How To Recognize God's Guidance In Real Time | Steven Furtick

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Life will layer you with dirt. Life will  layer you, like Naomi, with bitterness,   with experiences that all of  a sudden become the focus. The Bible does not say the treasure was sitting in  the field waiting to be discovered. The treasure   was actually hidden beneath something that  had to be dug through to recognize what was   there all along. This is a message for somebody  who is guilty as charged. "Lord, I have gotten   more focused on the field, the work, the stress,  than I am the blessings and the treasure. I have   gotten more focused in my relationships  on what annoys me about that person." May I remind you that's what attracted you  to them in the first place? Now you want to   be annoyed by what you were attracted to,  because like the country preacher said,   "Before marriage, opposites attract.  After marriage, opposites attack."   You loved he was quiet. "Oh, he's mysterious." Ten years in that field, talking  about, "I can't get him to talk.   He's mysterious." Now you're  miserable. Now you're magnifying   everything that makes you miserable. I  wish I could do a Bible study on this.   Sometimes I hate this format. I wish I could  have the 10 people who are the hungriest. I wish I could just come over to the house,  and Holly could cook something for you,   and then I would serve up the  dessert of the Word of God.   I would say, "Did you save room for dessert?" and  you'd be like, "Yeah, yeah. I was hungry today. I   went through a breakup last month. I've been  asking God why. I've been wondering is there   anybody for me. I'm hungry today. I don't have  the money my neighbor has. They think I do. I'm driving a car. What they don't know is  every time I stop and think about the payments,   I almost wreck. They're impressed with my car,  but they don't know I can't even afford what I'm   driving in. I'm hungry today. Tell me something.  I made some mistakes. Tell me something. I passed   up the best thing that could have happened.  Tell me something. I could have bought Apple   for $3 a share, and I didn't. All these regrets  in here. I'm hungry today. Give me something." If I could talk to the 10 hungriest people  in the room, here's what I would tell you:   when Ruth said, "Why would you notice  me, a foreigner?" it's a wordplay.   The Hebrew word for foreigner means notice.   Don't you see what's happening? She's blown away.  When's the last time you were blown away by God?   When's the last time you were blown away by  his benefits? I'm not talking about a BMW.   I'm talking about forgiveness. When's the last time you thought about, "Oh  my you, Lord. You didn't have to love me.   You didn't even have to give me the chance  to live. I'm not even supposed to be here."   When's the last time you thanked God for  your church? (Just slipping that in.)   You've been here a minute. What used  to blow me away is now just benefits.   I think we have to walk through our field and  glean. "Lord, I'm thanking you for this. Lord,   I am thanking you for that. Lord, I'm thanking  you for the thing that I don't like right now,   trusting that you are going to use it in  my future." That's the beauty of this text. You can walk through your own field. This is my  challenge to you. What would it look like for you   to walk through your own life like a foreigner  in the field? What would it look like for you   to go back through the things God has done  for you and the things he is doing? Because   here's the trick: it is easy to see what God  did after you're on the other side of it. That's when we say things like, "It was the  best thing in the world that they broke my   heart. It was the best thing in the world  that I had to move. It was the best thing   in the world. If I hadn't have gone through  that, I wouldn't have this." The trick is   not recognizing God's guidance later. The trick  is…Can you recognize God's guidance in real time?   To say like Jacob, "The Lord was in  this place, and I was not aware of it."   To say, "Oh, God must be here too.  Oh, God must be using this too. Oh, God has a plan for this too. Oh, I  can't wait to see how God works this in. Oh,   I can't believe God let me be  in this field at this time."   She gleaned and gathered and gleaned and  gathered and gleaned and gathered, not   knowing that Boaz was going to end up being her  husband, not knowing that Naomi knew who he was,   not knowing that God would put her in  a position to be a part of the lineage. Can you stand there in the field, surrounded  by dirt, or are you going to say, "God,   I don't want the dirt; I want the treasure. God,  I don't want the pain; I want the progress"? I   used to always say, "God, I don't want the  V-ups; I want the six-pack." You know what   I'm saying? "I don't want the discipline, but,  God, I do want the benefits of commitment." You have to glean and gather in those moments when  you don't even know why you're here or how this   is going to turn out. The most delicious  verse in the text to me is verse 17.   After Ruth got done gleaning  in the fields and gathering,   the Bible says something. It's  almost something you would skip over. It said that after she gleaned  in the field until evening,   "Then she threshed the barley she had  gathered, and it amounted to about an ephah."   See what I'm saying? That is the  least sexy verse in the whole passage,   but it talks about the next thing Ruth had to  do and that you and I have to understand too. It said after she gleaned in a field where  she didn't even have the right to be,   after she gathered everything she could, she  threshed the wheat before she took it home.   When she finished threshing it, they measured it,  and it was an ephah, which means nothing to us,   but if you look it up and search  the word ephah in the Bible… Do it. You'll find it again in 1 Samuel 17:17,  the chapter where David fought Goliath.   It said the day he went down there, his dad  sent him to his brothers with an ephah of grain.   So it's a measurement. He had three  brothers who were down at the battle,   and his father sent him with an ephah of grain. So, we still don't know how much it is,   but that must be a lot of grain if it fed three  teenage soldiers in the heat of battle. Remember,   we're down to just Ruth and Naomi. They are the  only two left. They don't know about Boaz yet.   They don't know who he is yet, what he's going  to do yet. Oh, and there's God, the character   who is not named by the other characters  but is implied, because he's always working. Even when he's not named, even when he's not  seen, even when he's not felt, even when he's   not speaking, he's still speaking. Even if  you're not hearing it, he's still speaking.   She gleaned an ephah, enough for three teenage  soldiers for just her and her mother-in-law.   That made me wonder if we can  find out about how much grain   is in an ephah. When I found out how  much an ephah was, I was blown away It turned out that an ephah is somewhere  between 30 and 50 pounds. In a day!   She has only been in this field one day, and she's  not even an experienced laborer, and she's one   woman. When she measured it after she threshed  it, it was 30 pounds. Thirty pounds of grain   after she threshed it. See, you can't really  measure it until after it has been threshed.   You don't really know what you  have until it has been threshed.   You think you know what you have, but  you don't really know what you have… You don't really know what you have until Naomi  turns to Ruth and Orpah and says, "Y'all, leave,"   and Orpah says, "Okay," and Ruth says,  "I'll stay," because she was being threshed.   Naomi was being threshed. She lost her husband.  She lost her boys. She's being threshed.   That word doesn't even sound appealing…thresh.  It sounds violent. It is violent. It's   a violent process. The process of  threshing is not nice like gleaning. It's not taking a journal and writing to Jesus  a love note for all of the beautiful sunsets.   "O Lord, I saw that sunset today. I'm just so  proud that you did that just for me. Lord, you   are such a great artist. I saw the sunset, and I  saw your eyes, and I'm so thankful." Threshing is   different than that. When they threshed the grain,  they would have the cattle to beat the grain out   until the stalks and the seeds were separate,  until the grain and the husk were separate. When it says Ruth threshed… It  was a process of separation.   It was a process of separating the grain from the  husk, or what they call the chaff. The way they   would do it is that after it was beaten, after  it was trodden, after it had been laid out on   the threshing floor… Now, all a threshing floor  is… It's not fancy. It's just a solid surface   in a high place. The reason it's in a high  place is because you would thresh at evening. The process of threshing was very simple. After  it had been beaten, you would take the grain   that was left on the floor. You would sweep it up  and gather it from the clean surface. You would   throw it up into the Mediterranean wind, and  the grain would fall back down to the ground,   but the chaff wouldn't fall back to the  ground. The chaff would be blown away. The chaff, the stuff that couldn't  stay on the threshing floor, would be   blown away into the evening wind  that came off the Mediterranean Sea.   I see a lot of you on the  threshing floor of life right now.   I hear from you. I meet you. Even when I study,  it's like the Spirit of God brings you to my mind.   I see the things you're going through in your  life right now not as a process of destruction,   but as a process of threshing. See, you don't  know what you have until it has been threshed.   You don't know what's real  until it has been threshed. You don't know what's edible, you  don't know what's sustainable,   you don't know what is substance until it has  been threshed. A lot of us have been in a big   wind lately. The winds will blow and beat against  every house. Whether you build it on the rock   of Jesus or whether you build it on the shaky  foundations of the world, the wind will blow. The wind has been blowing, but you  have been misinterpreting the wind.   You have been thinking that the wind  was sent by the Enemy to destroy you,   but it wasn't. It was sent so that all the  chaff could be blown away. See, God is dealing   with your insecurities right now, and he has you  on the threshing floor. You're watching people   walk away and opportunities evaporate and things  you used to know that you're now separated from. But this wind is not sent by the Enemy. This   wind is under the control of the  mighty hand of an all-seeing God.   The grain that falls back to the ground is all  you need to live on. The rest will be blown away. The Lord told me to preach to you Blown Away!,  and he said to tell you, "When you see what I'm   going to do after you get done going through what  you're going through, if you will keep gleaning   and stay in my hands through this process… When  you see what I'm going to do through your life,   when you see what I'm about to  do… Your eyes have not seen, your   ears have not heard, nor has it entered  into your heart what I have prepared!" When you bump into Boaz,   you're going to be blown away! "Now unto him  who is able to do immeasurably…" Blown away!   High-five at least six people and tell  them, "You're going to be blown away."   It's a promise. It's not a problem; it's  a promise. Everything you're going through   is going to serve the purpose of the  God you belong to. You're going to be…   Threshing hurts like hell, but  sometimes it comes from heaven.
Channel: Steven Furtick
Views: 498,416
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Id: rJCnKKLdj1Q
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Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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