Who Would Win? (ep. 7)

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hello everyone and welcome to a video which we have not seen in a while in fact we released the last episode of who would win 11 months ago even though this is one of the most requested series on this channel in the past i usually released these videos when i had nothing else to talk about which these days is not the case at all right is releasing new stories almost every other week so if anything i am almost unable to catch up with that said because this is one of the most requested and popular series on this channel it was always able to stabilize the analytics so because of everything that's happening in the world we got into a bit of break the glass in case of emergency situation combine this with the fact that yes i am still a father and no i have technically not really taken a break from making videos and now i am in a situation where i could really use a break but again because of what's happening in the world i have no idea what would happen to this channel if i actually took a break and so i'm not going to risk it and this is how we got here because this is a popular series and because i can record this video relatively quickly i save time and i'm efficient so without further ado let's get into this new episode of who would win normally i ask on discord for people to give me suggestions as to who should fight but because i am in a time-saving mode this time around i asked people during our stream and so as always i bring you 5 match-ups of 2 champions who are relatively similar in power and we are going to talk about who would win according to their lore so i don't care if in the game draven can throw infinite axes and i don't care if in the game aurelian is actually tiny because in the lore things are different but that's enough for the introduction let's get right on it our first matchup is master yi against yasuo although master yi is one of the oldest champions in the game right now his story is in a really good spot normally these old champions stay outdated for a really long time but that's not the case with master yi master e comes from the vujo village which is a village hidden in the mountains of ionia or rather was because you see the vuju technique is a special style of wielding the blade which normally wouldn't be anything unusual but this fighting style was so deadly that the vuju village stayed hidden in the mountain so that nobody could find it because should the wrong person learn how to use the vuju technique they would be able to level entire armies on their own that's how powerful this technique is and that's why i said that this village was hidden in the mountains because during the noxian invasion even though master yi and the other vuju blade masters were supposed to stay hidden in their village so that they could protect the vuju technique with all the chaos and death surrounding them master yi could watch no longer and so alone he ran down the mountain and he killed entire noxian armies of course the noxian spies noticed where he came from and they were able to locate the vujo village and after seeing what master yi was able to do on his own the noxians did not hesitate and they used chemical bombs to make the vuju village disappear from the map all of this happened because one blademaster showed the world how powerful the vuju technique is now on the other side we have yasuo who is also from a hidden village where instead of the vuju technique they have the wind technique although there the winch technique isn't as sacred to their village the wind technique was just really difficult to master and should you try to master it when you're not prepared something bad could happen on top of that because the village was not as well hidden as the vuju village that kinda tells us that the wind technique is not as dangerous i mean even riven just randomly stumbled into the village so their security wasn't really that great anyway with that said the wind technique is still very powerful and with the awakened cinematic becoming more and more canon what yasuo does there is pretty much a canon representation of what the wind technique can do so in a battle of master yi against yasuo yasuo would have a slight advantage because he would have longer range not only is he wielding a lighter and longer sword but the wind technique is actually prolonging it even more even if his blade misses the wind follows up with a longer cut however with that said this longer range would be nothing against master yi's speed mastery's alpha strike is not just a random dash and it is definitely not a spell this is how fast master yi actually is in a blink of an eye he can kill dozens of people that's how he can level entire armies on his own he is simply that fast so even if yasuo summoned the biggest tornado he could master yi could simply outrun it if yasuo summons the biggest wind wall we have ever seen mastery can simply run around it and on top of this mastery's meditations actually give him deeper connections with the spirit realm so should he have to reach for spirit magic to heal himself he would be able to do that yasuo on the other side couldn't the only pain relief he has is alcohol and in this case it wouldn't be enough next up we have elise against nidalee the reason why we picked these two is quite obvious they are two shapeshifters but their matchup would be actually a bit more interesting than just them changing their bodies elise is immortal but not physically she only doesn't die of age in her story she lures noxian people into the shadow isles where without them knowing it she sacrifices these noxians to wilemo who then spews out a weird venom which elise drinks and that's why she is forever young she doesn't age and so she is technically immortal but this kind of immortality still doesn't give you the immunity to your head being cut off and there lies the problem elise is a great hunter when it comes to luring in her prey she knows how to seduce people she knows how to make them not suspect anything and she knows how to quickly take them down but she is not a great fighter no one ever told her how to fight and because she is still a human with the ability to shift into a spider she doesn't have the animalistic instincts so she doesn't actually know how to fully utilize her spider body now on the other side we have nidalee who was raised in the wilds not only that the kumungo jungles around ishtal are the deadliest jungles of runeterra for example this is where zyra is spreading from and consuming all the living meat she can find and this is also where we can find some voidborn like kha'zix and other deadly creatures like nico so even though these are both hunters who ambush their prey nidalee is simply better at survival and fighting because nidalee isn't luring her prey in she isn't seducing anyone she is just going in for the kills combine that with her ability to use wild magic to heal herself while elise has no real connection to the magic of the shadow isles and you would have a clear winner you could argue that elise is actually massive in her spider form but i could argue back that nidalee speed would give her a chance to outmaneuver her with that said we also shouldn't forget elise's spider followers including vilemo himself which means that yes should at least summon her entire spider army she would win but in such a scenario we could also call for the wilderness to protect itself against the spider invasion and i think that these two forces would be roughly equal in strength which would bring us back to who is stronger in a battle elise or nidalee and because you can hardly seduce nidalee i think she would still be the winner next up we have xerath vs ryze the two most powerful mages on runeterra when it comes to xerath he is the concentrated power of the ascended incarnate we have talked about zarath a couple times on this channel before but for a quick recap when azir was supposed to stand beneath the sun disk and become an ascended warrior xerath betrayed him and he pushed him to the side while forcing the sandisk to give him all the power it could the end result was that the sandisk gave xerath so much power the energies blew up and it destroyed the entire empire that's how much power xerath has it is so much power that his physical body vaporized into true arcane energy however right after this transformation nasus and renekton jumped in they grabbed zeroth and they locked him in a special sarcophagus that was able to limit his magic and that's why right now xerath can't just destroy the entire planet should he want to parts of his magic are blocked by this sarcophagus which you can actually see hovering around his body that's why xerath looks like what he looks it's just pure arcane energy and pieces of the broken tremend sarcophagus with that said xerath might still be the most powerful still living mage on rontera in the past we have seen some other contenders like nuzuk the mage who almost destroyed the voidborn of igathya but he simply disappeared so we don't even know if he still lives possible future champion by the way but not counting these legendary beings xerath is still right up there against him however we have ryze who is on a very similar level rise is on a quest to pick up the world runes which are special stones that were accidentally scattered around runeterra all we know about these stones is that they were used to create runeterra by the celestials so these little pieces of rocks are literally the key to creation that's how powerful the runes are but as ryze is collecting these runes and he's safely hiding them around the world every time he gets in contact with one of them his body gets corrupted a little and that's why his skin is blue that's the corruption of the pure magic eventually it is likely that rice will go insane these are the consequences of being exposed to too much of the world rune's power but at the same time this means that his corrupted body is amplifying his ability to wield magic that's why he is such a strong mage so should he face xerath the battle would be interesting because we are looking at two really powerful mages whose powers are limited by something in xerath's case it is the sarcophagus but in ryze's case it is just that he doesn't want to use the full power of the world runes he is hiding these stones so that no one else could use them that is the purpose of him looking for them he is literally saving humanity from destroying itself but in this battle xerath would definitely be winning the arcane powers of the sandisk are simply way too strong after all it is the magic of the celestials but this battle would eventually get to a point where ryze would have to use the power of the world runes and when that happens there is no way ryze wouldn't win i've seen the thanos memes but literally in this case with the power of the world runes ryze could snap and make an entire part of the world disappear in fact this exact scenario was described in ryze's story this happened before so with the power of the world runes ryze would win and even though he wouldn't want to do it rise would eventually use the world runes because should he die there would be no one else to continue his quest no one would be hiding the world runes which means that as people would start picking them up they would use them against each other and runterra would be destroyed so ryze would have to win then we have olaf vs tryndamere olaf's lore despite being quite old is actually really cool the reason why olaf is awesome is because in his village called lokfar the viking-like barbarians see glory in battle no matter what they do fighting is the best way to live however one day his village's shaman gave olaf a prophecy the shaman had a vision where he saw olaf die peacefully lying in his bed which to the warriors of lokfar was quite an insult a warrior should die in battle to die peacefully lying in his bed would be cowardly and so olaf decided to just go out into the world and prove the prophecy wrong and so he dived into the oceans and battled the biggest kraken worms anyone had ever seen and he won so then he started traveling around runeterra and he battled other legendary beasts that killed entire armies but again olaf would be victorious in his latest story olaf traveled to bilgewater during the harrowing and there he fought entire armies of the undead he even fought a giant undead kraken worm and yet he was victorious the prophecy says that olaf will die lying in his bed so technically as long as olaf fights he cannot die that is his curse that is the prophecy but against him we have another barbarian who has a similar curse tryndamere comes from a barbarian village that worshipped the iron boar which is a demigod just like anivia orn or volibear and they believed that this faith in the iron boar was what was giving them legendary stamina and endurance of course with tryndamere being the most resilient of these barbarians one day a dark horned figure walked into their village and slaughtered everyone many even believed that this figure was their ironbore god but they were mistaken because this creature was not even falliorian this figure which all of us know was aatrox stabbed tryndamere in his heart with his living sword but by doing so he transferred some of the darkened blood magic into his body we don't really know why or how aatrox did that but we assumed that he did this so that he could harvest tryndamere's body later on age rocks is still just the sword the body we see in the game and in the story is just a body of a random person who picked up aatrox's sword and aatrox just consumed his body and this brings us to what tryndamere can do because aatrox gave him some of his blood magic either intentionally or unintentionally that's why tryndamere has his undying rage it's the blood magic raging through his veins in his newest story it was even revealed that his body is able to heal itself in the matter of seconds after it was wounded you know because blood magic can easily morph bodies after all that's why the dark inn looks so twisted and grotesque it's because they morph their bodies into armor so here we have two barbarians who are unable to die however if anything aatrox who literally killed the god of war that was controlling pantheon showed us that prophecies can be broken and fate can be changed so even though olaf is protected by the visions there is still tryndamere against him who was fused with the power of a godslayer and who already died once and came back olaf didn't even do that so looking at the past of these two warriors tryndamere would be more likely to win and for the last battle we have a special one we have lux vs ezreal lux is interesting because she should be able to do more than what she does in the game but at the same time she does some things in the game which she shouldn't even be able to do the reason why she can deal damage with her spells is because she is able to burn things with her light but in the story it was revealed that she should also be able to make herself invisible in her bio she did this by dispersing the light around her however she shouldn't have any kind of support ability healing people or making shields should not be possible with the light or at least not in her case because even though lux is a mage she isn't a trained mage because demacia hates mages of course there was no one in demacia who could teach her how to wield her powers and so everything lux can do was literally self-taught silas might have helped a little but still she barely knows how to use her own magic every time she did something and you can check this in the story it was always on accident but against her we have ezreal who is still trying to make the relationship between them real even though lux has no recollection of ever meeting ezreal now ezreal does have some knowledge of how magic works but he is not a mage himself the reason why he can cast spells and even teleport around is because of his glove now the glove is the gauntlet of nezuke who was an ascended warrior of shurima this is the guy we mentioned when we talked about xerath he was a really powerful ascended ikafian mage who knew how to build entire cities that could float and in fact he used one of these floating cities to try and take down the voidborn of igafia as i mentioned before he failed his floating city crashed and he just ran away with that said he was still a really powerful mage and now that ezreal is wielding his glove you may realize that although ezreal is still a human he is holding the power of the ascendit literally in his hands and that's just one of the gauntlets the other one is still somewhere in the world and you can imagine what ezreal would be able to do if he got the second one as well but as the two champions are right now in a 1v1 scenario ezreal would win both of them are not really sure how to wield their powers lux should have the advantage because she was born as a mage but because demacians were always trying to suppress her powers she never learned how to be efficient with magic and she never discovered what can she actually do with her powers but when it comes to ezreal the glove has a kind of a autopilot built in and so even when ezreal is not entirely sure what he can do with the glove either the glove can do things on its own or rather ezreal can even think about what he wants to do and the glove will do it that's why he is always lucky enough to get out of dangerous places with the glove he can just teleport out or blast through the walls however with that said even though ezreal would definitely be more powerful in a real battle because remember this is according to the lore lux would still win because like it or not even though in the story ezreal is a bit of a jerk he still wouldn't hit lux and so should it come down to a life or death scenario i think ezreal would actually sacrifice himself he would try to escape the battle so he wouldn't have to fight lux but if there was no other option he would let lux live and lux would take the opportunity because she doesn't give a damn about ezreal and she would just burn him to ashes but that is it for this episode of who would win again i should probably get back to stories because i still have a lot of them to cover but it was nice to just turn on the microphone and speak without a script for once it's way faster and it is more efficient and you know i need this now if you really like this series do let me know i will try to make these videos more often if you really want to but knowing myself and looking at the past if you came here just for the who would win episodes i'll see you next year [Music] hey did you know that we have social media and twitch where we talk about other league facts and stories and did you know that we have need mugs and shirts too the links to all of that will be below and as always thank you come again you
Channel: Necrit
Views: 222,762
Rating: 4.9601464 out of 5
Keywords: Lore, Story, Necrit, Necrit94, Narrated, Explained, League of Legends, LOL, TFT, Teamfight tactics, legends of runeterra, Who Would Win, Universe, Yi, Yasuo, Ezreal, Lux, Tryndamere, Trynda, Olaf, Elise, Nidalee
Id: d4ws9hs2jAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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