Catnap is TINY! (Poppy Playtime Chapter 3)

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you can't run forever catnap oh I may not be able to run forever but I can hide hey get out from there in your dreams don't tone him hoppy you're tiny too sure am and you just stole my hiding spot who are you talking to in there uh nobody he's going to have to get tired eventually we'll wait him out I guess that could so how'd he get you bubba told me that he managed to get the old lab up and running and wanted to make my sleep gas more potent and you fell for that hey I didn't think he had any reason to dislike me and how' that work out for you anyway he got me to step into a weird machine a few minutes in this chamber and your sleep gas will be more potent than ever I don't know are you sure you know what you're doing can you just trust trust me for once I am the most intelligent of The Smiling Critters remember I guess you've got a point your days are being the favorit are over [Laughter] catnap the next thing I knew I was Tiny similar thing happened to me do you know why he did it yeah he told me while I was locked in the chamber I'm tired of being the least wanted Critter so I finally found a new selling point to become more special than all of you I am an elephant after all I should have always been much bigger of course that's why he did it he's always been jealous of us but how' you escape catnap I played dead and the second he stepped away from that button I bolted hey get back here wow you outsmarted him I bet he loved that it's probably why he's still waiting out inside this hole come out catnap I just want to talk shh don't go out there it's probably a trap I'm obviously not going to go out there go away do you think that was another trap no that sounded like he was actually scared but what could he possibly be scared of oh I think we found out whose hiding spot this really is stay back hey a little help here hoppy uh-uh you're on your own oh don't bring it over here I think I see what Bubba was so scared of let's get out of here wait who knew he was such a big baby wait to say those things after we've already got away it's a dead end I can't believe this is how I'm going to die I sure hope foxy catches Bubba once he's done with us if he's still hungry that is what's going on with him it's like someone is controlling him what just happened I just saved your life again hoppy that's what happened oh kicking chicken lucky I found boxy's remote otherwise you would have been in for the longest sleep of your life what did you mean saved her life again when did you save it the first time kick and chicken and I were actually caught by Bubba at the same time one thing's for sure he doesn't walk as loud as an elephant I managed to get hoppy out of there buying her just enough time to go get help what do you think you're doing getting away from you I won't forget this kick and chicken that's surprisingly selfless of you oh uh she runs faster than me otherwise I totally would have left her in there but how did you escape it was easy he eventually transferred me into a cage and that's when I had an idea get me out of here Bubba I will once I find the other Critters wait what is it if you let me help you I can lead you to catnap you little hey oh please don't fight you sold me out how dare you you didn't let me finish now you've done it press that remote again I think it's jammed we got to move okay I think we lost him good now where were we ow hey I didn't actually lead him to you you didn't no but now I wish I did I just said that so I would have a chance at running away there he is where ah you'll regret that wow sorry for hitting you eh I would have hit me too so looks like we need to get back to Bubba's lab to try getting back to our usual size ah that'll take forever when we're this size then we better start moving now nice like I said we better start moving this way why are you going the long way just jump across no you're too small to make that do we have to go help him I mean he did Save Our Lives fine what is this place H what does it look like it's Mommy Long Legs den oh no uh don't worry I'll get you guys out yuck that can't be good get out of here hoppy not without you what a pleasant surprise it's not often I catch all three meals with one catch stay back I've always wondered what rabbits taste like well you're not going to find out she's not seriously about to try fighting her is she I'm tired of running today it's time for me to prove how strong tiny can be GRE tart no just for your courage I'll eat you first wait no no no please you monster oh we're next what do we do I don't know well think of something fast because this is not a cool way to die you're much less fing when you've shrunk down to this size I bet I could eat all of you in one sitting do something here goes nothing you can still use your gas yep but I don't think it will work in this small of a dose what is that why do I feel so dizzy I I'll be back for you as soon as you're asleep and can't can't defend yourself oh good now you just have to stay awake forever I think we'll be dead before we have to worry about that what do you mean looks like Huggy wuggy followed us oh we really can't catch a break today oh it's a mini one oh what a relief hey little guy you think you you can get us out of here wo careful there get this over with would you okay let's get out of here before Mommy Long Legs gets hungry again all right thanks for your help Huggy but it's time for you to scram wait don't leave yet what are you doing he could help us how he could barely muster up the strength to pull us out of those webs he has a lot more experience with being tiny maybe he'll know a faster way to Bubba's lap does that mean you do know a faster way huh well then what are you standing around for lead the way of course the train only one problem there is no train what were you saying about the train kicking whatever well how do we make this thing move so where exactly is this train supposed to drop us off if I remember correctly the next stop should be really close to to the lab oh great I can't wait to be my normal cool self again did you hear that too I didn't only hear it I see it where did he come from he must have been hanging from the top of the tunnel a little help here mini Huggy a real MVP performance right there maybe we can outrun him are you okay go on without me if anyone can stop Bubba it's you no I'm not leaving you I'm not going through all of this for none of us to be saved now go remember to use your gas what could that be Bubba I must admit I'm impressed I've been keeping a close eye on you and the other Critter's Adventures your resilience will be of good use to you I ship you off to be a dog toy as for me I've already created a serum to make me even bigger I won't let you get away with this you really thought I'd fall for that gas trick I really am the intelligent one no pretty soon I'll be the biggest toy this Factory has ever seen huh no you fool what have you done I stopped you wo we we can talk about this I'm tired of talking what do you think you're doing where am I what the heck bumpy what happened someone killed catnap that's what happened but who there's a killer on the loose I'm out of here hold on second she's got the right idea I don't trust either of you uh we really should stay together to get to the bottom of this good luck with that are they usually like that unfortunately do you have any idea what could have happened here so you can't remember much either huh it must have been catnapped sleep gas sleep gas yes he uses it every night to help us get a good sleep only last night was different different how well catnap came in and got us as he every night only this time the gas seemed to be at a higher dose than usual which started to make us act well crazy hey what do you think you're doing let's let's get back here luckily that's when you came in what do you mean what did I do you managed to Corral them and bring them back here before they hurt themselves or others I don't remember doing any of that well you did and by the time you got them back the gas was so potent that it made you fall asleep too but someone must have killed catnap during the chaos that's awful wait a second how do I know it wasn't you because the gas didn't make me crazy in fact I helped you save the others oh sorry I don't remember you it's okay it's the Sleep gas that did that to you you should regain your memory with time well if it wasn't you then who do you think the Killer is I don't want to believe either of them would do it but kick and chicken does have the most enemies kick and chicken that's a mouthful I'll go find him first thanks for your help uh Bubba bubin but you can just call me bubba You Got It Bubba now if I was a chicken where would I be who was that whoa not this time Ah that's it Bingo come and get me aha no that ball sure slowed you down didn't it help what the how did this happen I'll tell you anything you want just save me please that's good enough for me thank you I'm sorry nope is there any way to shut him off you bet there is wish you would have told me that before you let him hit me hey now I almost just died come me some slack huh just find the remote already found it pass it here please work please work please work please work you know for someone who's known for being fast you sure took your sweet time finding that remote I didn't know if I could trust you there's a killer on the loose you know yeah that's who I was looking for when you attacked me that's because I thought Boba was going to going to tell you I killed catnap but he told me it was kicking chicken oh well that's awkward why would you think he'd say it was you well a few days ago catnap and I got into a bit of an argument after I startled him can you slow down for one second Come On catnap Life's more fun when you're living fast you don't even move that fast I'm pretty fast oh yeah are you faster than the train well I mean that's what I thought I'm faster than the train I say we put that to the test right now here it comes maybe I should take a day to train or something catnap that almost killed me luckily you were fast enough HH I don't know hoppy it seems to me like you would have a pretty good motive for killing catnap but I didn't I was barely in the room long enough to have done it I was the last one you brought back there remember actually I don't how do you well I guess since it's your first time experiencing cat have sleep Gast you got hit the hardest which would explain why it's taking you longer to remember what happened maybe you can help me jog my memory of course when the gas made me crazy I was running around on the tall conveyor belts and that's when you came to save me puppy you need to step off those conveyor belts you're going to fall you can't tell me what to do you just want me to slow down I promise you I'm not you can hop around as much and as fast as you want once you've got some rest they don't want me over there they do everyone is concerned about you they don't want you to get hurt no okay I'll come with you and when we got back to the room I fell asleep right after you so it couldn't have been me who killed catnap you're right I'm remembering that now it wouldn't make any sense for it to be you yes I told you that means it must have been kicking chicken where can I find him kicking chicken is that you what do you think I just want to ask you a few questions yeah you can ask me whatever you want really you'll just have to catch me first no where'd he go and why is it so dark in here because I like the dark who's that hello bumpy now this is a fight I can't wait to see oh you tricked me you catch on quick I knew the others would tell you that I killed catnap so I asked Mommy longle here to be my bodyguard well she's doing a great job now tell me why they would think you did it because they all hate me and constantly leave me out when they're together why do you think they leave you out why won't you give up because I'm cooler than them they leave me out when they play this is fun I'm glad someone's enjoying it catnap and I would often get into fights over who was more popular but of course catnap would always cheat to win that doesn't sound like a bad idea maybe I should try that that's not fair no applause you didn't earn it look it sounds to me like you'd have a pretty good reason to kill catnap well I didn't you of all people should know that is this another thing I'm having trouble remembering when you came to bring me back to catnap I was hiding what are you doing here go away it's okay I'm not going to hurt you yeah but the others are what do you mean something bad is going to happen I can just feel it I remember that now I let you stay in the storage room until you were ready to come back because you were so paranoid someone was going to attack you you got that right just looks like I wasn't the one who should have been worried I just wish I never went back at all then I wouldn't have fallen asleep like the rest of you I believe you you didn't kill catap I'll let you hide out in here until I find out who did thanks you're pretty cool I'm so confused everyone I talked to today seems innocent who goes there oh hey little guy whoa what are you doing you want me to follow you you want me to go in there uh the writing on this wall is telling me otherwise if you say so wao things are getting crazy in this one click on the Subscribe button below to make sure you don't miss a thing hello bumpy I've been expecting you uhhuh yes that's not creepy at all terrible things are happening here I know I've been trying to look for catnaps killer and you've been doing a great job Bubba is checking the security tapes I suggest you go with him there are security tapes why didn't we just do that first one final warning bumpy don't trust everyone you meet good luck uh thanks I guess why would Bubba go to check the tapes without me uh-oh I really don't want to fight again good thing I held on to this bubba oh oh it's it's just you did you already check the tapes oh bumpy I'm glad you're here unfortunately the footage was corrupted so there's no way to tell who the killer was I'd still like to check them myself maybe I'll see something you didn't I highly doubt that I am known for my intelligence after all besides how do I know it wasn't you who killed catnap how about you let me check the tape so we can find [Music] out it's all coming back to me now I remember saving hoppy and I remember comforting kicking chicken but I don't remember ever even seeing you not until I woke up at least this is a big accusation bumpy be careful what you say next you're the killer Bubba you're the one poppy told me to look out for somebody stop him explain yourself fine I killed him I killed catnap because I was jealous that he was more special than me I told him that hopp and kick and chicken were planning on attacking him for revenge and convinced him that the only way to stop the attack was to make the others crazy so when the others ran away and he was alone I killed him little did I know that killing him would release even more sleeping gas so I went to sleep too along with everyone else who entered the room you really thought you'd be able to get away with this not so intelligent anymore are you a Bubba
Channel: Bumpy
Views: 1,280,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: who killed, catnap, smiling critters, poppy playtime, dogday, bubba bubbaphant, hoppy hopscotch, bumpy, poppy playtime chapter 3
Id: t8DbyO7x07k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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