Who Would Be King of France Today?
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Channel: UsefulCharts
Views: 1,309,065
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Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
For those wondering if the English were legitimately claiming the French Throne, or if it was just a bit of trivia that they thought they were the 'rightful' rulers or something, it's essentially what caused the "100 years war" between England and France. At one point, the English under Henry V had essentially won, and got the French King to agree to name Henry V and his heirs as the heirs to the French throne, however Henry V died months before the King of France and Henry VI was a young child, so the French took the opportunity and crowned the old heir to the French throne instead of Henry, and eventually beat the English back (this is the point where the story of Joan of Arc takes place).
At the same time that I think this is interesting, it also seems so silly. Like, think of any other profession that could be carried out this way.
"Hey phillip, you have a uncle grandpa who died without heirs and now you must be the village butcher."
Balthazar Napoleon IV is a badass name.
It's crazy that these old royal families continue to intermarry like this.
That was incredibly convoluted... I loved it.
So much inbreeding!
Now do Mexico! Who are the real Kings of Mexico: Iturbides or Habsburgs?
If you're interested in the convoluted french history this video went through, you should check out Mike Duncan's revolutions podcast. It goes though the french revolution(s) in almost painful detail