Why a 3/4 ton Gas Truck OVER a 3/4 ton Diesel Truck Is Now the Way To Go For Most People

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oh cold out there so what's up guys today I want to talk about something that might be a little controversial today I want to talk about the topic of why in the world would your average truck buyer your average user of a truck buy a diesel in today's time let's talk about it [Music] all right now I know I know right now some of you are boiling at the seams right now just because of this topic I mean this is a sensitive topic people people put their whole life identity on diesel versus gas and don't worry we'll be respectful because there's no since there were no benefit in having this debate without some constructive direction to it so the first thing is look I have a 6-4 Hemi gas engine 2500 for those of you who are new to the Channel first of all thanks for tuning in but uh for those of you who are new to the channel didn't know that's what I had absolutely love it the reason I have this truck is because I needed the payload to tow my travel trailer which at the time uh was smaller than the one we just recently upgraded to so a lot of people are like well why don't you get a diesel to pull it a lot better it absolutely will pull it better guys there's no debate on that we know this by now but there's a lot of benefits and in today's time there's a lot of things that have changed that have really taken away the value of actually owning a diesel people like to talk about uh when when they they say why they should get a diesel is the resale value yeah it's ten thousand dollars more but that value you're gonna hold and you'll get that back at resale not necessarily false not necessarily true because diesels are a lot more to maintain and over that course of time that you have that you're expecting to get that 10 000 back you have to make sure that you're not putting that in maintenance during the course of the life of the truck so that's not a direct guarantee people can be disingenuous about that a lot of times just because it holds the value better doesn't mean over the Life In your experience with that truck it's actually going to be there next thing is look fuel prices guys you guys see the fuel prices a dollar a dollar fifty more for diesel than gas not bad yeah you can say well you get better fuel efficiency yeah you do but are you really getting the fuel efficiency now when you're paying almost a dollar to 1.50 more than gas I think it's eating that up next thing is look it's 35 degrees in North Carolina right now right right a little bit about freezing but that means if it's 35 degrees it's about 7 45 right now in the morning just a few hours ago was below freezing I can just get in my truck matter of fact I don't have to get out my truck I can go from my bedroom hit my key fob and start the truck up let it warm up get out and just go diesel especially when you get the cold or colder climates not so much I like the fact that I don't have to worry about warming up the engine doing three or four different steps to get myself going so let me just say this if you already have a diesel truck I'm not coming for you relax don't be offended enjoy your truck because nine times out of ten most of you by the time you bought that truck you had no idea what was actually going to happen none of us did so if you are one of those folks the average truck user and you've already purchased your diesel truck guys enjoy your truck it's a good truck it's a good engine you can do a lot with it it pulls like a freight train enjoy it but if you're in the market and you don't have a truck yet and you're an average everyday truck user guys get the gas engine seriously consider it if you just wanted diesel that's what you go for hey I can't spend your money right do what you want to do especially if you're talking about a 2500 truck guys it doesn't matter how much pulling power you have how much horsepower how much torque you have if you don't have the payload to pull it if I'm going to pull more than fourteen thousand pounds anyway first of all I'm gonna have a one ton truck and I'm gonna go with the diesel engine I'm not gonna do that on a three-quarter ton truck why are we doing this guys I can tell you why we're doing this because a lot of people aren't educated because this isn't something that I grew up doing about the only reason I learned about this stuff is because I started towing a travel trailer when I started towing a travel trailer I learned very quickly how ill-equipped I was to do what I wanted to do with the truck that I had so I started doing some research and looking at things there's a ton of information online we're in the information age guys and I'm here to tell you if you are an average everyday truck user meaning you're not doing hot shot you're not moving heavy equipment daily you're not doing you know serious construction work that requires you to move heavy weight on a daily basis across distance guys get the gas truck it's going to help you out so much more it's going to save your wallet and you're still going to have the capability to do what it is that you want to do I had a video that I showed maybe about a year ago that I posted about a year ago and on this video I break down you know the difference why I went with the Hemi gas over the diesel and it actually goes through the process I show you the numbers I even compare it to my old half time to show just how much a similarly trimmed or exactly trimmed model of this truck that we're driving right now in the diesel and it had like two or three hundred pounds more of payload it could pull significantly more of that engine but again it doesn't matter if you don't have the payload to haul it so let's get back to the basics so I guess a big point I like to make is and this is just a true statement right your average truck user your everyday truck user somebody who has you know maybe they're taking their kids to sports maybe occasionally they'll tow a travel trailer or they'll they'll do something that requires a truck that a car just can't do and it might even do something that requires more meat more beef than what a halftime truck can do y'all know I love my half ton truck by the way but let's say you're doing something like that you're moving a bigger trailer you're moving something that is just too much for the travel for for a half ton truck um but you're not doing this every day you're not doing this to make a living you're doing this to be able to have access to the ability to move certain things from time to time take family trips maybe you're pulling a boat maybe you have some property that you want to do a little bit of work hauling wood or something from time to time that that's what the average person does that's what most people who have who purchase trucks do now I'm not talking about that segment who actually uses their truck to make money by hauling and pulling heavy things consistently that's not what I'm saying the average everyday user the average everyday user does not need a diesel Give Me One Reason put in the comments give me a reason why outside of this sheer want or is this what you desire to have and if that's you that's okay but from an economical Common Sense Everyday Use standpoint give me one reason why your average truck user really yeah a realistic reason that a lot of people buy diesels especially in three quarter ton truck that don't need them it would I'll give you two one they just don't realize how the payload numbers and how much heavier the diesel engine is they just don't know I was one of those people for years but the other thing is some people really attach their pride to having a diesel truck I guess it makes them feel more valuable more worth more manly or womanly I don't know what the case is but a lot of times people say I just like to have that coming because that's a comment it's supposed to be that way and if that's you that's all right also I'm not coming at you but what I am saying is for that person who's thinking logically who's actually crunching numbers really looking at how they would use the truck on a daily basis as gas is the best way to go it's cheaper fuel wise you don't have to worry about the you don't have to worry about fuel diesel prices of fuel being a dollar to a dollar fifty higher than gas fuel right there's so many that you have a higher payload from 800 to 1000 pounds more on a gas engine truck that specked out the exact same way I've showed that in the previous video guys there's no reason in this day and age for your average truck user by three quarter ton diesel truck makes no sense makes no sense and I hope this helps you out think about it if you want that diesel truck because you want it go for it but just know you're actually losing more than you're gaining by getting that diesel truck over the gas tank truck if you're an average everyday truck user hey I appreciate you guys watching God bless like And subscribe take care [Music] thank you
Channel: Live Your Free
Views: 58,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: whenSLKuhNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2022
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