Super Smoothie For Prevention of Heart Attacks & Strokes

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so what have I got for you folks today well I got something special and you should pay special attention because this is hot month hot month means I got to do something that is special for our heart okay so uh today's video uh is gonna be uh aimed at something that benefits our cardiovascular health because it is very important so uh what have I got well it is a super smoothie for your heart okay a super smoothie for your heart now as a bonus this smoothie is also beneficial for your eyes as well so uh you know you're gonna win on both fronts your hearts and your eyes are gonna benefit from this super smoothie because it is a smoothie that is packed with vitamin A yes that's what you get in today a vitamin A super smoothie and then we're gonna be using the precursor foods that are going to be converted to the vitamin A which is retinol so beta-carotene is a precursor it gets converted to retinol which is uh the vitamin A that is going to be of benefit for our hearts as well as our eyes so uh you cannot miss out uh if you use this smoothie because uh it is special ingredients do we need for these uh super smoothie for the heart um well we need just four ingredients you know what I try to do is keep my smoothies uh you know my smoothie recipes really simple I don't know have 10 ingredients such that the list is just as long as your arm no I don't want that I just like to keep it simple that way it's easy for you folks to actually implement this smoothie however is going to be done in two steps so the first step is I'm going to make the juice from one of the ingredients and then the other three ingredients I'm gonna use the uh the juice as a liquid medium to make the Smoothie make sense so ah is too fat so let's do step one step one is making the juice and then step two is making the smoothie as you can see in front of me here uh no guessers okay they're not guesses here uh we are gonna be using carrots as ingredients number one and that's what we're gonna be using to make the juice so uh like I said uh the carrot juice is going to be the liquid medium that we're going to use to make uh the Smoothie from the other three ingredients okay let's do step one which is make the carrot juice and I've got here with me this is my Hazel Queen juicer it's lovely I've had it now for what about four months and I'm loving it honestly I'm really loving this juicer and I will encourage you to get uh this juicer if you don't have one already because it's just lovely okay so that's what I'm gonna do let's make the juice and carrot juice so uh let's get started turn on the juicer so maybe juice and then we're going to use the juice as a liquid medium for the Smoothie so let's make the juice foreign [Music] foreign [Music] this concludes step one okay so uh we'll take the uh I take the juice out there we go so this is our card juice that we're gonna use as the liquid medium to liquefy our smoothie okay so this is step one this concludes step one now let's move on to step two which is actually making the smoothie with the other three ingredients okay and now to step two of making our super smoothie that is going to be beneficial for our hearts and our eyes because it's going to be loaded with bitter keratin and subsequently vitamin A which is retinol so we need three more ingredients to make this smoothie and here they are the first one is yellow bell pepper okay yellow bell pepper we need one of this the next one next ingredient is mango we need one mango and the next ingredient that we need to make the beta carotene super smoothie is romaine lettuce okay so romaine lettuce you need at least five leaves of the romaine lettuce normally I use the entire Bunch but if you don't want to use the entire Bunch just use at least five I'll make it six you know because you want a nice concentration of bitter carotene and all of these three ingredients we've got here they got loads of bitter carotene in them okay so uh that's that's why it is a black protein of vitamin A super smoothie and of course we've got plenty of uh bitter carotene in here in our carrot juice as well so there we go uh the next thing we're gonna do now is actually make the Smoothie so uh let's get started so here is my smoothie Jam uh you need a nice blender if you're gonna making smoothies you need a good blender and I got this nice blender here and also a blender with a good capacity of course you can see here I've got this NutriBullet I hardly ever use it because uh first of all the jar is too small for me uh when I want to make smoothie I want to make smoothie and I like plenty of smoothie you know so uh that's that's the way I'm rolling so uh and this one really Blends finally okay so it doesn't shred it Blends really well that's why I love it so um our jar our smoothie jar so we put in the the you know better stress by the way all these all the ingredients are here they all slice and dice okay they all slice and diced so uh I prepared them earlier on so let's load the bell peppers they're going first okay hope you can see what I'm doing so let's load it up bell peppers going in let me get this afternoon so that you can actually see properly uh so bear prefers gone in next we put in the mangoes okay the mangoes go in there it'll be slippery because uh you know they got a nice soluble fiber as well so this is a smoothie that is beyond just giving you vitamin A it's got plenty plenty of benefits uh you got some nice fiber coming your way so that's that's the mango going in now next is the romaine lettuce okay so we'll show that in uh unit girls so sometimes you may have to do this in two steps if you cannot put all of the Romaine letters in in one girl uh you just blend a little bit to reduce the volume and then add what is left you can then add what is left so there we go here is our car juice and like I said before we are using the carrot juice as a liquid medium okay so uh what's next to do we just pour the carrot juice in okay pour it all in okay so that's done it so next thing we're gonna do now is uh Blitz I love listen I really do because this is when this smoothie Comes Alive there we go uh we just want to blend one [Music] Okay so we've reduced it now it's just now time for us to add the remaining romaine lettuce okay just show that in this one we are ready to rumble Blitz in time [Music] okay that's it finish blending now so let's get our smoothie out of the jar there we go lovely the theme is orange so testing time um spoil it into the glass awesome let's have a good taste ah [Music] this is heaven so what I've got here all the ingredients they balance themselves out none of them is dominating but you got this sweetness that sort of eclipses the effiness of the Romaine letters and that just gives it a very nice flavor that hits your palate and it's just lovely um I love it I do so there we go this is uh the Smoothie let's fill up the the glass or more because I'm going to finish this all of it uh right now okay so that easy smoothie you just gotta love it so in here we've got plenty of bitter cartoon uh that will get converted to retinol which is vitamin A it's good for our heart it's good for our eyes it prevents macular degeneration which is uh one cause of loss of vision as you get older so it's just lovely amongst other benefits of course there's fiber here I don't want to go into all the benefits that you will get from drinking this very nice vitamin A super smoothie it's just a lovely drink and um let me have another seat because I just can't hold hold on any longer [Music] this is good it's really good there we go uh this is a very nice smoothie that is packed full of health benefits for you and you give it a go okay give it a go and see whether I like it or not I'm sure you are going to like it I do love it and I'm hoping you do too so oh by the way uh links to get either blender or the Hazel Queen juicer I'm going to leave some links right down below okay if you want to get any of them because like I said if you are going to be doing smoothies you need a good blender that blends okay not a blender that shreds and this blender does a very good job of that so uh hopefully you got some value for an Israeli video if you did please give the video a thumbs up please like the video and also please uh share this video with your friends your family with your colleagues if you've got any questions any comments regarding uh the content of this video presentation go ahead leave your comments or questions down below I think that's it until next time well this is Dr Joe signing ah
Channel: Dr Joe TV
Views: 49,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prevent heart attack
Id: cXbfkoc53_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 25 2023
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