Whole Lemon Smoothie In 3 Minutes (Whole Lemon Blended)

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[Music] hello dr joe here of thedoctorj.com and the 2020 forum.com so ever since i came up with this drink formula i cannot really help myself from consuming it so often and that's because it tastes really good i just love it and i'm going to be sharing it with you today and hopefully by the time you try it out yourself you are probably going to be consuming it as often as i have and it's all about consuming uh this whole lemon fruit and how can you do that without having to deal with the bitter notes they're in uh well i've got a secret trick of my sleeve that i'm going to be sharing with you today and you are going to be loving it so why do we want to do this by the way well it's because we want to get all the health benefits that you can acquire by consuming the whole lemon fruit if you remember in my last video i gave you 11 benefits of consuming the whole lemon fruit and this is how you go about it we want all the polyphenols in the lemon fruit we want the lemonoids and we are going to be getting them now one question that i need to answer up front is whether you have to use organic lemon fruit well it doesn't have to be organic uh you can use non-organic you know the regular lemon fruit this one is not organic the lithium insists on is that when you buy your lemons they should not be waxed okay we do not want the wax that usually coats lemons so because some of the farmers what they do is they wax the lemons to improve and increase their shelf life we do not want the wax lemons we want the unwaxed lemons because uh the wax is not suitable for consumption so that's the only thing i insist on okay unwaxed lemons so what do we need well we just need the lemons and my little trick that i'm going to be sharing with you shortly so what i've got in here i've got two lemons already sliced and diced okay two lemons we're going to be using three so i'm just going to slice this stead one to give you a slight demonstration of how to go about it so what i do is i slice off the the head and the tail of the lemon fruit because we don't really need it i don't want it in my lemon so we just slice the head on the tail off put it aside and then uh you cut your lemon in half and we'll go ahead and just slice this up because we want everything in the lemon okay we want the zest we want the pulp we want the peels we want everything okay the seeds all of it so uh it's about not wasting anything other than the little head and tail that we chop off okay so what i do is i just slice the lemons up to make life a little bit easier for the blender and by the way you need a good blender okay because if you're gonna do this you need a blender that really blends not a blender that shreds okay so uh we got all of this now already sliced up so i will put them now into the blender and then what we do next is we add just a little bit of water okay you can add as much water as possible but you don't want to add too much i will tell you about a little trick that you can also employ uh to make a different type of this lemon drink uh i'll tell you about that later on so we got the lemon in here already sliced and diced it's already in the blender jar so here is what i do to reduce the bitterness so i'm going to add three tablespoons full of a healthy sweetener okay we have to use a healthy sweetener so my formula is to use one tablespoon full of the healthy sweetener for each lemon fruit that you're going to blend okay so that's what i do so water is in here the sweeter is in there the lemon fruit is in there so what do we do next let's blend okay that's what we're gonna be doing next and then it's time to bleach okay our whole lemon fruit drink is ready so let's open it up and see what we're gonna do with it oh there you go it's already here okay that's it here so what do you do after you've blended it is put some in a glass and then you can drink that straight away okay well one of the things i do is stir it up and freeze it okay and then you have this okay you've got that these are the ones that i made uh yesterday it's already beginning to fall out i brought it out to the freezer about three hours ago so it's already throwing out now let's just plate up some of this in the ice rack so there we go experience on that [Music] so what can you do with the a whole lemon fruit once you've blended it well you can drink this like i said before straight away put it in the ice rack and it goes into the freezer and then you bring it out you can add these whole lemon cubes to your smoothie you can add them to a salad dressing uh you can even add it to some soups if the recipe calls for it you can do all sorts of things with it you can soak it straight away i do that as well i just have a very nice you know whole lemon cu as a refreshing ice cube you can do all sorts of things with it now here's the other thing that you can do with this whole lemon fruit and it's about making bitter lemon okay this is a bitter lemon that i purchased from uh the supermarket you can make yours and the way to do that is to add more water than i did when i blended this very three lemons now you just add more water and then when you dump blending just strain it and then you end up with this okay of course you're going to add your healthy sweetener as well and then you end up with this nice bitter lemon so that's another way that you can use the whole lemon fruit so before we close up the video let me just let's just have a taste of this whole lemon fruit yes as usual tasty you get this bittersweet combination that is just really wild for your taste buds it will lighten up your taste buds and it's just lovely okay it's a very nice drink for you to have any time of the day so that is how you make the whole lemon fruit that is how you consume the whole amount fruit and you get all the benefits so uh hopefully you got some value from this very video if you did uh please give the video a thumbs up please like the video and also please share this video with your friends with your family with your colleagues and if you've got any questions any comments regarding this video presentation go ahead leave your comments down below i think that's about it until next time uh this is dr joe signing out and it's time for me to consume more of the level drink
Channel: Dr Joe TV
Views: 51,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whole lemon blended, whole lemon blended with water
Id: HMiNxsNqO9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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