Why Am I So Miserable? | Steven Furtick

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Do you know that that's where a lot of our misery  comes from? We have our own ideal and imagination   of how things were supposed to go. When  anything contradicts our imagination and ideal,   we feel like we have a right to be  angry because it didn't meet our rules. "Don't you see, God? I was  supposed to be married at age 23   and I'm 23-1/2. Tina got married and she  dresses like… She's not even that holy."   So he goes out and sits down, and the  Bible says he made himself a shelter   because it was a hot day. Not  Charlotte, North Carolina, hot.   Certainly not Toronto, Canada, hot. It was  Middle-Eastern hot. I'm talking about 110 degrees.   He needed a shade so he made a booth for  himself, a little shelter. He went outside the   city. That's significant. He went outside the  city God sent him to before God released him. No matter what shelter you make for yourself  outside of God's assignment for you,   it will never sustain. He sits down and  he's mad and he has a bad attitude. If   I've learned anything about God from the  story of Jonah when God sent the whale   to swallow up a man who was in the water because  of his own disobedience, it's that God doesn't   wait for your attitude to get right before he  gives you his attention and takes care of you. Now Jonah is sitting under the shelter he made,   and God does something interesting. It  is the second time the word manah appears   in the book of Jonah. It says in chapter 4,  verse 6, "The Lord provided a leafy plant   and made it grow up over Jonah's head." Gives  his bald head some shade. I like to picture Jonah   bald. It just dramatizes the story a little  bit more. I think about being bald and how   hot his head would be. Then the Lord covers his  head with this castor oil plant over his head. He's sitting there, and he likes that plant.   He doesn't care very much about  people, but he likes plants.   For everything Jonah has seen God  do, he still doesn't get it yet.   He got outside of the fish that was a  miracle, but he never got outside of himself.   The most miserable place in the world to  be trapped is not in the belly of a whale;   it's inside of yourself,  inside of your selfishness.   A lot of believers get delivered from their sin,  but they never get delivered from themselves,   so all of life is spent in the shade  of you trying to find your own comfort. "O Lord, thank you for the plant.  Isn't this a pretty plant?" "Yeah, but how about all those people?" "Oh, people are unpredictable.   I like plants." The Lord said, "I knew you  liked plants. That's why I provided the plant.   Now that I see you're more focused on the plant  than the people, I have to take the plant away." Look at the third thing God provides.  He provides the whale to deliver Jonah,   the plant to comfort Jonah, and here comes  the worm. If we were writing the story,   we would not use the word  manah to describe this worm,   because watch what the worm does. The Bible  says, "At dawn the next day God provided a worm." God provided a worm? I heard  about Jonah and the whale,   but what about the worm? Can we see the  worm? This is that thing in your life   that comes along just when you've  gotten yourself comfortable,   just when you've figured out how life is  supposed to be, just when you've gotten   your retirement account where it's supposed to  be. You have your little comfortable situation. Jonah is settling in as a spectator in a situation  where God has called him to be a participant.   He's sitting outside the place of his  assignment and he has a shade over his head,   and here comes the worm.  The worm made Jonah furious.   Jonah got so mad at God about the worm. Not only  did God send a worm, but after God sent a worm   to destroy the plant that was shielding Jonah  from the sun, God provided the fourth thing. He provided the whale. He provided the   plant. He provided the worm. Then the Bible says  in verse 8 he provided the wind. It's a Sirocco.   It's a kind of wind that beats on you so hard you  have to run for shelter. God is making sure that   Jonah can't stay outside of the city and find  shelter. At the time, Jonah is furious. "Why   did you take my plant away? Why did you take  my boyfriend away? Why did you take that thing   out of my life? Why did you make me go through  that?" Don't tell your story too soon, Jonah. If you see it through the lens of a God  who loves you, you're going to see that   the whale and the worm were working  together to serve a purpose in your life.   At some point, after Jonah has gone back  home, he sits down to tell the story   of what happened when God sent him to Nineveh. By  the time he tells the story, he says, "You know,   at the time I thought it was misery, but it was  actually manah. It was all God's provision." I don't know how Jonah finally got this  perspective, because the book of Jonah   doesn't tell us. When the book of Jonah ends,  he's still sitting there with the sun beating   down on his head. He's still sitting  there trying to figure out what to do. At some point he sees it. "The whale that  delivered me and even the worm that destroyed the   thing that was comforting me…it all came through  the hand of God who knows what's best for me."   I don't know how he got this perspective.  I know he didn't talk to James, because   James didn't write his epistle  until hundreds of years later. If he would have talked to James, James could  have told him about joy. "Count it all joy,   my brothers, when you face trials  of many kinds," when you see   worms crawling up and creeping over your head  trying to destroy the comfort of your life. God   is not trying to kill you. He's trying to keep  you alive. Nothing can grow in your comfort zone,   so from time to time, God is going to  have to let something come in your life   that destroys your comfort so  you can fulfill your calling. Now Jonah sees, "The same God  who rescued me with the whale   sent the worm to deliver me from myself." But  he didn't talk to James. James wasn't around.   James could have told him, "Every good  and perfect gift comes from above."   Everything that comes into your life can  be a gift if you know what to do with it. My friend didn't know that at the time  he lost his daughter. Losing his daughter   wasn't the gift. The difference he's making  now telling others they can have hope too   is the gift. You won't know the purpose of the  worm if you write your story while you're in it.   We watched a young lady get  baptized in our church today   who went through some horrible  things, but she has some wisdom. She found out the purpose of the worm that took  away her shade was to send her back into Nineveh   to rescue others who need to be saved. I need  somebody who this teaching is resonating with   to begin to praise God for his purpose and  provision in your life. I know Jonah didn't   get a chance to talk to Jesus. I was imagining,  "What if Jonah could have talked to Jesus?" Jonah is explaining to Jesus… He's like, "Man,   you don't know what it feels like to be  me." Jesus said, "Oh really? Try me."   Jonah said, "No, man, for you it was easy. You're  the Son of God. For me it wasn't that easy.   I had to go down from my comfort to a place  to minister to people who were my enemies." Jesus said, "Oh really? Tell me more. I kind  of did the same thing when I left the comfort   and the prestige and the pristine environment  of heaven to be born of a virgin and wrapped   in flesh. I came to my own and they received me  not. They nailed me to the cross, and from the   cross I uttered the words of forgiveness  that became the redemption of the world." Jesus said, "What else, Jonah?" Jonah said, "Well,  you don't understand. I had to spend three days   in a dark place. I had to spend three days in a  place where it looked like there was no hope."   Jesus said, "Really? Then what happened?" Jonah  said, "Well, after three days I got spit out."   Jesus said, "Well, I know  something about deliverance   coming out of dark places after three days." Don't you see it? Jesus is our greater Jonah,  our deliverer, and all things work together   for the good. The cross and the crown.   The whale and the worm. If you never  memorize another Bible verse, do Romans 8:28.   Read it until your eyes cross  over. I mean, read it, read it,   read it. Read every word and then think about  that word and think about the next word. "For we know that all things are good." Errr!   Paul is not that naïve, and neither is God.  There's nothing beautiful about the worm when it's   chewing through your plant. That's not what we're  saying. That's not my message. My message is that   the God of the whale that delivered  you is also the God of the worm.   The whale, the worm, and the will of God.   The whale and the worm were  a tag team assigned to Jonah. When the whale got done dropping Jonah  off in Nineveh, he said to the worm,   "Dude, you're it." The echolocation went out  and hit the worm. The worm said, "All right,   I'm going to be in position,  because we both have one job:   to get Jonah back to the place of his  assignment." Once his shade was gone,   he had no choice but to go back into  the place where God wanted him to be. The whale, the worm, and the will of God.  We know that all things…all the whales,   all the worms, all the big things,   all the little things, all of the  blessings, and, yes, even the burdens too,   all of the things that feel good and  all of the things that hurt like hell… God said, "I'm going to use  all of it." Every dark thing,   every destructive thing…all of it.  All things work together for the good   of them that love the Lord. Does  anybody love the Lord in this place?
Channel: Steven Furtick
Views: 211,630
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Keywords: pastor steven furtick, elevation church, steven furtick sermons, steven furtick sermon clips, 2021 sermons, steven furtick 2021, preacher, preaching, why am i so miserable, what about the worm, provision, attitude, selfishness, misery, jonah, inconvenience, comfort, discomfort, will of god, blessing, process, perspective, sermons about provision, sermons about perspective, sermons about attitude
Id: NuV80DwUVoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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