"Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" | Season 14 | Week 9 | Episode 41-45 "SECOND CHANCE WEEK"

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you know what they say if at first you don't succeed try try again and that's why we've invited a few folks who had some tough luck their first time here to come back today and take another shot at that million dollars its second chance week on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Applause] I'm Chris Harrison welcome to the show are you guys ready to play millionaire today very special day I am excited about this our first contestant is a risk taker who gambled his way to the $500,000 question took a chance and lost two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars he didn't come back to the money he wants Redemption he's here to beat the game today I can't wait for this from Lake Bluff Illinois please welcome back Justin Peters [Music] [Applause] are you you're just gonna leave the horse there you're not gonna tie it up listen said Morris's waiting for me to come back and right into Google feet of peppermints as we go today that's good welcome back man it's really a pleasure to meet you I know it's second chance week but it's our first chance to meet and play together so welcome back to millionaire it's so good to be here so surreal but it feels right like I'm home I'm back home yeah what emotion comes up when this comes up that was the question I mean I understand why like the Revolutionary War happened after like I tell you that well how have you thought about that quite happened and dreamt about that question I've dreamt about it I've stayed up nights you know thinking about it and ultimately what this is is like this is a victory for me looking at this you know it's a life-changing moment what happened because what happened after you left this stage and in the days and weeks that followed at first I was beating myself up as you do you know you leaving life-changing money on the table this sort of money that would you know allow you to 225 thousand dollars a lot of money that there's more money than I like would make in many years you know but like then I realized it's not the money that's gonna change your life you know it's a tolerance for risk it really is and that was the lesson that was my great gift after your not being on this show discovering that I had it in me to take a chance and go do something that I wasn't sure I would succeed at you know and that once I realized that that's what happened like that's the takeaway it's been transformative it really has the interesting question for me today with you if you get to that precipice again if you're standing on the edge do you take that step again we'll see we'll have to see can't answer that now the only way to find out is get there so let me tell you what you're up against 14 questions the money value is growing from $500 all the way up to $1,000,000 every question you answer correctly moves you one step closer to that top prize remember at any time you can walk away with the money you've earned up to that point I don't know if you will but you can that horse is out of the barn is right behind me and of course any question you get wrong you'll walk away with nothing until you get to those thresholds there's two of them $5,000 then again at $50,000 also you have your three lifelines this audience will help you with one of the questions 5050 we take away two incorrect answers and the +1 who do you get as the plus one who's helping you I got my friend Dan he's my college roommate he's sitting right there we're jug at a school Cornell heard of it pretty in school maybe you've heard of it yeah welcome to the show and welcome back to the show Thank You Justin I've been looking forward to this so let's do it let's do it let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Applause] the all-important first step $500 question is right here though they're often said to be eating for to the National Institutes of Health actually recommends just 300 extra calories per day for whom pregnant women identical twins personal assistants double agents I'm often said that I'm eating for two but that's just because I'm a disgusting glutton I'm not on that board so it's obviously a pregnant women final answer of course that's honestly that has to be the other nightmare that everybody that is a nightmare of like garbage is why when they bring him back right who he's up got five hundred bucks in the bank let's add it up baby steps yeah alright second question thousand dollars is right here a specialist who might have helpful advice for dog owners an archaeologist is an expert on what nests these ticks ants I don't have a dog I don't have ticks nets these are ants it's an imaginary horse yeah just an imaginary horse who loved me very much it does he told me he doesn't talk to me it does he talks let's go see it sticks final answer exactly right $1,000 $2,000 question here you go the chess term checkmate is thought to derive from the Persian phrase Chaumont which is loosely translated as what the night is gallant the queen is hot the pawn is clueless the king is dead king is dead the final answer so if that's not the case today that's right that stopped $3,000 question there you go to keep others from using them in 2015 lawyers for a billionaire ex politician reportedly bought up dozens of domain names including which of the following Swartz and Egger is a dope cow Clinton is a jerk arc Bloomberg is a wiener dot NYC nadir is a fraud WDC the only billionaire on that board Michael Bloomberg former mayor of New York I'm not a voting man our really a man who pays attention to the news have no idea whether or not he is a weiner I know if I was a rich man who had ambitions of running duck for office I wouldn't want people to call me a weiner yeah it's C Bloomberg as a waiter NYC was bought that's right next questions not only worth $5,000 it's also that first threshold we talked about that you can reach and so here it is your $5,000 question which jovial mythical figure has been described as a convenient deity invented by the ancients as an excuse for getting drunk Apollo Seiden a Festus Bacchus Bacchus the god or patron or whatever they were backdated back then of grapes and wine and merriment and getting drunk yeah it's D I'll lock it in final answer it's also good wine that's right that is the threshold that something tells me this guy doesn't care about reaching that first threshold he cares about nine questions from now can he get there we're gonna find out next [Applause] what about the who wants to be a millionaire you don't often get second chances in life but here a millionaire you do Justin Peters you made it all the way to that half a million dollar question you've been here before you want a Redemption and you are back and I it's funny you keep telling me this is just surreal it's so weird to be back it really is it's the sort of thing where you know it doesn't happen at all for most people yeah and when it does happen for people like it certainly doesn't like happen again but now I'm here you know it's happening again for me this is your second chance to get Redemption and take a shot at the board here right now you're at $5,000 that is a threshold so you are safe with that you have all three of your lifelines but again as I said going into break there I don't think you're here to hit that first threshold I know where you want to go yeah so let's get back to it let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Applause] next stop $7,000 here's the question which popular food chain refers to it's three portion sizes as like it love it and gotta have it Domino's Pizza Cold Stone Creamery Cinnabon Panda Express its Cold Stone Creamery though it's the sort of mixed in ice cream place and they do that sort of thing where like they give things like names to make ice cream even more delightful yeah it's beat Cold Stone Creamery final answer I like it love it and I got to have it that's right [Applause] [Music] it's gonna be interesting to see how things change with you as we go further yeah I gotta get even more manic in unlikeable school alright step up to five figures here $10,000 here's the question [Music] according to the LA Times as he was possibly worth over 200 billion upon his death in 2011 what Libyan dictator may have been the richest man in the world has Hosny Mubarak Yasser Arafat bull market avi amede Karzai Hamid Karzai was and possibly still is the President of Afghanistan Yasser Arafat are Arafat is Palestine right Hosny Mubarak was president of Egypt the only outlandishly flamboyant and apparently ridiculously rich deceased Libyan dictator on this Florida see it's Qaddafi final answer you know the facts you just spelled them out and that's right $10,000 and you're halfway home let's get there let's get that Chris let's go all the way home $10,000 chance to double your money right here $20,000 question is up next [Music] Francophiles who can't afford the trip to paris can still enjoy their favorite language in all but which of these countries where French is an official tongue South Africa Luxembourg Ivory Coast Haiti so another name for Ivory Coast is cote de bois that's French Haiti is a francophone country Luxembourg I'm not positive but it's a french-speaking country but it's right in there right it's one of those little countries that probably is near France if I had to guess in typical guessing is what I'm doing right now I don't know but I do know that you know South Africa it's an english-speaking country and as far as I know there was never any sort of French influence there so it's a it's South Africa yeah final answer you have a lot of facts every time you guess that's right [Applause] Justin Peters is back for a second chance is crossed the halfway mark six away from a million all three lifelines can do it [Applause] [Music] what a doctor wants to be a millionaire Justin Peters is here on second chance week at millionaire and so far he's taking advantage of that second shot he's at $20,000 here at $20,000 you are six away from the million two away from the next threshold of $50,000 I have noticed the more we get into this the more nervous you've gotten the tougher it is to pull the trigger on these questions yeah are you feeling that listen I'm feeling good I got all my lifelines left I've basically known all of those questions so far but that's where they trip you up right when you got a question that looks like it's something you basically know and then the next time your next thing you know you're riding your imaginary horse off into the sunset hopefully hopefully trigger here is gonna ride you off with a million dollars so far you have been fantastic you've played this game great but again you played it great before yeah we all know what happened hopefully were history will not repeat itself no that's make history Chris let's make history and let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Applause] thirty thousand dollar question here it is as Phoenix Mercury fans know Britney Griner the first openly gay athlete to get an endorsement deal with Nike plays what professional sport soccer hockey volleyball basketball I know this Brittney Griner is a very fine athlete she I think was one of the first female basketball players to actually be on record is like dunkey a basketball it's it's deep Brittney Griner is a basketball player final answer yeah she was dunking back at Baylor University one [Applause] one away from the $50,000 500 million just five more questions that's next [Applause] here's your question of the day in Germany a pig mercedes-benz is awarded to top sales representatives of what US based beauty products company Clinique Mary Kay Estee Lauder or Revlon stay tuned for the answer the answer to that question was Mary Kay [Applause] what about the Nords to be a millionaire its second-chance week here at millionaire and that's why Justin Peters is back and now you're at $30,000 and I'm sure I'm sure it's not lost on you know that you have now broken your record oh yeah left here with 25,000 right you now have more in your bank than you left with last time even though you had a shot at half a million dollars that's right no you listen it feels good like about 30 it's more than 25 you know it all sits 425 fifty that's right hundred then to 55 away from that million dollars but as you said next stop is fifty thousand dollars that is also the second and last threshold that safety net that you can get to so we got to get this next one right and here we go let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire all right Justin $50,000 question in January of 1944 Mont resident Ida fuller officially became the first recipient of what Medicare Life magazine Social Security the Sears catalog so my gut says Social Security like the first Soviet security card you can definitely eliminate V or D it's neither of those Medicare I don't think it's I don't think it's Medicare wow this is the sort of things now it's start is getting real all right I'm gonna bring my plus one doc I'm gonna bring Dan down yours yeah and bring down on an idol yeah fun all right Dan [Music] apparently you're from Vermont I do man granted in 1940 was 40 years before I was born so listen I don't really know the answer here but I'm kind of willing interested in talking through it's always seems to me like like that Social Security is something that you actually receive you get a check whereas Medicare it's a health care plan I don't know how any one person can ever be first recipient of Medicare you're totally roy's means you go to the doctor instead I was thinking to step on out Life magazine or this year's cattle and for awesome is that would have been yeah pretty sure first step in a black magazine you know what trust you you look you dress very well you know it inspires confidence and then untucked polo shirt and jeans yeah compared to usual you're right though it's subtle security I probably should have save you I'm hear that from the start let's lock it in that's uh let's go for it see such a security final answer [Music] you just got to $50,000 [Applause] Dustin [Applause] means that time is up for today but Justin Peters is not going anywhere here's four questions away from a millions of dollars second chance leap right here at million that's what it's all about thank you so much for watching forever he's been a part of this one I'm Chris Harrison we're gonna see you next time [Applause] [Applause] [Music] welcome to a very special show it's second chance week and we have a player who is just four questions away from $1,000,000 can he do it we'll find out right now on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm Chris Harrison welcome to a very special show today are you guys ready to play millionaire because that's exactly what we're playing today's millionaire after gambling and losing $225,000 on our show our returning contestant was given a chance at redemption now he's just four questions away from finally taking home that million dollar prize from Lake Bluff Illinois please welcome Justin Peters Tammy what timing okay [Music] Justin I've been working on our improv act together is it we're working up a king yeah it's not it's not completely done welcome back thanks it's really good welcome back again again come back back yeah this is the second chance now third time week last time you were here on our show you reach that half-a-million dollar threshold you were right there yeah and you went for it tried to grab that brass ring and you missed I did and this is a very familiar feeling and this is so weird I was walking into this show and I was thinking so much of this is dependent on luck I'm gonna get a question that I don't know and flameout it like the $7,000 question but I'm climbing this ladder and I've got two lifelines left and now the question is what happens if I hit that big question again you know I love about you many things how crazy you are but you're having so much fun you're able to really enjoy this moment which I wasn't sure if you would be able to do coming back and trying to get Redemption a lot of times there is a purpose to that you know sometimes it takes the joy out of that but you're enjoying this I got to explain Redemption to me isn't winning the money that I lost I would love to have like that money that's not that's not Redemption Redemption is being able to just come back here and play the game and play it the way I play it without fear I mean without taking like completely unnecessary risk if I absolutely don't know a question then we'll see what happens the redemption is it get to play again and hopefully get a chance to win the whole thing well this has been fascinating to go through this journey with you again yeah listen this is one of the most surreal sort of experiences of my life still I guess not surreal like the walls aren't melting and there's no trains coming through not yet the fireplace might very real this is one of the realest experience in my life without that right now you're at $50,000 that is a lot of money and I get to keep that you are just four questions away from 1 million [Applause] and if you just alluded to I love starting a show by saying Justin you're at least winning $50,000 state nothing can take that away from you to catch you up to date on your lifelines you have two left this audience you can ask them to help you on one and then the 50-50 will take away two incorrect answers that's what's left for question stands between you and a million dollars shall we let's do it let's do it or for real this time all right let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Applause] the first step today is six figures $100,000 question is right here while each is featured on at least 500 stations which of these does the 2015 World Almanac not list as one of the top four radio formats in the u.s. country top 40 news talk sports here it is I've been waiting for this here it is here's a question that I really don't know but I can talk this through I wasn't sure if one of those even existed right what's a radio get me out of here no all right well each is featured on at least 500 stations which of these does the 2015 World Almanac not list is one of the top four radio formats in the US I'm gonna use my 50/50 funnel yeah okay let's help him out here let's take away two incorrect answers please top 40 and sports this makes it a little bit easier for me because you've got the top 40 format you've got the entire FM dial to do play with right I'll figure there's probably at least 20 to 30 you know stations on FM and at that point probably at least a quarter of those are playing top 40 that 40 hits sports radio that basically is restricted to the am band right and in any given like market even like in New York like the biggest media market like in the country as far as you know there's only one dedicated sports section so what the question is asking is there's this book the World Almanac and it has four sort of stations four formats listed as the top four and though every answer on this board that I saw it has at least 500 stations one of them is maybe top five or top six or top seven my strong hunch is sports that sports is not one of the top four radio formats in the US huh so here's the deal here's $50,000 talk to me the good news is you can't lose anything on this question as far as money goes what you are losing is the shot to go for the million if you give me an incorrect answer this is a free look essentially at a hundred thousand dollar question and I don't want to still have one more life line you have the audience I don't want to burn down I want to keep that in reserve just in case and I'm I got a strong hunch on this we'll see let's see if I'm right I walk in deep sports final answer all right Justin for away from a million a chance to get to that million dollar prize [Music] it's not going to happen this time either the answer is B top 40 top 40 is actually number seven just gimme Peters back for a second shot this time you are leaving with 50,000 50,000 of money it was a pleasure playing this game with you glad you came dr. billionaire and we're going to come back to millionaire someone else you getting the second shot at redemption next [Applause] welcome back there who wants to be a millionaire our next contestant couldn't have imagined today in her wildest dreams but she's really here and on her birthday no less a second chance on millionaire is not a bad gift from Albuquerque New Mexico please welcome Leanne Roberts thank you so much no stranger to this stage that's not a chance week yeah but first of all happy birthday and I got you something I didn't know how to gift wrap it so here it is this is the question right yes is the question yes it is ah what emotions I hate that bring up it was boy that was I was confused I didn't focus on the right part of the question I focused on the walking dead part instead of the former name of Atlanta and I think about this too it's not like some obscure reference right I'm sure you have heard Walking Dead a million times yes since it I mean that's got to just bring up horrible agree for like two months after I was on everywhere I went bumper stickers t-shirts right started airing on one of the local TV stations and I was like every time I turn this though you know yeah so yeah it was it was it was a tough especially the first couple weeks after I was on the show but I got over it it's like okay I have my shot I'll never do millionaire again but you know I had a lot of fun and then you left here with $1,000 I did I did well today it was my sincere hope that you do much better especially on your birthday thank you what a great day to say you know what a million dollars oh yeah this is alright before we get to that let me tell you what you're up against 14 questions from $500 all the to that $1,000,000 of course you have your three lifelines you know how those work so let's get this second chance birthday edition a millionaire off to a good start right here let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire first step $500 here's your questions with events such as paper airplane throwing blowing bubbles and performances in sign language Ocean City New Jersey is home to what November Festival the quiet festival a loud festival the darkness festival the brightness festival see I am going to say a fine quiet festival final answer sounds like a wonderful festival it does and now with your second question a chance to match your lifetime earnings on millionaire he left with a thousand this is your thousand dollar question here it is according to a recent study conducted by Netflix 34 percent of parents tricked their children into believing which of the following on New Year's Eve it's later than it really is New Year's isn't real it becomes a year earlier at midnight time is a patriarchal social construct okay um the one seems more logical because you want to get your kids into bed is a it's later than it really is final answer [Music] you did $1,000 now to break that barrier wide open your third question $2,000 here it is owned by a tire company the spirit of America and the spirit of innovation are both what kind of vehicle seat plane blimp hovercraft battleship I have seen at least one of these at one point in my life and it is the final answer but yeah they are blimps that's right $2,000 land you're off and running here's your $3,000 question what classic 1982 film reportedly used real skeletons in its memorable swimming pool scene because they were cheaper than the prop version the world according to GARP the tutsi poltergeist Porky's I think my my fear of clowns stems from seeing this movie it's see poltergeist final answer oh and the scene in the pool of the skeletons right and now knowing that they were real skeletons that's even worse yeah that's creepy the up all night tonight now thank you very much okay this next step $5,000 but it's also that first threshold that you can reach so here you go $5,000 question while in the hospital recovering from a heart attack which President was given a pair of red pajamas with five gold stars on the collar by the White House press corps Harry Truman Dwight Eisenhower Theodore Roosevelt Jimmy Carter let's see Eisenhower was in general World War two famous general and he did spend some time in the hospital after a heart attack while he was president so I mean who would be Dwight Eisenhower final answer that is exactly right [Applause] I promise you you are now leaving millionaire with more money than you left off last time you're here but she can do better we're going to next [Applause] [Music] welcome back to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire very special week it's second chance week so we brought back Leanne Roberts who got eight questions in a millionaire but left with $1,000 well you just cracked the $5,000 threshold so you're at least going home with five grand I don't know what your plans were last time with the money but are they the same and what would you do with the money they are actually the same as they were last time my husband and I enjoy traveling our kids are grown and we would like to do some voluntourism basically going somewhere either domestically or internationally where we can help some people out get to see somewhere different and make a difference I think a $5,000 you off to a good start I think yeah so with three lifelines I think we can step it up a bit so let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Riley and $7,000 question is up next here it is according to the website wine folly while the rest are used for red wines which of these terms is generally used to describe the taste of a white wine tobacco muscular buttery leather okay I see this one used for Chardonnay I'm going to say see buttery final answer sounds good about now that's right [Applause] $7,000 now your $10,000 question is right here [Music] as part of their black heritage collection the United States Postal Service sells stamps honoring shirley Chisholm who in 1968 became the first black woman to do what compete and the LPGA be elected to Congress win a Nobel Prize teach at Harvard University shirley Chisholm was a pretty amazing woman she was really a pioneer she was the first black woman to be elected to Congress so I'm going to say be final answer she was and you're right [Applause] so far treant is taking full advantage of her second chance here on millionaire or will she go [Applause] here's your question of the day according to Bloomberg com in what country do adult diapers outsell baby diapers thanks to 23% of its population being over the age of 65 Russia Japan United Kingdom or Brazil the answer to that question was Japan [Applause] one of Doctor Who Wants to Be a Millionaire second-chance week here Lee Ann Roberts $10,000 where you are you have all your lifelines you said this is more nerve-wracking than the first time yeah a little bit um I mean I never thought I'd have this chance again so I I don't want to blow it you have not you've done a superb job you're doing great now a chance to double your money so let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire chance to take that account up to $20,000 here's the question since its official name isn't French going to MSF org sends you to what organization's website Habitat for Humanity World Wildlife Fund Doctors Without Borders Amnesty International well I'm not gonna try to pronounce the MSF but I know a lot of people do charity work for them they make crafts blankets and different things it's see Doctors Without Borders final answer you just doubled your money that's right [Applause] she's at 20,000 but that means time is up [Applause] going anywhere birthday girl she's a twenty thousand all of her life line she's six awaiting for the million could she be the one I sure hope so thanks for watching today for everyone who's been a part of this one I'm Chris Harrison we're gonna see you next time [Applause] everybody makes mistakes especially on this show and sometimes you just wish you can have it do-over well today that wish is coming true for a few of our players whose first visit here was one they'd rather forget its second chance sweetie on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Music] billionaire today our returning contestant is back for a second day and she's already correctly answered more questions this time around and quite effortlessly I might add from Albuquerque New Mexico please welcome back Leanne Roberts last time you were on millionaire you got to that eighth question didn't work out so well you left at $1,000 this time you got to that eight question you nailed it and you got up to $20,000 that's how the two experiences differ so far Wow well I was definitely a little more nervous this time don't want to blow it but so far so good it's in it's been a whole lot of fun and I'm looking forward to keeping on plan as I said you're a $20,000 you are six questions away from the million dollars and also something very interesting you have all three lifelines and the reason I say interesting we also have lifelines as you're headed into that eighth question last time yes I did what happened well I came back and I hadn't used one right away I jump the question and then on my the question nine yes I asked the audience because it was a question involving the Walking Dead [Music] a change yeah I want to be your plus-one this my little community you're coming anyway study guys better than the last one yeah exactly your class timings pretty sure you do have all three of those Lightbody yeah they're available you're in $20,000 okay shall we continue let's do it all right good luck to me unless play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire we pick up with a thirty thousand dollar question because they benefited greatly from his discoveries scientists Lilly Elmo Marconi who was once awarded a gold medal by home suffragettes survivors in the Titanic d-day soldiers the crew of Apollo 11 leaving one way here I'm not absolutely sure I think that one use what give me 50 on this let's take away two incorrect answers police survivors of the Titanic and d-day soldiers is what you love it yeah okay it helped a little bit it wasn't the one I was thinking it might be exactly I [Music] think I asked my plus one and then come down yes all right let's bring down that handsome husband here's Russ had the best of luck with plus ones rushing home yeah what do you think my first thought was survivors of the Titanic because they were a little closer to what happened with Marconi's I mentioned a soldier the other thought is that it seems like soldiers are more the type to award a medal and survivors of the Titanic a honorary memo is for things like that though for the you know they would like you have a subscription and collect money and give somebody a metal forgetting of Titanic Titanic survivors live again that that's kind of the kind of sentimental gesture that they went on through at that time so I'm leaning toward B but what do you think oh gee okay well then I am going to say these survivors of the Titanic final answer you guys can stay together research help find the sinking ship Roger sir we still have some more work to do down here here $30,000 next stop is not only $50,000 but it's also that second threshold you could get to okay you wanted some money to take some trips with your husband well I would think $50,000 you know to get somewhere with that yeah all right okay you ready to take that next step I'm Annie here is your $50,000 question [Music] while he's been a few cameos who the following has not posted Saturday Night Live since being fired from the show in 1995 Norma Donnelly Adam Sandler Chris Wragge Mike Myers [Music] I'm gonna use my last month one and that's the audience okay I'm not sure yeah it's fine okay audience we could use a little help here so if you would pick up those keypads and enter your vote now all right Leanne let's take a look at the results exactly the confidence you wanted to see how the or McDonald does hold a slight edge 2% right over Adam Sandler 35 and 33% Wow notice again about 80 where the to know it's going back and forth between putting up this rock with fennel and recently I know my players and that was your last line right again your $30,000 you can always walk away we got about a bunny but this is a chance to get to 50 which is that next threshold right then there's a free look at the hundred and you know how this goes yeah flipside incorrect answer you're risking $25,000 now yeah tons of money for us it's tempting to go for it but I don't think I can risk and I hate to do it but I think I'm gonna have to walk away bottom yeah it's my final all right Leigh Ann congratulations [Applause] if you take it back actually I'm sailor [Music] [Music] our next contestant is a philosopher who fought his way to the $100,000 question and was almost a hundred percent certain he had the right answer it was a painful moment but to this day he still doesn't regret his decision to go for it and he intends on making the most out of his second chance from Park Slope New York please welcome James Robb I was watching back your show and I could see just how certain you were accidents put it up this is the question $100,000 it I mean you were dead certain this is it yeah it wasn't yeah that's how it goes you know it's a philosopher I realize that there are times where you have to go for things based on what you believe and in this case I was misinformed watch too much of the news he always said that Iraq about the size of Texas was like that has to be yet I didn't do you know I'm back what does that do for your strategy and your thinking coming into a second chance because again you were so certain does it make you second-guess or take more time well I might take a little bit more time on things that I'm really certain about but I know that I have to be confident in my intellect I have to draw upon my knowledge work things out and go forward you know I can't be timid about this you know we should favors the bold well because and that is true and it actually served me very well because you still had to get to that 100,000 exactly to play a great game let's see if we can't get further today all right I think we can I'm glad to have you back let me tell you what you're up against 14 crosses from $500 all the way up to that $1,000,000 yeah so it gets right to it let's play it wants to be a billionaire [Music] five hundred dollar question here it is referring to something that can't be unsaid or undone you spill the beans is another common way of saying you what let the cowboy out of the Sun up let the cat out of the bag work the clown out of the kitchen let the leprechaun out of the limo that's gonna be B let the cat out of the bag yeah of course that's right I do let the clown out of the kitchen man yeah let's start that here let's see if we can go question two worth a thousand dollars and here it is to promote its recent event featuring a pipe organ marathon a new york city radio stations website depicted a composer of a disco ball and the phrase bringing sexy what Bach Mozart and Beethoven no I like Big Chill bit more but the answer is egg talk fun let's bring in sexy bond that's right two down third question here's a two thousand dollar question in one of tonight's show card game did Chris Hemsworth beat Jimmy Fallon's 10 with a queen and then total liquid in his face Gary no fish water war all Milwaukee made so Eric acid solitaire I also watching your prior show I noticed your run to stop with you yeah the famous stung all right no I'm gonna break this wait this entire set up on 1 million I did my homework by watching yourself I reinforced the stage but Bob there you go always be a step ahead of your contestant all right all right next time dollar question here we go hey terrific it could be because you have learning disorder often known as math dyslexia dissing Vivian dyskinesia just got Julia dissing sickly up it's funny my mom come to us it's C dyscalculia we just kind of have a bourbon in a good way yeah $3,000 way to go next stop 5,000 it's also that first question you can get to in this game here's your $5,000 question partly because it usually contains nitrocellulose a flammable ingredient used in dynamite which beauty products should never be near an open flame is it moisturizer mascara shaving gel or nail polish I'm gonna go with nail polish deep final answer now it's locked in there's no glove back this game is all about taking risks apparently you're trying to save those lifelines but you didn't need to use one that's right to the second chance we are who wants to be a millionaire James Roe is back for a little Redemption right now he's up to $5,000 all those lifelines is he hoped to stomp your way all the way up to that million dollar question that's for sure are you ready to continue stomping I am alright let's do it let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Music] next stop $7,000 here it is after the Catholic Church forgave the band for saying they were more popular than Jesus Vatican city's newspaper named what one of the best pop albums ever Pet Sounds Hotel California revolver never mind I haven't really like this fans it's the Beatles and the only one on this list that is a Beatles album is revolver so I'm going to shoot this question down see final answer did the Vatican like the Beatles apparently $10,000 next question here it is Nick need the bone shaker which of these is an early precursor to the modern bicycle and not a dinosaur astronaut diplodocus philosophy is arab inator this is interesting this isn't interesting you know I'm pretty sure about a and V artifact artisans or related creatures germinator and philosophy velocipede means speak speak I'm going to go with C velocipede and that's going to be my final answer this point you're risking $2,000 just to leave here with five but you're moving on to ten [Music] take advantage of the second chance so far up to $10,000 you know I think I've gotta hold on to them and so I really need them I really thought I knew those ones all right grouping right apparently you did $10,000 where you are again you do have all three of those lifelines and you're halfway up the tree and it's seven questions left to get to that million so let's continue let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire money $20,000 question is right here if you want what Americans call Canadian bacon when you're traveling in Canada you should ask for it by what common name front bacon rump bacon back bacon cleanser bacon I happen to notice because I really like bacon I like to bake into us I'm gonna have to go with seat back bacon and for all my Canadian friends that I have I got a hunch enough final answer who doesn't love bacon it's so good [Music] today we're not done with you my friend all those lines six away by the million to six away to get its large next time [Music] anybody can have a bad day and we here at the show know that as well as anyone that's why today we're letting players who ran into some bad luck the first time around take another crack at that million dollars its second chance week on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Chris Harrison welcome to the show are you guys ready for millionaire today that's good because we got a great game going our returning contestant is a philosopher who believes that fortune favors the bold and so far he taken many risks that have all paid off he six questions away from the million he has all his lifelines so let's bring him out from Park Slope New York please welcome back James row James is back Brian you know all the folks that have come back here on second chance week it's been a pleasure to have all of you first of all thank you but most of them all say to me I never thought I'd get this opportunity mm-hmm do you feel the same way you know I don't actually as soon as I was a as soon as I came off the show last time I had this weird feeling like you know maybe I'm gonna get a second chance you know I was still happy with the 25,000 event you know I had that feeling like a guardian angel was talking in my ear but most importantly you have played this game very well so far but again your six questions away from that million dollars and I know that's where you want to be that's where I want to be all right stop it out evie 20,000 all your lifelines are there so let's continue let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Music] [Applause] we pick up with a thirty thousand dollar question here we go despite wholly being the size of Maine what country has 117 Little League World Series the most of any nation besides the u.s. Israel ghana sri lanka taiwan i happen to be a huge baseball fan I love the Yankees always have my family always has this is a big thing I also happen to know that the Taiwanese kids are fantastic at Little League baseball a lot of major leaguers are coming from them now it was a Taiwanese player on the Yankees a couple years back so I am pretty damn confident on this one I was confident last time - yep but I think I'm gonna stomp home on this one d Taiwan final answer your pre stomping now yeah luckily you're right [Applause] you're free stumping you have three stopping up on this one at least just to remind everybody the last time you were on millionaire you were pretty confident when you got to $300,000 question yeah that's true the next step here is 50,000 it's also the second threshold you can get to mm-hmm so here it is your $50,000 question [Music] Hugh Hefner partially financed his first playboy issue with a $1,000 loan from a woman named Grace who is Grace his secretary his landlady his boss his mother secretary his landlady his boss or his mother now I kind of have an idea what this might be I have an inkling but you know I think I'm gonna have to take one lifeline on this okay I think I'm gonna bring my plus-one Gordon the Commons you know hash it out with me and see whether or not we can be sure of this all right who's Gordon Gordon is a family friend my mother's known him for years I've known him for a long time as well and he's a fantastic guy all right so our stores so final come on my god it alright Gordon what do you think I'm kind of torn between Secretariat mother yeah you know I have a feeling that I might be D as well I had that feeling that mother I seem to remember having read this somewhere maybe in another magazine of this none of this sort nothing lewd here I just read through articles I said yeah just read the articles right we're only interested on it's not naked Davis all right well you know I think given the position in the game that we're at given that this is a big question I think I'm going to have to use a second lifeline okay which one I think I'm gonna go for the the 50/50 and that's my final and let's help him out by taking away to incorrect answers please his boss is mother that's what you're left with okay well the one that we didn't think was the case or grab her one of the ones that we thought would be the case has been taken away right this boss or his mother I don't think it's this boss I don't think so either I don't think so either so I'm going to risk I'm gonna go for this one I think it's his mom I think it's D final answer last time you were confident as well this time it worked [Applause] you're still alive my mani that's next [Applause] [Music] welcome back to who wants to be a millionaire James Roe is back with this on second chance week and he just crossed that $50,000 threshold Friday that was a little more heavy lifting for you you had to use two lifelines to get there but again the most important thing is you did yep so you're alive in this game and you are now just four questions away from a million dollars that's what's left mm-hmm six figures is the next step the good news is you can't lose that 50 that you just got you ready I'm ready let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Applause] you've been here before I have this was the question here we go again $100,000 question to be the same question I don't think so here it is what urban metropolis is widely recognized as the only major US city founded by a woman San Francisco Miami Portland Minneapolis that is a difficult question San Francisco Miami Portland Minnie Annapolis oh wow this is a hard one no I'm hoping that there's some people in the audience we're actually from this town and who know what they're talking about in respect to this oh I really really really hope that there are some native born sons or daughters of this town in the audience because I am going to call in my final lifeline it pull the audience ask the audience okay final answer hold the audience all right audience you heard the man James needs your help so please pick up those keypads and enter your vote now all right James take a look at the board see what the audience says little staircase effect for you well they said 37% Minneapolis Portland right there with 30 and Miami all right well this is a pretty well this is a tough one because there's not a real consensus and as a lot of guesses I'd assume right so you're out of lifelines mm-hmm you're at 50,000 that is a threshold so you are guessing here but you're not losing any money but I know your goal to keep stomping yeah we're question stopping keep stomping the balls in your court my friend that is true you know I'm going to have to stand on my own two legs here I'm gonna have to go with my gut I'm gonna have to go with my guardian angel if she's be or Angels have a sex that Savannah should know it's a philosophy well they're in material beings they don't properly have sex you digress all right I Gress but I'm gonna have to go I'm gonna have to go I have to take a guess I have 30 percent of the people with me not 37 percent now I'm gonna go with Portland see and that is I really don't want this hundred thousand dollars to be my white whale you know I understand I don't want it to be my white whale but I got to go with Portland see final answer you've been here before $100,000 question and once again it's your undoing it's be Miami James your second shot and once again that darn hundred thousand dollar question there but this time you leave with $15,000 so congratulations when you come back we're playing more millionaire right out this [Applause] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire our next contestant has been married 52 years to his high school sweetheart right and he's always dreamed about being on millionaire that dream came true but he was ultimately tripped up by the hundred thousand dollar question now he's got another shot to win the million for the love of his life from Las Vegas Nevada please welcome back Dennis Stein I'm gonna save everybody a pleasure to me to serve you come on over [Applause] the triumphant return welcome back to millionaires here very much grace I want to put something up let's just rip the band-aid off oh this this was this was the question and and and rightfully so you're thinking went to that Beatle song Hey Jude and not Anna yeah you know it goes but it was centerfold no doubt you hear these songs all the time on the radio it's got to just haunt you this song has haunted me for a year when I got home the first thing I did was listen to Hey Jude to see why I was wrong the second thing I did was listen to centerfold that was the first and last time that I ever listened to that song and you have such a beautiful story I mean you heard the audience reaction fifty-two years of marriage to your beautiful wife yes congratulations she was my plus one last year she's my plus one this year she'll always be my plus one how do you top that well I know you have a lot of softies behind you today rooting for you both of you guys to get to that million dollars so let me tell you what you're up against fourteen questions from $500 all the way up to that 1 million of course you have your lifelines you know what those are about are you ready to play millionaire again I am ready okay let's do it let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire then it's good luck to you sir thank you very here five hundred dollar question is right here merriam-webster defines the last name of what oscar-winning star of the fighter has a large bundle of goods Christian Bale Denzel Heat Joaquim Peck Robert bushel jr. a large bundle of goods is a bale and I believe Christian Bale was in the fighter a violent all those facts are indeed true that is right [Applause] second question thousand dollars here we go appropriately what breed was designated the official dog of Maryland in 1964 Rio Grande Great Dane Chesapeake Bay Retriever Great Salt Lake poodle Gulf of Mexico Chihuahua we have a Cavalier King Charles and my my wife is a real dog person the answer is the Chesapeake Bay Retriever final answer that makes the most sense that's right one thousand dollars step it up to two thousand this is the question while suggesting allergic Flyers book early morning flights when planes are cleaner Southwest Airlines says it's impossible to guarantee a what baby free flight with peanut free flight turbulence free flight sweaty seat mate free flight we've sat next to our share of sweaty feet that's right but the only thing that I think people would be allergic to would be peanuts so the answer I believe is be a peanut free flight final answer yeah get rid of D and actually all those things right but please correct just like that three you're out of the way and now you're three thousand dollar question here it is the 1984 Supreme Court decision Sony Corp of America v Universal which allowed homes to record television shows became known as what the reel-to-reel ruling the Memorex ruling the Betamax ruling the nanny-cam ruling I believe the answer is C the Betamax ruling finally I think that's the answer to all right you got the 3000 though next step is $5,000 that's also the first threshold you can get to so here it is your $5,000 question created millennia ago to communicate across the ravines of the Canary Islands silbo Romero is a language comprised entirely of what [Music] piano notes belches cannon blasts whistles [Music] well I don't think millennia ago would be piano notes so I have to eliminate piano notes cannon blasts belches I don't think it would be belches see the cannon blaster whistle would you whistle across the ravine that carry across the ravine or would be counted less okay can't be planets cannon blasts millennia ago they wouldn't have cast I want to say D final answer whistles there was a language all about whistling right [Applause] you have whistled your way to that first threshold well done all those lifelines are there we're coming back to put 1 billion over this guy next [Applause] here's your question of the day what films iconic line I'm walking here was the actors unscripted reaction to nearly being run over by a cab One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Dog Day Afternoon Midnight Cowboy or Annie Hall the answer that question was Midnight Cowboy [Applause] welcome back dude wants to be a millionaire it's second chance weekend Dennis Stein has got his second chance $5,000 is where you are right now you just reach that threshold all your lifelines are there you good I'm good I'm more than good you know you just you seem like you're always pretty even keel is that the case most of the time yeah until you win that million dollars then I might go berserk all right let's get there let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire I did a seven thousand dollar question here we go though it derives from the Roman god of beginnings and keeper of doors what term now commonly refers to a cleaner of toilets custodian caretaker superintendent janitor [Music] it's not superintendent it's not caretaker see the custodian or janitor and I believe it's janitor D final answer that's right sorry it's okay that sound unfortunately means time is up for the day but Denis you're not going anywhere you're at $7000 all your lifelines are there you and your beautiful wife are coming back he's just eight away from the million dollars here on second chance week thanks for watching fair when he's been part of this one I'm Chris Harrison we'll see you next time [Applause] [Music] life is all about second chances and today so is our show because we've brought back some players whose first time here didn't go so well and we're giving them another try at the million its second chance week on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Applause] Harrison welcome to the show are you guys ready to play millionaire today good because one of the middle of a great game our returning contestant had aspired to be on a game show his entire life he's now living out his dream for a second time and hoping this time he'll be bringing home the million dollars for his high school sweetheart who he's been married to for 52 years from Las Vegas Nevada please welcome back my man did a sty welcome back thank you a wonderful man with a wonderful story I know she's your highschool sweetheart but how did you guys meet actually we met through a friend who set me up with with Joan as a joke he thought that she wouldn't go out with me uh you would think she would have better taste we went out and the next day we were going steady and we've been going steady ever since so you've been married 52 years how many years ago was that how long did it take before we got married we were juniors in high school so we were 16 years old each so that makes it 55 years six years almost 56 years together that is awesome well congratulations it really isn't an inspiring story it can be done thank you thank you very much what else can be done is second chances you're back here playing the game again you got to $100,000 right that hundred thousand dollar question on millionaire the first time yes I did and you teased me with it yesterday I won't do it again it was a question about a song that is not allowed to be mentioned anymore in your life I can live with that how did the two experiences compare well the first experience was the thrill of the first time being on millionaire which I had been trying to do for so long right was a different experience this experience is unreal and I never thought there was an opportunity to do this again and hopefully we'll make the most of it well not all the time in life dentist do we get second chances but you do and you're taking advantage of it so far so let's recap where you are you're at $7,000 you are eight questions away from that one million dollar goal all three of your lifelines are there including your beautiful wife so you're in good shape so let's continue let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and we start today with five figures $10,000 question here it is denoted with a crown on the label what limited-edition sprite is named for an athlete's favorite blend of orange and cherry flavors with the lemon-lime LeBrons mix marshawn's mix Poppy's Mix Rafa's mix LeBron James King James wears a crown I think the answer is a the bronze mix final answer as soon as you got that nickname King James I knew your king [Applause] King Dennis $10,000 chance to double that money $20,000 here it is [Music] 50 years before Darwin jean-baptiste Lamarck s-- zoological philosophy outlined a theory of evolution that cited what feature as evidence shark teeth giraffe necks fish scales snake tongues I don't think it's draft I don't think it's driftnets shark teeth I don't think it was snake tongues they have it involved you do have all three of your lifelines what I'd like to use it 5050 okay final final all right we can use one of those lifelines that 5050 if you would please take away two incorrect answers shark teeth and giraffe necks what you're left with Dennis I'm really shocked Sean tonight in zoos giraffes are in zoos but I don't know a theory of evolution that had to do with draft necks you know what let me call my beautiful wife and see if she can resolve the dilemma of us one final final all right let's bring her down [Applause] it's a pleasure to meet you welcome Oh Tuffy I think it was just an excuse to stand next to your beautiful wife again but good to see you guys together but John we could use a little help here what do you think Roxanna do you think I think shark's teeth I thought I saw Steve are you being a softy yeah I think so maybe they're for [Music] my beautiful wife says your teeth a [Music] final answer unfortunately this time guys not right it was be giraffe necks nothing's taken out away from you guys and you're walking away with $5,000 Dennis it was a pleasure it was a pleasure to meet both you this wonderful time having you you guys give it up for Jason Jones someone else is taking a shot at that million dollars [Applause] [Music] welcome back to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire our next contestant is back for his second chance of becoming a million-dollar dad from Oakley California please welcome Jose Ruiz [Applause] welcome back to millionaire thank you thank you very appreciative for being it is good to have you back you're a second chance at that million dollars let me tell you what you're up against 14 questions from $500 all the way up to that 1 million dollars of course you have your three lifelines you know what those are about so let's get right back into this let's do it all right let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire all right Jose it all starts with that $500 question here we go all right letting you wear cut-offs in your cubicle many workplaces relax their dress code on a day commonly known as what easygoing Wednesday casual Friday relaxed Thursday topless Tuesday it is gonna be be casual Friday final answer on The Bachelor we do topless Tuesday but you're right and you're off and running okay second question thousand dollars this is it first published in the 1970s what popular foreign comic features a crime-fighting superhero with a maple leaf on his forehead Captain Canuck Admiral Aussie the Kiwi Avenger Bosnia and Herzegovina man and I know Canada well have a friend up there a Captain Canuck final answer captain cannot there to save the day that's right well done thousand dollars third questions worth two thousand and here it is all right a New York magazine article notes that thanks to increasing two-wheeled traffic in major cities there's been a rise in aggression from car drivers nicknamed what skate hate snow boat bullying bike lash unicycle fury two-wheeled traffic that's going to be C by clash final answer just like that you're a $2,000 the next step is this your $3,000 question calling them mythologized demonised celebrated a vogue article names the likes of Jessica Chastain and Amy Adams today's what beautiful blondes gorgeous Gray's raining redheads marvelous bullets Wow right off the bat I can't believe I'm gonna use this I'm gonna ask the audience final yes final go okay audience Hosea could use a little help here please pick up those keypads and enter your vote now [Music] all right Jose its thing look what the audience has to say 67% say raining redheads see I love this audience they look smart to me I will say see final answer as you should they're both beautiful redheads that's right all right this next questions worth $5,000 but it's also a chance to get to that threshold yes so here it is your $5,000 question all right despite it being subject to federal oversight market research shows that more than half of shoppers think what label is just an excuse to charge more party organic classic homemade oh I'm a victim of this all say right now be organic final answer that's $5,000 [Applause] what do you mean now now this is where I want to get our 45% yeah I hear you now it's happening though you did reset threshold so you're safe there you still have two lifelines next stop $7,000 this is the question all right [Music] until they're at least a week old kittens generally won't what hmm nurse open their eyes meow have fur wow it's been so long since I've been a pet owner I love cats love kittens I'm gonna do the 50-50 just to assure myself of the answer that I think I know okay final final yes all right let's help them out here let's take away two incorrect answers please open their eyes B or meow C and now I think I know let's say B open their eyes final answer Jose yeah you're gonna open your eyes to seven thousand just like questions away we're gonna find out [Music] [Applause] welcome back the north's the mute millionaire it's second chance week and Jose Ruiz is happy about that because he's here again on millionaire and you're cruising you're in the middle of a good game $7,000 who's good you're getting up there now the next step is five figures what would you do with this kind of money well for the longest for the longest my wife and I have always wanted to be parents I want to be a dad so bad my wife wants to be a mom Debra Siri this one yes there's my Debra she was wondering why inspired me to get here she really did and we want to use the money to build our family to really you know get a family started to be a adoptive parents foster parents whatever you know we're fit for you know we want to really you know get this going we want to be a real family if there ever was a noble cause that's it so good luck - good luck - Mabel let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Applause] as I said five figures $10,000 question this is it yeah despite an outcry and a lawsuit from players the 2015 Women's World Cup was the first one to be played how in the winter with a new smaller ball on artificial turf with mandatory face guards well there was a huge back and forth between FIFA and the the the different sports organizations around the world about this soccer football football soccer needs to be played on real grass so the answer is see artificial turf final answer and the United States wanted anyway babe [Applause] that's right videos there's a good one yeah they brought home the cup missing logs yeah all right $10,000 right where you belong mm-hmm still have one lifeline your plus-one Debra behind you this is a chance to double your money $20,000 question all right lending its name to the Golden Gate Bridge the Golden Gate Strait was named for its resemblance to a harbor at what golden gate to the east hmm Athens Greece Cairo Egypt Venice Italy Istanbul Turkey Cairo I know is inland on the Nile Athens is kind of inland as well I'm hedging between Venice and Istanbul Wow you know if I am gonna use a lifeline right now it'll be with this question right here sweetie final answer yes okay Deborah let's we need some help come on down do it Thanks [Applause] this one's got me stumped babe this one's got never I got the sense that you were ready to run the opposite direction calm down not a good sign for the plus one Wow all right well you guys talk it out because this is your last lifeline standing right here beside ya ya think about weary Japan and Greece are you make sure it all either I don't know you know what I know I mean I really really want to try to answer this but I'll let me tell you where you are yeah $10,000 a chance to go for 20 double that money mm-hmm but an incorrect answer 5,000 yeah you're losing half 5,000 you can always walk away with 10 thats true that's true [Music] anything oh not going to damage what you already have I think the best thing at this time maybe is to take what you take what we have what we have right if we had yeah I think we're gonna do that we're gonna walk away let's just call it call it final answer okay well congratulations [Applause] Devlin was a pleasure Jose good to see you again here on millionaire when we come back someone else is gonna get a second chance [Applause] here's your question of the day although which of the following objects are visible in the Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci bread rolls cups plates or napkins stay tuned for the answer the answer that question was napkins [Applause] welcome back to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire we're about to make one of our audience members very happy and give them a little taste of the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire experience and hopefully give away a thousand dollars right here one question I gotcha [Applause] [Music] two things one that was an amazing catch thank you pretty good dismount - you haven't won yet I'm staying but I like the precursor to the celebration I'm gonna ask you one question answer it right I'm gonna give you $1,000 and run for my life here's your thousand dollar question [Music] featuring the lyric ah oh baby yeah oh yeah which of the following was dropped by singer Tom Jones on his 1999 album reload was an atomic bomb stink bomb sex bomb lip balm okay I got this because I am one I am a sex bomb [Applause] my little sex log discounted thousand chocolates thanks for joining us here on second-chance week forever it has been a part of this one I'm Chris Harrison we'll see you next time closed captioning sponsored by [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: MillionaireWanted38
Views: 49,090
Rating: 4.5319147 out of 5
Keywords: WWTBAM, WWTBAM US, WWTBAM USA, TV, TV Show, Quiz, Quiz Show, Game Show, Millionaire, Las Vegas, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, Season 14, Second Chance Week, Chris, Chris Harrison, Second Chance, MillionaireLasVegas, MillionaireTV, Trivia Questions
Id: yJeVgJbj1Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 55sec (6055 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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