Who Makes The Best Burger?

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I'm gonna, I'm gonna do one of these. I'm gonna do one of these. I'm gonna do one of that. Learn that from krav maga one of these. Yeah, they're going down. Oh, you had coffee this morning. Yeah, I did. Welcome to "Mythical Kitchen". I'm Josh and I'm Trevor and we're wicked smart. but more importantly, we're also losers. Yeah, we are. Because a couple months ago, we challenged Nicole and Vi to a "Two V Two Queso Off" for the big game. And we got smoked. Yeah. Mostly because their dish, it tasted better. It was more creative. It was more beautiful. Yeah. But also I think we got sabotaged a little bit. You think we got sabotaged? I think we got sabotaged. I don't think we got sabotaged. We did get sabotaged. Nicole poured bleach into our queso. I saw it happen. It smelled like Clorox. It smelled like a dentist's office. Yep. But today we're out for vengeance. Yes we are. Because we are doing the most extreme, the most hardcore burger battle you've ever seen on this channel. Ever seen! And to judge this extreme burger off, we have Link Neal's daughter, Lily Neal herself in house. The most impartial judge I've ever seen. The most impartial and Josh, the stakes are pretty high today. Okay. Guess what? The loser of the "Two V Two Burger Battle", whom Lily will decide is the loser who of is, will post their most embarrassing high school photos to the "Mythical Kitchen" Instagram. And I've got some pretty embarrassing ones. So please let's win. It's gonna get real weird. Let's win. It's gonna get so weird. Nicole and Vi, you're going down. You're going down, You're going down. But also, if you wanna make the recipes yourself, then you can snag. We've broken down into three steps. I think it's, I don't think there's three of them cuz too, Did we, giving recipes? Yeah, we're giving recipes. Timer counts are gonna be over yonder and then the full written recipe's gonna be down yonder. I wanna get that clean real quick. No. Trevor, why do you think we lost last time? I'll tell you why Josh, because not enough people listen to "Trevor Talks Too Much", my podcast. You should go listen, Apple, Spotify, where ever you get your podcast. Yeah, Doug, that also our hips weren't limber enough. True. True. But then three, we just tried to make like a simple, elevated queso that was good. And then Nicole and Vi came in and they just slapped us in the a double hockey sticks with creativity. And so today we're holding nothing back. We're calling this Tony Chachere's wet dream. You know a dream that you wake up sweating from. - Oh yeah, that's a wet dream. A wet dream cause like you're dreaming about food that was so good. And so we're gonna get a little crazy with it today. Trevor you're making beignet hamburger buns. We're going real Cajun influence on this. And I'm gonna do a little bit of like Cajun garlic butter shrimp right here. And this is just the beginning. Now we're gonna make a double smash burger in Dewey spice, pork and beef burger. We're holding nothing back today. Dude, I'm so excited. Cause Vi and Nicole, they've been gloating over this win. They really have. So long. They like Really milking it. They like question my character. They're like Trevor, you're a bad person because you lost.. You're an f'ing piece of a- Yeah, that's what they said. That's what they've been saying. So that's a little beignet mix. It's like a fortified leavened dough stuff. Yeah! It's gonna make little puffy sweet things except we're not putting powdered sugar on 'em. We're not putting powdered sugar. Hold on one second. We're gonna Josh, come here for one second. Oy. Well, it's giving me a, it's giving me, [Man] Oh big time. I'm getting a manel toe. Trevor, what are you doing? I'm rolling out. Nothing weird happened. Nothing weird. You probably saw bars and tone, completely normal. No, I'm rolling out this beignet dough. Some call it a camel tail. So we got the butter in the garlic here. Yeah. I'm gonna add a little bit of Tony Chachere's. Best Cajun Seasoning in the game. We just wanna drench the shrimp in garlic butter. And then the shrimp is effectively gonna act as a condiment for our burger. We're going with condi shrimp. Condi shrimp! Not condom shrimp. That's a different dish. Right? So I got, what the hell dude. We're gonna lose if We're not gonna lose, Dude, we gotta be serious, Josh. I paid Lily off, man. Oh, really? I gave her like a yeah, Oh cool. I paid her in fake "Lord Of The Rings" money. I'm like Lily. Here's some elf coins. Elf coins. Isn't that what they call 'em? Yeah bro, it's elf coins. You haven't been investing in elf coins? When Orlando Bloom gets really hard up for cash, that's what he's gonna go do. All right, we got the Tony Chachere's, we got the butter, we got all the garlic, we got a little bit of lemon in. There's just gonna give some nice little flippy flips on that shrimp. It's gonna warm 'em up. Cuz these have been poached and they've been chilled to the perfect level of doneness. Kind of mull them around. Those look yummy. Can we have one as a snack? That's like too much shrimp for the burgers. So snack shrimp, Right? Add a little bit more lemon. That is a nice shrimp. We're just gonna hold these in the butter. Bingo bango, condi shrimp. I'm frying up the beignets. Trevor, what are your top five favorite things about beignets? Bread, That's one. Powdered sugar. That's two. Tastes good in my mouth. I like that. They have 'em at Disneyland. And they do have them at Disneyland. And number five's gotta be the name. It's a silly name. It's why do you pronounce it that way? There's a G in it. It makes no sense. Big net. Big knits. Who's it's the one person can explain to me why they're spelled like that. Yeah. Without insisting that they're French. But yeah that's gotta be top gotta be top five for me. So yeah, this is just gonna take a minute. Do you want to say a joke while we wait? So a Frenchman, a Pole and an Austrian walk into a bar And then he says, then he says, auf wiedersehen". Can you, I don't get it. Well you missed the whole joke. We're gonna dust them, cause they're normally dusted with powdered sugar. But we don't want this to eat too sweet. We want this to really lean into the spice of all that shrimp a la Tony Chachere's. We're just gonna get a little bit of powder on there. You're gonna want some of that powder coming off on your hands on this burger. Have you ever had a burger serve on fried dough before? No. I think I had some like novelty donut burgers, like nothing like this. No, yeah. This is like we're breaching new territory here. Sorry. I'm gonna flip that one, this side's ugly. Breached like a porpoise being birthed tail first. All right. What? You ready to cook up some burgs? Cook up some burgs. My favorite Tuesday activity. Trevor breaking out the big guns, Tony C's Bold. Tony's! For the Bald Donny C inside of you. I don't know who talks like that. We gotta start making some burgers. So we have equal parts, pork in 70, 30 beef. We're gonna be nice and kind of greasy because we're gonna make smash burgers. Dewey spice smash burgers using Dewey spice mixture. Got all that, paprika, cayenne, garlic, little bit of crushed, fresh toasted fennel seed. Dude, is that fresh toasted fennel? Smell that. Oh, you know that's fresh, toasted fennel. We're gonna make this like nice and red, nice and spiced up. We're not gonna salt it yet. Cause otherwise it'll turn into sausage. We don't want it to turn into sausage. So I'm gonna mash that up. Trevor hit him with a tight five. What's tight five. What does that mean? Is that five jumping jacks? No, this kid, this kid, man. He said he's wicked smart. I don't think he's wicked smart. What does tight five mean? Tight five, it's a comedy routine. Like a tight five minutes. A five set. Oh my bad, I missed the part where I was a professional comedian, Josh. All right, Trevor. I'm gonna smash these burgers here. My hands are covered in raw meat. Do you wanna get into that salt well and gimme a nice little salt on them burgs? Yeah, I do. Toss our shrimp, our shrimp are nice and hot right now. I'm gonna take those off the heat. Thank you for giving me something to do. I felt pretty useless. Well, you can stare at the buns. Get that nice and hot. And then we're gonna drop in a burger. There we go. And then we're gonna smash it down. There you go. Get a nice. Yeah, you can cook two at once. Definitely can cook two at once. Let's try it. What are you up to? Whoa, you're doing two at once?. Bro, we're going double smash cooking two at once. Do you want me to salt them? What? Yeah. Hold on. I'm gonna peel off the paper. There we go. What's happening? Geez. All right. That's great, and then Trevor, I'm gonna flip these and then you are gonna cheese them and then we're gonna stack 'em and then we're gonna assemble the burger. Okay. You go confident. Wait, do you cheese, how many slices? I think just one per. One per? Yeah, we don't wanna get Dude, I coulda moved that for you. All you had to do is ask. Wait, we should tell them what this is. This is pickled Cajun Trinity slot. So Cajun Trinity onion, bell pepper, celery. They use that instead of like a mirepoix, typically in gumbo and jambalaya, etouffee, all that stuff. So we took that, shaved it raw, pickled it did a Mexican escabeche style by frying it first, Pretty stoked on it. Yeah, pretty stoked on it. I'm gonna cheese 'em. Cheese 'em, nice caramelization. There we go, less on that one. That's okay. There. That's pretty good. Okay. We're gonna wait for that to cook about one minute and then we're gonna stack the bun. So we got a remoulade. Yeah. Right here, it's like a bunch of like Creole mustard, little like picky bits, oniony bits, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce, all that. I'm gonna go wash the raw beef off my hands. Cool. So anyway, I was walking down the street and this guy came up to me and he was like, dude, have you heard about ligma? And I was like, what's ligma? And he said, ligma balls. You son of a biscuit, you know what a tight five is. Right, I'm stacking the burgs on top of each other. You wanna get some, we need to punch that bun down a little bit. Get some remoulade on that bun. I'm gonna go right in with the burg. No, no. We learned that bottoming is better than topping. So we're gonna get the remoulade on there and then I'm gonna get some of the slaw right on. That's nice. Oh, that's good. Just wringing out the juice in the slaw. Yeah. God, if only Lily was seeing how we manhandled these burgers. She'd be so impressed. Yeah, she sure would Josh. Okay, okay, okay. All right, we got the nice slaw. Now I'm gonna take double in Dewey smash burger patties. Oh my God! Get that right on there. Okay. Come on. Do you need to butter up the shrimp? What? Well I got you that extra butter for the shrimp. Oh dude, wait, hold on. Let's get the shrimp. Toast it one more time. Wait, should we toss it in there? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Shrimp's going in the beef fat. Yeah. Beef beaching. Shrimp's going in the beef fat. Oh, it's good. There it is. Oh yeah. Just like at Beni Hana. That's the stuff. Just like the Beni Hana's. Just like the Beni Hana's. Wait! A little more Tony C's! More Tony C's! More Tony C's! Tony C's Bold! Your dream's gonna be so wet Tony. There we go. Got the shrimp toast in the beef fat, that's a little bit of butter. Dude! There we go, and now we're just gonna like hit it with like a nice Holy freak. solid portion of shrimp. Oh yeah! on top of that burger. Where are we going? Beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. Beautiful. Get some more remoulade on that bun. Get some more remoulade on that bun. Did we forget anything? It seems too simple for us. No, I think its perfect. I mean let's run through the steps. Yeah, we got okay. The buns. We got the beignet buns. We got the buns, buns. Good, that's good. We got the Cajun Trinity slaw. Yep. The garlic in. We got the double smash and Dewey spice pork and beef burgers, the American cheese. White American. White American. And then we got the Tony C's wet dream butter battered shrimpies. Yeah. And then remoulade, beignet top. That's it man. That's Tony C's wet dream burger. Wow. Nicole and V you think you're gonna, a wet dream's coming for you? Nope, it's gonna be a nightmare. Wet nightmare. A wet. Vi! Nicole. Hey. Hey. Are you excited? Yeah, I'm To beat the boys again! I was getting there, but yeah, you yelled it. I'm gonna, I'm gonna do one of these. I'm gonna do one of these. I'm gonna do one of that. Learn that from krav maga, maybe one of these. Yeah. They're going down. Oh, you had coffee this morning. Yeah, I did. What do we have? Nicole? What do we have? We're making a stewed oxtail burger. Okay. Now most people might not enjoy oxtails because they don't know what it is. . And oxtail's literally the tail of an ox. Yes it is. You know some people don't know that they're like, oh what's an oxtail? Like literally what it says. Like the butt. Yeah. Like the thing that hangs off the butt. So the first thing we're gonna do is we're going to sear off these oxtails in a little bit of oil. It's very important, whenever you're cooking oxtails, you wanna do it in batches because you don't wanna crowd the pan because you want a nice brown sear on your oxtail. And you don't wanna get yelled at by your auntie in the back kitchen. Yeah. No one wants to get yelled at by an auntie. The oxtails are gonna be super flavorful, really delicious. We got some tricks up our sleeves. I'm ready. Now the guys don't even know, No. what is coming. They just yell and act like they know what's going on. And it just makes it interesting. Yeah. They cut up their shirts. What the heck are they talking about? Show their belly buttons. You think showing your belly button makes you a good cook? I don't wanna see that hair line. Okay, we're just gonna get these seared. This pan is taking way too long to heat up again. Just throw it all in there and. Okay fine, throw it throw it. Just throw it all in there. It's good, before Benny yells at us. Yeah. Okay. Sorry Ben. It's okay. We're just gonna let it hang out here. One time, when I first tried oxtails, I burned the roof of my mouth. You did? And it turned soggy and there might have been skin that came out. The roof of your mouth turned soggy? Yeah, and I thought it was a piece of meat, so I ate it. You swallowed your own body. And it was. That sounds really painful. Did you go to the doctor? No, who goes to the doctor? I go so much. My mom was one of those people was like, oh, if you can walk, you can get through anything. So basically, I always went to school. Yeah, oh no. I never always went. This is nice. You know, I don't think you and I get to like talk and hang out like this very often. Cuz our oxtails aren't cooking. All right. So our oxtails are relatively seared down and we get to add all the fun stuff in there. Which one do you wanna do first? Let's add all the veggies first. So we got some beautiful chopped onions, a little bit of green onion, and then tomato. And then I like my oxtails to be quite garlicky. So I just shovel a whole ass a whole bulb in there. And now let's get to the seasoning. I like to add salt, Pepper. allspice, which is very common in Jamaican cuisine, brown sugar, oh, scoop that. ginger, thyme, And then the two very special ingredients. We got Browning. And more brown stuff. And maggie. Now these are flavors that are very brown tasting. They literally are brown in a jar. They make your food taste, super umami and super flavorful. They're chalk full of delicious flavors, maybe a few chemicals. But it all makes sense. Once it cooks down for a few hours, go ahead and pour the water in their Vi, gorgeous. Wow. There's nothing like a slow simmer, bring your ear to it. Like it, there's nothing more satisfying than that. You know how they have the rainforest down on like your alarm clock. Yeah? They need a this meat sound. They need a stewed oxtail noises. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But yeah, we're gonna let this stew for a few hours. Something like four or five, six hours the longer you let the oxtails stew, the more delicious it gets. And tender. So we'll see you in a few hours. What do you wanna do? Let's go watch some drag. Okay, cool. What an intense watching session though. I know. What's your drag name again? Brittany Sears. Like sears, like oxtail sears? Exactly. That's very good. Mine's Casey to Mondays. Speaking of Mondays, every Wednesday you can listen to Josh and I's podcast. "A Hot Dog Is A Sandwich". On this week's podcast, we're talking about what is the best time to have brunch personally, 2:30. 1. 2:30 11 Also, To 1. that's the best time to go to the dentist, tooth hurtie. All right. You know, my jokes are landing baby, cook line sinker. So, Whoa, look at beautiful color. this is a stewed oxtail and the test of a good oxtail is that it should just fall right off the bone. So let's see what we're doing here. Will it? Yeah. Hold the bone, I'd say so. Ooh, baby. Look at that . You can have, Can I taste it? you can have the nubbin. Of course you can have the nubbin. The nubbin. Yeah. There's always this one, this one bone right here. You always gotta be careful of it, but normally you can just hold it like that. It should just shred right off, look at that. Oh my God. My mom would just keep this so she can like just suck on it later. Yeah. Oh my God, your mom's a bone sucker? Yeah! Your mom and I have a lot in common. They should be best friends. We go ahead and make that aioli for us. Oh, yay! Show us what that's all about. Let me get you an napkin. Okay, so we have some beautiful Mayo, our favorite thing ever in this kitchen, we use mayonnaise. Insane amount of mayonnaise in this house. Like it's ridiculous. And then we have some scotch bonnet pepper, which me and Nicole tested out yesterday. Nicole, how'd you feel after you tasted this? It wasn't. It was really hot. It like ruined my life for about up five minutes. That's it? No, no, no. You know, they're bringing the heat with the cajun. We don't want Lily to die. Let's bring the heat with the scotch bonnet. Oh, okay. Let's do it. I mean don't kill Lily. No, I'm not gonna kill her. She has to be alive. I'm gonna be so in trouble. Yeah, we're gonna be in trouble. Scotch bonnet is a beautiful flavor. Aside from it being super, super spicy. It has this really nice bright like vegetal lime kind of flavor. I really like it. I probably shouldn't have stuck my finger in there, but did it. Give it a taste. I'm not gonna do it again. I promise. How's that aioli tasting, sister? Needs some salt. It might be just as powerful as Tony C's, maybe his cousin. No, that's really delicious. I think the fattiness of the oxtail and all the other stuff we're gonna add in there is gonna be incredible. Oh yeah, that's gonna be great. Nicole, are you ready to build this burger? I was born ready to build this burger with you, my friend. Oh, we're friends. Of course we are. Look at these beautiful oxtails. We literally just They're gorgeous. Yeah, we broke 'em up. We're letting them get a little bit of sear action. We poured a little bit of the braising liquid in there too, so they get really saucy and delicious. Gonna let that go. Our cast iron is heating up nicely. I'm ready. Pour a little bit of oil to, I know what you're saying. The guys already did this. Yeah, we're doing it too. So what? It's not like we're copying them too. The best burger is this double smash burger. Exactly. That's just a fact of life. You know what I mean? Yes. Let's go ahead and season them. Vi let's slap 'em on at the same time, okay. Okay, I'm.ready. Do you wanna do pepper too? Yeah, yeah. Let's do pepper, too. Yeah, yeah. Let's do it. Okay, ready Freddy? I'm ready, Freddy. Ready, 1, 2, 3. Go, go, go. Beautiful. Keep the paper on. Keep it on. And then we smash like so. We don't need no weight. I don't need weight. I don't need no weight. I mean, we might, but like, I'm not using it. What was my favorite part about watching Lift up the paper people make burgers? Oh my God, I got beef juice in my eyes. You okay? Are you blind? I think I'll be okay. Go ahead and season them Vi. Okay. Season those bad boys up. I just wanna make sure you can see cuz things happen to your eyes for some reason.. Yeah, I don't know what it is man. Some girls have all the luck. Go ahead add pepper too. Season it up. Season it up. Beautiful. So now we just got to let this sear. You wanna talk about our other accoutrements. We have some pickle onions over here. You wanna taste them? No, I'm not really. And we have some Gouda cheese. Good old fashioned smoked Gouda. Yes so we're just gonna let these burgers cook a little bit longer. Everything looks gorgeous. I'm ready, man. I'm so excited. I'm whoo Lily! Don't girl power. That's all I'm gonna say girl. You can't cheat, they already paid her off. No, what? We're gonna lose anyways. No, that's not true because Josh owes me like $50. He always tells me to, oh, here do this for a dollar. Never saw my money. You know how much Josh owes me? Okay, so let's get this burger ready? You wanna bring it over? Yep. Okay. A little bit, not too spicy. I don't wanna kill the girl. I almost put a lot. Beautiful. That's perfect. Okay. Okay, let's take this burger. Put it over there. As you can see the top one isn't that melted, but we're gonna put some oxtails, some piping hot. Ooh, splashed over. Oh, snap. Let's get that over there. Put some of that beautiful, warm ox tail over the top. Wow, stanky. I got you a fork. No, I don't want it. Give me that. Oh my God. Okay, cool. And then just a little top bun with a little bit more sauce. Just a little bit more. They like the sauce. And there you have it. That's my beautiful burger. That's our beautiful burger. We're gonna kick the boys in the butt. Hey everybody, welcome to special guest judge in front of the show, Lily Neal. Woo hoo! Welcome Lily. Hey Lily. Do you promise to be a fair and impartial judge? Of course, always. Do you promise that you are less of a picky eater than your father, Charles Lincoln Neal? I can say that with confidence. Thank God, Jesus. Thank you Jesus. What a nightmare. Nicole, your queso got tasted second last time. We went first. So you have to go first this time. No problem. It would be our pleasure. Lily, for you today we have a stewed oxtail burger with a scotch bonnet aioli, some smoked Gouda, and a little bit of pickled red onions. It looks amazing. That's good. Presentation is important. All right. You hear that boys? Presentation is important. Yeah, I like that crop top. That's really good. Thank you. You guys got some competition. You guys stop whispering your little crickets. We're just having a team meeting. I really like the oxtail. I've never had it before. Oh, great. But yeah, really juicy, the cheese. Cheese is good. I think I want another bite. You right, girl. You want another bite. The pickled onions, perfect. Right on. Very good, very good. All right. Try that one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go to the lesser one. And Lily may I present to you, Tony Chachere's wet dream. So what we have here, this a double and Dewey spice, pork and beef burger, American cheese, pickled Cajun Trinity slaw, garlic butter basted shrimp on homemade beignet buns, a little bit of remoulade. Well, it is dripping everywhere, which It's a wet dream, Lily. Thank you. Yes. Okay, that's I'll note that. Sorry Link. There's definitely a lot more going on in this burger than the last one. She seems like Sorry, sorry. Eat your burger. Alright. Alright. Alright. Okay, this is also really good. This shrimp, I would never put shrimp on a burger, but it's great. And then you've got like, wait, what's this on the bottom again? So that's pickled celery, bell pepper, and onion with a little bit of garlic and oregano. That's really good. It's like the, the crunchiness of the shrimp. And then you've got like the juicy burger and then I'm gonna go for another bite again. Get that nice filet bite, you gotta suck the juices out. That's how the chef intended. And the bun! The bun is very good as well. Beignet bun, very interesting. But I really like it. Thank you. What is it, soup? She's eating soup. It's super. She's eating soup. All right. Let her eat her soup burger. Lily, do you feel confident that you are able to make a decision today? Yeah, I do. Lily. I mean they're both very, very good burgers. On the count of three, you will put one hand over the winning hamburger on 1, 2, 3. No way! BS! BS. Why? What? Tell 'em what? Look how wet this burger is. This is the wettest burger you've ever seen. Lily! Lily! Lily! BS! Why? Why? Tell 'em why. Thank you, the oxtail, I love me a good stewed meat. You don't like them shrimps? No, the shrimp. Okay. The shrimp is good, but I like, I like the flavors better. I like, I love pickled onions and it is just like. You lose again. Lily, I accept your judgment in Nicole Vi, we're down 0-2. But here's the thing, 2004 Red Sox, Johnny Damon, cuz I'm Josh and I'm Trevor. And we're wicked smart. Losers! And also losers, two time losers. Looks like this wet dream turned into a wet nightmare. Thank you all so much for stopping by "The Mythical Kitchen". We got new episodes for you, every week. We got new episodes of our podcast every Wednesday and Trevor's is Monday. I'm not on Mondays. I think Monday. Hit us up on Instagram and TikTok at Mythical Kitchen with pictures of your mythical dishes on hashtag news, become food. We'll see you next time. You sloppy son of a biscuit. Get as messy as you want in your own kitchen. When you have the mythical kitchen towels available now atmythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 762,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: MhyFk_BJUDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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