Why? A cookstove and fireplace in the same kitchen

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okay watch out watch out good girl come on good [Music] girl okay so wel welcome back to the cabin once again um yesterday in my video Someone said for the life of me I can't understand why you have a cooked stove and a fireplace so in this video we're going to answer that question why is there a cook stove sitting right beside a fireplace but also into that mix on the other side of the log cabin is a huge pot belly stove and we're going to throw that into the equation too because each one of them serve their own purpose so let's start off first with the cook stove it is the one that I use the least um the cook stove is a very good oven this oven is sitting here at 500° it will bake a loaf of bread way better than either one of the other two as a matter of fact the pot belly stove I don't use for any sort of cooking at all cook stove mostly for baking we have a fire box here little fire box that's all the bigger the fire box is a damper that forces the fire to run across the top so the fire is in here runs completely across the top and right down that outside so that heats up this Firebox area so that I could bake a really nice loaf of bread anything that I would want to bake versus a really hot fire underneath of it goes in this oven and then of course the waffle iron very easy I can throw the waffle iron on there and make myself waffles with a lot less wood could I possibly do this over there absolutely I could this can do it with less wood and less heat loss from the house because I don't have to build a big fire I don't have that draft going up the chimney this actually would be more comfortable to use for a little cooking application this thing was designed for cooking remember the cast iron cook stove came after the fireplace so there was a necessity there was a need for something like this and when this thing came around most people stopped using their their fireplaces and started using strictly a cook stove but the fireplace has its purpose too okay on to the fireplace um I love food cooked over an open fire the steaks that I did in the last video the coffee even coffee in a percolator cooked over an open fire is extremely good but there's also that that friendship that just sitting here watching that fire burn um does something for your soul you got the heat on this side you've got the cool air flowing past you as it goes into the fire you just can't beat an open fireplace remember this L cabin was built in 1818 and this cook stove was about 1900 like that when when it was made so this Log Cabin was built with just this fireplace in it and people survived with just this fireplace I think I think people were much tougher back then they didn't need you know a house at 72° so as far as for heating goes I don't really burn the fireplace to heat the cabin it would burn up if you was to keep a fire burning like that all day long every day it would you would burn up a lot of wood really fast and the only part of the cabin that it would heat would be the kitchen The Loft area um like I was saying earlier people lived differently so you know you might get up to a house that's that's 40 or 50° and you build a fire and and you can get warm really quick compared to 40 or 50° you know sitting here now it's it's borderline too hot I'm almost too close to that fire but I also have a fire burning behind me and the pot Bell is burning as well it's a little deceiving this fireplace strictly made as far as I'm concerned the fireplace is strictly used for cooking and friendship I I sit here at the kitchen table um it's where I do my writing it's where I do my thinking and having that fire even if I'm even if I have my back to it having that fire behind me um just warms your soul so so that's what the fireplace is best for now um on to the pot belly let Let's uh let's go over and talk about it because believe it or not out of the three the pot belly is the one I use the most okay um last but definitely not least the pot belly stove um this is what I burn almost all the time I talked about how the fireplace is is like a man's best friend but if a man's been out working all day and he's cold and just really needs to get heated up to the core the pot Bell is his best friend this thing with with very little wood I say little but this thing can hold a massive amount of wood [Music] but with very little wood this thing is capable of heating the entire cabin including everything else that I have that's outside of the walls of the cabin remember I have two other bedrooms that are further back now it's a little bit more difficult to get that heat to go back there but it doesn't draw the air out of the house it Heats what is in here the difference between a pot belly and a fireplace is that a fireplace requires a lot of air to be lost from the home in that smoke that goes up the chimney so every drop of smoke that goes up that chimney has to be replaced with new air so the entire size of the fireplace opening air is being drawn through and up the chimney produces a lot more BTUs but loses a lot more BTUs where this one the only air that's going to that fire is through these little holes and these at the bottom and once this thing is going it can all be closed up like that and now the only air that's going in that is what's being sucked through cracks so it doesn't have the heat lost and it is one gigantic heat exchanger so as the metal gets hot on the pot belly stove it exchanges the heat that's in side of it to the outside so it heats up the existing air that's in your home it doesn't have to replace it all every 20 minutes which is about what that fireplace does 20 30 minutes It'll suck every drop of air out of my home and have to replace it with whatever is outside so if it's 50° the fireplace does really good Fahrenheit that is if it's 50 I'm not sure what the the math is on Celsius but I think if it's 50° cels you're not not going to be burning a fire um but if it's -10° F outside and you burn that fireplace every 20 to 30 minutes you're replacing all of your 70° air inside with that negative temperature so therefore you could never catch up with this it doesn't have that swap you're not swapping all the air in your home you're keeping your air you're just venting out the smoke and exchanging the Heat um so this thing and it's getting really hot now that I just put wood in it this thing is capable of producing let's say a thousand times more heat than the fireplace is with the same amount of wood um I might if I burn my fireplace all day long I would probably burn two or three of these wheelbarrow loads where with the pot belly stove I can burn well say that that wheel bear load might last Me 3 days four days in here for the pot belly stove because right now I've really got it burning way hotter than than it needs to be it's got a damper on it so I can damper it way back and this is the int Ed use for this style damper people with airtight wood stoves um should not be using these they're not made for it it's made because this doesn't have any gaskets and without the damper it will run out of control because it will be able to suck the air that it needs so by killing the draft a little bit you get it to burn a lot colder and produce the heat but yet not run out of control I do have a fan on the wall an old old old fan um that I do run to blow the heat off of this the surface of this stove burning all day long heating everything you can now it would be it would not be wise to do it now um because I did not have the fan running but with the fan running I can lay my hand on top of this and it's really not that hot now but yet as you can see this is little pig um that's her face place I hope that helps explain uh the reason why um there was a lot of thought process that went into building this and there was a very distinctive Vision you could say and it required all this now remember you know a lot of people um they only think about the amount of room you lose you know a pot belly stove sits pretty far out in the room so you lose a lot of room here U the fireplace of course is built on the inside so you lose a lot of room there when I built this I was living by myself with just one dog um and room really wasn't of concern and now that my daughter has moved home it's still not of concern we have way more house here than than we need um big kitchen table the fireplac is on the inside it just it adds to the warmth and the comfort of the home and and we have for the two of us there's there's 10 times more house here than what we need so I like the things being exactly like they are and it was my design and my and and my home so anyway take care I hope you enjoy the video and I will catch you on the next one
Channel: the log cabin life style by Jerry Tyson
Views: 495,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rustic cabin, Rustic, log cabin, fireplace, stone fireplace, wood cook stove
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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