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rerolling is a very very important process that a player of any gacha game will do in order to have the most ideal starts to their journey in that said gacha game which is why today I'm going to be going over who and what you should and shouldn't reroll for in solar leveling arise but when re-rolling there are actually two different methods that you can do when re-rolling as basically the first method of re-rolling that most I feel like most people will commonly do is basically reroll on the selection draw banner and get one maybe two SSR items on this banner and then call it a day and then just carry on with your account or what some people might do is as well just get some items from the selection drawer and then maybe go into this uh the rate up banner and hopefully get the rated Up character so obviously when Global comes out you'll have silver M bake yunho and also Chan to to be released as well so it'll be completely up to you in in what rup character you want as well as which method you want to choose from but just know obviously if you're going to try and go for the rup character as well as some items from the selection draw Banner you're going to have a it's going to be much longer in order for you to get your rerolled account done but overall when you're rrolling on the selection draw Banner you'll basically have an option to choose four different items which you can see right here and then basically you'll have to you'll be able to have the ability to increase the chance of you getting those items every time you do pull on this selection draw banner and then overall the most ideal roll I would say you could get to basically start your account and make you have an amazing start is to get one SSR Hunter right here so pretty much just any SSR Hunter but obviously mainly the best ones you'd want as well as a really really good weapon for jinu as well so let's go through all of the SSR Hunters as as well as all of the SSR jinwu weapons and let's go over which ones you probably should or shouldn't roll for all right so starting off with silver main bake yunho silver main bake youo is a character that is based around doing a lot of basic attack damage with his obviously basic attacks and also core attacks thanks to his basic skill extreme attack Beast form and although you can't actually get him from the selection draw Banner you will still be able to get him from the r Banner but overall I don't really think he's a character that's worth rrolling for as of yet I do think he's definitely probably one of if not the best DPS in the game however I think when it comes to other Hunters especially in comparison I feel like he's not really that needed to be honest and then there's also the regular BHO which again I don't think is a character you you're going to want to necessarily reroll for as yes this beuno is also a very good character a great break damage dealer has break damage on literally everything pretty much apart from his support skill oh no no sorry apart from his ultimate and that's literally it but to be honest you do get a very free uh light tank free-to-play option in eugo who is obviously nowhere near as good as this beuno is but he's definitely a viable option in many people's teams which for me just doesn't really make him need it then we have Lim take Lim take is another dark DPS also has a lot of break damage again another character I wouldn't really necessarily recommend rrolling for as such because he is another very good DPS and just damage dealer but there are just a lot of there's a lot of hunters in here that just bring so much value to your account as a whole and can just be brought in like a load of different scenarios whereas I feel like Limu is not so much Choy jong-in is a character that I don't think will be uh available on lach so unfortunately you cannot roll for him and then we have Wu ginell Wu ginell is probably the character you want to stay the furthest away from as you don't really need him at all because you actually get him for free from a 28 day login or is it 14-day no it's a 14-day login and you get him and also his weapon completely for free so there's really no need for you to ever want to get this uh this guy when you're rrolling unless if you just like him so much that you want his first dup on him which fair enough you do whatever you want to do but yeah ging definitely never never ever ever even consider about rrolling for this guy Min bangu is probably my yeah well no he is the best support in the game as I mentioned in my previous uh tier list video as he is just a fantastic character and obviously with the release of char Haan he is going to be really really good with her because he gives a bunch of uh crit rate as also crit damage and just flat damage increases which is going to make him not only just a fantastic support for gin wo but also CH ha as well and he's a character that you can just bring on practically any piece of content in the game bang dongu is up next and again I just don't really think you necessarily need him to be honest because don't really feel like the wind element is that really necessary at the moment and isn't really needed for any pieces of content and yes dongu can do some really good damage uh thanks to his ability to spam skills and stuff like that and stack a bunch of Defense but yeah I I don't know again as I said before unless if you really like him then I would not really personally recommend that you roll for him lior is up next and leeor is sort of a supportive sort of DPS kind of character as she is supportive basically just your damage as a whole thanks to her charm debuffs that she applies on her QT as well as the support skill as well as through other things thanks to her passive and then she also is very useful when supporting a mono dark team so again sort of just like mangu being very good with chain as uh also on Mango's first dup you can actually increase your crit rate and crit damage for your whole uh team and also by even more for light members as well and sort ofly Bor is just sort of like a much more offensive version of that as she does support the mono dark elements as she does increase dark Elemental damage by 10% for team members standing inside the enhancement Circle and stuff like that but yeah overall again leor is a good character but again I just don't think you need her at all so yeah I don't think I would recommend rolling for her Emma Lawrence if you saw my tier list video then you know that I think this is probably the best hunter in the game which makes her a 100% guaranteed yes you should definitely try and reroll for her as she is literally good for literally everything she has a ton of break damage a ton of AOE damage a very spammable ultimate she has healing and stuff like that she is just an amazing character she does a ton of damage and she's a HP scalar as well so normally HP scalers in games like these are relatively easier to build but yeah honestly amazing this character is so good and then finally we have CIU I think uh next to Emma Lauren I think she's probably the second character you you want to reroll for the most so if you get either coju or Emma Lauren from your reroll then I say you just take the account pretty much because these two Hunters are a joke and the reason why CIU is so good many because she's just a water character and I'll get onto why that's just so important in a little bit but yeah basically thanks to her passive which gives her the water dragon training it basically just allows you to spam your skills lightning kick and also Water Dragon Rush then you can just Spam your skills and do a ton of damage as well this character does a huge amount of damage and because she's able to spam her skills it means she also has a lot of break damage as well although her skills only offer light break damage because you're pressing them so much and so often it then means you just get a ton of break damage anyways and pretty much yeah eventually you can just like somewhat infinitely spam these skills because when you press these skill you also generate your core attack which when you use your core attack it then uh basically allows you to get your basic skills back up as well which is just amazing and then she has an extremely high uh Power and high damage output with her ultimate as well and she also generates a shield for you when you use her with gin Wu and stuff like that which is always amazing but the real reason why she is probably one of the best characters that you want to roll for in this game is because of this boss right here the gatekeeper of hell curus as this boss I mean if you've played it against it or challenged it I haven't really tried to Bow the hius CU I just can't be bother to be honest and that's because of that's because of how annoying this boss can be and yeah the reason why she's so good for this is because this boss is actually weak to water damage and because when it comes to actual water Hunters she is literally the only water SSR hunter in the game and then the next best thing becomes namche young and then the next three options just aren't really that amazing for bosses like the Cerberus and then onto s Jin Wu weapons obviously there's not as many SSR sunun Wu weapons but there's also a lot of very good Sr sunun Wu weapons which you'll get a lot of them just by by summoning naturally so there's not really uh too you don't really have to worry too much about getting these or not but yeah let's just kick things off with the shadow scythe and the shadow Scythe is a weapon it's a really good weapon definitely one of the best weapons in the game and I can't likee when I first saw this weapon I just wasn't really too impressed as it just consumed your HP so I thought that drawback would have been just a bit too big to even for me personally to make it feel worth it but when I got the weapon it was Jesus Christ this weapon does a ton of damage so uh yeah the essence Harvest consuming 5% of your HP doesn't even mean anything because the damage this weapon does with its skill uh being Essence Harvest just it does so much damage however all those things are great and all but I would still recommend that you do not roll for this weapon and that might might sound extremely stupid however what this game does extremely well is through your regular challenges that you'll do which Al just like first time rewards you can actually get not only one copy of the Shadow Scythe for free but also actually two copies of it which means you can get it plus an extra dup of it which means you get this passive here where you can increase your crit rate by 25% which is a joke this weapon is amazing so yeah you don't really need to reroll for it because you already get two copies of it for free Demon King's long sword is probably by far the most underwhelming or maybe first or second most underwhelming weapon uh that J Wu can have as this is sort of just a very defensive sort of weapon it's all about using your counter attacks with your shield and then also um not your Shield sorry your counter attack and your skill and stuff like that and then generating a shield as well to then be able to tank the damage so you can just get a pretty free Counterattack without being punished too much and it's got some stuns as well and then it gives you some attack increases and stuff like that but again as I've mentioned before the wind element just isn't really that needed I don't think I don't really remember like I know the final boss of the stories week to win damage but it's really not that deep to be honest and the Damage this thing it just doesn't really give you many damage increases within the weapon alone as or just a Jin with himself so yeah for me this weapon is Def definitely a skip I know this weapon is a very Co iconic weapon in the series but for me overall I yeah I don't think you necessarily need this Weapon It's a good weapon obviously because it's an SSR weapon all of these weapons are good but out of all of the other ones yeah I would not recommend rerolling for this weapon all right fuses grimoire and fasis grimoire is probably one of maybe my favorite weapon that I've actually used as pretty much this weapon is just a cc monster as when you use your skilled water spray you'll be able to uh have 100% chance to inflict the cold ice effect which is not only a 4-second freeze we but yes it's a freeze for 4 seconds including in the duration of the actual water spray and basically when you uh freeze them you'll apply the cold ice effect which obviously interrupts them uh so being the stun and then when the effect ends you'll deal additional damage equal to 10% of the damage that the enemy has taken during the duration of that freeze so one combo that I've really liked uh enjoying and and doing with this is basically with uh ginu when you use it you can freeze an enemy whilst they've got like a ton of Defense drops and and stuff like that and then what you can actually do is use your ultimate truth mutilate which does a huge amount of damage this is where most of gim's damage like burst damage will come from so you can use truth mutilate to do a ton of damage to them so then they take an extra huge amount of bonus damage uh from the uh C ice effect but yeah I would definitely say it's one of the weapons up there that I maybe would recommend summoning for there's definitely way better weapons you can get I'm not saying this is definitely the best weapon that you can go for but if you do get Theus Gus's grimo when rerolling I wouldn't be mad at all it's it's a really good weapon vulcan's rage is up next and I've used this weapon a ton and I've always had some very mixed opinions about this weapon of first thinking this weapon's awful then it's actually good and then it's awful again and I still think it's kind of awful as for me it's just a bit too slow the damage is is Good from its skill as well as the explosions also good that it does but yeah I would I honestly if if you get this weapon I would not really I wouldn't be too happy if I got it through rrolling because when I have used it I just it just hasn't really felt that great to be honest the Huntsman is up next and I actually I love the Hun the hunman is one of my favorite weapons in the game as well I actually use it quite a lot as there um I use the Light Element skills with genu quite a bit and yeah the Huntsman is really good because judgment time and uh being the skill as well as the core attack of this weapon are the only weapon that jinu can wield that actually deals break damage which makes this pretty much One of a Kind weapon in that sense as well as also just the ridiculous damage this skill can actually output as pretty much whenever you use your skill judgment time you'll change your core attack to be time to hunt for six seconds and then you'll increase the damage of it by 60% and then basically whenever you use a basic attack core attack or time to hun uh and it hits targets within four years and then increases the damage by 50% as well but overall to be honest the the only I guess issue with it again just like with fetus's grimoire is you do get the Lous Dragon Sword for free so which is another like decent light weapon but obviously the Huntsman is way better than this weapon at least I think anyway so it's like it's a good upgrade but again you you will always have the option of the lustrous Dragon Sword to use for light damage so the Huntsman is going to be something that's going to add like a huge amount of value to your to your account but I still think it's a really good weapon and I think it's definitely one of the better weapons for jinu anyways all right the penultima weapon is the Demonic Plum flower sword this is probably the best weapon in the game as it just gives you a ton of bonuses even at zero dupes this weapon is a joke it's ridiculous as pretty much every time you use your skill with this weapon you'll apply the plum flower effect which just increases your crit damage by 12% and then sacks up to three times so you can get a a permanent 36% crit damage increase and then with it being a 25 second cool down it will take you like 75 seconds in order to fully get those Buffs which when you're doing uh a fighting off against like a lot of high HP bosses then it's really easy to do and get off and it's not no problem at all but when you actually Dash and also use the skill you'll not only apply the plum flow but also full bloom which Bas which will increase the usage speed of your skill by 20% and then it'll also increase the attack by 4% as well as your crit rate by an extra 4% as well but yeah yeah this weapon is so good and it's probably the number one weapon I would definitely recommend you rrolling for and then finally the very final weapon we have is Moon Shadow which is the brand new weapon for ginu that came out like a couple weeks ago week ago something like that I don't really know and this is probably the second maybe third best weapon in the game for jinu I'm not too sure as I haven't really used it for myself but I've have seen other other people use it and it's a joke this weapon is so good and this weapon also has some very similar properties as it does work very very very well with uh the free-to-play shadow sidethe as pretty much when you use your skill moon glow shining in the dark you'll apply the full moon effect to the Target which is basically just it's just a debuff that is applied to enemies which doesn't do anything and then when the last hit of that skill actually does hit you'll then slow down time for 3 seconds and then apply one instance of lunar eclipse to the Target for every instance of Full Moon that you have so essentially what you do is you use your skill to apply this debuff and then when you've hit a certain amount of times you'll keep stacking it uh it can stack more times depending on how many dupes you do have for this weapon and then basically when the last hit of the skill does here you can then apply lunar eclipse which basically just gives the enemy uh makes the enemy take 10% more damage and it makes them take 10% more dark damage as well for 3 seconds and obviously just like with the plum flower sword being very good cuz it's crit based because the shadow Scythe is also a dark weapon as well it also means it can benefit from the lunar eclipse debuff whatever it was called uh very very very nicely as well so yeah the the Moon Shadow plus shadow shadow Scythe is another fantastic combo so overall I would say this weapon is also probably one of the weapons you're going to want to look for when r rolling because yeah this weapon is an amazing weapon or at least I think so anyways as you do get some really valuable debuffs especially with one dup you can sack it up to three times so you can get a 45% damage increase as well as just a 45% dark damage increase so yeah this weapon is just ridiculous so overall my ideal I guess reroll that you'd probably want to be looking for when playing this game is getting one of the two demonic plumflower sword as well as Moon Shadow and then either coju or Emma Lauren as th those two weapons and Hunters are the best in the game but obviously if you do get MIM bongu I would definitely recommend him as well cuz he's just an amazing character in general but yeah there you have it that is everything to do with rrolling and what you should and shouldn't go for when rrolling for your account the game is coming out in what six days as I'm recording this will be 5 days cuz this video will come out tomorrow but yeah really close so yeah don't forget to like And subscribe and I will see you all in the next video peace
Channel: Ollie Hart
Views: 3,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo leveling arise best hunter weapons, solo leveling arise beginner guide, solo leveling arise tips, solo leveling arise best build, solo leveling arise best weapon, solo leveling arise best stats, solo leveling arise reroll, solo leveling arise, solo leveling arise codes, solo leveling arise pc, solo leveling arise guide, solo leveling arise tier list, solo leveling arise reroll guide, solo leveling arise gameplay, solo leveling arise global, solo leveling arise code
Id: FOTFmv8NQiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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