Who Will Be Crowned MasterChef Champion? | The Professionals | Full Episode | S8 E21 | MasterChef UK

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[Music] it's the professional Master Chef final 48 ambitious chefs entered the competition and now only the three strongest are left it's just so amazing to be in the Hat the only thing that can make it better will be to to get that trophy at the end you're cooking against two other chefs who could lift that title I want to lift that title and so do they so it's going to be a fight it mean a world to me to win this I'm just about to cook another Freight courses for the last time I just hope it's enough only one of them will be crowned professional Master Chef Champion 2015 they have dazzled us all the way through the competition we know we are going to eat some fabulous food this is going to be one exciting [Music] final I've been cooking for years now I've been suf for four and a bit years so I really feel ready to take my first headchef roll I still really enjoy my job I just need to find a perfect opportunity for me so I can express what I do in the kitchen and that's the reason why I've done the show really I thought I'd give it a go service Here I Am the first time I walked into Master Chef's Kitchen I was really nervous shaking a bit and the Arts going Scott has been the chef that has taken his time to come forward and stand out I think my worst feedback has been my signature dish the ricotta doesn't really have any place on this plate whatsoever I don't understand why it's there I'm disappointed that it isn't as wow as it possibly could be I went home with me to between me legs I thought right I need to know everything I do from now on I think Scott has been a fabulous Chef it just took him a while to find his feet in the master chef kitchen and then all of a sudden this flower just blossomed in the competition and delivered some really really good food come on Scott y great remember Scott in the critics round how he d buled with that Cod dish the critics loved it and that takes some going to impress those guys I'd love to know where he cooks cuz I'd like to eat more of his food I think he's fantastic for me the first time that Scott actually stood out and really meant business was when he spent a day with Lisa okay Scott so this is where it really hits you we sh perfect well done he came back into this kitchen and cook two of the best dishes i' ever seen them cook very happy here I think you've done a great great job if I was a cooking chef in this competition right now I'd be very worried about you the judges gave me brilliant feedback that really gave me a confidence boost starting to look beautiful enjoy this moment I am Chef I'm loving it they finished every last bit of that dessert I thought mate job well done absolutely fantastic this is what Master Chef's all about this is a great way to [Applause] finish Bella Italy was an amazing experience I'm picking me herbs and toughing up Me Tan so I can't really ask for much more than that it's very surreal moment but I really enjoyed it looks nice [Music] happy days I think I have learned a little bit about myself I feel like I'm a stronger Chef I feel like I've grown and developed and got stronger as it's gone on I just need to keep the momentum up now and see what happens [Music] today one of my parents found out that I wanted to be a chef I think they were very supportive I left home when I was 16 and a half to go to a hotel but when I first moved into my first stff accommodation my mom walked away crying I think doing the competition and hopefully winning it will really showcase everything I've put into the industry all the hard work and the 18-hour days winning Master Chef might change my life service yes it's an incredible competition that many doors will open I never thought I'd make it this far the first day is always going to be the scariest you walk in and it's just Greg Monica and Marcus it doesn't get tougher than that right from the start he sha out as a very competent knowledgeable Chef I'm really struggling to find some fault with this dish I really am I have to find something to complain about please don't let me share with these two in picture the chef just continued to stun and wow [Music] us another great dish you Mark has shown an amazing level of skill an all around Chef in every single area there's been so many highlights in this but the critics round was pretty hard it's really difficult to try and produce such quality in such a short amount of time for some of the best critics in Britain Mark it's looking good here this is one hell of a start I think it's absolutely terrific the best dish I've cooked in this competition is probably my show stoer dish it textures are fantastic it tastes great it looks stunning I got some incredible feedback on Big Boy yes sir it really elevated me to carry on in the [Music] competition fire up your backside son I think it's time to move Mark's Hawk this at the chef's table has got to be one of my favorites there's a lot of elements going on there but wow does it look good how he pushed himself to produce that dish and all those chefs upstairs raved about it for me this is the dish of the evening tonight we needed something special and you delivered that there's only been one round where I believe Mark did not live up to those expectations I am absolutely Gob smacked that you have served a tomato salad today just saw Marcus's eyes yeah heart sinks that was a pretty low point for me but I've been able to pick myself up very good this very good I think Mark is a very very clever Chef he has an incredible pallet I for detail his dishes have been exceptional The Taste textures the flavors of what Mark is achieving is outstanding oh it's been such a tiring exhausting emotional but fun ride I'd love to lift that trophy but I've got two other incredible chefs standing in my [Music] [Applause] [Music] way so I'm a sue chef at a fine dining restaurant absolutely love it I love going to work every day I've done one competition in my life it was the Sussex young chef of the year which I won two years ago [Music] to be honest my chef to party said they're open for Master Chef auditions you know why don't you give it a go I said well I'm not going to get on that it's a brilliant competition it's a real good way of just saying how good you are how good you think you are how far do you think you can go and testing yourself against other guys that think they can win it as well everybody else was shaking and crumbling Nick actually looked very good in the fresh is there from the word go and it's mixed with excitement as well cuz you're seeing your Idols there Nick is the real deal it's exactly what you look for personality good hardworking chef and delivers it on the plate smart dish smart guy Nick has gone on to show that he's very strong in the pastry Department [Music] I'm really happy that my desserts have hit them out every time it's great dessert it is amazing it is it's incredible it's fantastic here's a chef that is dazzled in pastry but he's been able to bring that skill into the rest of his cookery as [Music] well it's delicious I would eat it all going to Ed to work for Tom kitchen it was hardcore you know it was straight in there if it's not good it's coming back you understand we I earned me lunch that day look at that sa the best to last woohoo the toughest was probably the chef's table I tried too hard on different techniques and probably was a bit too cheffy to be honest he wanted to show off but these chefs had seen it [Music] all sadly not a great dish it could have been much much better keep it simple next time but the next day Nick came back in this kitchen and proved why he is here I think it's very creative dish I've never had before it tastes good the experiences at the competition's thrown up has just been phenomenal Lally was mind-blowing wow it just opened up pores of my brain that I didn't know were there I love the way he works he cooks with real passion and enthusiasm I don't want to let myself down I don't want to come this far and fall at the final hurdle but it's another round of the competition Fresh Start go in there and cook there only cooking I can do [Music] that our fin fin three coming in for the last time this is what they have been striving for to cook for the [Music] final all we're going to see today an absolute celebration of the best of culinary Talent our tasting is about to become the hottest table in town ready I'm ready ready super ready Bring It [Music] [Music] [Music] On welcome chefs to your professional Master Chef final the spotlight is on you I can only wish you the best of luck I am so excited and so happy that you three are our finalist and I know each of you is going to give me magic what you have in front of you is a battle a battle to become the champion chefs you've got three hours three plates of food off you [Music] [Applause] go I can't recall seeing so many ingredients on the tables our Three Chefs are really pushing themselves I'm going out to get myself a bigger spoon we are in for a treat a real [Music] treat all the hard work I've put in throughout the competition it comes down to three plates of food I just want to give it all or gun [Music] blazing next starter is mackerel two different ways the key to mackerel is making sure it stays moist it cannot be [Music] overcook he's doing a tat he's going to wrap that tataa and a black radish set it to hold its form that set sounds really neat and he has to be very careful that it doesn't overseason it with too much acid otherwise it's just going to cook while it's sitting on the plate he's also making an oyster beignet and an oyster mayonnaise to go with his dish I really like the sound of the oyster mayonnaise this is going to really lift this dish with a powerful fishy flavor he's going to garnish it with pickle cucumber which he's going to marinate add some sugar and vinegar and then compress [Music] them I love the way that Nick has thought about bringing these flavors together on his plate food they sound delicious there's a lot riding on the mackerel how many times do you think Marcus wearing had mackerel and cucumber you know as much as I had a cup of coffee I reckon [Music] the main course I've been saving lamb if I got to this stage I wanted to have lamb [Music] there the rump of lamb is a beautiful cut of meat great fat content and Nick is cook it in the water bath and then he's going to render the fat down in the pan perfect way to cook your rump of lamp Nick is going to cook down and break down the neck meat on of the lamp and he's going to use it to stuff the corette flour he's going to coat it in AA mix and deep fryer he said to bring more texture to his plate of food neck of lamb would be the one thing I would not put inside a corette flour but I like it when Nick does something different you're stuffing the cette flour with lamb neck I didn't know how to get the lamb neck on there and I thought I've Stu cette flowers with lobster moose before and steamed them and I had a little plan it works out really well for me you are about Flavor you squeeze every ounce of flavor out of every single ingredient yeah he's also making goats cheese [Music] Crockett I love the marriage of all the different ideas and the flavors but Nick is going to have to get the balance right I know the judges will be expecting a lot with my desserts a lot of pressure for me on a dessert on the last one I'm sure they'll be waiting for that Nick is making a chocolate Delise with apricots and hazelnut he's going to to make a flowless sponge we know how great Nick is in the pastry department and in making cakes he's then going to set a chocolate mousse on top and lightly glaze it [Music] the key is consistency for the sponge making sure it's beautifully cooked not too dense the mousse itself has to be light fluffy and have a great flavor of chocolate and of course when you put the bit of chocolate glaze over the top you have to make sure that it's beautifully perfectly glazed it's going to have to be like a mirror you want to see your face in that glaze it's very skillful thing to [Music] do I can't wait to see how this dessert turns out this is a dessert of just pure skill and Technical ability here's one Chef that has it all Nick just how good does it have to be oh it has to be perfect I just want to represent myself well in the final cook off and uh I want to be smiling I'm cooking happy it's my food I love it Nick I want you to cook happy wait love your food mate thank you so much thank [Music] you 1 hour gone you got 2 hours left it's going to fly [Music] because the caliber of Chef is so high I kind of have to push the limit you've got probably about 10 different elements on starter there's about nine on the Main and I think there's about 12 on the dessert you have to get them right today if you don't get them right you don't pick up that [Music] trophy oh nice happy smile on your face yeah so good to be in the final how much would you like to lift this title mate oh it be massive I've I've cooked my heart out throughout the whole competition and it's kind of what I'm doing today great flavors big combinations stuff that you'll enjoy [Music] eating Mark starter is pan fried SC with peas buttermilk snow roasted lemon [Music] puree the roasted lemons pureing them down that sounds delicious Mark's got buttermilk which he's making into a snow he's mixing the butter milk with some Cen pepper and then he's going to freeze it and he scraping it down like a granita to serve on a scallet dish the buttermilk snow the roasted lemon puree wow I love the sound of this this just makes the whole thing [Music] fun it's brought together classic flavors that go very well with scholet but what Mar is doing is bringing it up to another [Music] level this is what we want we want these shifts to really push themselves and stand out Mark's main course is fillet of beef this will have a beautiful texture going all the way through he's going to cook down the river beef and then remove the bow and compress it so it holds a l lovely shape the brazing of the rib is going to be where he's going to get his sauce from add the bone marrow into the equation and it just takes the dish to a new level wow love it love the sound of this he's not cooking a barbecue today but he's going to be giving us the flavors of a barbecue Mark is making a charcoal emultion this is something I've never had before [Music] it's made with very gently heated through scallops charcoal oil he's also adding Squid Ink into the Emulsion as [Music] well he needs to be very careful of how strong that flavor comes through this dish you like barbecue it's like licking charcoal that's quite unusual it's ridiculous isn't it it's good though in the dessert there's every element in the book apart from making a sea Marx dessert is an elderflower panacotta with a vanilla parfait wrapped in the strawberry jelly this sounds amazing we have had an amazing amount of panac cotas in this competition to be honest I thought I'd had enough but on reading this one I want to have one more [Music] Mark is also using strawberries in various different forms there is a strawberry sbet strawberry jelly he's also making granola what I do love is the texture it's going to bring to this dessert it's also making a gooseberry candy floss as well how's it going Mark it's going pretty good you can't go wrong with a bright pink candy floss machine can you that was pretty bright I've been at the fairground yeah it's it's good for the kids it's there for a bit of theater you kind of have to pull out all the stops at the end and this this one really packs a punch I love the sounds of Mark's dish and the fact that every element on it he's brought something that's going to challenge not just him within the 3 hours but us [Music] what I do like about what Mark's doing he's pushing himself all the way to the end that is what I expect from the chef in the final pushing the boundaries taking risks and delivering it on the plate whoa mate have you got time for all of this no no I don't it's uh yeah it's head down crack on you really are G with this today aren't you yeah I have to I want to see everyone else do well and I want to produce my best food and then let the judges kick it [Music] out chefs you are halfway sure hour and a half [Music] left with my dishes I'm just aiming for excellence I want everything to be perfect everything to be cooked right seasoned right and just execute to the best I can so I'm hoping I go out with some [Music] fireworks Scott y you made it yeah I'm here you got to put up me for a bit longer can you almost touch the trophy uh yeah I mean I just got to cook my best I like this menu I just hope you guys [Music] do Scott's menu sounds very interesting so my stter is going to be a mackerel I've got to bit of a soft spot for mackerel it's the first ever fish I caught as a little boy he's going to brine it in the Starin and spice mix and then is's going to torch it so it should just be cooked I love the macel cooked this way Scott is serving a dish with C rabi which has been wrapped in a salt crust and baked in the oven is then cool sliced thinly on mandolin and seasoned with a dill powder I love the sound of the salt baked Coral be but it's not one of the ingredients that I would have chosen to serve with mackerel even though Ma is a big flavor col rabi has a huge bitterness behind it we have fact pack cucumber we have a cucumber [Music] Essence we'd be interesting to see how the balance of this dish work or if it actually works at all but mackerel is very close to his heart and it's a dishy serving in one of the biggest competition of his life so far Scott's main course is chicken with a t with cheese sauce wow the chicken is going to be cooked in a backpack on the crown it still stay lovely and moist then he's going to finish it in a pan I think this is a great way to serve chicken so it doesn't dry out he's also serving the wings with the dish as well so he's coming the wings down Scott is making a potato terine to go with his chicken dish he's sliced large potatoes he's put them into a little mold and he's laid it with duck fat which is infused with hard herb so rosemary thyme garlic and Bay leaes hopefully the crust of that be lovely and crispy golden yet still moist underneath he's got a chicken juk and a tum of cheese sauce a corned chicken is a delicate flavor t with cheese can pack a punch my concern with this is how it's going to complement the chicken itself I'm not so sure a little bit of truffle on there for a little bit of magic and I hope they really enjoy it I did think about cooking this dessert from our first dish in the competition but I sort of held myself cuz I knew it's quite a strong dish I'm hoping Greg likes this one being a fan of Italian foods have you got a special dessert for me up your sleeve this one's very close to me takes me back to my first trip to Italy when I was a boy we had fennel olive oil and lemon salad nearly every day it did make me smile when I heard that he was taking those flavors and turning them into a dessert that is very interesting very brave and very very bold the style of the dish is a lemon [Music] parfait it's going to bring little touches of fennel onto this plate it's Canning some of the fennel he's making a Phenom [Music] morang Scotty is also making an olive oil jelly it's going to be the olive oil and there's also a little touch of lemon juice as well in a liquid form without a doubt works it's a classic vinegar EG I'm just not sure how that's going to work as a jelly on a dessert plate I'm really intrigued though it works and if it does this is going to be amazing for me as a chef I think Scott is taking huge risk on such a big day but do we want him to play it safe no not at all we want him to drive himself and we want him to give us something new I shouldn't really be complaining but I am concerned if I get everything right and there's no reason why they shouldn't be the best dishes out of Three Chefs Nick and Mark two fantastic Cooks I'm not going to worry about too much what they're doing I'm just focus on my free dishes everything's got to be cooked perfect and I guess that's why you deserve to be Crown the champion of Master [Music] ship next one chp's done sa is on crisp's done cookies in onions are in 30 minutes left how's it going scoty boy yeah so far so good man a lot of speed around there today it's a good atmosphere everyone's buzzing you just want to cook our socks off one more chance to impress everyone with less than 30 minutes to go how are you doing because you set yourself a mammoth amount of work yeah I've got most of it done so it's just finishing off everything are you under control yeah [Applause] always Nick how are you doing really really happy I couldn't have done any more I think I set myself a big task uh that's what I wanted to do that's what I'm here for I'm looking forward to it Nick good luck thank you Scott how you getting on yeah not too bad just finishing touches now I think anything worrying you now nothing's worrying me apart from your comments 30 minutes to go don't trip up now no I'm so proud of what these chefs have achieved this is quite extraordinary pretty exciting too chefs 15 minutes last 15 minutes I'm watching Three Chefs who are so in control this is going to make for a very very interesting judging they've got their plates po polished and lined up they've got their trays with all their little individual garnishes on their Precision in the cookery you can see it we have got three pros in this kitchen last 5 [Music] minutes final 60 Seconds [Music] right that's it your time's up on boys got good luck boys I they look banging Nick up to come please Chef right my friend look at that for his starter Nick has made charred mackerel with mackerel tartar rolled in Black radish they're accompanied by oyster beet oyster mayonnaise oyster leaves and compressed cucumber topped with finger lime you have the mackerel just still under you the lovely roasted taste from using the blow torch on there I love the tartar wrapped in the radish I love this dish it's so light it's so flavorsome and I think the way you've got the textures on this plate Nick is a spot on I love it as well it's so subtle you have such a lightness of touch with this dish you've enhanced the the the flavors of the mackerel by adding all the other things to it and the oysters without a doubt they bring the ocean to the plate great flavor beautifully presented and again very well executed good dish this is a brilliant start to a meal that's great Nick's m is chump of lamb and the braze lamb neck stuffed cette flowers on an open Bine puree they're served with goats cheese and potato cett tomato petals chiellini onions and a lamb and Olive sauce so many flavors that jump out from from this plate the C Jette flour for me I think the filling is still very moist and you have got the crispy texture on the cette flour the Crocket for me could do with a bit more of that cheese I'm not getting enough of it I think it's a great eating plate of food it's delicious it's tasty I expect nothing less from you I just don't get that well factor in it the flavors on your dish are big as always natural sweet lamb There's real saltiness on that crust there's fru iness and depth to your Source delightful it has a level of Simplicity that I was not expecting today but having said that it is beautifully executed in all the different areas I like the flavors the sauce is hearty the olives are there I think the lamb is beautifully cooked you've delivered a plate of food that is very true to you and that's what I really like about you as a chef Nick's final dish is a chocolate Delise a flowerless chocolate sponge topped with chocolate mousse and covered in dark chocolate glaze and shaved hazelnuts it's served with a chocolate TW cookie crumble apricot puree poached apricots prene kurd and an apricot sbet the thing that stands out for me is your deliss the mousse is so light so light very creamy I love the flavors of the chocolate with the hazelnut grated on the top I think apricot and the the the chocolate goes so well the sber it's got a lovely texture to it brings a freshness to the dish I love it and I think any chocolate lover would love it it's beautiful textured thing and its flavor of chocolate is a big hit I like that to then go into a fruity sawbay to cleanse your pallet to go back in and get another big dollop of sticky chocolate to me it's my idea of pudding Heaven I think that's delightful the chocolate mousse is divine the glaze and the skill and the shine I always say a good glaze you should be able to see your face in that and if you hadn't shaved the nuts on top you probably would be able to see your face in there you know what Nick if you ever want to be a patient Chef you can come and work for me anytime in my patient section thank you Chef great job thank you mik thank [Music] you last [Music] one I'm really happy I left nothing behind came out there exhausted like the other Lads did smashed it mate what will be will be but I'll go away with my head H High definitely mark up you come please sir that is stunning incredible work beautiful dishes it's like food art Mark's first dish is a starter of roasted scollops with fresh peas pea puree pea foam charred baby leaks dried sorrano ham and a roasted lemon puree finished with a buttermilk snow this scallop has been cooked perfectly the peas very sweet you've got them at their best but the lemon puree for me and your buttermilk takes this plate of food to another level when you've added the extra touches that are you you elevate your cooking and it leaves a really big smile on my face thank you thank you very much the snow is delicious because it adds the coldness to the dish you've got the lovely sweet bitterness of the lemon and of course the natural sweetness of those scallops leaks peas again layer on layer on layer on layer of fabulous flavor great job it's a stunningly good dish that's a pretty decent start mate isn't it for his Mane Mark has cooked fillet of beef with a bone marrow crust and glazed beef short rib he's serving it with Heritage carrots salt baked roasted candied and pickled the charcoal Emulsion and a bone marrows sauce I think this is outstanding work it really is beautiful food this beef is delicious that short rib literally does melt in your mouth you don't need to chew it it literally just falls apart and melts into your mouth charcoal Emulsion I don't know Cook's brain that can work this out but that is also delicious it's a slight bit as if something come from a barbecue it's a delicious intriguing beautiful looking very clever plate of food and I feel myself very lucky to be sitting here cuz that is exceptional you got one vegetable on this plate and that's carrots you've sort baked a carrot there's roasted carrot there's carrots that have been pickled and every one of them you know has brought a different flavor element to the eating of this beef dish it's so so so clever thank you the idea of the dish is fabulous the choice of beef is interesting the fet of beef is never always big flavored meat but we've enhanced it by adding the rib onto the plate as well the charcoal idea is brilliant sometimes when we add charcoal into a dish it can completely overpowering but I think you got the balance absolutely right I think the sauce is delicious but I think it lacks a touch of salt this is the final and I'm going to look for the final details okay finally Mark's dessert is an elder flour panacotta topped with a vanilla parfait wrapped in strawberry jelly poach strawberries granola yogurt and Gooseberry jelly it's served with a strawberry sbet and Candy floss and finished with a Goosey sauce that reminds me of a Christmas snow globe I want to pick it up and shake it see if the bits move it's so clever to have such a sharp Goosey syrup that you're then pouring over the candy floss and and how that just then comes together I think is it's just lovely amazing I love the idea of the granola it brings the texture to the dish and the little salt that you get in the back of this dish is clever the one thing that we really love about creativity and restauran thing and delivering plates of food is a fantastic theater that comes with it you certainly delivered that today thank you that is an incredible taste Journey it's not oversweet the flavor of that is bigger than its size I think that's incredibly clever ever and very very moish I'd probably have that and order another one mark from your very first dis that you presented to us I knew you were always going to be in the final I can smell a good Chef when I when there's one in front of me and you are a very good Chef one thing I'll say to you whatever happens today you're going to be a star of the future you really are well done great job thank [Music] you Gaz where the money done then I'm done Scott please come and join us all right Chef yeah I will be when this is over Scott is serving a starter of brind and charred Cornish mackerel topped with salt baked kabi and powder and finished with pickled cucumber and a cucumber Essence is so appealing to the eye it's so pretty so beautiful when you add your sauce to it it brings another element to it it just finishes off it's perfect it's lovely that's very good absolutely really really good the mackel is just melt in the mouth the kabi is fabulous and it really adds a fabulous Harmony texture and but the most important the flavor to this dish you've not smothered the mackerel with the flavor of kabi thank you it's so clever it's so light yet packs so many light flavors there is just nothing I can fault on this plate of food I don't want to find anything actually to fault on here it's a great of food I've enjoyed eating it it's a shame it's one of the last ones I'm going to have from you pretty dish interesting dish unusual dish delicious dish Scott's main course is roast cornfed chicken and comfi chicken wings served with a potato toine charred buttered and blanched leaks a ton withth cheese sauce truff full pesto and a chicken Jew your chicken is buttery and soft it it's delicious there's good seasoning throughout your potatoes are soft as well I really like the hint of cheese that I get and I like the way you've charred the leaks and how soft they are I love those flavors when I got a little bit of truffle it took me to a magical place there isn't in my opinion enough truffle on that plate I have to agree with Greg more truffle than you know if you're going to put it on here smack it on there I think the potato terine is delicious melts in the mouth I think it's a great dish it's delicious okay Scott I really like the way these two sources work together but there's a lot going on on this dish and and what I was hoping for here was a refined fine dining plate of food you have all the elements here on the plate but it's just not as refined as I would have liked it to have been from you finally for his dessert Scott has made a lemon parfait served with fennel merang tubes candied fennel fenel pollen crunch olive oil jelly olive oil and lemon powder and a sheep's yogurt granate your dessert looks stunning it's one of those desserts they put down and you just go wow that's the W fact they right there in front of you that is magnificent I love that olive oil jelly with a little bit of lemon in it I love it but what I really love is the fenel flavor licorice flavored spongy tubes I think that's delightful not what I expected at all a real surprise and A really lovely surprise that is brilliantly clever je the fennel the lemon parfait is delicious the crunch underneath the merang your Decor the plate choice I could just go on and on and on that's a good dessert thank you well done I love the lemon that's so sharp in the pafa and then the hints of the candied fenel that's coming through the saltiness in the biscuit and then there's the hints of the olive oil that's coming through it it's such an accomplished dessert I think You' finished on such a high note being a pleasure to eat your food and I'm going to miss doing it thank [Music] okay [Music] glad I love that um over the moon with the comments I'm really like proud of that dessert it's one I've had in me booked for quite a while I'm really glad that Monica Marcus and Greg got to taste it so happy [Music] days that was the nice bit now comes the tough bit ready for a punch up y I'll referee you and Mony okay we'll call you back in once we've made the decision the last decision off you go chefs thank you very very much [Music] indeed [Music] that was wonderful I think there were dishes there that could Grace the tables of any restaurant up and down the country I'm really mean that yeah I wouldn't disagree with you on that one Greg great cooking Great Cooks and a fabulous day in the kitchen all Three Chefs did a great job they did didn't they they really really did all three of us love watching Nick cook he cooks with such passion such a look of Joy on his face and that shows in his food is so in love with his craft and what he does he has so much enjoyment when he's cooking it's about bringing that love and enjoyment to the people he's cooking for no matter what happens today I think we've all won but I be I'm dead Chu with it and uh yeah to get that try be the icing on the cake I think Mark really showed his class here today it was off the scale Mark is Star Quality Chef who is delivered at such high levels all the way through the competition very very solid talented talented cup I'm massively proud I'm proud of what I've achieved it'd be incredible to be called champion it's just been such a tiring exhausting but fun competition to be part of so it would just top everything off what got's done is grow develop and come to life maybe this is the chef that was never really told how good he really was once he's got a little taste look at what he's just grown into he's such a talented Chef he's got to have a great future future of course I want to win it because it's taken over my life for the last month and a half it has been really tough but I give it my all today and let's see what [Music] happens it was always going to come down to this we have to pick one winner from three extraordinary extraordinary chefs who do you feel in your heart is our champion I feel there is one Chef that has stood out I agree I think we are talking about the same Chef I think we know exactly who our champion is right [Music] now [Music] it has been a fantastic competition and this today was a celebration of kinary art you've done your family proud and you've made yourselves proud and you certainly made me proud We have made a decision [Music] our professional master cheft champion for 2015 [Music] is mock [Music] in the he told us not to blow it he knows [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's I'm really proud of myself obviously I wanted to win it for my family more than anything but I can still hold my head up high and say I've done all right I'm a little bit sad I didn't get to lift the trophy but I've left the competition on some great comments from the judges again and in my eyes Mark thoroughly deserves to win it I'm really happy to lose to Chef like now I can't believe [Music] it waiting in the he like to come and meet us but he thinks he blow our mind [Music] waiting in the US not to blow it he [Music] knows [Music] lose Master Chef Champion well deserved thank you you've done an amazing amazing job well done you are an incredible Chef an incredible Chef well done his food is fabulous I think this Chef has got such a great feature ahead of him what a talent I know one thing if that chef ever opens up his own restaurant I would love to be the first [Music] customer I'm massively proud of myself it's uh been such a long journey well yeah it's been phenomenal from the start I've always been the pretty Stern one so you you've got some emotion out of me now there's a St man waiting in the sky he'd like to come and meet us but he thinks he blow our mind there's a star man waiting in the sky he us not to blow it cuz he knows it's all qu over let the children lose it let the children use it let all the children [Music] do
Channel: MasterChef UK
Views: 16,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Celebrity MasterChef, Gregg Wallace, John Torode, MasterChef, MasterChef Celebrity, MasterChef UK, best dishes on masterchef, best masterchef dishes, cooking competition, how to cook, master chef, masterchef best dishes, masterchef uk, masterchef uk dishes
Id: jzUzBEIxtkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 50sec (3530 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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