Why Andrew Tate Went From Atheist | To Christian | To Muslim - (IN 4 YEARS)

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for me in my own business I ask this question I'm so curious to get your thoughts on this for the longest time when I got into business I was you know a younger guy 21 I'm like okay very coachable tell me what I got a I'm a coachable guy what I got to do I'm a coachable guy super coach won't want to make money I'm sick of time being broke my dad's at the 99 cent store too many heart attacks I want to get out of this yeah so I'm like hey Patrick basic stuff when you're doing business and you're talking to rich people at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter never talk religion never talk politics never talk sex just don't talk about those three things I said okay guess what never talk politics never talk religion never talk sex no problem we're going to business so what do you think about the political climate today Patrick David oh what do you think yeah you know well I think this is but what do you think Patrick I don't know you know quite frankly I think I'm trying to figure it out for myself right now but we'll see what's going to happen like you know the whatever way you're deflecting and you're kind of go on your phone hey what do you think about God what is your opinion on Islam or Muslim well you know for me you know there's you deflect that eventually you're sitting there you're like the people that I know at that level want to talk about those three topics now sex is maybe off camera and they're kind of having fun with it yeah but they want to talk about politics and religion yeah so we for the longest time have been silenced and now the ESG community all this time they've told us to stay quiet and they're saying what they're talking politics yeah they're talking religion and they're talking sex the way through lgbtq what's wrong with that what's wrong with it it's normal it's normal it's normal no it's not normal well listen you guys shouldn't talk about politics and sex and religion you shouldn't be doing that yeah and then you see this one you know during covet One Pastor Australia Syrian man I don't know what his name is Vinnie what's his name the Syrian Pastor priest from Australia and he was fighting all the anti-covet guidelines and he's his stuff is going viral he's doing this and he's seen these messages some of the people that stood up they stood up because they feared God okay and for you with your life it's been interesting watching you go through your evolution of your faith pre-2022 former atheist couple of the things you've said in the past God isn't real because you can't prove it okay kind of like that was more the Malcolm X argument right bad things happen to good people and good things happen in bad people far too often for God to exist I'm the Center of My Universe that's pre-2020. then gradually you start talking about Christianity and you know in 2020 made a video announcing that you were wrong about what you had said previously about God right now you start saying people are who are atheists are angry bad energy people and I don't want to be on that team anymore and even if God is not real the world is a better place if people do believe in God I know God is real because there's so much evil in the world that there has to be an equal and opposite Force the devil can't exist if God does not and if you look at the world today it is very obvious that the devil does not exist and I'll go to the last one here with Muslim quotes from you Christians don't have a religion anymore because they tolerate everything and stand for nothing and by the way I actually agree with you the fact that they're they're tolerating way too much Islam is the last religion on the planet God is something to be feared respected and to prove yourself too which means you got to earn his right it's a hey I want to earn your right your respect right how did you go if you don't mind talking about your own Evolution because us as men if you know me at 25 years old you probably would have liked that party with me I was a selfish guy I was a guy you would have thought I was right and we go through this phase of where the selfishness kind of comes down a little bit you still need to be selfish because you need to be driven but to the point where you're like listen man I gotta really do something and then somehow somebody God enters what's been your evolution of your faith and where where are you at today yeah I think Newton's I think it's Third Law equal and opposite Force what you just said there is absolutely true there has to be equal and opposite Force to all the evil in the world and that the equal and opposite Force to all that evil has to be God and I've talked about this at length even with atheists and I try and say that regardless of whether you're an atheist or not you're thinking of God as a man in the sky but you need to think of God as a concept as a whole and once you do that it's impossible to accept that he doesn't exist right I said to The Atheist I said let's say there was two islands you're Shipwrecked right and there's two islands both of them are full of savages on wine one Island you're ruin your friendship right on one Island your friend goes and he crashes and they they kill him and they eat him and you go to another Island and they want to kill you and eat you but they don't because it's against their religion did God save your life who cares who doesn't know the name of their God but their God said don't kill shipwreck survivors and now you're alive so their God saved your life the concept of God in and of itself saved your life you own God so for the concept of it the idea of it so even the idea of opposing evil as a whole is a belief in God so you're either an evil person or you believe in God in some regard and then I became once I understood that there had to be an equal and opposite Force I was raised Christian I live in a Christian Nation the Romania is actually I think the second or third most Christian country on Earth it's very Christian country here it's churches everywhere they strongly believe and that's where I began my journey but I always had a very healthy respect for Islam because I understand that to a degree to have a religion at all you have to have an intolerance to a degree because without an intolerance you don't have rules you don't have laws you don't have any like you said you have to earn God's respect if you're a religion which is tolerant of everything then you don't have to earn God's respect you can be a bad person and do bad things God loves me so it's fine well no it's not because that's not the point of the religion so then you extrapolate that out and I'll sit and thinking what's the primary function of a religion and the primary function of a religion I don't believe is the religion exists so I can live forever I mean that's a that's a nice thought but I think on a macro level the primary objective of a religion is to restore and contain some degree of traditional value within the society how do you judge let me change the way I worded that how do you judge the success of a religion I don't think you can judge it by the number of people who join it because there's lots of people who are Catholic who don't act Catholic they don't act in any way particularly Christian anyone can say there's something you can walk into a strip club and everyone says Christian doesn't mean anything right so how do you judge the success of a religion well I like to think the best way to judge the successful religion is how successful is it at fighting evil how successful is it at preserving the morality of a population in X parameter in an ex geographical area so when you look at it from that way you can't say that Islam isn't the most successful religion on Earth it's the most successful in regards to opposing evil it's the most successful in regards to opposing its differing viewpoints it's the most successful in regards to having people act within the limits and the confines of what it finds to be moral and good to God it's the most adhered to it's the most feared it's the most respected in most forms and then also I'd like to think I would say it's the most fear yeah it's the most fear but what is respect without fear do we respect Men We Don't Fear but there's a man who could do absolutely nothing to you on any level at all you might be nice to him sure because we're not bad people but would you really respect it if you could take his chick in front of his face set his car on fire he wouldn't do a thing you wouldn't expect him you might be nice to him because they're not bullies but you wouldn't expect it respect and fear are linked they're not always the same thing and you can you can maybe have fear without respect but it's very hard to have respect without fear and also I I heard someone say once that we see the world as we see ourselves if you're if you think everyone's a thief if you're a liar you think everyone's a liar and I I kind of agree with that I understood that I also like to think we see religion as we see ourselves I like to see myself as a person whose respect you have to earn I like to see myself as a person who has strong rigid boundaries I like to see myself as the person who will stand up and say no that's wrong I like to see myself as the person who's not afraid of being shamed by whatever Community for saying I don't agree with that particular ideal I liked seeing myself that way so if I'm going to see myself that way then I'm going to naturally align with a religion that operates within that form so when I say Islam is the last religion on Earth I say it because it seems to be the only one who will stand up and say no we don't care no that's not what the book says no I was raised Christian and and Muslims as a whole we have no problems with Christians none at all I don't want anyone to think I'm anti-christian like I dislike Christians we don't have a problem with Christians we believe in a lot of the same things we believe in Jesus we put more respect on the name of Jesus than most Christians do I just don't like the idea of people saying they're a Christian and saying but because I'm a Christian I can do whatever I want and throw all the rules away none of it matters because once you have that level of Tolerance you no longer have a religion Islam seems to be the last religion left with parameters we don't parameters you're not religion at all so the closer I found myself to God the closer I saw I found myself this long that's just how it ended and Andrew speaking of fear one could argue that Islam these days certainly in the last 20 years with the war on terror they've also been the most vilified absolutely right so you know everything that we've seen happen with extremism and everything that's going on all over the world how are you grappling with that you've been a Christian for for years now Islam and you know what's you know what that's such an interesting question because when I was younger especially when I was an atheist I would I would sit and I'd sit and think people are really doing Terror attacks and doing all this crazy stuff because you know they're upset over a cartoon that's so stupid and nobody should kill you nobody should kill Charlie nobody should kill anybody nobody should kill anybody I'll make that very clear but also part of me is now saying why would you want to insult the profit for billions of people why would you want to do that I'm not saying you I'm not even I don't even want to make the argument against Free Speech I'm saying you couldn't be allowed to this is a sensitive subject I'm just saying what kind of person wakes up and thinks I want to do that I don't know I just don't think that's a healthy mindset like when I see these satanists and they're especially in America and they're doing let's keep it on Christianity these satanists and they're dressing up Jesus is gay and all this stuff like that's not done in any kind of good faith there's no good reason to do that that's done with genuinely malicious intention and what kind of people want to do that and then the answer by extension is I thought America was a Christian country so how can you have a Christian country where the the profits of the religion are mocked to the highest possible levels within the confines of the country and and it's promoted is that Christian country doesn't seem a Christian country to me I don't think the same thing would happen with Islam and Saudi Arabia I can't imagine that happening so how can you say we're a Christian country but everyone's mocking Our God on the streets it's it's on Netflix ha ha ha that's not a Christian country to me so if you're not a Christian country then where's the religion where the religion is supposed to enforce certain boundaries you're supposed to at least show it respect you know and it's also kind of interesting because in Christian countries there's more respect for Islam than there is for Christianity in a Christian country name one they still don't do it with the Islamic Prophet why do you think that is it's too much smoke it's just not worth the Heat because because people believe and I'm not advocating for violence on any level I'm saying that even these degenerates who are trying to destroy people's belief in God like we've discussed earlier because they don't want you to have any Baseline morality if you believe in god there are Commandments yes and no that Baseline morality prevents you being an absolute slave so they're trying to destroy it but even those degenerates who are trying to Mock and disgrace God understand there's a point where it just backfires and oh this is smoke and they don't want the smoke and shouldn't God be feared I'm scared of God it's the only thing I fear I Fear God they can put me in jail I know I'm telling the truth God's on my side I Fear God so God should be feared so once again does anybody fear the Christian God I haven't seen anybody scared of him in a long time and it's kind of crazy because it's very interesting the max the like the mass migration all these things are leftist policies but then also Islam is the most right-wing religion on Earth it's kind of very interesting I grew up in England and I grew up in Luton which is a town which is mainly Muslims it's like just it's a huge Islamic community and there was a bunch of English people who were complaining about this too much immigration we're losing our culture and I understood their point absolutely but these are the same people complaining about all the left-wing LGBT and schools all these issues and I think the only allies you have against this are the Muslims they're the only allies you have in any of this the Christians don't protest against any of this stuff the Christians don't the Christian there's very few Christians will get up off their ass and complain in fact I saw on Twitter yesterday one of the churches was lit up in rainbow I have nothing against gay people that's actually another point I want to make into about this thing I think most people don't care and I think that bothers them have you ever had a have you ever had an argument with a girl and she's like strapping around the house she's huffing and puffing and you just don't give a [ __ ] so she has to keep upping the ante do you eventually go what's the problem because she tried the low level stuff and you didn't care I kind of feel like this has a remnants of that I'm gay cool I want to get married I want to wave my dick in your kid's face I feel like they're like they tried to annoy us and we're like we don't give a [ __ ] do whatever you want be a person we don't care and now they're like okay well we have to get to a limit where they have to react we want attention now we want them to care about what's the right move on that well that's and that's the point you know it's it's difficult because there comes a point where you simply have to address it and now you have to oppose it and this is sorry sorry to interrupt you but this is why they're so careful and so clever with what they do they package it all together lgbtq I would argue I don't know what Q is firstly sorry I don't know what you're questioning all right LG I would argue that G and T are very different things Beyond a gay man and someone who's chopped the dick off are very different things so they package it all together so now because the spectrum of your enemy is so large you have people who are complete fully this way you're people who we accept and are normal in society we have no problem with gay people and they put it all together you're an enemy of all these people and they complicate the argument and they mix it all together and now you're a bigot and really you just want your kids to be left alone really just want to leave the children of course all you want to do is leave your kids alone and then it's like okay I'm now raising children I have more children than most people would believe how do I protect my children from this incentive God which God can protect my children Allah Islam I'll move them to Dubai or Saudi Arabia and none of this will happen can I trust a Christian Nation some of them Romania is a Christian Nation and to a large degree they oppose quite a lot of this stuff but they're also Nao and they're also EU and they also rely on bailabs and grants and money and on a long enough time frame even in the seven years I've lived here I have watched certain attitudes change because money buys influence and power so Andrew not to cut you off how much of you converting from Christianity to Islam is actually the belief in God versus the societal pressures that are facing because it seems like it's a little bit of both for you to believe in God you have to respect him how can I believe and put the put my life in the hands of someone I don't respect and I'm going to respect a god which is feared yeah but it's a vertical relationship right it's not a horizontal if you base if you base it horizontally they're going to disappoint you if you think about if you're going to believe let's go believe Prophet Muhammad his teaching and let's go believe the Bible NIV and Jesus father you know for God so loved the world that he gave us you know you gave your son for me let's say that's true yeah and you're doing it based on faith who would do such a thing for me what a level of sacrifice for you to do that who am I for you to be so worried about me if you look at it from that angle it's not necessarily coming from a place of fear it's coming from a place of Grace that's coming from a pla Grace a place of love it's coming from a place of absolutely you know or a different feel because I do believe uh the part that upsets me is the fear aspect that they're allowing others to mock your God to mock mock Jesus to mock whatever religion it is you're a part of you're kind of like they're just funny man so no it's not funny you just cross the line like JC has that one line where he says don't tell me why the guy what the guy said about me tell me why he was so comfortable saying it to you 100 you tell me why I say comfortable to you so I think that's the part about uh faith I understand when you're saying to fear in the respect side so that's the part where fear is needed I totally agree but the part where you you were making a point about lgbtq you're like I don't know what Q stands for is questioning and then you're like well I'm gay okay cool translucent spectrum and he said on the if we were to say which religions the far right it's going to be Muslim totally get it they're on the far right Christian today is kind of going Center left today you know like they're kind of being soft right now okay so if I want to raise my kids I'm going to take my kids to you know Dubai and I'm going to take my kids to Saudi Arabia why because I'm defending against some of these immoral philosophies that they have I don't want to go there I actually understand that argument yeah and and I truly and I want to make one more point I do believe there is one God and I believe there's many different paths to God and I'm not a religious scholar and I'm not an expert on Islam I'm doing my best and I'm reading the Quran as often as I can and it does say that Christians on the Day of Reckoning will see how close they were to the truth and we are we are allies we are not enemies in any regard Christians and Muslims and I do believe that the idea of Christians and Muslims shaking hands and saying let's put an end to a law this garbage would be fantastic I'm not anti-christian in any regard I just found myself as I became more and more religious seeking and looking for a faith witch normally I could be proud of but a faith which was guiding in regards to I don't know what a Christian would answer to certain questions nowadays what does a Christian answer to I'm a transsexual and I want to show your kids my genitals what's the Christian well Christian's supposed to say no do they I know what my I know what my Muslim friends would say I didn't if you're a Christian I don't know how you're supposed to act I don't know what you're supposed to adult I don't get it anymore the True Believer says the True Believer the True Believer but how many are True Believers and I mean I don't know I see all over Twitter all these churches are losing their minds it's it's seems very complicated Islam seems very very simple you know what's right you know what's wrong my neck is an application which allows you to take a minute to connect with influencers from all around the world my name is Andrew Tate and I'm available to speak directly to you on minute so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 2,372,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, tate, andrewtate, religion, atheist, christian, muslim, tatepbd, pbd, why, from, years, islam, went
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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