bread to the eater I will together now so he sends you money and then you come and stand on Koinonia ground and testify praise the Lord I gave it tight I saw this scene into a person's life 1.5 million came that 1.5 million looks like a harvest it's not the harvest of your destiny is the hardest of the seed you have soon we should become another seed that should bring your harvest I will together now so I think that the natural loss of wealth teach us how to operate the systems to do something with the resources and the ideas that come from heaven the natural laws are all about managing what comes to favor so if 1 million comes to favor you should never beg again if you understand the laws of the Spirit I were together now so we have believers receiving things from God and waiting Oh somebody gave me house somebody gave me these somebody gave me that and then we always have and then don't have we have and then we don't have we have and then it finishes but there is when we have financial intelligence and understand the loss of wealth right it keeps accelerating from glory to glory that's part of what AG me was saying please write this down I'm itching I wish we had time I really wish this was an idea but then we have to find somewhere to stop or write this down prosperity works upon the reward system of the kingdom the reward system of the kingdom the reward system of the kingdom and what is the formula for wealth and abundance please write this down it has changed my life I believe is changed every one of our facilitators here whether this is known or not anyway it was practiced wealth came right is down our rewards in life will always be in exact proportion to three things our rewards financial rewards now especially in life will always be in exact proportion to three things ready number one the demand for what we do the demand for what we do you remain poor when there is no demand for what you do that's why there is no longer an I tell as it were because there is no demand that's why the sales of typewriters are no longer there there is no demand how would you gather that's why 3310 has run out of the market there is no demand so the question is is there a demon and we live in a world where making wealth is so easy now it takes no particular brains because there is a demand for almost everything the world has been globalized there is a demand for almost everything I will together now but so alpha is a man of God offering spiritual value and that in itself the spiritual value G's offering is there a demand for it go on ask demons I mean we cast out demons every week while healing the sick you are gathered here because there is a demand for what we are doing so if you get sad that am prosperous I find that very ridiculous anywhere there is a demand even if you don't like me I will together now I preach an average of 3 messages every week and that I am dispensing spiritual value I don't do that for money but the spiritual know of reward is such that whether you offer the service free or you sell it you are authorized to be rewarded I would together so it comes as on our radio it comes as whatever blessings right so I I keep bid competent with God I get to a point where the honorarios the prophet offerings all the monies that come to me from ministry will be sufficient for me to build a financial stream around it we are we get what I'm saying now so far so alpha is being rewarded more so he is a lecturer offering value our daddy is a prof what does that tell you he has attained the highest position in his profession so is his own thinkable to be surprised that is a millennia I mean I mean that does not something to pray about are we together now a Jimmy is a man of God the spiritual value is there right he's an Cipriano he spared the price to build himself and understand business and work and you know being a communicator of God's financial principles of the body of Christ that is value I will together he can organize a seminar just teaching you these all these things you hear or share are things that people pay over hundred thousand for a three-day seminar and those who communicated receive the value that's why when believers feel I think God is really sad because we get free in church nobody really plays anything free in church are we together now dr. gelee it wasn't too long he but his PhD I mean you can see as simple as he is very intelligent personality you see he had to move now to be trusted with a greater responsibility in his profession he will not beg for bread it's not the issue of demons are alive whatever it is he has value that is in demand I were together now same thing with shadi his wife right shada selection and leather research right she's a lecturer and leather research their combined salary enough will drive every demon of property that wants to continue a family there are two ways to drive demons one is prayers to his knowledge I will together now so let me tell you this I say this without every sense or any sense of apology every one of the people here absolutely competent people Aaron is there Aaron is a logistics person aside from other businesses and things that it does and then he is a man of God too right but right around there I don't know how many weddings are on his table to organize the logistics for them and for every one of those weddings I don't think he should be getting anything less than 40,000 so let's assume there are 20 weddings on his table is it a miracle to produce 100,000 now you get what I'm saying up so that we make it so miraculous that money's coming is a formula the demand for what you do number two your ability to do what you do incompetence does not pay that was the area I wanted our daddy to talk about but our time is gone I'm sorry I have to be the one saying these things by myself I wish that we could hear their perspectives do you have the bility to do what you do everybody say competence say one more time say competence that guy is on the on the camera this guy is on another camera this is competence they were trained are we together now you want them to to video cover your wedding you are going to pay them it's not going to be free I wish you gather yes I'm a man of God but listen it's not just the unmounting that produce all these things I Daniel understood by books there is a place of studied as a place of diligence are we together now I didn't learn the things that I know financially and otherwise just by look you can see a doctor telling you his on a book reading he's currently reading a book you can see pastor alpha saying he downloaded something and he's listening to it these are people who are in a way already successful in their field but you are competent please write it down I destroy incompetent in my life from today incompetence will make anyone poor whether the devil is there or not if God decides to change it and right now people will still the poor are we together now so it is important ability ability ability sadhana husband will never beg for bread and Jimmy's wife makes cakes she had a UK certification right hook was doing well before she got married but here and there she was still there but all through she she's an economist and she already has a long term goal and you see God in his witness con in his in his innocence his might you know connecting her to a financial person you know men are study economies and then hope spend all our time from marriage building herself she got a uk-based certification there are not many of those institutions in the world she was so competent when she came back now been an authority in pastries and all of these things she made cake for me in fact you know daddy you know organized the family to make it for me and I was so touched when she made the cake the cake is almost finished because there been so many people just coming to take piece of it now hope we'll be able to make cake for Kaduna state government and OPI 1 million she can make it for worry during his birthday or anything he wants to celebrate I were together now God can now leave that to house of assembly to make cake for people because favor is when prepare ation of competence meet opportunity don't pray for God to bring opportunities where you are not prepared you will blow it and that door will close forever there's a gentleman I don't know if he's yet he came with some today that gentleman is a miracle is a miracle doctor now he if he discovered something witty inventions he discovered a machine or he designed a machine that can detect heart disease without having you just touch it in your heart and it interprets it I mean they just live in the patent the license for the mass production when that guy came to me with Sam and I saw his presentation I was blown away I said this is a kingdom ambassador this guy is going to make the kingdom proud today he came with gifts and I mean piles of money in an envelope just dropped it and brought it for me and in my mind you see that's my own share of the value I added to him I would together no no no I'm not laughing everybody has a piece of the pie according to your contribution because when he came I looked at him I said you're an intelligent person and because I have a relationship with the Holy Spirit and he called me the Holy Ghost said tell him to 1 me professor Ngoc bill a Nobel Prize nominee he would be in the best position and then this and I I met him when he met professor not as it is right now arrangement has been made for him to go to Ministry of to Abuja to the Ministry of Science and Technology they are going to take his work and that guy has gone forever his generation will never beg again even if the machine is one one era many people are dying of heart disease there is a demand for it his ability to have received from the Holy Spirit I will together now if that guy were incompetent like many of us are and we keep crying and saying god bless me bless me and God is saying make room for the blessing with your competence I went together now don't say I make head don't say I do this this is somebody's idea we didn't have to pray to buy it this person is probably on holidays abroad and we're buying his product that's what IG means talking about he's designed an autonomous system that brings him wealth whether or not he is there I will together now this is amazing people listen to Koinonia messages when I'm sleeping and to them I'm awake preaching whereas I'm sleeping and then we received a lots of project 10,000 we're sleeping the finance department is sleeping board money is coming into the account because a message could go and transcend time listen guys I'm telling you this from the depth of my heart if you want to get out of poverty you will if you do not want to you will remain there hoping that one day and the sweet by and by a miracle will happen I will together now the third reason as we prepare to round up on this is the difficulty in replacing you listen no man is indispensable but there are people that are had to find a replacement that should be your position to remain worthy the degree to which we could find another professor medicine is difficult madam ladies in our meets very very intelligent please let's celebrate her she's sneaking hiding somewhere there and with all due respect man she sent me a text this morning that she was going for a lecture in Kaduna and then had to finish there do a few things and rush back and come Anya do you think she will beg this is not the issue of prayer is issue of value value value are we together now so please this this magic thing we expect to happen in our finances even in favor cons we will never achieve anything because we are not contributing right so the demand for what we do our ability to do it and then the difficulty in replacing us last point and then you just appreciate the facilitators I'm so sorry our time is gone but we still have to pray I wish we had so much time they have so much to be able to just fall out but let's talk about multiple streams of income finally everybody's going to participate we all have agreed that the salary a man ends may not be enough right well we received tithe and all of that our multiple streams of income important what not necessarily what they are but how they affect people positively or negatively go ahead sir I mean just please - two minutes let's walk with the time multiple streams of income is very very important because a bee lecturer for instance and when us who goes on strike for example and I think that when also goes on strike after three months your salary stopped after three months if the strike exists three months they stop paying salary in the strike lasts for eight months that is you live for five months without salary communion so within those five months how are you going to survive that means there is a need to diversify okay so it's important that you don't place your financial supply on one source of income balloon there should be different like a Jimmy mentioned there is famine like I was talking with some investor some people in Kaduna they are in Tucson he's an organization they are trying to promote ginger production right now they just entered an agreement the us-based company who is looking for major ginger supply and they're trying to is something I cannot display here right now and then I run into a guy who is part of the organization and it was offered me an opportunity to participate in it so now I'm not going to depend on just my salary at noon because once Satan can make a man handicapped when he knows your source of income is one he closes that and that is the the beach but we have many of them you can always switch so for the sake of timelessness god bless you thank you that our daddy talk to us I mean this is a very successful man just his salary alone as a professor is enough to bless him but then please talk to us at multiple streams of income like if I'm going to start you see it's like he was talking about excellence you say if I will advise you in this generation that you see if your ability is just enough to reach medicine a redeco simpler than medicine I don't know whether you understand what I'm saying because the secret word is probably a lot to excel in medicine if the ability just enough for you to read except God intervention but if you go into a course lower you become an authority you see the world today is not after the profession but the people who are excelling in the in the profession I read chemistry education you go to chemistry department I have the opportunity of interacting with the best chemists worried pure chemistry and my colleagues improper Faculty of science don't have and the reason is because I exhale in my in my area and I was able to get out and you also have opportunities like that it do the same job but you have multiple ways money I know an institution place my name and I was earning fifty nine thousand era anymore every month I was not going anywhere because they needed a name of a professor to be in the lives of their teachers we just put his name just for endorsement money is coming no prayer no demons no courses money's just flying in and coming you see I've had an instance where I walk for a day and I was paid four hundred and something to the naira took my daughter there was the time they brought a piece of paper I just read it in the office it was just one thing I corrected and they gave me a teetotaler that'll cool when you exhale in your profession but truly speaking these opportunities are leading to me I want you when I learn to surrender my rose you see have money but I'm willing if the Lord needed I remember last time when I went three non-stop Attica was coming up and they were free and I was wondering what I was going to do but do you know within two weeks got a recipe drop that I've got over a million I mean amazing well it's uh when it comes to multiple streams of income we have to look at it in three ways number one God has given you a message right and that message is divine is from him your assignment your life's pursuit what he has wired you to achieve but the method and the market can be manipulated so for example a person can preach a message and that message can be given free which is how once you get the messages yes or no he can do it as a compendium right and just sign on it and that can be a product that can be commoditized yes or no he can sit down with the Bible and write his thoughts on the Bible and it can be maybe the Koinonia Bible same message yes a rule the method has changed he cannot choose to write a book same message the method has change he cannot choose to host a seminar for top VIPs maybe Fugazi million under the trouble to two pi and then they charge a fee the method has changed but the message remains what the same sometimes you can create multiple streams of income by tweaking the method so the same product but you treat in different ways do you understand what I'm saying the same point of view Tweety's difference you see sometimes they put tie and pocket square you buy us one the two cufflinks alone you can buy us one they can copulate do you understand so the method can change that the market can change if you want to create another stream of income for example if we are going to do there are some places where we cannot do this kind of thing without charge money it will not walk so the market requires that you charge money if you want to do it for CEOs there's a level of hospitality they desire you twit in trance cope the market has changed it come come come from depth in a say let's do it compost one it will not be a ticketed event a punk who sponsored income comes from there but the market has changed do you understand so sometimes in creating multiple streams of income you have to look at what it is you are currently to win is there a different method so people ignore social media do you know many of the things you do for free you can't charge on social media you know why the people who did for free for they measure so they don't want to pay you but it is someone in Australia he will pay you well rather method my friend is back out why I will teach you right so you have to think about it that way and then you can now leverage social media around watch YouTube and then chat same thing online offline you can create multiple streams of income from there amazing Alleluia I want to respond to this in this way that I believe all of us everyone must be involved into a business and this is what gives me this inspiration there is this proverb I don't know if you are going to permit me to see it in Europe or we're not going ok and probably also try to interpret it it is that is a capacity Oh papazilla now what it means is that when you walk it is the father of what you eat or what you can eat you cancel early you your feeding is guaranteed but when you do business then your riches is guaranteed your world is guaranteed so if as ok I am presently lecturer ok eventually we get to become a professor and all of that but para maana see myself you know and maybe eventually ok retired and maybe retired in my own house and all of that policy just adds up see that until I do business what is called kingdom world that is when it can materialize if Eve only is just a lie that I live on then we just be comfortable and that will just be all the ladies reach but one must be involved in doing business it is actually doing business that this blesses I believe this blesses this world can common one is something multiple streams of income highly new year okay I want to see little on what pastor alpha said idea trying to troll more light on the importance of multiple streams of income my husband is a lecturer I am one as well let's assume especially for those of us that work now since I think this year but the funny things that has been happening in our country how things have been financially when salaries come and all of that and so if everybody is tired out I know you begin to pray give us this day our transport span I know that's what civil servants three four sometimes around these times but then the reason for multiple streams of income becomes very very important at such times everybody is not just waiting for did in fact civil servants popularly called twenty anything from twenty-eight they call it twenty hungry months and said I would never call it with them twenty any come 21 22 of course now your account is getting red because you're waiting for a lot and these days Allah doesn't come until first week second week of the next month amen myself alright Amen so for those kind of times you definitely made something no matter how small you are living in the neighborhood houses are just coming up in diarrhea it could be bad so what I'm sorry I'm saying it no matter how small you need something you need to buy you have visitors you have you have to get me to you ladies you know how really bad and terrible with human someone comes to your house I don't have anything to offer you understand at least there is something in the pots to serve along with your food you don't then at least they see if there's no aquatic that should be terrestrial you know something like that so no matter how small it is praise the Lord there should be something else coming in and then we should have a plan as well get to know our income there should be something that is going towards that plan you won't have a school you want to have businesses whatever it is that should be a part passage you were saying something about savings there should be a part of your income that is going towards that's planned for your multiple source of income you don't just eat of everything opposed to said you don't eat your seat it's important I you should realize that what you have in your hand should produce a greater habit for your future praise the Lord amen well I promise you we have to stop here we do the part two of these praise the Lord the mic was put there the intention was to have us come and you know give our questions and then even attempt some things I really planned for it to be really interactive our time is husband I'm not sure we may have that time again so I'll just write a deal with us let's break this into part 1 and part 2 maybe not next week but I promise you I would dedicate it day maybe next month and finish up on this because we need to hear you talk this mic is not just for questions is also to hear your perspectives the reason why we do this is because we want to challenge many of us and not just in the conventional way of having the pulpit you know and I'm speaking here and there but let me use two minutes to just wrap up this thing about finance there's so much this is only the tip of the iceberg that they have to bring with preached extensively on that the economic system of the kingdom Financial Dominion but one too for the wealthy place but one two four and so on and so forth but then let me say a few things and I'm going to challenge a lot of people with this you can never become a millionaire walking for money the percentage of people who ever become true Kingdom millionaires with peace of mind working for money working for money is the worst way to be rich is the very worst way it's only a good starting point but you cannot continue there are three main ways people really generate wealth number one 96 96 percent of the whole world they trade their time for money that's what people do is good but if it remains like that is the worst way to live so you do H 2 5 8 to 5 the day you don't do it there's no money forever and you are depressed by the time you're 40 you're already using the money to maintain your health so you live longer you lose your place as a father you lose relationship with your children is not wise okay so ninety-six percent this is statistics now ninety-six percent of the whole world get well by exchanging time for money is the worst way to ever try to be rich you can start from there but if you open you up to other things number two 3% of the world know how to make their money produce for them that's a second way they make well so the money they get from the jobs or whatever the favor the breakthrough land houses all of that they have already established streams that multiplied Matthew 25 he gave on to one one talent to talent and they went on the other one brought a hundred percent yield another a hundred percent yield and he told them well done good and faithful servant right so three percent of the world's billionaires and the world's millionaires made yeah well by using what they have as his seed not a harvest and then it keeps producing for them and then one percent the third way which is the most efficient way to be wealthy only 1% of the world does that is generating multiple streams of income you create a system around your finances multiple streams of income just like they said a lot of things yet there are people who have sought properties as a seed into my life I have not even seen those properties I've not gone there to go and look at it like this are we together now very very important I remember some years ago I bought one small land somewhere very small maybe everything closed paperwork would be three hundred thousand and I know as at the last time also that property was priced somewhere he was about three million naira and he still there I seen that my children will never beg for food and this has nothing to do with prayer the place is not even offense just for being able to buy a little property just like that they gave Koinonia you know a property in in in Lackey the God blessed us with a property in Leakey and you know we left it here and I'm sure the value of that property is running into millions now same ministry will never beg for bread because we're not just sitting Shiva there is a system you get what I'm saying now so I'm challenging you you have to generate multiple streams of income but you start from somewhere trying to do all four is the starting point for many of us maybe to get a job that's the easiest one to get the ball rolling then you save 20% I teach in the school of ministry the 3070 principle 10% goes to God 20% goes to your future 70% is what you consume now whatever lifestyle 70% of your current income cannot afford you are not yet ready for it you see so when you keep saving 20% of your income a time will come you have enough money to be able to now begin to invest and create other avenues and then these things are given birth to children - children - children and so on and so forth like that so it's really very important that's what Jacob did he had a few sheep and then he did not eat them he allowed them and truly production a time came he had so much press a lot so this is very very important I wish we had time but this is not a business class this is purely : Anya is our stimulating a desire in you we've not talked about leadership but I know our time just put it in your mind that will close a bit late today please don't be offended it will be more than worth it we have to round up by talking about our spiritual lives because that's what who push us into the impartation we cannot just close without talking about that so let me give five minutes please quickly guys it was going to be five minutes pastor alpha who is a spiritual man who is a spiritual man let's just talk about our spiritual lives who are rounding up who is a spiritual man okay simply put God is a spirit he created us in His image there was a disruption to that image in the garden Christ came to restore that image and the man who has accepted that work of restoration and has submitted himself to go through the transformation that makes him look exactly like Christ I see them on a spiritual well amazing professor why do Christians backslide why do we have believers who today are up and tomorrow are down there are people probably seated here whose prayer lives our dead world life that they love Jesus but it looks like that flow consistency is what a lot of believers lack in the walk would you help sir to address what would be the reason why is it that there's this option down spiritually today I'm on fire two more on down yes sir seriously like you see [Music] really have a genuine encounter with God see that what up disco know the presence of God wherever you are you always knew this is something sending you back to the business of like people who Park slide they come to the church because they see others come to the truth but you see anytime you see you have you have to achieve your probably one-to-one encounter with God there is nothing on the self service that there are instances like dry and out of God pray and see Balu is where people party material things vote on more than God see I said that once you become a Christian you want to survive the first thing you must know is that I'm willing to die every day for Jesus won't Ramadan community with God it becomes very very difficult for something separating from the world will try to entice [Music] Rick okay god bless you thank you Jimmy please prefer in one minute what is the restoration plan for a believer was derailed right now and he's needing someone to talk to him you want someone to speak to you you've probably you were once in Christ you love God but for some reason you know you are struggling maybe the person is not even in the faith again you've lost touch you used to be so addicted to the word right now everything has dried and you want to come back and you please guide them in two minutes from Step A to B well the first is to let him understand that the mere fact that he has a desire to return is proof that the Holy Spirit is still at work in him convicting him so we should start from the place of the faithfulness of God not his own faithfulness is a relationship only 1% Rubik him and the fact that he still desires is proof having said that he should quickly identify the things that led him astray and begin to take definite practical steps to cut off those things having said that he should now begin to pursue a person that he can be accountable to if we go off a fellowship like a prayer brand at all of that or a pastor and together they can depending on how far he has gone for example if it was an act of willful consistence in a particular sin we can address it pray for him to be delivered and they come up with a plan of study prayer and service and then follow him upon that plan he should plant himself in a community of believers that will hold him accountable and pre-game back into the kingdom and then if you give himself time to begin to walk on that plan preferably three months to six months of consistency before he can start feeling like okay let me evaluate if he does this we come back and then service we should quickly begin to now start serving because there's something about ministry that places it demand on you to replenish last question and this is for the couple sir just you and your wife together how do you maintain your spiritual life being working-class I know how busy you are I know how busy your wife your wife is sorry and I mean she's you're traveling all the time she's around taking care of the children you know she's a financial secretary in Koinonia there's so much she's doing and how do you both maybe as individuals and as a couple maintain the spiritual favor especially as it concerns what study prayer fellowship together can you just quickly help us on that as we Rondo I think you have mentioned do not time we were talking you were talking about having a no candle Graham okay I'm an economist or maybe I'll call it scale of two friends and the first thing on the list is one's relationship with God and so I want to say that to that the most important thing aside all the busyness running here and there and all that the first and foremost most importantly in the man's life is his relationship with God if that is in place all other things will fall in line but our initiation with other us even ones walk with prosper and other time so the first and foremost is world relationship we've got that to show not so far that should be serviced - the world to take care of and if that is done so that you agree with your husband or would you want to add something yes i perfectly agree with him and also want to add especially if you know for me I first of all the place of the family altar is very very important needs to be a place for your individual spiritual lives like for me I sleep with Koinonia messages I leave it on sometimes and then I wake up at night because really we cannot I already praying or studying while the children our way is really not easy my Bible gets on might not get on I will get a lot of marks on it and all of that because they will also want to be involved so I wait till they ask if I can do any serious spiritual business and then sometimes I'm in the kitchen my messages are on my messages are on the songs are on and washing and just having a consciousness of God's presence you may not have the time to sit down to close your eyes to pray because there are sometimes we want to pray and then you fall asleep because of fatigue and tiredness but they're not presence around you somehow it just keeps you in touch I think when we're having the crayon plastic that is had something about them now that we should sleep with our consciousness of God's presence especially when you're trusting God but speed of Revelation I don't know if we remember that you may not be awake but then your spirit money's are locked and are we because of the present lies around you dr. on mrs. a geliar thank you so much thank you very good bless you a Jimmy thank you so much professor Murray thank you so much pastor alpha appreciate thank you please let's honor them celebrate them thank you so thank you for watching our entire video today if you feel you can bless someone please join us and spread the gospel by sharing this video on your social media [Music]
Channel: Christian House
Views: 37,770
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, dr dk olukoya prayers, koinonia 2020, stewards of the mysteries, apostle joshua selman 2020, an altar of prayer by apostle joshua selman, altar of prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman dealing with attacks and challenges, nimmak prayer spiritual warfare, prayer spiritual warfare, demons, prosperity, 6 reasons why you must be prayerful why you must be prayerful, witchcraft, dealing with witchcraft
Id: fjiQm6AS_xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 34sec (3814 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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